Do you think the ECW swerve is confusing?


The One, The Only- ANKHOR MAN
Alright now anybody that has been watching or reading about TNA for few weeks have hearda bout the ECW guys coming into TNA. At first it was looking like a stable. I mean the coming out to certain matches and pretty much stalking over certain guys from the crowd. It seemed as if they had started a stable that would be a powerhouse. Each week towards the end of the show Dreamer, Rhino, Richards and Raven would come out and watch a match and get a whole lot of attention.

Then last week on TNA Mick foley comes out during the abyss rvd match and the ECW jumped the railing and a TNA ECW fight broke out. It even showed Management like AL Snow helping out his former bretheren. Which all followed the invasion storyline and for once a storyline was starting to make sense.

Heres the swerve so last night dixie carter comes out to the ring and explains how she feels about ECW. She gives them respect and some tv time. Then it goes from being a stable to a ONE NIGHT ONLY PPV. This confused the hell out of me. I had read this before but even then it didn't make sense for me. Instead of trying to relive something that VKM already killed. Why not make a fresh stable. Perhaps have some young guys learn something from the ECW gang. I mean all the ECW wrestlers are rather old. I in no way shape or form dislike ECW hell to me it was some of the best times in wrestling. However it should have stayed in that time. I do not know how good these guys can sell a ppv these days. I know balls mahoney was at his last stint when he was a part of the wwe ecw. They need to do like Amish Roadkill and stay retired.

However like I said they could easily make a stable. Add Abyss and even bring back roxxi to be the hardcore Knockout that way she could still have been used. This could make a way everyone would be happy ECW fans get to see a stable with some of the ECW core wrestlers, IWC is happy because you can put some younger wrestlers in the stable and have them shine a little bit and TNA is happy because this could produce better television and PPV.

BUT this is just my opinion what do you guys think?
What confuses me about the whole thing is why TNA is even doing it. WWE bought back ECW for the original One Night Stand based on the popularity of The Rise & Fall of ECW DVD. So what are TNA doing, capitalizing on a DVD that wasn't distributed by them 5 years too late? Seems likely actually.

I also hear they're going to do ECW only house shows. Brilliant when you think about it. Especially when you take into consideration that WWECW house shows were and absolute bomb. And that was with Kurt Angle, TNA's star man who won't be involved, as part of the shows. The whole ECW reunion phase also passed several years ago.

This is a rumour I read on a website earlier.

TNA have been trying to contact Pitbull II to appear at Hard Justice. Pitbull II (Anthony Durante) died of a drug overdose in 2003

The whole ECW invasion/PPV concept is confusing at this time.
What confuses me about the whole thing is why TNA is even doing it. WWE bought back ECW for the original One Night Stand based on the popularity of The Rise & Fall of ECW DVD. So what are TNA doing, capitalizing on a DVD that wasn't distributed by them 5 years too late? Seems likely actually.

I also hear they're going to do ECW only house shows. Brilliant when you think about it. Especially when you take into consideration that WWECW house shows were and absolute bomb. And that was with Kurt Angle, TNA's star man who won't be involved, as part of the shows. The whole ECW reunion phase also passed several years ago.

This is a rumour I read on a website earlier.

The whole ECW invasion/PPV concept is confusing at this time.

I read the same thing and I was absolutely disgusted and on top of that IMPACT yesterday cut out the whole fucking abyss part where he came out and said they didnt plan for this in fact where was abyss the whole show. He has one of the biggest storylines right now and they cut him out. I agree with you 100% this whole angle is dumb. The fact that this is even taking place is beyond me. Im just lost and confused like this is a complete curve ball. This isnt even the big surprise DIXIE was talking about i read on another website something else is going to happen I wonder what old superstar is coming back for this one. Maybe she'll revive everyone from WCW and they will make a spin off called Nitro or Afterburner some stupid name so they dont cross their rights
It makes no sense at all. I was completely dumb struck when it was revealed we were just getting One Night Stand version 2.0. They had a good thing going with the ECW invasion type angle (even though WWE just did the Nexus invasion).

To me it lost kayfabe. It turned into a sob story for ECW. Something which has already been put to bed. Something that has already been let go. There is no reason to bring it back, they can't even use the ECW name.

A better idea would have been to have the ECW guys come in as a heel stable and then in the process have TNA guys go over them. Build themselves up as the new "hardcore" promotion or whatever if that's what they're looking for.

I dunno but yes, it is pretty confusing to me. I'm keen for the Jerry Lynn v RVD match though if that actually happens. I hear Lynn has still been wrestling but I don't know if he can still go. If it's half as good as their matches back in the day then it will be a great match. Other than a couple of possible good matches it will be a poor effort in my opinion.

Good luck to em but I'm really not getting it.
doesn't anyone think it is what it is and that's just a way for some of these guys to have one last run that they deserve, like dreamer said?

dreamer was pretty emotional last night and i truly believe that wasn't a script he was reading from. those guys were like family back then and got ripped apart because heyman couldn't keep ecw going and mcmahon tore it up.

for now, i will take it as a way for some of the old ecw "legends" to put on one last show that they rightfully deserve.
I don't get it either. Tommy talked last night and blah blah blah.

And then theres Rhino, Stevie, and Raven who haven't been seen on tv for MONTHS up until this angle--yet he is complaining about WWE. Sorry Tommy but I'm sure your bank account isnt complaining you stayed in the E for that long.

And am in the only one who thinks its bad TNA is bringing the ECW name back into the minds of people---and into the minds of the younger ones for the first time???
All this talk about hardcore ...and their if they wanna see the old matches---they can go out purchase some DVDs off Vince.
doesn't anyone think it is what it is and that's just a way for some of these guys to have one last run that they deserve, like dreamer said?

dreamer was pretty emotional last night and i truly believe that wasn't a script he was reading from. those guys were like family back then and got ripped apart because heyman couldn't keep ecw going and mcmahon tore it up.

for now, i will take it as a way for some of the old ecw "legends" to put on one last show that they rightfully deserve.

First they already had that one last show, and second these guys aren't even relevant any more - this isn't one last ECW show. They can't even call it ECW.

Heyman himself doesn't even want to be involved. TNA is so bad now they are promoting a promotion they don't even have rights to.

Dreamer reminds me of the guy who graduates from high school and still hangs around the campus, because he isn't ready to move on yet.
the whole thing that confused me was abyss saying they're coming,they're coming, they're coming for weeks. then dreamer and gang started showing up and then jumped abyss??? huh? so who is abyss reffering to and why did they attack TNA guys? wtf is the purpose? just to say hey give us one last ppv just like WWE already did! if tna stars can't sell ppvs, how the hell do they expect the ecw has beens to draw? it makes no sense, don't get me wrong I'll watch the ppv and hope its good because I liked ecw and ecw wrestlers but tna didn't need to do this! tna needs to focus on their own fucking promotion, ecw died twice already. The people ain't asking for a resurrection and tommy dreamer ain't jesus. YODEL
you know there were people on here before saying that this was either a good idea and some say it wasn't a good idea.. Now last night i think everybody i mean everybody got the idea of what was going on while Tommy Dreamer was saying. I am very surprise a lot of people weren't agree to what he was saying. He wants to complain about WWE, like everybody said, he stayed in WWE for sooooo long and want to complain. Somebody please tell me how he gonna compare TNA to ECW, what are the differences????

Now Mic Foley, is it just me or he just plain dumb and stupid. The last time i checked when he was in WWE he was champion 3 times, one time hardcore champion and 8 time tag team champion, so why is he talking??? he had a good run in the WWE, he was dude love, cactus Jack and Mankind, if i were him i keep my mouth shut and not complain either

Rhino and Stevie were both in WWE in the past, some had good runs and some had bad runs, Now Raven, where was he this whole time, you know what where was all three the whole time??? what happen TNA didn't bother to have a storyline for them

now those of you who seen the rise and fall of ECW knows what happen to ECW. instead of blaming it on Vince, find somebody to blame on. If ECW was paying attention to the company then maybe just maybe ECW would have a longer run.. even Vince McMahon said can't be putting your bodies on the line every night, look what happen to the guys who did, some had to take a break and some had to retire

TNA better pray that they make money off of this "Hardcore Justice" even i think the name sucked, i can see why they can't even create a better name or title for pay per view for the event
This ecw angle is not confusing, its STUPID!! Why in the hell would you do something like this? First of all its been done before and second of all the real ECW has been dead for 10yrs. This is why I've totally given up on TNA, because Dixie has no clue what she is doing. Having an angle like this and a payperview says that your company can't get it done so you have to bring back a company and its over the hill wrestlers to sell pay per views for you.

If anything the TNA wrestlers should be pissed about this. It makes them and the company look desperate. I know its not there fault, its Dixie, does she not realize that this is making TNA and its wrestlers look bad. Is she really that clueless? It looks like she is, so guys and girls do yourselves a favor and stop trying to figure out the none sense that goes on in TNA, because you'll only give your self a headache.
After seeing things like another One Night Stand PPV (called Hardcore Justice) it just reminds me why TNA can never seem to get past a 1.1 no matter what timeslot they are in. TNA, STOP COPYING WWE AND BECOME YOUR OWN ENTITY. Seriously, is there any real excitement for this PPV as it just seems like a complete bore to me (although I would like to see RVD vs. Jerry Lynn one more time). I just can't get excited watching a bunch of guys who are 10-15 years past their prime put on a PPV, its been done already (about 5-6 times now) and most of these guys were never anything special (outside of RVD, The Dudleys, Sabu and Raven (and maybe Tazz) there was never anything that special about their roster (the roster for the upcoming PPV that is)), guys like Tommy Dreamer were only in this business because they had someone like Heyman make it look like this guy actually had some talent, or at least made people care about him.

To pull off a PPV like this you need guys like Benoit, Mysterio, Guererro, Malenko, Douglas (even though he can't wrestle anymore), Jericho, ect., you know guys who have talent and can work. All they have is mostly washed up bums (sans RVD, Jerry Lynn and maybe the dudleys) who can't perform anymore. Douglas just got signed to a different promotion so he won't be there, and the rest either work for WWE or are deceased, therefore an ECW PPV is stupid (when WWE did it initially, they had ALL of these superstars to pull it off and they also had HEYMAN).

An ECW stable could work if you implement younger guys into it as it moves along (as in don't just have ECW originals in there) so they can pick up the in ring work that the Originals lack, I can see an ECW stable working, but an ECW PPV is just a terrible idea all around. ECW was the "in thing" 5-6 years ago, its not anymore, there aren't too many people that will care for this PPV and they wont have any increase in PPV buys. After this PPV you know they are gonna just scrap it and move on, so whats the point.

An ECW stable could work, but an ECW PPV (in 2010 no less) is terrible. If this PPV works I will take back everything bad I've ever said about TNA and praise them forever more.

To answer the original question though, its not that confusing, as a matter of fact its quite typical for TNA to do something the WWE has already done, and I don't expect storylines in TNA to be well executed. I realize I go pretty hard on TNA these days, but it will be this way until they can prove to me they know what they are doing. I'm not a WWE lover, and I'm not a TNA hater, but I know crap when I see it.
Im tired of people bashing TNA for what they are doing.

Everyones saying "stop doing whats all ready been done"; well there not. The wwe brought back ECW after one night stand which was a huge and stupid contradiction. They should of ran with the ecw show and then after it ran its course had a final "one night stand". Instead they brought back a show and its original superstars and than buried them over the E's own homegrown talent.

I respect what Dixie is doing for both the fans who want to see it and the original ECW superstars. She is not giving them all long term contracts or an ECW invasion. She is just giving them a platform to show the world one last time what they could do and keep there legacy alive. Maybe in the process TNA becomes a little more hardcore and picks up a couple thousand interested fans. But i really dont think its about that...its about giving the superstars the respect they deserve.

Does no one see the craziness that could ensue on that night. These guys dont need to worry about staying healthy for future matches...for most of them this night will be there last go and will put there bodies on the line one last time for the fans entertainment.

I wish people would stop bashing TNA and these ECW originals. If you cant respect what there doing then dont watch the f*cking pay per view and judging by there low buy rates most of you probably dont so stop complaining.
TNA is one step behind everything they do. First of all, why is TNA just rehashing old ideas over and over? Can't they ever think of something on their own? Every week it seems like there is some "big" announcement that will change the company forever. It's getting ridiculous. Second, no one cares about hardcore anymore. That phase of wrestling is long gone. While a select few still enjoy it, most people who did watch that stuff are much older and have moved on from wrestling entirely. The true fan who will watch anything wrestling might enjoy it, but a majority just thinks it's stupid. Me included.

People might bash the WWE for being PG, but at least their shows don't feel like it's being filmed in a local gym with cheap pyro and over the hill wrestlers trying to grasp at anything and everything they still can.
Now before I start I want to say that I loved the original ECW but I have a big problem with how TNA is utilizing this. I am not trying to bad mouth ECW and what they did for the business but I have to say enough is enough. I agree that TNA's biggest problem is that they want to copy everything that WWE is doing. For example, WWE is currently running an invasion angle with the Nexus and now we have the ECW invasion. TNA needs to be on their own and support the stars that have helped them get there like Jeff Jarrett, AJ, Samoa Joe etc. Another example of TNA being like everyone else is getting rid of the 6 sided ring. The 6 sided ring had become an identity of TNA because it distinguished which promotion you are watching. Why would you get rid of something that identified the product that you are trying to get everyone to buy into.

I am all for giving fans what they want because, quite frankly if it wasn't for us wanting something different from WWE, TNA would be dead. So if the fans want hardcore wrestling, then give it to us with your own stars and not with ones that you hired because you pretend you don't know what hardcore wrestling is all about.

TNA needs to be on their own and stop copying everything that everyone else is doing. But when you have WWE products like Vince Russo, Al Snow etc. running the show I guess it is expected.
This will be one of the nails in the coffin for TNA. It's a good idea to have an ECW invasion storyline. I'd have RVD be the head of it, seeing how he's the TNA World Champion and was big in ECW in the first place. Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno, Stevie Richards, and Raven. Those are some pretty strong ECW names right there. Abyss and Roxxi wouldn't hurt at all to have them be siding with ECW.

But like typical TNA, they are already screwing up what looks like a good storyline. Bring back ECW, the brand that WWE killed off. WWE didn't do it right, and I don't think TNA will do it any justice either. Hell, they might get away with getting a few good ratings by bringing in some of the older ECW fans who haven't left the product completely after WWE had its fun slowly killing ECW.

But one thing keeps poking at me. Doesn't Vince McMahon own ECW rights? If he wanted to, he could sue TNA for using their slogans. I could be wrong about that though, so you could probably ignore me there.
I'm keen for the Jerry Lynn v RVD match though if that actually happens. I hear Lynn has still been wrestling but I don't know if he can still go.

I saw him perform at an ROH show during Wrestlemania weekend. Yeah, he can still go. Damn near tore the house down, (and tackled my wife when it spilled into the crowd.) :p

As far as the ECW swerve, it makes zero sense, and the way it sounds, it might be an ECW ppv with very few TNA talents on display. It makes zero sense, and I don't know anyone who would really get excited about an ECW re-re-reunion, especially since it's been done so many times and this time it's without Heyman.

I did take exception to how Dreamer said his friends were fired for no reason. Guys like Mahony and Sandman didn't have much talent outside of a hardcore environment, especially since Sandman floundered on Raw. Sabu and RVD got arrested for drug posession, (Sabu got fired shortly after and RVD quit on his own,) Richards had been a jobber for years before WWECW and had very little involvement with it, Raven and Rhyno were both gone from the company during One Night Stand, Dreamer collected WWE checks until a few months ago and Foley quit after One Night Stand as an announcer...

Hell, Vince was reported to be big fans of both Sabu and Sandman, so if those reports were to be believed, it can't be blamed on politics. It just sounds like sad old men past their prime trying to play the pity card by blaming the big bad WWE for their lack of relevancy.

And for the record, I'd rather see a full Hardy/Joe match or anything with AJ rather than another ECW reunion...
Well, ever since I started watching TNA, all they did was make my head hurt! I don't really get this angle; if it were an invasion then yes, it would make sense. But why would they really just jump the rail like that? Just to save RVD? They didn't do that at Victory Road after the main event so this storyline just sucks in my honest opinion.
It kills me the people who are always whining about what TNA is doing. the fact is TNA decided that they had a ton of guys sitting in the back like Rhino, Richards, Raven, Foley, and tons of other guys with links to ECW. Proabably half of the guys in TNA spent time in ECW. And don't act like WWE doesn't copy gimmicks. What's original about Cena? Nexus might as well be a poor man's NWO. Give TNA credit for trying to listen to the fans and provide something interesting, atleast it's not Hornswagle roaming the ring. And can you really go wrong with Hardcore? It will be interesting just to watch. raven will have one of his specialty matches, a few more names will pop up. Let's see where this is going before we call fire and brimestone down on TNA. Besides, if it was not for Randy Orton, RAW would be unberable to watch.
i think the one thing that people have to understand about vince's ECW is that he couldn't do what the old ECW did and have it still be PG.

you look at some of the older ECW footage and it's utter mayhem, which i loved of course. but it didn't and couldn't fit with the WWE.

yeah they could have repackaged some of the wrestlers, but why? they wouldn't have gotten over with the crowd in a new form. there was only so much you could have done with sandman and sabu.

dreamer should be happy they kept him as long as they did. his character is boring and dull, but they still paid him anyway.


the one thing i DON'T like about this is that they aren't incorporating TNA wrestlers in matches. if they do this, old hardcore ecw fans can look at guys like abyss and styles and say "wow, these guys are pretty good." and build a bigger audience from that.
This is actually no more confusing than any typical storyline on any typical episode of TNA iMPACT or any typical TNA PPV. It appears to be a storyline which was not well thought out and in fact, appears to be in flux, being altered on the fly, as if the people affiliated with TNA have no idea whatsoever what to do with the angle or its key players.

Because I don't believe this One Night Stand Version 2 was the original plan, it couldn't have been. "They're coming" for weeks, then the invasion last time, followed by this total change in stance and direction which is inconsistent with how it was shaping up. I wonder if the original plan was an invasion angle like nWO or Nexus before them, but Vince beat them to the punch as per usual, making their idea, which was likely in the works for months, look like yet another cheap rip-off of the WWE.

Now it's going to come off as a nostalgic trip down memory lane for these out of shape, out of work, older "athletes" of yesterday, which ends up being sad and pathetic in my mind, not to mention the fact that it does absolutely nothing to benefit TNA. Because at most it's one successful PPV and then it's over (which I guess is an improvement by TNA standards). At worst, it's a flop and a step backwards.

Unless there's more planned than meets the eye, a "double swerve" of sorts, but I highly doubt it. More TNA grasping at straws, more false promises, more disappointment.
Okay...let's look at something here: Grant it, yes it's a "Save the last Three Way Dance for Me" issue with the guys from ECW---and there is probably little doubt that MAYBE they could put on a decent show :worship:. You still have flaming tables with the Dudleys, Van Dam, and Taz already in TNA (yes I know, Taz can't really wrestle), BUT...something just kind of hit me like a kendo stick.....since the wrestling world is COMPLETELY filled with swerves, ---who's to say that near the last 15-20 minutes of the PPV someone from TNA (more than likely Abyss) doesn't come out to begin an angle being launched? I mean think about would increase buys for one for those who WANT to see the ECW faction put on another (can't really say "one last") show....and unless they'd been living in a cave and didn't know what TNA was or is, they've been now exposed to Abyss, or another TNA Superstar---to further the invasion angle, and maybe TNA got another viewer or two. It's like what NWO did with "Souled Out"---had their own PPV when no one from WCW was given any wins, etc. Yes I know, Carter said that Tommy was in charge, and that it was his doing.....but c'mon....he comes from the school of Heyman...and you look back at how many times one angle ended and another began right in the ring during that very same match~~ and Lord knows that just because Dixie said it doesn't mean it's going to hold. It was said ON THE AIR....which leaves the possibilities up to anything. We know that it's not a big secret that Heyman keeps up with TNA in some fashion:icon_neutral:, whether it's dirt sheets or whatever, and he obviously had to if Dixie met with him......and from now, who's to say that he and Dreamer haven't at the very least talked over scenarios. Not implying that Paul would be behind the booking or whatever, or even a consultant, but he may be giving Tommy advice or tips.

Do I think it's a good idea? Not particularly, ---only because while ECW brought a LOT to the table, and we all seem to criticize the fact that Hogan and Flair are over the hill, well....Raven and Rhino aren't any spring chickens either....and it's really sad that for one, they'll forever be associated with ECW that they can't create another faction, or immensley huge angle to distance themselves from that one role, (i.e. J.D. from Scrubs will always be J.D. no matter where he goes, etc :lmao:), I honestly think that this should be the very last ECW reunion.
The thing about it was until as of late I was a big TNA fan I even was next to the ramp at an event I went to last year but it has just gotten ridiculous with the bullshit they seem to keep bringing. I mean paying bobby lashley who was clearly going to be leaving soon. Dixie Carter should have stayed in the back SHE IS NOT A VINCE MCMAHON. And all these wrestlers coming in for 3weeks and then leaving. We still dont know the real reason waltman was fired. Hell they are really just WCWs little brother and i mean booking is terrible and look at what a great match they had last night with JOE and HARDY only for it to be cut short because of time limit when they can have a never ending match between anderson and morgan. IDK it seems like they give the belt to just anybody hell I will quit my job and quit school right now do some tv work for like ESPN where i get some face time. Then quit that job sign with TNA and be champion Next week. Look they GAVE PACMAN JONES A TAG TEAM championship. But back to subject and ending my rant. I was just highly confused as to why we all of a sudden had a pay per view when the actions were leading to the forming of a stable. That would have made the most sense seeing how the ECW wrestlers that can still go are in TNA. And why is devon the one siding with them isnt BUBBA the heel right now thats another reason i thought it was going to be a stable. This could have been gold for TNA but again they let a good idea go to waste in the hands of DIXIE, RUSSO and whoever else was on board with this idea. They could have even made Taz the manager and put don west back as the announcer
Im tired of people bashing TNA for what they are doing.

Everyones saying "stop doing whats all ready been done"; well there not. The wwe brought back ECW after one night stand which was a huge and stupid contradiction. They should of ran with the ecw show and then after it ran its course had a final "one night stand". Instead they brought back a show and its original superstars and than buried them over the E's own homegrown talent.

I respect what Dixie is doing for both the fans who want to see it and the original ECW superstars. She is not giving them all long term contracts or an ECW invasion. She is just giving them a platform to show the world one last time what they could do and keep there legacy alive. Maybe in the process TNA becomes a little more hardcore and picks up a couple thousand interested fans. But i really dont think its about that...its about giving the superstars the respect they deserve.

Does no one see the craziness that could ensue on that night. These guys dont need to worry about staying healthy for future matches...for most of them this night will be there last go and will put there bodies on the line one last time for the fans entertainment.

I wish people would stop bashing TNA and these ECW originals. If you cant respect what there doing then dont watch the f*cking pay per view and judging by there low buy rates most of you probably dont so stop complaining.

You've got it all wrong Nobody is bashing the ECW originals. TNA wasn't getting bashed either. I am simply disappointed in the direction that ECW angle went. If I kept giving you suttle hints that you were getting a bike for your birthday and you were getting excited about it and then I gave you a razor scooter one of those metal ones u got to push yourself, wouldn't you be disappointed. Im just saying if you keep forcing something down our throats and that you completely go in a different direction completely opposite of a good idea its kinda stupid. Your saying this is going to give them a stage to showcase their talents and dixie is paying them respect they deserve? Are you kidding me we all respect them we should that with two one night stands. Dreamer had all this to talk about how he watched his friends get fired. Well he chose to stay it was his decision. You cant blame vince for doing what was best for his company. Maybe ECW wasnt selling it or maybe vince thought it was a joke but when heyman left dreamer should have left too. You are making it seem like we are just sitting around saying that ECW sucked and all this other crap but when I read the comments i see alot of people saying they liked ecw in its beginings they are simply stating their opinions that this is going to suck with guys who have had their prime. This is a prime example of TNA not giving the young talent any shine. Some of these people dont see tv for weeks on end. Where was pope last night, brutus magnus, Abyss, but you have a bunch of ECW veterens talking about the 3rd or 4th one night stand....seriously the stable idea was much better he could have said he was taking over for ecw this way everyones happy now your just appealing to one direct audience. When vince did it he ensured it was going to be directed at every audience. His one night stand had wwe/wcw/ecw wrestlers all on the card. This card is going to be ECW orginals only then they are going to do house shows of just ECW wrestlers. I mean its one thing but come one this is out of hand. I just don't see this equalling success or more money seems like a horrible idea.
ecw died twice already. The people ain't asking for a resurrection and tommy dreamer ain't jesus. YODEL

As they say, third times the charm. NOT IN THIS SITUATION. As we all know, Dixie is completely demolishing TNA from the inside out. The ECW angle is further wrecking it. She and the rest of TNA Management are bringing back old has-been's and trying to build success off of it. People involved in ECW HAVE HAD THEIR LAST MATCH. WWE REVIVED ECW, and it failed. Look, ECW wasn't big before WWE, it wasn't big During WWE, and it won't be big after WWE (in TNA). ECW back in it's day was a great promotion, and One Night Stand was a good PPV. But Dixie cannot honestly think, a one time PPV full of old wrestlers who haven't been on TV in months, with no true fueds or conflicts or especially PURPOSE TO BE IN MATCHES with the TNA stars, could possibly turn out decent.

Here's what we can expect. Blood, pointless violence, steel chairs, and other stupid, utterly exaggerated weapons, and old dudes beating each other. Yeah, I'm sure a few younger TNA stars could up the PPV a little, but not much. I expect a 2 star PPV, Angry Superstars (if you could call them that) and no more ECWTNA.

Before you all get angry with me. The PPV if it works out, could be great. It's nice seeing guys like Rhino, Dreamer, and Stevie back. And it could be nice seeing RVD in another Hardcore match like he used to be in. But thats followed by IF IT WORKS OUT. I respect Dixie for trying to form ECW in a way, again. But it has been pushed into our faces ALL WRONG. and i repeat, all wrong. It's going to be tough to make this PPV buyable, and attention grabbing. Put more depth into it, and it could work. Good Luck Dixie, but I don't see much success.

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