Devon's Destiny


Lord And Master
Staff member
Seems to be that he'll drop the title at first live Impact of this summer. TNA is releasing on their website a poll to select his opponent for this week's live show. Every day from today to Thursday a new possible opponent will be revealed. If you ask me, unless Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy end up on this pole, seems like the first choice is gonna be the only choice:


It's a very nifty thing TNA is doing here. I know they've done it to shady extents before, but I think it's nice. Even if it ends up being like those Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday deals where they had one choice that was almost impossible to go against in their polls. Hoping for other potential challengers to show up or are you giving up already and suiting up for the oncoming 5-star RVD vs Devon match? If Devon win's I'm gonna flip.
If he does lose it I hope it is to RVD the first choice. I was never a fan of Devon as tv champ. RVD could gives us more entertaining matches week in and week out if they defend it each week like they were supposed to. Either way I see Devon dropping it in this match.
Devon needs to drop it to a guy that we want to see on TV every week. I like Devon but not as TV Champ. Making the title holder have to defend it every week brought a lot of prestige to the championship. But..... I think the title holder should be either a young guy That has the capability of putting on great matches week in and week out and/or and guy that could possibly get the bump up to main event status in the near future.

I think the title holder should be Gunner or Crimson. Do not put it on a guy who has already elevated his self to main event status. I see no point in doing that. Gunner is a great choice because he hasn't been on TV regularly and this would be a great opportunity to get him back and we could see why he is Mr. Intensity. We all know Crimson will be in the main event scene sometime. Still undefeated over a year after his debut, has the look, Charisma, could use a little more improvement on the mic. But I think these 2 are the best bet on who to put the title on. Because TNA doesn't really have a Mid-Card title. If they think this is the mid-card title they have a odd way of showing it. But Gunner and Crimson could bring more prestige to this title and they could hold it for a nice amount of time. Unless they push Gunner to the main event status because I think he's more than ready.
Unless they push Gunner to the main event status because I think he's more than ready.

wait wait wait you think GUNNER is ready for main event? :lmao: gunner fucking sucks and is lucky to still have a job in TNA.

back on topic im hoping the other 3 possible challengers are reveled to be guys who arent on tv much but are talented and could use the push with the tv title or are in a rut and need the title win to give them a reason to be on tv all the time guys like crimson,doug williams and maybe magnus if him and joe are done as a team.

personally if the title change is happening here im hoping van dam or doug williams takes the title off him.
While I do like Devon his reign hasn't been all that. I think with the TV title being defended every week, reigns should be shorter than average, so we can get a bigger showcase of midcarders coming in and out. I hope he drops the title soon. Maybe he can tag with Garrett, that will give them both something to do and have another team in the division.

Cool they're revealing a new person every day. I wouldn't object to any of the following winning the title from Devon:

Pope (One can only dream...)
I still have traumatic experiences watching Impact attempting to believe that in the year 2012 Devon Dudley is a singles Champion in the second largest wrestling promotion in North America. Sometimes you may not like the decision but you must tip your hat and say not only has he done a good little job as Television Champion but Devon has re-established it somewhat. The idea to defend it weekly was genius. If they can place it on a good name people want to see, with a live setting they should be able to generate some weekly buzz around the title defense.

I'd love to see it being Rob Van Dam. Never thought about the possibility but considering he is the guy that made the ECW Television Championship a pretty respectable belt to hold in the late 90's. Business wise It'd get some adrenaline going in the title and the weekly defense, people like RVD and therefore people want to watch RVD. I have no issue with the idea, seems like a good one.
RVD could finally make it a mid card title.

Looks like we'll have tag matches with Devon and who cares vs Jersey Shore boys.
I've been an advocate of Devon's since he's won the TV title. IMO he has made it worth something defending it weekly, although I know the majority of IWC thinks the guy sucks. I wouldn't have a problem with RVD winning the title at all. But if Devon does lose it this week, he should still remain in the mix of being a mid card contender. Crimson could take the title, and maybe Gunner, buit neither really have a deep or cult following like RVD. My only problem with Devon's reign is that they keep putting him in contact with the Robbies, who I've said time and time again that are just drab at best. But overall Devon has done a commendable job as TV champ, so regardless if he drops the strap he'll still remain a mid card star IMO.
TNA just seems to throw RVD into every poll they have going. I hope they don't use him. He doesn't need it and the TV title should be used for putting people over. Get someone like Doug Williams back on TV and have him take it. He's a good enough wrestler to give us entertaining matches and he deserves the push that would come with it.
The only 2 people i think belong with the TV title are Magnus,& PoPe.They coulD defend there title everyweek & PPV's.Devon is a good vetran to have on the IW ROSTER, but he doesnt need a singles title. He should be putting youngsters like Magnus,Joe,Gunner, & PoPe over.Devon is a tag-team speacialist so let him share all his tag-team knowledge with Garrett Bishoff.Because if Garrett want's to last in this biz he needs to tag for 2-4 years,and who better to help him get over than Devon.

> 4 tv title
I also think the title will change hands this first live iMPACT. However, I'm surprised no one mentioned the possibility of Garrett Bischoff being the poll winner. The only reason I say that (it's not because people like him that's for sure) is I've never trusted these "fans vote" polls due to the unpredictability it puts on the wrestling company. Like someone said earlier, they're usually pretty one sided, however, until we see the other competitors it's hard to say if RVD will win by a landslide. And they also teased this match last week when Bischoff was called out by Devon to have the title match that was eventually interrupted by the Robbie's. Not saying it's going to happen, just throwing out the possibility.
The second choice has been revealed:


This is making things pretty interesting for the once insignificant belt. There's now 2 former World Champions lined up as potential challengers. I still feel RVD is the most likely winner of the poll, but with Anderson as the 3nd choice Jeff Hardy as the 3rd isn't all that farfetched. It might be overkill, but Hardy is one very popular cat. If he does end up with the final spot, I'd much rather have him as new TV Champion than RVD or Anderson. More profit and reward and Hardy wouldn't have to be losing to Roode constantly due to Sting and Storm being higher priorities in creative. Either way though, the current choices are great if the idea is to make the belt mean something.
Devon, I always felt was sort of like the strong, aging veteran guy in sports where a team signs him to carry the load by essentially being the voice of reason and the name to follow for all the younger guys behind him. If his "destiny" is anything, it would seem to me that the most logical decision would be for Devon to give that to an up-and-comer, but at the same time the TV Title doesn't necessarily mean all that much as it is, and as such is in need of an even stronger vet, so RVD is my choice, if given the opportunity.
I dismissed this idea when I heard it, because it sounded way too much like some "Cyber Sunday" gimmick to create interest in the TV title. Now it looks like they're actually trying to make it a real championship again. Looks like Devon is going to be spending the next several months pushing people who Creative Has Nothing For, which is about the interest level that Devon stokes in people.

Expect AJ Styles to get added to this list; in fact, he's the closest thing to a lock. The fourth spot is murkier, but I'd say AA, just so that his name is in conversation with bigger and better things. (Unless this is *actually* an honest fan poll, which I strongly doubt.)
RVD shouldn't be in this poll. He has done his TV title thing in 1995. That's 17 years ago. RVD is one of the biggest names TNA has on their roster, and although he has been phoning it in since day one, TNA has failed to properly promote him since he lost the belt in that slasher horror movie stupid way.

If they did promote him as one of the top guys, then maybe he would pull his socks up and start given decent performances. Giving him a TV title run I don't think will do anything for TNA or the belt or anything else. And I'll go against the grain to say that Devon has a done a great job in stabilising what a horrendous title the Legends/Global/TV belt has been since it's inception.

I would vote for Pope and Magnus as I beleive they are the future. Magnus has the look, he ahs the mic skills and his in ring gets better with every match. I love that they gave him the title in Ring Ka King and that TNA should start giving him the push he deserves. If there is anyone in TNA that the WWE would sign it would be this guy, and TNA should do everything to build him up.

Instead they give undefeated streaks to talentless Crimson, victories over World Champions to the charisma black hole Gunner, and World title runs to the most overrated wrestler in the last decade in Mr Anderson.
Obviously it seems that everyone is disappionted in Devon's title run :disappointed:, it seems that he will always be one half of Team 3D and nothing more. Its true though, he has little fanfare and he is just a brawler which isn't enough to be the upstart TNA needs to give the title picture a good kick in the ass. TNA suggests that they know Devon is drowning in the division and they are trying to spice it up. I respect that TNA is attempting to fix up the title's image and I will be watching to see where its headed. The input of popular superstars is a good idea that will turn some heads and give the division some fans. After the big stars and everything then they can insert new talent and build new stars.Others and I will be interested in who the next pick is.

;) Hopefully Jeff Hardy ;)

Yeah I know I sound like a little fanboy so what :icon_rolleyes:
I'm calling it right now.

AJ Styles is one of the picks.
He wins it.

Then Daniels/Kaz cost him the match, keeping the belt on D-Von. and Angle runs in for the save, furthering the tag title fued and sadly leaving D-Von as the reigning TV Champion.
The final four men available for this match are Mr. Anderson, RVD, Jeff Hardy and Robbie E.

Call me crazy, but I doubt anyone will vote for Robbie E. over that group, but that assumes this is actually a public vote, which I'm not really certain of.

My money at this point is on Jeff Hardy, but I don't see how you can really go wrong with any of the three ment, all of whom would help to add some serious star power to a title in dire need of it.
If you ask me, unless Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy end up on this pole, seems like the first choice is gonna be the only choice:

Look what you gone and did. You gone and jinxed it!


It will be a pretty big upset if Jeff Hardy doesn't win this. Anderson and RVD are hardly small fry, and both are legitimate choices, but in terms of sheer popularity, Hardy is well above them. This is assuming either A) this is a genuine poll and the results will actually determine who faces Devon or B) TNA wants to give the impression that this is a genuine poll and the results will actually determine who faces Devon. The only way we'll definitely know it's bollocks is if Robbie E wins it.

Of the little I've seen of Devon as champion, I have to admit I've been... reluctantly impressed. He doesn't blow my mind, but he's put on higher quality matches than I'd ever have expected him to and I've never felt the need to read a book or *********e instead of watching his match.

On the other hand, Hardy, Van Dam, Anderson - three men that I'd rather see defending a championship on television every week.

Yup. Sam said it. Jeff Motherfucking Hardy is the last choice. And the poll just opened. He's who I'm voting for. Why? He's uber-popular, fun to watch and I wanna see him every week. RVD too, but RVD doesn't go to the ring with his eyes closed. I wanna see if Hardy someday trips walking while showing those painted eyeballs of his.

"One, more, shot/And then I'm over and out/Gonna show those non-believers what I'm talking about!"
If the voting is actually legit, then I don't see how Hardy won't get this. Anderson & RVD would certainly be better than Robbie E.

Like IDR, I'm not all that certain of the legitimacy of the voting. It seems so odd that someone like Robbie E, who is pretty much the last rung on the TNA ladder, is included in the voting against three former multiple time World Champions and main eventers. I know he's sort of had something of a "feud" going with Devon, which makes it all the more strange that they'd include guys of those caliber rather than other guys more on the same level with Robbie E.

Because of that, I just have a bad feeling that it's going to be Robbie E that miraculously gets the votes. It might seem like such a stupid thing for TNA to do, such an OBVIOUSLY stupid thing, that there's no logical reason that it'll be Robbie E. If TNA wants people to buy into the public voting aspect of this, then Robbie doesn't need to be the guy. The fact that someone like Rob Terry could be a higher ranked contender for the TNA WHC over Kurt Angle during the days of the TNA Ranking System that up, so hopefully TNA has learned from that mistake.
If the voting is actually legit, then I don't see how Hardy won't get this. Anderson & RVD would certainly be better than Robbie E.

Like IDR, I'm not all that certain of the legitimacy of the voting. It seems so odd that someone like Robbie E, who is pretty much the last rung on the TNA ladder, is included in the voting against three former multiple time World Champions and main eventers. I know he's sort of had something of a "feud" going with Devon, which makes it all the more strange that they'd include guys of those caliber rather than other guys more on the same level with Robbie E.

Because of that, I just have a bad feeling that it's going to be Robbie E that miraculously gets the votes. It might seem like such a stupid thing for TNA to do, such an OBVIOUSLY stupid thing, that there's no logical reason that it'll be Robbie E. If TNA wants people to buy into the public voting aspect of this, then Robbie doesn't need to be the guy. The fact that someone like Rob Terry could be a higher ranked contender for the TNA WHC over Kurt Angle during the days of the TNA Ranking System that up, so hopefully TNA has learned from that mistake.

This poll opens a world of opportunities. For one thing, Hardy, Anderson and RVD are lost in translation after their feuds ended at Sacrifice. It seems TNA put those 3 there with the idea of finding something for them. Robbie seems like filler no doubt. Seriously, is there anyone in the TNA roster that could match these 3 besides AJ, James Storm and Angle? Who knows. Maybe we'll get Hardy vs RVD vs Anderson in a 3 Way at Slammaversary. Or even King of the Mountain with all 5 of these gentlemen. There's far more for TNA to gain by doing a real poll here than making us believe Robbie E somehow got more votes than 3 of the most popular names in TNA's history.
I honestly feel Robbie E will cost Devon the title.

If this is a genuine fan poll then there's no way Robbie E would win, he's up against Jeff Hardy, RVD and Mr Anderson, guys who are far more over than he is. However I see him costing Devon the title to carry on his fued (if you can call it that) with Devon.

Honestly minus Robbie E, I wouldn't mind any of these three guys having the match. Personally I think Anderson needs it more than Hardy or RVD though. He hasn't really done anything of note recently, Hardy's hugely over as he is and RVD is the same.
It seems so odd that someone like Robbie E, who is pretty much the last rung on the TNA ladder, is included in the voting against three former multiple time World Champions and main eventers

Maybe it's for them to see how how popular Robbie E is? Since his debut he has consistently been on our TV's.

I honestly feel Robbie E will cost Devon the title.

If this is a genuine fan poll then there's no way Robbie E would win, he's up against Jeff Hardy, RVD and Mr Anderson, guys who are far more over than he is. However I see him costing Devon the title to carry on his fued (if you can call it that) with Devon.

Yes this could indeed happen, then you could have a tag teaming feud, the Robbies vs Devon and Garrett.

Anyway I was torn between Hardy and RVD, but settled on Hardy.
I honestly feel Robbie E will cost Devon the title.

If this is a genuine fan poll then there's no way Robbie E would win, he's up against Jeff Hardy, RVD and Mr Anderson, guys who are far more over than he is. However I see him costing Devon the title to carry on his fued (if you can call it that) with Devon.

Honestly minus Robbie E, I wouldn't mind any of these three guys having the match. Personally I think Anderson needs it more than Hardy or RVD though. He hasn't really done anything of note recently, Hardy's hugely over as he is and RVD is the same.


There's no way TNA could try and convince people Robbie E. would actually win this poll. There'd practically be a fan mutiny. However, Robbie E. would be the perfect person to help whoever wins the poll (likely Hardy) take the belt off of Devon.

This would also be a great way to keep Bischoff down on the card yet still in some sort of feud. A tag team feud of the Robbie's vs. Devon and Garrett has already been set up by last weeks episode.

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