Do people find music to be stereotyped


King Of The Wasteland
Now im mixed race and whenever i get into a conversation with a person and the conversation goes to music the first genre out of their mouth is rap and/or reggae. Now while enjoy all music (including rap and reggae) they always stare at me because they think its strange, I then have to point out rock music was essentially started by black people (Chuck Berry) and many famous rock artists have been either black or mixed race (Hendrix, Slash and Lenny Kravitz) Whenever a white rapper turns up everyone seems amazed he's in rap and I don't see what the fuss is about if they are talented in that genre of music let them. So do you find music to be stereotyped or is it just me
I see this stuff alot. See me loving country music everyone thinks right off I'm a hick,hillybilly,and sleep with my cousins. I guess that is what your asking. But the thing is country is loved by more then people in the south. Its loved up north also out west its just loved pretty much anyway and even overseas. It gets annoying when people try to also say its all about trucks and beer and stuff like that.
I tend to ignore people stereotyping music/music fans. Still, I see it quiet often, being a metal head. I've been kicked out of a few shows, for standing up against the heads that give metaldom a bad name. See, I continue to go to concerts with my ex, who I'm told is African American (I don't see race). Other 'bangers get bent out of shape, because "this isn't a rap concert". So, I fight them when they escalate the commentary. Makes me sick.

On the same token, last time I saw the Counting Crows live (yeah, I've seen 'em live. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?!), I got shat on, for pulling up to the venue listening to some good ol' fashioned Mayhem. Something about being harshing the other fans mellow. I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo you had to be a happy-go-lucky hippie in order to enjoy the Crows.

Point being, I don't see the big deal with every group of fans passing judgment on others. It's just music, and it doesn't belong to one group of people. If somebody listens to metal, they're not automatically racist, if they listen to hip hop, they ain't always thugs. People just need to lighten up with the stereotypes, and learn to enjoy the music. Simple as.
Yes, a thousand times fucking yes. As a white boy who listens to hip hop I'm immediately asked if I like Eminem's music. I can't stand him of course and I've become really annoyed by it. Just because I'm white does not mean Eminem got me into hip hop, nor is he my hip hop "savior" or "the last great white hope" to me.

I see hip hop as probably one of the worst when it comes to racial stereotyping. White boys who enjoy hip hop are always stereotyped as trying to be black or their just huge Eminem fans and nothing else. I grew up on the old school hip hop and it was my choice of music. I chose it strictly on my own with no major outside influence and it has been my music for the last fifteen years. I'm tired of being typecasted as a white boy trying to be black just because I love hip hop music.
Uuuuhhh, no shit. Its probably the first thing a person attributes to another when placing them in a box, aside from outward appearance. By that, I mean a person will look at someone, asess what they see, and then think they know what sort of music that person digs. IMAGINE people's confusion when they see the NorCalmobile pull up on 20 inch chrome rims, bass thumping, and yet, when I open the door its Johnny Cash or Slipknot that comes blaring out. Music is absolutely one of the most stereotyped things in our society. As with all stereotypes though, the reson it exists, is becuase there is a lot of truth and reality within the stereotypes. People who break the mold are few and far between. Thats why they exist. So dont bitch about them, doing so is silly. Don't worry about what people "think" you're supposed to listen to, and just listen to what you enjoy.
Of course. And with good reason. Very rarely do you find an African American who is a metalhead or loves country music. Or a white guy who loves hip-hop. Hell, some people would get offended if you suggested that they did. I'm a black guy who loves Hip-Hop and Rap but can't stand country music. I can take some rock, but don't expect to find any on my iPod. Stereotypes are everywhere, and it's just a result of what people have been observing from a certain race for the past 20 or so years. Like NorCal said, just listen to what you wanna listen to and don't worry about what you "should" listen to, according to your race.
Yes, most people stereotype music for sure. Most people find it quite odd for black men to like music other then rap. Also if I may point it out, most people judge rap for being worse then it is. I have a lot of the rap I like most of the time has been about a person's personal struggle or issues in their lives. Not all rap/hip hop is about guns, money, drugs, and women. Some rappers actually rap about real issues and can diversify their lyricism so well that you would almost forget it was any form of rap.
Yes, music is very highly sterotyped. I'm white, and I love rap and r&b. I wear South Pole, and Ecko. People think its funny that I dress that way and wear what I wear. I get hazed at work by my friends about white people wearing black people clothes. It annoying. Very annoying.

Good thread.
Hell yes. Ever since I started listening to rock music when I was 11 I have really noticed the stereotypes. In the area which I live, 90% of the residents would be fans of music you would often find in the charts. Growing up in school, and walking through my estate when I was younger I would be called names such as "freak" "goth" "hippie" "smelly rocker" and much more. I was even asked once "so why did you become a rocker?" (OH THE IGNORANCE!).
When I go out I wear a normal hoodie, usually black or brown with a pair of nice blue jeans and white DC shoes. Since when do they get the right to judge what is normal and what isn't?
Yes music is very stereotpyed and people need to grow up and respect other peoples taste of other genres.

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