Does Ambrose have any credibility at all anymore?


Pre-Show Stalwart
When was the last time Ambrose actually won a match against an opponent that mattered? He has had 20+ matches with Rollins and as far as I can remember, he has lost EVERY one of them. It's a shame because when they initially feuded after the Shield breakup and Rollins apparently won the feud (due to interference from Bray Wyatt), I was under the impression that the feud was being put on hold temporarily and that Ambrose would get his revenge later, but it never materialized...instead Ambrose went on to have a multiple match feud with Bray Wyatt in which Bray won like 90% of the matches.

Yes, Ambrose won at Tribute to the Troops and at a few house shows but Bray won every PPV match and every match at Raw. His win/loss ratio with Bray is almost just as one-sided as his win/loss ratio with Rollins. Also, it looks like he doesn't win even at House Shows anymore. He continues to get booked into matches against Rollins or Wyatt and the guy he isn't facing typically interferes and costs him the match (Bray interferes if the match is with Rollins and Rollins interferes if the match is with Bray).

Some people may point out that it was only a few months ago that Ambrose was in the WWE title picture against Rollins at a PPV but let's be honest, did you really think Ambrose had a chance of winning? The only reason he was put in the main event was because of his history with Rollins in the Shield, not because he was a credible main eventer in creative's eyes. It was just a filler match.

My question is, even if Ambrose eventually does finally get a win over Rollins in the future, will it even matter, considering how many times he has lost to him? I understand most people don't see him as anything more than a midcarder but I feel he's being booked poorly even for a midcarder, he's being treated the same way Swagger was against Rusev.
Ambrose's character allows him to lose multiple matches but still have credibility in the fans' eyes. He's just entertaining. Whether he's wrestling Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship in the main event of a PPV or wrestling Bo Dallas in a meaningless match on Raw, he still gets some of the loudest pops of anyone on the roster.

However in Creative's eyes, or Vince's, Ambrose isn't worthy of the main event. He's just someone they can place in the main event scene whenever they need to; see his last feud with Seth Rollins. He's definitely talented enough and popular enough to warrant being a consistent main eventer, but I don't think WWE sees "it" in him. Leaving Ambrose off Battleground was a strong indication of that.
Ambrose's character allows him to lose multiple matches but still have credibility in the fans' eyes. He's just entertaining. Whether he's wrestling Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship in the main event of a PPV or wrestling Bo Dallas in a meaningless match on Raw, he still gets some of the loudest pops of anyone on the roster.

However in Creative's eyes, or Vince's, Ambrose isn't worthy of the main event. He's just someone they can place in the main event scene whenever they need to; see his last feud with Seth Rollins. He's definitely talented enough and popular enough to warrant being a consistent main eventer, but I don't think WWE sees "it" in him. Leaving Ambrose off Battleground was a strong indication of that.

I agree with everything you said and I do believe Ambrose is main event material but even if they think he isn't, I feel they should at least give him a run with the IC title or the tag titles, maybe with someone like Reigns or Cesaro. It amazes me how quickly he went from being the leader of the Shield and longest reigning US champ in some time to where he is at now.
Ambrose is 19-12-1 this year in singles matches that were televised. Raw, Smackdown and Pay-per-views.

He's 2-3 against Rollins in those, granted one of those being won by DQ.
He's 2-2-1 against Bray. One of them was a No Contest.
He's 2-1 against Barrett with that one loss being a DQ loss.
He's 1-0 against Curtis Axel.
He's 3-2 against Luke Harper.
He's 1-0 Against The Miz.
He's 2-0 against Stardust.
He's 1-0 against R-Truth.
He's 1-0 against Adam Rose.
He's 2-0 against Sheamus.
He's 2-0 against Bo Dallas.
He's 0-1 against Kane.
He's 0-1 against Big Show.

Keep in mind this isn't counting any tag team or triple threat matches (he lost two I think.) Nor am I counting handicapped matches. (1-1).

I know he's taken quite a few losses lately which sucks for him but I think he'll be okay. I know wrestling is very much a what have you done for me lately business but I expect him to start picking up some wins here in the near future.

It's hard to pick up wins against meaningful opponents when you aren't facing meaningful opponents though. Overall though he's winning more than he's losing. I wouldn't worry.
The fans like Ambrose, that's all that truly matters.. I'm loosing interest in him every day since he's not doing much, but he's still over. It's just not his time right now, they got so much other crap going on, Ambrose doesn't fit anywhere besides backing up Reigns against the Wyatt's.
As the OP mentioned, Ambrose' only saving grace is how wildly popular he is with the fans. Once Triple H gets complete run of the show we will see him shine more.

Really the only tweak I would make on Ambrose (if I were in creative) and it's not really much of a change. He's got massive stone cold Steve Austin potential, IF, AND I CANT STRESS THE WORD IF ENOUGH, IF he looses the goofy stupid faces. Now he needs to still be funny when needed, but the goofy, stupid, weird faces...
I can still see him winning the rumble and the belt. The creative seems to be hell bent on dumping him and pushing Reigns who I think should have faced lesner at SS, not that i'm complaining about taker vs lesner.
Ambrose is still credible but now that they are not even using him his SS match and build looks a bit lackluster.
He's the kind of guy who can feud with anyone and make it interesting provided it's not a feud just to build the chosen one.
Ambrose's character allows him to lose multiple matches but still have credibility in the fans' eyes. He's just entertaining. Whether he's wrestling Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship in the main event of a PPV or wrestling Bo Dallas in a meaningless match on Raw, he still gets some of the loudest pops of anyone on the roster.

yeah but isn't that a big problem in wwe today? wwe says someone is a threat and suddenly they are a threat even though they have lost every match for the past 6 months. Where else would this make sense? Look at boxing or mma - is a guy with a poor win record considered a threat no matter how good he looks in the ring or how much people like him? How about from the entertainment side - should Batman really worry about random thug #3? To be credible, you need the history to back it up and while I get what you mean, Ambrose doesn't have that credibility because much like Wyatt, they really haven't done anything with him. The fans may like him and he may get a good pop but that doesn't mean he is credible. With wwe taking the mentality that wins and losses really don't matter, they have screwed over the guys because without the wins to show how good they are, it is simply them telling you that. Isn't that what every manager used to do - tell you how good their wrestler is, tell you how the champ better be scared because he is coming for his title, etc? It's all just lipservice and means nothing. Even in entertainment, you need something to back up the statements and wwe doesn't do that anymore.
The thing with Ambrose is, he doesn't have to be in the main event to be relevant, if that makes sense. It's been pointed out that he gets some of the loudest pops of the night whenever he comes out, and it doesn't matter who he's up against.

He can go from midcard, to main event, back to midcard, and the fans don't seem to care. They love him, and he's my favourite out of the three Shield members. I don't know if the WWE planned on him being so popular, but heel or face it's not going to matter. He's a rebel and the fans are firmly behind him. I doubt that is going to change.

Rollins had the in ring skills, and overall Reigns needed the most work and help, in my opinion anyway. Ambrose has the talent and personality to do almost anything. We've only seen a portion of what he's capable of. While the other two Shield members are limited character wise, Ambrose is a chameleon and can do or be what they want to be.

My biggest problem with his whole booking lately is that he's being used to try and get Reigns over, and Reigns still gets boo'd. I don't know what else they can do to help Reigns out. Ambrose is arguably one of, if not the most popular guy on the roster today, and if he can't get Reigns over then it might be time to start looking elsewhere.

Ambrose will be fine, with the crowd support he has, the WWE isn't going to forget about him. I don't see him as a member of a tag team going forward though. With his lunatic personality, he doesn't play well with others, so he'll most likely stay in the singles bracket. I hope they do book him better, but as long as he's on TV each week, I'm happy.
Most people are not paying attention to house show results. More but not many more pay attention to win/lose records. Ambrose is fine, when/if WWE gives him a big push the fans will forget what little they paid attention to his wins and losses from months prior.
I feel the mini-feud with Seth Rollins has understandably made a lot of folks feel Ambrose is a main event-level performer who has now been demoted to midcard, but I believe he is a midcarder that was briefly elevated to the main event just to feud with Rollins.

The logic for doing that is evident, given the history between the two, but surely Dean's win-loss record against midcard opponents wasn't impressive enough in itself to have earned him a series with the world champion.

Honestly, I enjoy what the guy does but don't see him as a main event talent. His 'crazy' gimmick isn't anything that special, in that so many have used it in the past and it never has a very long shelf-life. To me, Dean is a complementary performer, functioning better in groups than as an individual.
I still cant figure out why people like him and want him at the top. He has the worst move set I have ever seen in WWE and means that I haven't enjoyed many of his matches since the days of Shield 6 Man Tags. So for me I don't care if he has credibility or not until he gets a moveset that is atleast tolerable.

But if I had to, for me what I would do is have Reigns and Ambrose loss clean to Wyatt and Harper at SS and then have Reigns turn heel on Ambrose and squash him at the next PPV and then after Ambrose takes time off works on his moveset and then wins the Rumble upon his return, in the meanwhile Reigns wins the title off a face Rollins who turned on the Authority setting up the Triple Threat at Mania where Reigns retains his title and continues feuding with both Rollins and Ambrose as well as Owens, Cena, Neville and Balor
yeah but isn't that a big problem in wwe today? wwe says someone is a threat and suddenly they are a threat even though they have lost every match for the past 6 months. Where else would this make sense? Look at boxing or mma - is a guy with a poor win record considered a threat no matter how good he looks in the ring or how much people like him? How about from the entertainment side - should Batman really worry about random thug #3? To be credible, you need the history to back it up and while I get what you mean, Ambrose doesn't have that credibility because much like Wyatt, they really haven't done anything with him. The fans may like him and he may get a good pop but that doesn't mean he is credible. With wwe taking the mentality that wins and losses really don't matter, they have screwed over the guys because without the wins to show how good they are, it is simply them telling you that. Isn't that what every manager used to do - tell you how good their wrestler is, tell you how the champ better be scared because he is coming for his title, etc? It's all just lipservice and means nothing. Even in entertainment, you need something to back up the statements and wwe doesn't do that anymore.

Never said that wasn't a problem, but rather that's how WWE views Ambrose. He definitely needs some wins on his record.
I dunno why are you so suprised with Ambrose booking, it was obvious from the start that WWE looks at him as midcarder and that Rollins feud was just something for Rollins to do till Lesnar returns and that Ambrose wasnt looked by WWE as mainevent talent for now. It maybe changes in the future but for now no, he is gona be used as midcarder who is fairly over with the crowd and will gain some wins/loses accordingly.

As for credibility, he has lots of it left. Its not a shame to lose from WWE Champion in mainevent of PPV. Though if they continue to book him like this(losing from Big Show isnt so credible thing today) he maybe lose that credibilty who he has gained thru with Shield and after their fallout.
Yes and no.

No, because he tends to lose the majority- all, his Luke Harper squabble doesn't count- of his major feuds. This makes me wonder if he is just going to be treated as glorified talent enhancement, because Big Show is booked that same way. And now Ambrose just lost to Show...

Yes, because he always looks strong in those feuds and can easily be rehabilitated. Guys like Fandango, Truth and Ryder will never be able to make such a comeback. Ambrose can. Furthermore, it feels like WWE at least sees him as a part time main eventer, unlike Ziggler- who likely is doomed to midcard hell (the nicest of wrestling hells).

On a personal note, I'm already finding Ambrose to be getting a little...stale. Immediately after the Shield broke up, his moves seemed spontaneous and unpredictable. Now they've just a gotten a little...meh. That clothesline for example was awesome at first, except now it just seems too staged.
Ambrose is the type of wrestler that can be anywhere on the card....except one on one in an important PPV Main Event Match IMO. He shines a little brighter in matches that have a touch of a six man tag team match or a fatal four way match. One on one...he loses my interest quickly. Perhaps its my thinking that deep down inside...I wanted the heel Ambrose to emerge from The Shield and not a face Ambrose.
He's over, so yes. That's pretty much how it works. Daniel Bryan went on a losing streak to change his character, got over, became champ, lost in 18 seconds, then got even more over.

No one says "he lost, he must suck". It's about how entertaining you are and that connection.
He's over, so yes. That's pretty much how it works. Daniel Bryan went on a losing streak to change his character, got over, became champ, lost in 18 seconds, then got even more over.

No one says "he lost, he must suck". It's about how entertaining you are and that connection.

This is the reason people love Ambrose even if he loses. His losing adds to the cheers he get. Today's fans prefer vulnerable characters. Long gone are the days when people used to like superheroes. This is the exact same thing that made people dislike Cena and Reigns. WWE wants their poster boy to be an invincible guy which the majority of smarks doesn't want to see.

Ambrose is much entertaining. You can't get off the TV when he's on your screen. This is not the case with others. :shrug:
Dean Ambrose aka Jonathan No Good has no credibility whatsoever His character arc remains a mystery. He’s lost his edge and charisma, the very qualities that made him must-see in the first place. Ambrose’s Shield teammates have received better treatment last year. Rollins has been booked as one of the top heels in the company. Roman Reigns, meanwhile, has been booked as a monster babyface, in the vein of Bill Goldberg.
Dean Ambrose's Credibility Has Been Damaged by Poor Booking
I compare the condom Shield to the Phantom Zone Villains cause Seth Rollins was the leader and in his black attire resembles very much Terence Stamp( General Zod) I refer Seth Rollins as General Zod 2000! Roman Reigns is more of NON (Jack O Halloran ) who had the muscular build and let his actions do the talking! Never spoke and if he did never made sense! Roman Reigns fits there cause none of his mic skills ever made sense!
And Finally Dean Ambrose is more of URSA( Sarah Douglas) cause she was a follower and followed instructions and was second in command from Seth Rollins like URSA was with General Zod! Ursa was sneaky and conniving as Dean Ambrose used to be!
She was the least important if URSA was to be left behind cause General Zod would have no use for her cause he was out there for himself as Seth Rolins is out there for himself getting notice!

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