Does the Wrestling Media Stunt TNA's Growth?

TNA is stunting TNA, they keep messing with the product. If they left it alone and stopped trying to beat the WWE with the WWE cast offs they would be better off. Some of the storylines are just too much. When you have 2 hours of show and only 10 minutes of wrestling something is way wrong. If I want to see a soap opera, I can watch As the Stomach Turns. I really don't give a rats ass if Jeff Jarrett and Kurts ex-wife have issues. Now we have a faith healer?????
No. The wrestling media? It's not the wrestling media's fault there's nothing interesting going on in TNA.

TNA is stopping it's own growth. They can't build any home-grown talent, they have the elaborate shoot interveiw's nobody cares about, and they have these has-been's, that some people (like me) can't stand to see.

They need to start building up their own talent, or they'll fall into a ditch like WCW did and won't be able to crawl back up. They really need to stop relying on the former WWE talent. What if Carlito goes to TNA, will he get a push? What about Kaval, will he get push because of his WWE run? It seem's to me since Jan. 4 2010, the only way you can be TNA Champion is if you were built and established in another company. The last TNA superstar to have the TNA Championship is AJ Styles, over a year ago. Then it was RVD, Jeff Hardy, Anderson, Jeff Hardy, and Sting. 3 established WWE superstar's and 1 legendary WCW star who's 51 year's old. And maybe a possible run with Bully Ray?

It's TNA's own fualt they seemingly cannot grow. Ever since Bischoff and Hogan came into the picture, it's starting to look like Bischoff is falling for it agian. He's using the established guy's for pushes. It's looking like WCW 1998. All the young TNA talent are being held down for the former WWE talent.

They definately need to get a top face. Having a top heel doesn't work for ever (see Hollywood Hogan). It's just sad to know that the young guy's are being held back for a meth head, and a fat douchebag.

Unless John Cena show's up at next week's taping, TNA will be going nowhere.
are there things going on in TNA that are not good and that need to be fixed? no doubt.
are there things going on in TNA that are also good? yes.
what are wrestling websites writing about more often? I see a lot more hate on TNA from wrestling websites than anything about good.
if a casual wrestling fans has interest in watching TNA and wants to read around to see whats going on, after reading the hate they aren't likely to bother giving it a try.
it would be nice if some wrestling websites could actually write on the positive things that are going on in TNA.
Impact! was tenfold better than RAW this week(yet good luck finding a dirt sheet that will be honest about that).

RAW has been basically unwatchable since Elimination Chamber, yet the dirt sheets give it a free pass. It is favoritism to WWE, and hate for TNA. Plain and simple. If they spent as much time calling the WWE out for the hours of horribly booked wrestling they have been giving us, instead of constantly giving them a free pass, while they pile on every aspect of the TNA product, than TNA fans wouldn't have a reason to complain- but that is just not the case.
To an extent, it's a double-edged sword.

It's obvious to say that TNA shoots themselves in the foot by making poor decisions, over-hyping events and often times simply missing the mark or hitting marks that have already been hit.

However, the IWC and wrestling media in general doesn't help. It's with all of wrestling. Spoilers. Critiques about angles before they even unfold entirely or at all. Spreading false rumors that get fans hopes up, only to have the company go in a different direction that then lets those fans down. It's hard to a fledgling company to prosper in that type of environment.

Still, they do have to do a better job. At the end of the day, that's what wrestling boils down to, in my opinion. Giving fans what they want. You do that, you should be alright.
No. The OP sound like a sports fan that think just because there are negative reports about his team that there must be a conspiracy against his team. When TNA gives so much ammunition to the wrestling media to use, you cannot expect them to sugarcoat everything. Is it the media's fault that TNA is stuck in the 90's? You say reviews have to be impartial, but who would read those? Fans might as well just read the results page. Reviews with a positive slant will get more views from fans and a negative slants will get more views from haters. Tell me what is the percentage of haters in the IWC now? At the end of the day the wrestling media just want eyeballs and critisizing either promotions is the easiest way to do so.
After reading thru the rest of this thread, I'm curious to hear from TNA fans. I'd like to hear what, in your opinions, is positive about TNA right now.
After reading thru the rest of this thread, I'm curious to hear from TNA fans. I'd like to hear what, in your opinions, is positive about TNA right now.

Well, TNA has a good mix of new wrestling talent combined with veteran talent. They have a good Tag-Team division (something WWE doesnt). They have good women's wrestling (something WWE doesn't care about anymore). And last but not least, They don't have Cena polluting my tv screen.:)
Well, TNA has a good mix of new wrestling talent combined with veteran talent. They have a good Tag-Team division (something WWE doesnt). They have good women's wrestling (something WWE doesn't care about anymore). And last but not least, They don't have Cena polluting my tv screen.:)

Every other promotion on air can say they have a good mix of new and veteran talent. Have you checked the recent condition of TNA's Tag-Team and woman divisions? Last I checked they are no better than what the other promotion is doing. Finally, TNA don't have Cena but they have Jeff Hardy. Both are adored by their fans but absolutely hated by their haters as overrated. But at least one of them shows up for work ready for action.
I’ve been thinking this for a while now, because it seems like everything you read about TNA has such a negative slant on it. And it really wouldn’t be hard to leave out the nonsense digs and portray things in a more positive light, so more people might think about watching it. TNA can’t be as horrible as they like to make out, as nearly 2 million people in the States watch it. Here in England, more people watch iMPACT! than Raw. And God knows how many other people around the World and online watch it.

But yet the wrestling media seem intent on putting negative slants on everything concerning TNA. A report of iMPACT! on PWInsider is the perfect example of what I mean (and why I thought it was time to write this thread). The amount of unnecessary negative phrases is unreal. After reading the report I don’t think anyone would consider watching iMPACT! Yet it was an enjoyable show, with a new direction being laid out. Not much wrestling, but some great mic work that really enhanced a lot of the characters. It wouldn’t be hard to write a report with a positive slant that encourages people to watch. For example, is this comment even necessary:

“Karen Angle wants the police to come because Kurt is nuts. Because the 400 other things that occur on Impact that would get you arrested (Pope-Okada, anyone?) don't, but Angle bashing Jeff with a guitar will.”

This is pro wrestling! Things happen that would not happen in real life all the time! Does he not remember one of the biggest angles in wrestling history? Try going to work tomorrow, kicking the crap out of your boss and see if you become the top guy in your company. I guarantee you won’t. And you’ll never be seen at that place of work again. The author also didn’t enjoy Pope’s segment. And basically writes Pope off as nothing after the segment. But from the time of me watching and seeing Pope get the mic time and backstage segments, I thought ‘this looks like the start of Pope working his way back up’. Pope was great on the mic as always, the knife was very clever, and then he was brutal in his beating of Okato. If you’re on screen for a decent amount of time, is that not a good thing for that wrestler? Why not pick the positive things instead of trying to write something neagative? The whole article is full of negative comments that just aren’t relevant or needed.

I could write a report of iMPACT! with a positive slant on it (but no one would read it) and a lot more people would think about giving TNA a go, than after reading PWInsiders report. Surely they have a responsibility to be impartial, as a lot of people will read their reports. If the guy writing the report doesn’t enjoy TNA, fine, but if he’s writing a report that thousands of people will read, it should be unbiased and shouldn’t contain a dig at the show every paragraph.

That’s just one article, I’ve read plenty of articles concerning TNA in the past, on well respected websites, that have un needed negative slants on them. And if something is portrayed to you in a negative manner, you're not going to be interested in giving it a go. Does anyone else think the same and believe the wrestling media could help TNA a lot more if they were just fair?

This has been said previously and will be said till things actually change and the company takes notice of its own flaws. TNA is stunting TNA's growth, they have done literally nothing to help elevate their brands status they instead threw money at every has-bin that ever drew a dime in the industry and it has not paid off for the company whatsoever.

here are some prime examples:

Jeff Hardy: Basically paid the guy a salary even with his track record in TNA and the WWE, with the impending court case they allowed the guy to hold the TNA world title and become the face of the company.

What has Hardy done to pay the company back?. Turn up for the main event match of a big PPV intoxicated, Hardy will continue to get paid.

Hogan: Hulkster came into TNA promising ratings similar to WWE's flagship show, he has done nothing but throw money at boys, the nasties, Matt Hardy guys who have no business taking up a salary are employed because Hogan is spreading the wealth, he has done nothing to make the company better or increase ratings, ratings actually went down whilst he was in control of the company.

With the overall negativity over the Benoit situation TNA has yet to make itself seem like a viable company, they have no wellness policy, they allow guys to come into their company who are abusing medication, they bring in worthless celebrities, attempt to compete on the same level as WWE and have yet to make one guy from their overtalented roster stand out.

If they want to incurre a more positive view by the wrestling media they need to stop making foolish decisions and start building their talent properly, they also need to stop thinking that they are on the same level as WWE because it will eventually kill the product.
Alastor, i can agree with your Jeff Hardy comment but the rest i don't agree with you. 1. TNA does a great job with the mix of veterants and new stars, look at what Bully Ray is doing with Styles (combining with Flair's involvement). 2. Tag-Team seems to be very important in TNA, the only problem i'm seeing is that one of the guns is injured. As for the women's, wrestling they have talent that are more than just eye candy.

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