DX vs nWo

will it happen -- probobly not
DX - Hbk (tho hes prob takin time off for surgery after summerslam) Game, Carlito
NWO - Hogan, Nitro(his name is Nitro if thats a hint) and probably Orton tho i cant see orton with hogan.

DX - wins with game pedigree'n Orton
Someone actually thought SNME was great? wow, I am surprised.

As for Orton teaming with Hogan? It would be the big twist no one ssaw coming. Which Vince is 'Supposedly' trying to pull on the smarks of the world.
trunksjmd said:
They should make main event every week. I saw main event a few weeks ago and it was awesome. So many of the best great super stars on one show. Sd, raw, ecw, it was exciding, like how wrestling use to be when there was so many big dogs instead of just a few

I don't thik they should, I like how they air SNME once every couple of months, Just airing every week will either result in lower ratings, or just WWE putting it back on the shelves for another 10-20 years.
Team nWo= Randy Orton, Ken Kennedy, and Big Show w/ Hollywood Hogan
Team D-X= Triple H, HBK, and Carlito

At Survivor Series, instead of having Team SD! vs. Team RAW, make it Team nWo vs. Team D-X in a 6-Man Tag Team Elimination Match to decide which faction has to break up.

nWo wins (By cheating from their manager, Hogan), D-X breaks up, Triple H is over with fans as a face and go for the title again, and HBK can go have knee surgery. It would be perfect.

EDIT: BTW, I've already written an entire 10-page storyline from SummerSlam to Survivor Series, so I could make that match make sense. I haven't typed it yet, but it will very soon be in the "Book This!" section of this forum.

EDIT2: This is my 160th post!!!!
Ok heres how it needs to work........ Shawn Michaels, HHH, and a third member, possibly if X-Pac returns or even Ric Flair, I dunno. The fact is, the NWO is definitely Hulk Hogan, and because of the lack of WCW guys, Big Show. The thing is, NWO is NOT for Randy Orton which leads to bringing back Either Scott Hall or X-Pac. X-Pac could go in either of them. At the same time, if he`s in NWO, they should call him Syxx-Pac and if DX, X-Pac. How bout a possibly Ministry vs. NWO ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, Ministry vs. NWO vs. DX!?
MINISTRY vs DX vs NWO.....great match for summerslam next year coz i think wrestlemania main event should be championship and royal rumble is only remembered for the rumble....but if u culd book that that would be great!!!

With the D-X winnig yhe match.
it's not gonna happen, although it would be great for survivor series. They can have a classic survivor series match, but it'd prob be 3 on 3
italyanstallyan said:
the outsiders and x-pac aren't in wwe so it wouldnt be the same kliq and it wouldnt work. the nwo can work without the outsiders.

i ment if your gonna bring in nash hall and others why not have t he kliq instead of nwo or dx
^it's fake, why the hell would the poster leak when it's all the way in november, I think this is stupid, DX & NWO are great stables but i wouldn't really be intrested in this angle if it did happen, and DX won't be around after SummerSlam because of Shawn's knee surgery, the only guy that could repersent the nWo is Hogan, Nash is in TNA, and who the hell knows where Hall is at.
Nash isn't under contract in TNA, he just gets paid per appearence, so it isn't totally unlikely for him to return to WWE for a while, and i could see McMahon bringing in Scott Hall as wel,l just for this angle, Hall probably could use the money. X-Pac, however, is under contract for WSX, so that could pose a problem, but still he still might be able to break his contract and wrestle in WWE if the price is right. So the nWo vs. DX angle could very well be in the works as we speak. But don't expect DX to lose because A) Hogan, Nash, and Hall will all be under like 90 day contracts so they wont last in the company very long. and B) the nWo was McMahons demise in being at the top of wrestling, no way will he put them over his creation, DX.
With Hogan being the only one with WWE. If they did bring back the NWO who would they put in the nwo. Remeber HBK was a member of the nwo. It would be a good angle in the match to have HBK turn against HHH. Since HHH has said that he wanted to stay good for the rest of his career.
michaels wouldnt do that.. because his career is near the end and he wouldn't want to end a heel. i'm guessing if the feud with all of the big names like the spirit squad and umaga, they could even wind up in the NWO
sorry that came out wrong.. what i meant was if DX keeps feuding with the spirit squad and umaga, then either of those two could be in the nwo at one point
^Speaking of HBK he may want to stay face and go for one last title run.I bet as soon as he retres he will be inducted to the hall of fame...
wholef'nshow15 said:
i do believe it

come on, think about it. who would they get to do nwo, besides hulk hogan who would do anything to have people still remember him. nash is in tna and probably wouldn't want to come back to wwe as nwo for the second time, same thing about hall. plus big show probably wouldn't quit ecw to do an nwo thing. really if it were a handicap match between HHH and Shawn Michaels vs. Hulk Hogan as NWO, that would be pretty weak and no one would really want to see that happen. also you have to think that dx will be ending about summerslam time, if stephanie doesn't get it her way. so there's no way that it could happen at all. in conclusion, that poster is fake. a good fake, but fake none-the-less.
it can happen and probaly will

think about it

DX- HHH- HBK - and they bring in Xpac

Mc Mahon says he will get rid of DX once and for all just like he did to Flair a few years ago by bringing in a poison
the poison is Bischoff &
NWO- Hogan - and depends on who excepts
you have
Big Show who is already there
Scott Hall who would work coz he needs the dough bad
Randy Savage who could also use the dosh
Buff Bagwell if a bigger name wont sign
DDP was a member of NWO wolfpac
so was Lex Luger
so Hogan and 2 of them

Kevin Nash - Jeff Jarrett - Scott Steiner are out coz they are with TNA

Mc Mahon signs Xpac - and 2 others to compete in the match
and that is how DX meets its end
they said they didnt want to go on with it for a long time and HBK needs surgery so what better way than the NWO destroying it
with Xpac turning on the other 2 coz Mc Mahon paid him off
and it also might be the reason BIschoff gets back on TV

the poster will kind of be real because these type of posters come out way to much and it is MC Mahons way of seeing if everybody is loving the idea or not if it gets big pops it will happen
What would piss me off would be that, Vince planned DX vs NWO but once he knew it was leaked he scraps the whole idea :(

That why i dont like major spoilers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is an interesting idea for sure, who said HBK has to wrestle as part of DX?

Here's what I see going down

Summerslam, Hogan does the job to Orton controversially and when Orton shows up to help Vince & Shane batter Shawn while Trips is down, Hogan comes in with a chair, but takes out HBK instead of Orton... Just like the original NWO appearance. They destroy Shawns knee... so he goes and has surgery and can at least appear in DX's corner at SS if not wrestle...

Vince manages the NWO which consists of Hogan, Orton, Shane and one older member, perhaps Hall or Big Show

DX has trips, Flair and the Returning X-Pac or Shelton Benjamin (I think this could be the way to break him as a main eventer, I can totally see him doing the chops etc and his new image lends itself to DX) with Shawn as the manager

Xpac or Flair does the dirty on DX to cost them the match...

If Waltman is still contracted to MTV, they will let him go for a short loan spell WWE run cos it will get him exposure and work when they start full time with their promotion. Would Vince want to give them that exposure is more the issue?

But I like the idea of Savage... He is the one guy who would make it work better than anyone... Not only is Hogan teaming with Orton, but Savage as well! it would show how much Vince wants to destroy DX!

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