Did the Wrong Title Change Hands?

If they have done it and Jeff has re-signed then that is fantastic and i agree fwith Jeff holding it as long as the Punk feud continues to develop (probably with Morrison thrown)

If they have done it and Jeff has not re-signed then thats a load of tosh as Jeff does not deserve even if they do a whole swerve and take the title from him in a drug-bust storyline. it diminishes the title and Punk and it is not warranted.

We will se this Friday i guess.
The way Jeff won just makes my blood boil so much more. Kicking out of the GTS, which no one else has managed to do. Then Punk walks away with his belt looking like a pussy heel, only for Jeff to turn into Superman and literally drag him back to the ring, beat the hell out of him and give him the Swanton for good measure. It's bad enough that they keep having Punk lose to Morrison for no apparent reason, but this just took it too far. I honestly don't know how Punk's going to rebound from this without coming off as one of those whiney heels who cant win clean, ever. Creative just doesn't know what to do with him, man. Kicks the ref, DQ win, looks like a sissy. Loses to Morrison, loses to Morrison again, almost loses to Rey Mysterio before Ziggler interferes and saves his blushes, loses to Jeff. Brutal.
I have been following this soap opera that is now called "sports entertainment" for 30 years, and what I see today is a joke. If the WWE wants to have a champion ( by which I mean Orton) with any credibility they need to give him a challenger other then Cena or Nipple H.I think Mark henry would be a breath of fresh air in that role.

Now on the actual subject of Punk/Hardy. In my opinion, they both suck as anything beyond IC/US champion. Hardy's only abilities are to do high spots and take bumps meanwhile Punk reminds me of Hogan, in the sense that he uses the same three moves in all of his matches. It doesn't matter which one of these ham-n-eggers has the strap, it only devalues what was once a prestigous title. Vince can call it whatever he wants but "big gold" has a history that comes from the Nwa and Wcw.

The only hope I see for Smackdown is to have a champion that can actually wrestle. The name that comes to mind first is John Morrison, he can wrestle, he has better mic skills then guys that have been working for 2-3 times longer then he has and he has charisma. As far as ECW, it is more or less a stepping stone for the new guys that are being called up from FCW which I have the abiltity to watch living in the Tampa Bay area. I just hope Vince for the sake of his company and fans can produce a better product because anymore, in my opinion, it compares with WCW when Vince Russo was running things and I think we all know how that worked out.
I, for one, am glad the World Title changed hands, regardless if Jeff has re-signed or not. And the reason is that basically everyone was expecting Jeff to lose the match because of the rumors of him leaving next month. Sometimes, the Internet is too smarky for it's own good. And unfortunately, this makes the product stale and predictable. Then, people would be whining about that.

Unpredictability is incredibly rare in this day and age. And given all the talk about Jeff leaving, they did the right thing. As far as Punk goes, not to worry. He'll have plenty more title reigns in the future.

Sometimes, I think people on the Internet really analyze these situations too deeply. The bottom line is that the majority of people out there in the casual audience simply want to be entertained ... which includes having the feeling that "anything can happen in WWE" return, once again. That's all they want at the end of the day -- to be entertained.

Hardy leaves, then no big deal. Then, you take the title off of him next month at SummerSlam. Problem solved. Christ.
I'm glad Randy Orton keep his title, it's make him and Legacy look even more legit, it's gives him credibility to remain a top heel, in the fact that he even though Legacy helped him retain it, he did what he said he was going to do. Orton deserves a nice long run, it's been a while since there has been a heel who has had a nice dominating run as champion.

As far as Punk losing, I could care less, I don't care for him at all, and as for Jeff winning, I could care less there too as he has gotten on my nerves. Did I think Jeff would win, no, but I also didn't really care about this match or feud either.

Now I'm glad to see Christian win the title back, he's a good champion, sad thing is though while he holds it, he won't go to Raw or Smackdown anytime soon, but that is ok, because ECW does need him badly right now.
I have been following this soap opera that is now called "sports entertainment" for 30 years, and what I see today is a joke. If the WWE wants to have a champion ( by which I mean Orton) with any credibility they need to give him a challenger other then Cena or Nipple H.I think Mark henry would be a breath of fresh air in that role.

Now on the actual subject of Punk/Hardy. In my opinion, they both suck as anything beyond IC/US champion. Hardy's only abilities are to do high spots and take bumps meanwhile Punk reminds me of Hogan, in the sense that he uses the same three moves in all of his matches. It doesn't matter which one of these ham-n-eggers has the strap, it only devalues what was once a prestigous title. Vince can call it whatever he wants but "big gold" has a history that comes from the Nwa and Wcw.

The only hope I see for Smackdown is to have a champion that can actually wrestle. The name that comes to mind first is John Morrison, he can wrestle, he has better mic skills then guys that have been working for 2-3 times longer then he has and he has charisma. As far as ECW, it is more or less a stepping stone for the new guys that are being called up from FCW which I have the abiltity to watch living in the Tampa Bay area. I just hope Vince for the sake of his company and fans can produce a better product because anymore, in my opinion, it compares with WCW when Vince Russo was running things and I think we all know how that worked out.

Safe to say Morrison has been groomed for the last few months for the job. I mean he beat Punk TWICE during his 2 month title reign. I just wish we'd seen Morrison challenging Punk for the title instead. The Shaman of Sexy hasn't had nearly enough face time on Smackdown to build his character. I haven't heard a single Palace of Wisdom reference since the draft and that's WAAAY too long. Look at the time the Miz got on the stick, he's now an established character who most fans believe has some serious promise. Morrison is DUE.

In the end, my biggest issue with Hardy winning the title is that it makes Punk looks like a pretender to the championship throne. The BEST heels can at least win matches on their own. Even Orton, who has had more run-in related wins than anyone I can remember lately, has at least won the title cleanly numerous times. Back in the day when HHH was the best heel in the business and entered to the 'its our time' music, there was a huge threat of him kicking someone's ass. Run in or no run in he was extremely good and everyone knew it. We haven't established that with Punk yet he's being pushed at the top heel over Jericho? Stupid choice to not give him more credit. Honestly, Jericho is the much more believable contender thanks to his resume but that wouldn't necessarily be the case had Punk won clean tonight.

And people who are complaining about being mean to Jeff, I ask you a simple question: Can you read? I think the majority of people love Jeff Hardy but don't remotely believe he's top face material. The guy is worse than average on the microphone and I don't care how good some of his spots are, he's nothing more than upper mid card material. In all honesty, he's a poor man's Rob Van Dam. Jeff is supposed to carry Smackdown the next month? I suppose that means a big infusion of Morrison into the main event because he can at least give a promo.

On the flip side, if this gives a title change on free tv for the first time since last November (big gold belt). It also shows which belt Vince values more since the WWE belt hasn't changed on free tv since 2006 and that was only because RVD got caught with pot.
I am going to have to say that NEITHER World title should of changed hands. Its great that WWE kept Orton as champion as this helps soldify how dominate he actually is as a heel. Giving the championship to Triple H or John Cena is exactly the same as giving a Billionaire a 100 dollar bill. It's pointless really & neither of them do not need another world title reign. Out of the three, Orton needs the number of days with holding the championship to rack up properly as his previous title reigns combined are close in comparison to number of days held.

As for CM Punk, the WWE is giving him a mega push as a heel & needs to hold this championship a lot longer than he did for the same reason as Orton. However, there are a couple of upsides for switching this belt:

1) Gives the fans a swerve ball as we were expecting Punk to dominate Hardy for his full-fledged heel character to be 110% in effect.

2) Hardy has held the championship twice & they were shorter than Punk's first run as champion combined.

3) Gives light to the fans they have "re-signed Hardy"

4) Gives Hardy a positive for re-signing with the company. It's Vince's way of reeling him into another contract.

So in conclusion, great decision to keep the strap on Orton but it could of gone either way with the Hardy match. This leaves one problem, if John Morrison is facing the winner of this match... then why did they have him defeat Punk twice & build these two matches as if to hint something? Oh wait... I get it, they are going to have a Hardy/Morrison fued where if Hardy decides to resign then he drops the belt to Morrison for him & Punk to have another fued!

I am so SMART.... I am so SMART.... S, M, R, T.... I mean...
If we're just talking about the WWE and World Heavyweight titles I fall into the same camp as many who believe that both Orton and Punk should have retained.

Do people realize who RAW's most credible heels are right now? Jack Swagger who just came over from ECW and Chris Jericho who is actually a member of the SD roster that only appears on RAW thanks to the tag titles. That is SAD. How quickly fans and the WWE writers forget about how much molten heat Orton had in the first few months of the year when he was actually winning and not being treated like a complete and utter joke.

Legacy needs credibility so RAW actually has a title picture. The best way to do that is to give Orton a lengthy reign. Even if you forget the 8 days Batista took the title Orton has still only been champ for 3 months. That's pathetic. What would giving Hunter the title do? He'd get another notch in his belt and then job out Orton again before moving on to Swagger or yet another pointless Big Show feud. How about Cena? More of the same. Orton has options. HBK is returning soon it seems. How about Mark Henry? He has BOTH HHH and Cena on his plate. MVP could get a push.

Orton retaining was absolutely the right move based simply on potential match ups and what the RAW main event title picture needs right now.

On the flipside, I can't for the life of me figure out why they would have Punk lose the title. Love him or hate him, he's generating interest. His heel turn is very unique and it has fans talking. His promo last night was both cutting and cutting edge. He made a Philly crowd that was sympathetic towards him hate him. Be retaining the title he could have continued to preach his virtues and talked about how he vanquished the "evil" Jeff Hardy.

Yes, I understand that there's a chance he could get the title back at Summerslam in a triple threat with Morrison. I hope that's the case. But see, that's not the only issue here.

Let's look at Jeff's history, shall we? He is suspended once and upon his return he is given the IC title. He's suspended twice - right before 'Mania where he's scheduled to get the biggest win of his career by winning the MitB match - and upon his return he's still shoved right into the WWE title scene month after month until he finally wins it. His reign is short but after a brief feud with his brother he's now in the World title hunt. Rumors spread that they guy is going to take time off. He still wins the World title even if it is only for a brief cup of coffee. Rumors continue to spread. Now he wins the World title AGAIN. (That's three World titles in less that eight months for all of you out there complaining about Edge's title count.)

Why did he win the title? Was it a farewell gift? Was it to entice him to resign? Was it a thank you for actually resigning? Was it the simple notion that he deserves it since he's SD's most over face?

Here's the thing... it does NOT matter.

There is no good reason to change the title now. If anything, it feels like the World title match was the one match on the card that everyone and their mother was fully confident they knew the outcome of. It feels like yet another "we're changing the outcome of this match just to screw with the internet fans who think they're so smart" title change which is the last thing we need nowadays.

Call this harsh if you want but it seems to me that the WWE is sending a clear message. It doesn't matter how many times you screw up or how little commitment you have to your career. As long as the fans love you then you will be rewarded.

I think that's what really gets me. SD still doesn't have 'Taker back and now Edge is injured but yet Jeff has still been very wishy washy about resigned according to reports. Heck, just the fact that he had to think about it when he was the peek of his career paints a picture of a man who could take or leave wrestling on a whim. Why risk a title on a guy who acts like he couldn't care less?

Like I said, maybe Punk will have the title again by Summerslam and the Jeff Hardy problem will solve itself. I hope that's the case. But at the end of the day, it still feels like an utterly pointless and stupid title change. I could be wrong and I hope I am. But right now I'm filing it as a boneheaded move by the WWE.
Im sorry but i cant read anymore with out responding.

Why is there so much heat on Hardy for his drug problems yet none on Orton who isnt an angel himself.Orton has had 2 failures(like Hardy).Didn't Orton destroy a hotel room?

It's okay for him to fail drug test's and destroy shit because hes a heel and hes good on the mic.That makes me sick.Orton has contributed half as much of his body to the WWE as Hardy has and people still cry about Hardy winning a belt again.Punk will retain in true heel fashion soon enough by underhanded tactics like a true heel and that will bring him more heat.

I hate hearing the same stupid shit over and over too.So and So cant talk on the mic so they aren't championship material.I wonder if most of you even watched wrestling in the early 80's long before Rock and Austin when guys who had talent but no mic skill had guys like Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart speaking for them.If you think mic skill is a requirement to win a title maybe you aren't a true wrestling fan.If that makes anyone mad im sorry.I wanna see a show with wrestling first.Story lines are great but in a 2 hour show why should we see an hour and a half of promo's and back stage interviews.

Long story short Jeff likely got the title for signing some deal and/or to extend the feud with Punk.I see the feud lasting maybe one or two more ppv's then someone else will challenge Punk/Hardy for the title but that's just what i think.

Later all
I am seriously angry at the outcome and that doesn't happen alot, I usually enjoy it for what it is but that ending makes no fucking sense at all.

Let's give the unloyal piece of shit who's bailed on the company when told to goto rehab the belt to make him stay as opposed to the man who worked his ass off and *although in a heelish manner* spouts anti drug sentiments.

"hey kids grow up, do drugs, never mature and you can get your way" great message wwe.

I suppose I wouldn't be as pissed if...

1) Punk didn't get a shit reign without any serious legit credible defenses last year.

2) Punk wasn't evolving into one of the more entertaining reasons to watch WWE as opposed to Jeffs odd emphasis on random words making it sound as if even he's confused as to what it is he's saying.

Honestly if Punk doesnt regain it at SS I'm not watching WWE anymore, and this isn't one o those "oh if cena retains im done!" idle threats, I've stopped watching Raw and ECW and only watched SD because of Punk. I like Swagger and Jericho sure, but not enough to make sure I'm in front of my tv when they're on. Keep disrespecting punk for the fucking twat who only stayed due to edge leaving and a contract offer was made with more money a title clause i'm sure.

dude take a chill pill, i can almost bet you that the wwe put the belt on hardy just to insure he doesnt leave the company since they have been struck with so many injuries.

why can't people look at the jeff hardy story in a positive way? yeah he fucked up and do most people, yes he went to rehab and relapsed, yes he left the company for the opposition, yes he has been suspended 2 times and is on his 2nd strike but he has also been clean for 2 years and has worked as hard as anybody else in the company and is probably the most over guy in the whole wwe! he has been putting his body on the line for over 10 years in the wwe and he deserves to be champion, as does matt hardy and it will happen. i think you need to get off your CM Punk pony and realize its pro wrestling so there is no reason to get all ********* about a title match out come, your probably 29 living with mom and you cried when this match was over cuz your cm punk lost the title. chill out homie nothing to get mad about, its called ENTERTAINMENT
First of I would like to give kuddos to itbewilly. I think that his post hit the mark completely.

Guys, Jeff made a mistake and he paid. You guys think that Jeff Hardy didn't realize what he did? Yeah he made a mistake, yet ever since then, we have seen the best of Jeff Hardy. His mic skill are not as atrocious, and he's putting on consistently good matches. I have no problem seeing Jeff Hardy take the strap.

I am in the minority of people who are satisfied with the ending. Now I wanted Punk to retain through a heelish means. Like he just walks away after the GTS. That I would have been satisfied with. It all depends on where WWE wants to go with this feud from here. I fully expect this feud to run into Summerslam and if Jeff stays could culminate in a Jeff Hardy CM Punk at HIAC.

Now about the WWE title match. Randy retains. It was one of two possibilities that I said I would be okay with and that stays true here. Hopefully, they work some kind of program that will take HHH away from Orton. Maybe a temporary distraction of some kind to prolong this thing until HIAC. I wouldn't mind another Cena Orton feud. Cena and Orton have only finished 1 PPV match with a clear winner. That's it guys 1. For everyone who says Cena Orton is stale, it's been 1 match. On the stick, I think the two work well together. That may not make sense, but Cena's promos with Orton are his best work.

In conclusion, I have no issue with either of WWE's decisions. It all depends on where they go with this.

Now in a separate note. Guys, seriously chill out about Jeff's drug problems. We all know he made mistakes, WWE knows it, and they have used them to make this feud with Punk that much better.
try 1997 but i agree with the rest of what you are saying.
There's nothing more annoying than members of the IWC who change their minds because they've got their way. A year ago everyone was saying Jeff Hardy deserves the WWE Title and that he should've won the elimination chamber to fight at wrestlemania and that he should've headlined against edge this year instead of doing a brother vs brother match, bla bla bla... when he won the title from Edge everyone said how they hoped he would have a long title reign and there was uproar when he didn't.
All the same people kept saying that he deserved it and it was bull that he never got it but when he did the IWC all had to say "thank god the right man has the title"...for now guys yeah?

Everyone pissed and moaned about CM Punk winning the money in the bank briefcase for a second year and dreaded an imminent title reign.

Its funny how people's opinion's have changed in the short time since wrestlemania because all i hear now is Jeff Hardy doesn't deserve the title and Punk should be champion???

I don't think there should have been a title change last night either, in either title match, but the fact is that there was. Jeff has still earned the title and Punk will be able to fit beautifully into the angry and vengeful heel role; does anyone remember the massive boost that this role gave edge shortly before he won the title for the very first time?

One title change won't kill either guy's career and nor will it massively effect the storylines.

One more point to be made is that if Punk had retained and Jeff had left, who was gonna face Punk next? There's only John Morrison who's a viable challenger and something tells me either management wouldn't put the title on him or the IWC would crave it to happen then shit all over the switch the very next week.
Another great point I forgot to mention. How many guys have TWO world title reigns but NEITHER is managed to be considered legit because of the short reign and circumstances surrounding the title acquisition?

And Punk is an excellent heel too. Heels with the belts are always better than heels without.

I really hated the fact that the Championship did change hands and wanted CM Punk to retain more than anything else to build his character but Jeff Hardy has TWO world title reigns but neither is managed to be considered legit-.-
Now we have 2 people with 2 non legit world title reigns..
i like how people are saying he hasn't been shown as a credible champion seeing as he took a cheap way to get the title, then got him self disqualified to retain, proves he's not a good champion as of yet, this could make a more interesting story line, anyway im glad orton retained so he can battle michaels at summerslam which will be a good match
For a split second when Orton tapped I thought they were going to do something awesome for a change. I was sure they were going to end the match and have a match between HHH and Cena where one of them (probably HHH) turned heel.

Maybe that was just wishful thinking since I'm going to Raw tonight.

It would be nice if Orton could defend his title just once without Rhodes and Debiase. It just makes him look like a crappy champion.
I have yet to understand why everyone is all on C.M. punks dick. To me he is an annoying ass hole that thinks he's better than everyone because he doesn't use drugs or whatever... fuck him. Jeff Hardy is a great wrestler, given he is definately a spot wrestler, but most fans like that bullshit now days. Back in the day wrestlers had to pay their dues before getting their push, Jeff Hardy has definately put in his dues. So what he smokes a little weed or something does that make him a bad person and undeserving of the title? NO and if you think so ,... well I wont get started on your narrow minded ass.

Why does everyone today think that there is no need to pay dues? Lets just push these new young guys and throw titles at them after a couple of years of being with the company... thats ******ed. Back in the day it was a rare occasion that that would happen and because old school champs had paid their dues it was easier to make them into a belivable champion. C.M. Punk, imo, doesn't even deserve the title yet. He has paid no dues and thinks he's better than everyone cause he is young and"straight edged"... fuck him.

And as far as you HHH haters go, tell me this motherfucker hasn't paid his dues, and try to tell me that he is not a bad sonuvabitch. If you can your just plain silly. Yeah so what he doesn'spot wrestle and flip and all that shit, that doesn't make him stale or boring. You people just can't appreciate real talent. The man eats sleeps and fucks wrestling, always has. He was getting his push (after being shut down by VKM) before he hooked up with Steph, so NO that is NOT the reason he gets his push, not saying it doesn't help but all he did was complete his life by marrying into what he loves.

Both those titles should have changed hands, the one that should NOT have was the ECW title, I like Christian don't get me wrong but IMO Vince stuck his ass in the face of all old ECW fans. All ECW fans should unite against that bullshit. Quit watching the farce of a show and tell VKM to stick that in his pipe and smoke it... but then you people might think less of him.
That's an interesting thought.
But I'm hoping beyond hope that the Triple H and Orton rivalry has ended. With HBK possibly coming back, and Cena still in the title picture they should have more options than Triple H vs Orton once again. Even if they had the match inside Hell in a Cell it wouldn't be fun to watch anymore.
So I'm hoping for Orton vs Cena, and maybe Triple H vs HBK if one of them decides to turn. I know that's not goin to happen but I'm trying to be optimistic. I like Orton as champion. I like his promos and the way he draws heat. I'd also like to see him feud with someone else for once.

As for Punk and Hardy.... *sigh*.
Only in WWE is the junkie cheered over the straightedge guy and the person leaving gets the bigger push than the person who's the future of the company.
WWE are making Punk look bad, not making him look like a person who should hold the title or be anywhere near the main event. And yet WWE will wonder why ratings will go down next time he's the champion.
I had no problem with letting Morrison get clean wins over Punk, cause I know that Morrison isn't going to get the title, Punk will beat him clean at whatever PPV. But making Hardy go over Punk just doesn't seem right. Once again Punk starts from square one.
I think it is well known by now that I think very little of Jeff Hardy and even less of Randy Orton.

Orton is so dull I can't even boo him and that is before I stopped watching him all together. I stopped watching him all together and started changing the channel when he came out or wrestled after he DDT'd Stephanie and kissed her. That storyline was descusting, tasteless, and just flat immoral in my opinion. I don't care how many times Randy Orton is written in as champion or how long he holds the belt I can not respect the character he has been given after that and the fact that Vince endorses that type of storyline is quite disturbing to me.

Then you have Hardy. The colorful yet more athletic, less loved, and less believable version of Mick Foley. At least Mick had a personality that is respectable. What is respectable about Jeff Hardy? Let me see.

1) That he was fired from both the WWE and TNA in less than a year?

2) That he has been so screwed up on drugs he couldn't hold his head on strait?

3) That he is known for jumping off several different objects from extremely high up?

4) That he refuses to inform the company he works for whether or not he will be returning so they can compensate by pushing and trying to establish a young talent to take his place?

5) That in his entire career he has not had a classic match that did not included a table, latter, or chair which makes his actual in ring ability without gimmicks with him questionable at best?

No, Jeff Hardy needs to do more to warrent the push that he has gotten and his status. In my opinion if Roddy Piper who is to this day a bigger star than Hardy will ever be was never given a chance to carry the ball then the overrated favorite of children 14 and under shouldn't either. Piper was arguably a better draw at one time than Hulk Hogan so why should someone that is far less of a performer and a draw be given what a legend such as Piper did not?

I know that might not be a fair comparison but it is a valid question. I think Piper proved that being loved or hated by the crowd didn't mean you had to carry the championship. So why when you have people like Piper that were great in the ring and on the mic yet never got the title and then you have Jeff Hardy who has shown to be a great Tag Team guy and pretty decent mid card wrestler but nothing more carry the ball.

To me Jeff Hardy being champion is like the WWE back when they had the Steiners, splitting them up and having Rick Steiner as the World Heavyweight Champion.

Yet then you have Cash Cow called John Cena which is the face of the WWE and Triple H which has been arguably the greatest wrestler of the new millenia and they both lose to a guy twice in a row that doesn't have the same type of skill as those two do and CM Punk who has enough potential to be a guy who can be a staple in the company for the next twenty years. Why not give them the chance to carry the ball again and make you more money as well as build a young reputation. Makes no sense to me.
I don't see how putting the tiltle on Jeff makes for a case of "did the wrong title change hands ?". Am I the only person who watched NOC and saw the immense reaction Jeff gets from the crowd ??

At this point in time, there is not a single wrestler who is more over with the fans than Jeff Hardy, so it can't possibly be a bad thing putting the belt on his waist, regardless of whether or not he has resigned.

This is what wrestling is all about. It's eventually giving the fans what they want because the fans buy tickets and buy merchandise. It's why Rey Mysterio still has a job. It's why HHH is a 13 time champion. And it's why John Cena will carry the WWE for the next 15+ years.

Plus, it adds so much in the way of story development for CM Punk's full fledged heel turn. He can continue to berate the Hardy marks, while making it seem like he genually cares about each and every one of them.

I didn't think Jeff had a chance in the world of winning the belt, but this was the best title change the "E" has made this year. Bravo !!
I didn't really care about Orton not losing the title to be honest but I definately think Punk should of held on to his. I think the WWE has really made him look like a weak heel by making him lose the title so quickly. Imagine how much heat he would of got had he held on to the title, whether it was a clean win or not..probably more heat if he won by pulling the tights or cheating some other way. Punk should definately of had a longer title reign...I just can't understand the logic behind him losing so quickly. My feeling was that Punk was being given a real push by creative to be a stronger heel. Oh well...I'll probably tune in smackdown and maybe we'll get some insight into this...
I really would much rather seen Cena get the belt and run into a challenge from the Miz for the belt or a returning HBK than see more of the same.

You assume that a Cena would fued with Miz or HBK. Miz as much as I like him and think he will be a star he's kinda lost a lot of momentum as of late due to his involvment in a poorly built up match at NOC, and the match that they did use to build it up he wasn't even in. As for Cena fueding with HBK it would be more likley that Orton would fued with a returning HBK than it would be for Cena. Another thing people are not taking into account is that Orton could continue to fued w/ Cena and NOT HHH for the 1,096,453 time.

To answer the question though is that I liked both title changes as i'm not a huge fan of Punk. I know I'm more than likely in the minority on this one but I just don't look at that guy and say man he looks like a world champ. I feel like he has to struggle to stay entertaining, that and i just happen to like Jeff more. As far as Orton goes it was the right move as long as he fueds with cena or HBK... NO MORE ORTON /HHH PLEASE LET IT BE OVER!!!!
unlike alot of u, im actuallly gonna answer the friggin question. i do think the wrong title switched last night. i actually enjoyed the ppv alot for the first time in a long time. the triple threat was great, and the world title match was even better. for those of you that say punk looked weak, im gonna ask u wat were u smokin last night and hit me up, because cm punk looked like a champion for the first time. the promo he cut, and the match had to have been his best so far in his career. he was so cocky wen he was whippin jeffs ass all over the place. i was pretty pissed wen jeff, but hey wat can u do. u guys are on these boards complainin like youre gonna shut wwe down, but then u watch it the next night. stop the complainin, no one cares, ur all the same person imo, and if ur try to attack me, it onl prove the validity of the previous statement, and makes u look like a cunt. plus im not gonna be on for a week so...
after what has transpired at NOC i have an opinion both pro and con on almost all the matches (i dont really care about the womens titles)


PROS: choosing big show as partner - builds more bigshow credibility, creates a nice rounded team with power and speed. this could be another mysterio batista, or Rvd kane type of tag team, a team that seemingly has it all, does very well holding the titles, brings prestige back to them, only to have this culminate into a future feud
CONS: had much higher hopes that jericho would be giving a rub to a mid carder by taking them under his tag team wing, with legacy losing this match they seem weaker, i believe legacy if built properly could be a dominating tag force in WWE


PROS: no offense dreamer has been a jobber to the stars for a long time now and im not a fan of title reigns out of pity, this continues to push christian til he one day hopefully hops to raw or smackdowns main event scene
CONS: didnt think dreamer would lose the title in philly, a mostly ECW supporting area, i feel this move may hurt the tuesday show simply because philly fans would be unhappy

PROS: great paring up for this match easy to continue the colon fued, the swagger mvp feud, and possibly a future miz kofi feud, this can allow for creative to mix and match the midcard so they can be sure they are pushing the right stars, kofi retaining also gives him much more credibility of being a champ, he has been thru triple threats, fatal four ways, and now a 6pack challenge
CONS: none really would have liked to see swagger win the us gold but im also looking forward to his mvp feud

PROS: ziggler gets a deserving rub by facing rey for the IC belt at the PPV, if this continues as a feud it would be great to eventually see ziggler as champ
CONS: in my opinion seemed to be slapped together last minute, i wish they were actually feuding a month or so before this match so there would be more back story, instead of just having ziggler attack mysterio after all his matches, the match to me felt empty

PROS: i did enjoy seeing orton get the stfu anf the sharp shooter simultaneously, i am glad cena and triple h are not champions again
CONS:...sigh...where to begin, its been said 934,708,521 times but im sick of cena and triple h and orton in the same f-ing fued, glad trips and cena are not champs but it would be nice for orton to not be also, throwing legacy in at the end is just setting up for more of the same old boring main events on raw. since orton is still champ that means that this thing will unfortunately continue. not to mention i like fresh matches this is the exact same match from wrestlemania...been there done that, how about something new

PROS: jeff hardy finally gets a title without getting screwed out of it shortly after...so far anyway
CONS: wtf!...i believe hardy is only champ right now because of the leverage he had with his contract resigning, with edge, and taker on smackdown out, and cm punk turning heel, there is no real face other than hardy in the main event scene so using that hardy resigned with a clause stating he will win the belt. this sucks because to solidify punk as a now full fledged heel he should have kept the title belt and continued his im better than you thing having the belt to prove it...now how the hell can he continue with that persona with nothing to back it up. this match was a disappointment hardy is great when chasing the title but when actually holding it he is only sub par

over all i im rather displeased with this ppv, the mid card was what had me entertained but the main events and the tag match i was severely disappointed
Even though I don't agree with Hardy winning, I can see why they would have that happen. If he is leaving, they will try to milk every last sale of merchandise they can out of him. Or else this is a way for them to try to get Hardy to stay.

I'm glad that Orton retained because I want to see a long title reign for him. Problem is they are running out of options. I can see a Cena/Orton match at Summerslam. Then HBK can return and him and Orton can feud for a couple of months. Same with Batista when he comes back and that gives Orton about four or five more months with the title. Cena and HHH can be busy feuding with Swagger, Miz, or Carlito and building them up.
I'm not trying to start any trouble, but I just wanted to ask this question. C.M. Punk has been in the WWE for three years, and he is already a 2-time World Champion and a former ECW Champion, among other championships. What we all know is that C.M. Punk cashed in his ''Money in the Bank'' briefcase both times to win his 2 World Titles.

When Punk lost the World Heavyweight Championship last year at Unforgiven, he was not even in the match and couldn't defend, due to a sneak attack on Punk, courtesy of The Legacy . C.M. Punk couldn't win back the title until this year's Extreme Rules ppv, where he cashed in the briefcase for the 2nd time.

I don't think I have to explain the differences between his two World Titles, but you know that there were many.

So, I ask the question: Did WWE make C.M. Punk drop the title to Jeff Hardy to make Punk look more legit? Other than the ECW Championship, Punk has yet to win the World Title without the feature of the ''Money in the Bank'' briefcase. But, even when he won the ECW Championship, he couldn't win it until his 4th try, which even then was done so that WWE could suspend John Morrison for his first strike.

But, now that C.M. Punk is no longer the World Heavyweight Champion, will this be the time that we see Punk winning the title without the ''Money in the Bank''? I mean, I know that Punk is capable of doing so, but I just haven't seen it. We are still not 100% sure that Jeff Hardy has resigned, so this will likely be another short reign. So will we see Punk regain the World Title, and prove that he is just like everyone else, and can win the World Championship in a more traditional manner, without the briefcase?

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