Disrectful Brooklyn fans towards Big Show

It actually could be used very effectively for his character, dominating, working slow and yelling out the crowd "you want me to retire? Im not going ANYWERE"

Well, as they say in pro wrestling.....and perhaps all entertainment.....the worst fan reaction is no reaction. Even if they're booing and shouting disrespectful remarks, it's the performers who get noise from the crowd that find themselves looked upon favorably by management. Ironically, this is the type of thing that might result in Big Show being kept around even longer than he might have otherwise been. :)

Big Show already knows he's fat and slow; it doesn't take the fans to inform him of that......so if he's got 'em yelling, he probably sees it as nothing but a positive.
People need to understand that this show was a screwup by Stamford, as half of their roster was at a "Live" event in Allentown. That said, I turned off RAW during that ridiculous and idiotic MizTV segment. There was ZERO reason for it. LET THEM FIGHT, DAMMIT!!!

As for Big Show: He really needs to go. He serves no purpose except to fill space. They need to push out Kane, Show, Mark Henry and 'Taker. None of them serve any real purpose except to job. 'Taker should have left after he lost to Lesnar to become 21-1. The reason that these characters are still on the roster is their guaranteed contracts. VKM is not paying people $700K a year to WATCH RAW but to PERFORM on RAW.

You are also forgetting that this is BROOKLYN. We see bullshit miles away. We know DBry is getting screwed so VKM can protect Roman Reigns. We also have a small spot for Punk. Last night, Roman got squat. And, the only reason he got even THAT was VKM. But, as for "disrespecting" Show? The truth is sometimes a very uncomfortable and inconvenient thing.
He's boring, way past his prime, and only pushed because he's 7 feet tall and 500 pounds. He turns heel/face about as much as I change underwear.

Please retire chants are not only appropriate but very much deserved.

Not to bring any controversy in this forum; however, does that mean fans should be chanting for the Undertaker to retire? I mean he has been doing this longer than Big Show and he is still going over young talent. I know I am going to get the, " But he still Draws!!!" Just a thought...

Undertaker's not boring and doesn't turn every 10 minutes.
He's boring, way past his prime, and only pushed because he's 7 feet tall and 500 pounds. He turns heel/face about as much as I change underwear.

Please retire chants are not only appropriate but very much deserved.

I've seen Paul Wight compete all his career.(moves around good on the basketball court)He's not being pushed at all. He has done nothing but put others over. His match against RR at Extreme Rules was one of Reigns better matches this year and a match I felt was a proper turning point for him. Show's presence on Raw has become lesser since SummerSlam and even he admitted he wanted to back away from a 5 day schedule. If he was still going over in matches it would be an issue that he's burying talent. I respect a guy like him, Henry and Kane for their longevity. The turns get a little annoying from all 3 but I cannot overlook his service to the company.

Undertaker's not boring and doesn't turn every 10 minutes.

Not that Big Show has been a ring general either but I haven't seen a great Taker match since his last one against Triple H. People often complain about Vets and part-timers hogging the Spotlight and not putting others over. Taker has put one person over in the last several years and that's Lesnar - who was already a main eventer. He also briefly became involved against The Shield. He didn't put Bray over neither time and most of his matches have been against established main eventers or people pass their prime. The streak should've ended at CM Punk and he should've been booked to put over Bray Wyatt.
You guys wonder why wrestling is dying. Y'all blame booking. Y'all blame Vince. Y'all blame Hunter. Y'all blame everyone but the people who ruin EVERY event. You cool smart fans. Yeah it's y'all. You guys are FUCKIN IDIOTS. Big Show has put in 20 years of hard work into his craft, longer than most of you snot noses have been alive, and you sh!t on him for still loving what he does. Why aren't fans screaming retire to Tom Brady? Why aren't they going to all the Lakers games and spittin on Kobe jerseys instead of voting him NUMBER ONE into the ALL STAR games? Because only wrestling fans are COMPLETE DOUCHE BAGS who go to events just to ruin them.

I have said it so many times before.


Did U hear the goofballs chanting C.M. PUNK?

Man grow the Fu€k up......

That would be like people going to a UFC event now chanting WE WANT BROCK....

or WE WANT TITO.......

Who does that?

No one but wrestling fans. Imagine how dumb it looks to non wrestling fans that the people in ATTENDANCE keep chanting hoe boring and stupid the show is. Boy what a way to help the show in popularity.

Wrestling fans are arrogant, corny, disrespectful losers and that's why the product is having trouble selling

This!^^ The amount of disrespect legends like Show and Kane get is ridiculous.
Yes Show switches between face/heel way too often but it goes to show just how good he really is. Show has been able to convincingly turn heel/face in a moments notice without anyone ever questioning his believability. VERY FEW CAN SAY THAT.
Show has been wrestling for 20 years and he's only had 2 legit injuries during his entire career. He's also not like Flair, Sting, Funk, Kane, etc (I think its mainly cause of ring-rust but he's changed since his team Hell No days) guys who are still trying to wrestle and know they just cant go any more. I don't see people chanting "please retire" at Mark Henry, and Show is better than Henry ever will be. I don't see people chanting "retire" at Jericho and he has as many "returns" as Show has turns. Its none sense that Show isn't being given more respect by the fans. He's done everything asked of him and with no shame to entertain the fans, and the fans disrespect him in return.
Not to bring any controversy in this forum; however, does that mean fans should be chanting for the Undertaker to retire? I mean he has been doing this longer than Big Show and he is still going over young talent. I know I am going to get the, " But he still Draws!!!" Just a thought...

I'll be honest, I am completely sick of The Undertaker, and haven't been interested since a few months after his return to the deadman gimmick in 2004.

Whatever you think of Big Show, he is there most weeks and taking losses. However that only gets him slightly more of a pass than Taker. No real stars outside of John Cena have been built, and for the youth movement to really take off, the old guys need to go....completely.
Let's be honest though people, if you're in a crowd that begins one of those dumb chants, how many of you are going to sit on your hands? Seriously? I bet you a lot of the fans who were chanting last night, are the same type of people that shit on other chanting fans. It seems like EVERYBODY hates those chants these days, so how the hell do they still pop up in every damn smark city?

Because one idiot starts a chant and everybody else joins in because they want to feel included. No matter how much we say we hate those fans and those chants, a lot of us ARE those fans. It's just a different environment when you're actually at the show than when you're watching on TV.

Just to be clear, I'm not endorsing these chants. Just throwing out a theory...
I've seen Paul Wight compete all his career.(moves around good on the basketball court)He's not being pushed at all. He has done nothing but put others over. His match against RR at Extreme Rules was one of Reigns better matches this year and a match I felt was a proper turning point for him. Show's presence on Raw has become lesser since SummerSlam and even he admitted he wanted to back away from a 5 day schedule. If he was still going over in matches it would be an issue that he's burying talent. I respect a guy like him, Henry and Kane for their longevity. The turns get a little annoying from all 3 but I cannot overlook his service to the company.

There comes a time in every wrestler's career when they just need to retire. Big Show's time has long come and gone.

Not that Big Show has been a ring general either but I haven't seen a great Taker match since his last one against Triple H. People often complain about Vets and part-timers hogging the Spotlight and not putting others over. Taker has put one person over in the last several years and that's Lesnar - who was already a main eventer. He also briefly became involved against The Shield. He didn't put Bray over neither time and most of his matches have been against established main eventers or people pass their prime. The streak should've ended at CM Punk and he should've been booked to put over Bray Wyatt.

Taker's matches with Lesnar at SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell were great. His match with Wyatt at WrestleMania was great.

Wyatt looked strong in a loss. You don't have to win to be put over.
Wyatt looked strong in a loss. You don't have to win to be put over.

I agree and disagree. Wyatt who doesn't come off on the winning side in feuds he needs, shouldn't have been on the receiving end of two loses to Undertaker. That does not put him over. Undertaker winning over Wyatt does nothing for his legacy, it's just another win and another loss for a guy who needed to be booked to go over. Beating Undertaker would've positioned Wyatt to have a lot of momentum and a leg to stand on as the; "The New Face of Fear". He does not look like a credible future main eventer if he's never going over against main event talent. The last time being against Daniel Bryan at RR '14.

Looking strong in a loss would be against John Cena at WM. It was a great buildup and had a lot of people invested in the feud and looked believable that he could possibly go over on Cena. Unfortunately he didn't, but he still looked strong. He carried the build up for his feud with Undertaker and loss - I don't agree he looked strong.

Continuing to book these older guys to win is the exact reason why there's still such a heavy rely on part-timers and older veterans at WM. You have to establish guys like Wyatt to be in a position to be the future of the product. You can't do it by still having a guy 20 years older than him 25 years invested in the company going over. It's these reasons I respect guys like Big Show.

Undertaker going against Lesnar twice this year did nothing for neither parties.
I know he's slow. I know he's turned heel/face more than once. But that's not his fault, just booked horrible booking!!! But the chants of "please retire" towards Show wasn't heat. It was very disrespectful and hate filled..the man busted his ass for over 20 years. All for your entertainment!!!

He won a world title in his first match. He's been Wwe world champ, ECW world champ, wcw world champ, wwe tag team champ, wwe US championship, IC championship, hardcore champ, member of NWO, won 1st ever Andre the giant battle royal. And much more..

What more does he have to do to be respected??

A lot of WWE fans today simply despise anyone who didn't just come up from NXT or the indies. It's that simple. They boo all veteran talents because they only want to see the young nobodies.

Big Show is one of the best veteran talents WWE has, and THE best giant in wrestling history. I grew up watching Andrè, and on his best night Andrè couldn't touch Big Show's talent. Andrè is beloved because he came first, but Big Show surpassed him in every way.
You guys wonder why wrestling is dying. Y'all blame booking. Y'all blame Vince. Y'all blame Hunter. Y'all blame everyone but the people who ruin EVERY event. You cool smart fans. Yeah it's y'all. You guys are FUCKIN IDIOTS. Big Show has put in 20 years of hard work into his craft, longer than most of you snot noses have been alive, and you sh!t on him for still loving what he does. Why aren't fans screaming retire to Tom Brady? Why aren't they going to all the Lakers games and spittin on Kobe jerseys instead of voting him NUMBER ONE into the ALL STAR games? Because only wrestling fans are COMPLETE DOUCHE BAGS who go to events just to ruin them.

I have said it so many times before.


Did U hear the goofballs chanting C.M. PUNK?

Man grow the Fu€k up......

That would be like people going to a UFC event now chanting WE WANT BROCK....

or WE WANT TITO.......

Who does that?

No one but wrestling fans. Imagine how dumb it looks to non wrestling fans that the people in ATTENDANCE keep chanting hoe boring and stupid the show is. Boy what a way to help the show in popularity.

Wrestling fans are arrogant, corny, disrespectful losers and that's why the product is having trouble selling

Bingo. Fans who try to make the show about them and not the talent are morons. People don't watch RAW or any other wrestling show to see who comes up with the most clever chants or see attention seeking D-bags who try to rush the ring for attention.

It's pathetic.

The best way to convey dissatisfaction with the product you already paid to see? Be silent until you see something that entertains you. If it entertains you ... make noise. If it doesn't just be silent. There's nothing more deafening to a wrestling promoter than silence.
Big Show should continue for as long as he wants, the guy has been going now for about 20 years barring a short absence, that is an achievement itself.

The Big Show nor WWE need him competing full-time, he's had some issues with a blown out knee lately and at this stage in his career they should use him when necessary, he's still a good worker and can put talent over.
I can see both sides of the argument and both sides have valid points.

A lot of people just aren't interested or intrigued by Big Show. He's been around for quite a long time and there's very little, if anything, fresh left to be done with him. After all, we've all heard his "I'm a giant" schtick ad nauseam and it's something that would mean a helluva lot more if Show had gotten consistent booking over the last 15 years. Yes he's a freakishly huge man that'd intimidate damn near anybody but, at the same time, this is also the same man that WWE has had do various skits and impersonations of Conan the Barbarian and Hulk Hogan, dress like and dance with Pee Wee Herman on live television and break down crying on multiple occasions whenever the powers that be threaten to, kayfabe, fire him in the center of the ring.

On the other hand, Big Show is a pro's pro in that he's always done the very best that could be expected even when he's handed a big pile of crap and told to do something with it, i.e. the Conan or Hogan skits. He doesn't bitch about it or take it to social media to whine about things, he just does his best and that's the sort of work ethic that you don't see in a good deal of the millennial wrestlers coming up these days. That itself, in my opinion, does deserve some respect and it's not his fault that he happens to be north of, well north of as a matter of fact, 250 pounds in an age where a good deal of fans have an almost prejudiced attitude towards bigger wrestlers unless said wrestlers are some of "their" guys; meaning that many of "their" guys are indie talents and that being an indie talent means that you MUST be head & shoulders more talented. :p

I'm all for voicing criticism and there are ways to go about it that don't make fans look like ignorant pricks. Just because someone is a large guy who doesn't do tons of high spots or suicide dives doesn't mean he isn't deserving of some respect or that he can't wrestle. For instance, I thought Sasha & Becky Lynch put on a really well wrestled match last night but it got the "this is boring" response a few times because it told a story rather than being your average mindless, indie spotfest.
You guys wonder why wrestling is dying. Y'all blame booking. Y'all blame Vince. Y'all blame Hunter. Y'all blame everyone but the people who ruin EVERY event. You cool smart fans. Yeah it's y'all. You guys are FUCKIN IDIOTS. Big Show has put in 20 years of hard work into his craft, longer than most of you snot noses have been alive, and you sh!t on him for still loving what he does. Why aren't fans screaming retire to Tom Brady? Why aren't they going to all the Lakers games and spittin on Kobe jerseys instead of voting him NUMBER ONE into the ALL STAR games? Because only wrestling fans are COMPLETE DOUCHE BAGS who go to events just to ruin them.

I have said it so many times before.


Did U hear the goofballs chanting C.M. PUNK?

Man grow the Fu€k up......

That would be like people going to a UFC event now chanting WE WANT BROCK....

or WE WANT TITO.......

Who does that?

No one but wrestling fans. Imagine how dumb it looks to non wrestling fans that the people in ATTENDANCE keep chanting hoe boring and stupid the show is. Boy what a way to help the show in popularity.

Wrestling fans are arrogant, corny, disrespectful losers and that's why the product is having trouble selling

Was this English? I can't really tell. You mean I can't express my frustration at a product I paid for because they give me sub-par entertainment in lue of better quality that they've provided in the past? Like maybe 2 weeks in the past? Well shit. I suppose I'll just suck it up and take it and offer no input whatsoever.

See this guy right here is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the NO PU$$Y, Lame, Bit€hes that I am speaking about. First he says some ridiculous statement to try to make himself look cool and intelligent and elite (it failed) and then he totally changes the topic so he can semi- have a point.

# 1: according to most of you on here the product has been sub-par for years so if you are that dissatisfied STOP BUYING THE PRODUCT. I will reiterate my statement.......


That is like getting 30 people to keep eating at the worst restaurant in town EVERY FRIDAY just to complain about how bad the food tastes. You want to really get change.....

Don't buy ANY TICKETS. Empty arenas say bad product. Packed house of losers making stupid chants still equals A PACKED HOUSE!!!!


# should you not be able to supply your input? Hmmmmmm let's see you are attending live shows and chanting for people who not only are not on the card but also were not even scheduled or promoted to be on the card. One hasn't even worked for the company in 2 YEARS! Yeah that makes sense. I bet you are the guy who goes to Chuck E. Cheese screaming where are the strippers? DB is injured. C.M. Punk is a member of the UFC. You want to see him then I suggest you buy his fight when he finally hits the octagon but chanting for him at WWE events is dumb and pointless!

#3 : Was it me or was the original topic the disrespect of Legendary wrestlers like the Big Show? I noticed you kind of switched it so let's get back to that. Like I said only in wrestling do fans think disrespecting people who put in the work and paid there dues is cool. No one is going to Timberwolves games and chanting PLEASE REITRE to KG and he is past his prime. I dear you to go to a Stevie Wonder concert that people paid to see and start chanting retire and see what happens. Better yet a Kiss concert. Whether you like him or not Show EARNED the right to wrestle as long as he likes. You put in 20 years at your job and then see how much you would like some snot nosed punk still living with his parents telling you to retire. Why aren't you guys voting out those 80 year Men who have been in Congress for 40 plus years? Nope only wrestling fans DISRESPECT someone for doing their job with longevity.
I agree that Big Show has to retire soon, or at the very least go into a big part time role where he only fights a couple of times a year. But it is pretty crappy that the fans have to chant that at the guy. He should've grabbed the mic and trashed Brooklyn itself.
I didn't say he shouldn't retire. I said how disrespectful it was to do what they did. Truth or not...

As far as his turns and hanging around the top...THATS THEIR BOOKING NOT HIM!!!! Do you think he just goes out there whenever he wants and does whatever he wants??? NO...he has a boss!!!
I didn't say he shouldn't retire. I said how disrespectful it was to do what they did. Truth or not...

As far as his turns and hanging around the top...THATS THEIR BOOKING NOT HIM!!!! Do you think he just goes out there whenever he wants and does whatever he wants??? NO...he has a boss!!!
The "Please Retire" chants obviously have an ear to reach. Whether its Big Show or Vince, someone has to hear it, address it and fix it. But no one reaponds. So people keep chanting. Again, it's not disrespectful. Its a sentiment directed at a characte with notable flaws. No one is interested in cheering or booing the man. And they areblwtting it be known. It doesn't matter how you perceive it. Its how the creative does. And they don't seem to care.
I've learned a long time ago fans are going to da what they want to whoever they want, especially in smarky cities like New York.

As rude as those chants were last night they aren't without merit. A man that size deteriorates faster than the average size person especially with an active career like WWE.

But Show isn't going to retire until he and WWE higher ups say it's time no matter what I think so they need to use these chants to breath some life into Big Show. Last night was a start and for the first time in a very very long time I can say I'm kind of excited to see what they do with Show in this situation especially with what he said last night.

The start of something good? Only time will tell but I hope so.
I've learned a long time ago fans are going to da what they want to whoever they want, especially in smarky cities like New York.

As rude as those chants were last night they aren't without merit. A man that size deteriorates faster than the average size person especially with an active career like WWE.

But Show isn't going to retire until he and WWE higher ups say it's time no matter what I think so they need to use these chants to breath some life into Big Show. Last night was a start and for the first time in a very very long time I can say I'm kind of excited to see what they do with Show in this situation especially with what he said last night.

The start of something good? Only time will tell but I hope so.

I like this suggestion, add some anticipation to the Royal Rumble. I think he should dominate early. I hope WWE uses this as a chance to utilize the Wyatt's better instead of putting them against any ECW original. I wouldn't be opposed to Big Show putting over the likes of Braun Stromam in the RR. You have to use him in situations like this that plays up to his strengths.

Big Show doesn't have to be in any storylines but utilized well in the RR. Maybe last until about 20 in and be eliminated. Use the RR itself as a way to potentially build for a potential Wyatt/LON feud, which could come down to Wyatt and Sheamus eliminating each other.
Definitely a history of fans doing stuff like this in all sports. Fans were booing Joe Montana in Kansas City towards the end, booing Peyton Manning in Denver this very year, booing Jordan in Washington.

Fans pay their money and have the right to express how they feel. It is extremely disrespectful, but until Big Show either:

A) Changes their mind with his performance on the show
B) Retires

I can understand why fans would reject what he brings

See this guy right here is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the NO PU$$Y, Lame, Bit€hes that I am speaking about. First he says some ridiculous statement to try to make himself look cool and intelligent and elite (it failed) and then he totally changes the topic so he can semi- have a point.

# 1: according to most of you on here the product has been sub-par for years so if you are that dissatisfied STOP BUYING THE PRODUCT. I will reiterate my statement.......


Wow. Since we're talking about disrespect, how about that clear disrespect you're showing for the English language. No respect for the people who attempted to give you an education, huh? Tell me something, did you read this from my earlier post?

If I paid for because they give me sub-par entertainment in lue of better quality that they've provided in the past? Like maybe 2 weeks in the past?
But hey. Clearly I'm just trying to be cool and you're clearly not failing your reading comprehension.
That is like getting 30 people to keep eating at the worst restaurant in town EVERY FRIDAY just to complain about how bad the food tastes. You want to really get change.....

Don't buy ANY TICKETS.
The shows have not sold out since the last show in the Barclays Center in August. Which was quite favorable.
Empty arenas say bad product. Packed house of losers making stupid chants still equals A PACKED HOUSE!!!!
It was not selling until they announced the return of John Cena and Vince McMahon. Both of which had favorable performances their last times on television. But go on.
It's nice to throw barbs with no real substance, isn't it?
# should you not be able to supply your input? Hmmmmmm let's see you are attending live shows and chanting for people who not only are not on the card but also were not even scheduled or promoted to be on the card. One hasn't even worked for the company in 2 YEARS! Yeah that makes sense. I bet you are the guy who goes to Chuck E. Cheese screaming where are the strippers? DB is injured. C.M. Punk is a member of the UFC. You want to see him then I suggest you buy his fight when he finally hits the octagon but chanting for him at WWE events is dumb and pointless!
First off, what's with the random hashtag? Second, sentences start with capitol letters. 3rd, what in the flying fuck are you going about with Chuck E. Cheese? Is that supposed to be some sort of insult? And finally, it was promised to be a good show. The crowd in attendance was not satisfied with what was promised to be a good show. Like it was the last time it was there. Which for reference was NXT Takeover Brooklyn, Summerslam and Raw. All 3 being very good shows.

#3 : Was it me or was the original topic the disrespect of Legendary wrestlers like the Big Show? I noticed you kind of switched it so let's get back to that. Like I said only in wrestling do fans think disrespecting people who put in the work and paid there dues is cool. No one is going to Timberwolves games and chanting PLEASE REITRE to KG and he is past his prime. I dear you to go to a Stevie Wonder concert that people paid to see and start chanting retire and see what happens. Better yet a Kiss concert. Whether you like him or not Show EARNED the right to wrestle as long as he likes. You put in 20 years at your job and then see how much you would like some snot nosed punk still living with his parents telling you to retire. Why aren't you guys voting out those 80 year Men who have been in Congress for 40 plus years? Nope only wrestling fans DISRESPECT someone for doing their job with longevity.

It was. Then morons in high horses came in to tell people with opinions that they can't have them because we'll hurt feelings of people who clearly don't care. I have no clue what the fuck you're on about with congress because for one, I'm not from the continental U.S. and more importantly, voting isn't for another year. But by all means. Go on a stupid rant about how it's wrong to chant "Please Retire" at a stale character that has been near constantly on my TV screen about twice a week for 20 years and is repeatedly booked to do the same exact things he did back then. Last I checked, this isn't a concert. It's a physical activity. That requires you to be in peak physical condition to perform fittingly. Also, I'm pretty sure Brett Favre was constantly told to retire after.... *gasp* 19 years. What a coincidence. Show's at 20.
Okay Mr. Killjoy you have done a fine job of playing 3 card monte on these boards. You have successfully changed topics in an effort to confuse everyone to make it seem like you have a point. So here, we shall make this simple.


No other sporting or major event fans PAY their hard earned money for the sole intention of going to a show and being disruptive through it, especially when it comes to ridiculing Legends.

YOUR POINT : It is not Disrespectful and fans do it in other genres besides wrestling.

Fine. I concede everything you have said as FACT!

Now please provide Me a link or any footage of this act happening ANYWHERE else but wrestling.


Just one post or link in which FANS were chanting repeatedly for a Legend to RETIRE multiple times and I will never disagree with ANYTHING ELSE YOU PLACE ON THIS FORUM........


Thank you Sir.

I will be waiting.
I don't really understand the claims that 'Big Show can't work'. Big men usually require the right opponent to provide quality matches, usually- but not restricted to- strong but smaller guys like Cena. His matches with Rusev were very good, his Extreme Rules bout with Reigns was surprisingly good, his matches against Cesaro were good and I remember seeing a Cena match after his heel turn that was impressive as well. Back when he was a face, he was doing sunset freaking flips on Rowan (and Rusev). I also saw a pretty good match with Swagger not too long ago on Main Event. He can work, it's just that fans are currently spoiled on the crazy, high impact, career shortening matches that people expect these days thanks to the NXT call-ups.

I respect Kane, but I can't remember the last exceptional match he was in. With that said, most of Kane's matches are passable, whereas Show tends to be good or bad with very little middle ground. So I have no respect for fans who do the 'please retire' chants, although I kind of think that WWE should role with it. Maybe have Big Show force himself into other peoples matches and storylines and rub it in that he will be around forever or something.

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