Does the WWE have a fetish for not re-signing hottest divas?

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
First they let Maryse just walk away, and now they're about to do the same with the Bella Twins. Apparently their contracts are coming up in a few weeks, and they will not be signing a new deal.

Lament the loss of Twin Magic here :(
Maryse wanted to leave though. And she was barely appearing as a wrestler for whatever reason, despite her having actual talent in the ring; not on the level of a Lita or Victoria, but talent nonetheless. She just wanted to pursue other ventures.

Bella Twins, to me it wouldn't be a large loss. They have minimal talent and can be quite annoying, especially Nikki Bella, Brie isn't so bad. However if one of them is dating Daniel Bryan as reported, maybe they'll eventually stay. One stays, one goes. Could make things easier on determining which-is-which.
I honestly don't care about the Bellas. They are probably near the bottom on my diva list in terms of attractiveness and their actual performance inthe company. I really hate when they have them in segments, their acting is SO bad.

Maryse though, she was DAMN sexy.
I think we also have to realize that this taking away two very hot girls from WWE. Say what you want about Nikki and Brie, but take them away, and you now have;


Maybe Alicia Fox, I think she's gorgeous, but apparently I'm one of few.

And... Anyone else?
I could care less about the divas division. I honestly wish they would just get rid of it. Very uninterested.

And Pippa I agree with you about Fox. She's kinda cute.
This is by far one of the best pieces of news that I have read all day. The Bella's look terrible, sound terrible, they are terrible in the ring. They've added nothing, absolutely nothing to the Diva's division.

I think they've lasted this long because they were used to escort guest hosts to the ring week end and week out for so long.

Na-Na-Na-Na goooood bye
Maybe the reason is because the attractive ones are able to find an alternative career to taking bumps on a taxing schedule after they gained exposure via WWE...
Bring back:

The Bella Twins

The attraction is that they're twins. Imagine two Trishes or two Litas or two Stacys or two Torries.

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