Did Ambrose Go Too Far?


Staff member
You may have noticed on Raw last night that Dean Ambrose may have made reference to Roman Reigns' cancer diagnosis.

Ambrose said: “We’re all gonna get what we deserve, I mean look at Roman. For Roman’s part and what Roman did in The Shield, he has to answer to the man upstairs. But what’s worse is you have to answer to me.”

There has been a lot of discussion as to whether Ambrose actually meant to make reference to Reigns' diagnosis but that's certainly how many feel within wrestling circles.

The question is, did Ambrose go too far or was it a slip of the tongue that may have been in bad taste but totally unintentional?
He absolutely meant it. He (understandably) just failed to get the line out convincingly. The only question is whether or not he was comparing his wrath to cancer or God.

Either way it was very grown up dialogue. Should create good heel heat. Something that we are not used to from the PG Era. Where else but professional wrestling do you get this type of stuff where drama meets violence meets reality?

Maybe those Real Housewives shows.

Either way, it wasn't too far until someone stricken with cancer or someone who knows someone with cancer finds out about it and gets upset.
It strikes me as desperate. A stronger person or better performer (or writer, or Vince, or whoever's decision it was) should be able to figure out how to get heat without going there, in my opinion. It's transparent to long-time fans; so, if the target was younger viewers, I say shame on them. I saw blood the last two nights and am fine with that, so I don't mean to come off as someone who is OVER-protective of what children see (I think they should be protected to a degree). In my opinion, it came across as lazy. I've read stories where a Neidhart-sunglasses type angle is seen as honoring those who have left us. That's for someone else to decide, not me. How people in "the business" or family members deal with such matters is their business. But, to go right for the cancer angle immediately after a heel turn reeked of desperation and, for anyone paying attention over the years, should have provided zero shock. It was more of an "annnd there it is" kind of reveal. In this day and age it is way too easy to offend people. Why someone in one part of the world gets their feelings hurt by a stranger in another part of the world, just because they're on TV, doesn't make sense to me. But, that's how a lot of weak people are these days. That being said, it seemed like a foolish risk. Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff-type heels...they could have offended people, but there was a "reward" to such measures, whether you agree with the premise or not, it brought in money. Does this stupid comment from Ambrose do anything but risk offending people? I just don't see it. But, as someone who just admitted he doesn't understand how many people today think, I could very well be wrong. To me, it was lame and desperate and showed zero effort.
I am new to this, I've been a fan since I was a kid in the 80s and I have kids that love it. To me I just don't understand why he'd memtion Roman at all he's always seemed to be the glue that held them together ,and was always on Deans side. That being said I believe he believe he crossed the line cancer isn't a storyline or an angle its very serious and honestly we don't want to think this but he could die from it. It shouldn't be used to generate heat. In my opinion.
Ah man can you imagine if Roman passes and Dean tells Seth how he'll be joining him in Hell? Ooowee all that heel heat Ambrose will get. Maybe this can culminate into a Casket Match or Buried Alive But With Cancer Match and we'll get to see how great their acting is. Superb of WWE for going the tactful road yet again and using real world tragedy to make us not like a character just a little bit more. They're doing all they can to wash away the stink of being low brow entertainment for sure.
It didn't bother me a bit because I know that this is all, 100% entertainment and I'm sure WWE asked Roman Reigns if it was alright just as they asked Jerry Lawler years back about having CM Punk and Paul Heyman "make fun" of him having a heart attack or with Paul Bearer's sons for using Bearer's death as a big part of the build to Punk's WrestleMania match against the Undertaker. Whenever WWE does something to be the least little bit edgy, some precious little snowflakes out there get their feelings hurt and I think it's a small example, among many, just how weak society is becoming.

Heels are supposed to be dirty, despicable, classless assholes that are supposed to do dirty, despicable, classless things and that's exactly the point of having Ambrose say it. I'm of the opinion that people need to stop with all the fake outrage nonsense over scripted entertainment television; they'll go onto Twitter or some other form of social media and gripe about this before binge watching Game of Thrones where some chick gets raped by her brother or some poor jerk gets their face eaten off by zombies in the Walking Dead or watch a bunch of gun running & drug dealing bikers kill people on the Mayans.

This wasn't some attack on people who have cancer or some pecker slap to the face of someone who's had someone die of cancer; it was a means to put some heat on a character that's despicable human being.
I don't understand why these type of lines/angles offend so many people. Never have. It's low-brow for sure, but offensive? Why? Seriously, why do fans get angry over these things when it's so painfully obvious that everybody actually involved has zero problem with it. Do they think that this is being done without Roman's permission or knowledge? I had the same thoughts when Eddie was used in the Rey/Orton feud, something that is still brought up as "disgusting" or "classless" to this day. I don't know if it's fake outrage or if people legitimately feel that they have more of a right to be offended than the target's best friends/family members, but some of the responses to these "controversies" just make me roll my eyes.

It takes a lot to offend me. I'm talking somebody calling my mother a crack****e. It amazes me that people nowadays can get so worked up over the most insignificant things. Must be fucking exhausting.
Ah man can you imagine if Roman passes and Dean tells Seth how he'll be joining him in Hell? Ooowee all that heel heat Ambrose will get. Maybe this can culminate into a Casket Match or Buried Alive But With Cancer Match and we'll get to see how great their acting is. Superb of WWE for going the tactful road yet again and using real world tragedy to make us not like a character just a little bit more. They're doing all they can to wash away the stink of being low brow entertainment for sure.

The current Rey Mysterio v Randy Orton feud reminded me of something.

Orton made a similar tasteless comment to get heat years ago when they feuded when he said "Rey, when you think of Eddie, you look to heaven. Well, Eddie ain't in heaven. He's down there.....IN HELL!!!!" , and that was done to iliicit major heel heat at the time.
Roman does not have cancer. It's a work to get him over as a face, and you're all falling for it. If it was legitimate, no way in HELL would they be mentioning it every single show.
haven't seen someone this stupid on here in awhile. Cancer IS NOT SOMETHING YOU FAKE. MORON.

This is a company that has faked murder on more than one occasion, as well as other deaths. They LITERALLY had a series built around the premise of faking suicide. You're completely blind if you don't see this as something WWE not only would do, but would have NO PROBLEM doing.

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