Dennis Rodman wants the Nobel Peace Prize


King Of The Ring
Or at least to finish in the top three. And the scariest part is that he seems completely serious about it.

Although former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright promised to never play basketball if Dennis Rodman promised to never do politics, Rodman pushes on in his attempts to broker peace and a meeting between North Korean President Kim Jung-Un and U.S. President Barack Obama. Rodman, who is the first American to meet privately with the North Korean President, had the following to say about him:

Fact is, he hasn’t bombed anywhere he’s threatened to yet. Not South Korea, not Hawaii, not … whatever. People say he’s the worst guy in the world. All I know is Kim told me he doesn’t want to go to war with America. His whole deal is to talk basketball with Obama. Unfortunately, Obama doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. I ask, Mr. President, what’s the harm in a simple phone call? This is a new age, man. Come on, Obama, reach out to Kim and be his friend.
Rodman visited North Korea in March, bringing the Harlem Globetrotters with him to play North Korea's team. Rodman acknowledged that he had never heard of Jung-Un before his visit, but had dinner, sang karaoke, and drank with the North Korean president. Regarding the meeting, he said:

"Before the trip, I didn’t know Kim Jong-un from Lil’ Kim. I didn’t know what country he ruled or what went on in the country he ruled. Now? He's really awesome and a friend for life."
And people questioned Rodman's sanity before...Anyways...

Rodman's hope, in brokering the friendship with Jung-Un, is to garner the release of Kenneth Bae, a United States citizen and tour guide who was arrested while leading a tour in North Korea, accused of attempting to overthrow the government. Bae is now in a labor camp, serving 15 years. If successful, Rodman's eyes are on that peace prize.

"My mission is to break the ice between hostile countries. Why it’s been left to me to smooth things over, I don’t know. Dennis Rodman, of all people. Keeping us safe is really not my job; it’s the black guy’s [Obama's] job. But I’ll tell you this: If I don’t finish in the top three for the next Nobel Peace Prize, something’s seriously wrong."

Rodman's clearly nuts, right? But like Chris Jericho said in his first book, regarding a match Rodman had in WCW:
"He fell asleep on the apron waiting for his tag, but he's had sex with Carmen Electra and I haven't, so he's the better man."

Thoughts on Dennis Rodman, his friendship with Kim Jong-Un, and his desire for the Noble Peace Prize? What if he IS successful in getting Bae released?
Rodman may be suffering from delusions of grandeur to a degree, but I must ask- who are the other candidates? Frankly I think people have been much too harsh on Rodman for befriending Kim Jong-Un. We're supposed to love our enemy.

If I can just put a toe on the soapbox real quick: I believe that part of what's wrong with our world is our unwillingness to compromise, forgive, and love-- even when the person or persons we're dealing with are guilty of heinous crimes, which Kim Jong-Un unquestionably is. I mean I see people on here who can't even budge when discussing professional wrestling for Pete's sake. What chance do we stand as a global community when current adults and teens who'll one day be adults don't know how to compromise over something so trivial? One of my trademarks is "I'll agree to disagree." I've let so many petty arguments go, not just on here but over my whole life, I'd be richer than Qatar's royal family if I had a nickel for each. Yet everyday, on here, at work, on television, I see people who just refuse to budge, refuse to forgive, and act like the world is theirs and theirs alone. It's sad, and in concert with a lot of other cracks in the facade, it'll aid in our collective downfall if we don't pull our heads out.

Okay, maybe more than a toe on the box, but I feel those words were warranted. Anyway, North Korea is an isolated, backwards, and dangerous state. Yet only a handful of people, most notably one flamboyant Hall of Fame basketball player, seems willing to try to be their friend. North Korea is the weird, shy kid in school who ends up going on a shooting rampage. Rodman is just trying to be the one guy who's part of the cool clique that is willing to sit with this weird kid and say, "Hey man, I don't care if you're weird and smell funny and do mean things, I'll play basketball with you if you want." Rodman may not deserve a Nobel Prize, but maybe he should be in the discussion. At least he's done something. A lot of folks will mock him from the comfort of their homes, not acknowledging the sad fact that they haven't reached out to anyone or tried to compromise with and even grow to love their enemies.
Would that be the same Nobel Peace Prize that Obama won without doing jack shit? Lets stop pretending like this award means anything anymore. Dennis Rodman wouldn't even be the most ridiculous winner, not when Yassir Arafat is counted among its winners. If he is responsible for getting Bae released, he has already done more for global peace than certain recent winners have. Look, the award is a joke, if Rodman wins it, it isn't like its reputation could possibly be tarnished more than it already is.
Would that be the same Nobel Peace Prize that Obama won without doing jack shit? Lets stop pretending like this award means anything anymore. Dennis Rodman wouldn't even be the most ridiculous winner, not when Yassir Arafat is counted among its winners. If he is responsible for getting Bae released, he has already done more for global peace than certain recent winners have. Look, the award is a joke, if Rodman wins it, it isn't like its reputation could possibly be tarnished more than it already is.

I was just about to post this and I'll also add Al Gore to that list (not that what he did wasn't worthwhile, it's just that it had fuck all to do with the true spirit of the Nobel Peace Prize). Hell, I'd even argue that Rodman winning the prize might bring it back some esteem.
With the human right violations committed by Kim Jung-Un against his own people, I wonder how hesitant he'd be to turn on the citizens of other countries, including ours.

Some folks say that extending the hand of friendship to this guy might just heal everything.....and the reason we don't know for sure is because no one has tried.

Maybe they're right....or maybe this guy would be playing us for the biggest suckers in creation. He's trying to develop nuclear weapons, that we know. One might ask: what for? If he claims it's to defend his country, I'd want to ask who exactly has been attacking them.

That Dennis Rodman didn't even know who Kim Jung-Un was until he made this trip is rather telling, no? Wouldn't it presume he didn't know about the atrocities the man has continued from his father's time? Given his professed ignorance, is he the person to act as our envoy, much less honor with the Nobel Prize?

You might point out that Rodman & the Globetrotters were allowed to go home. I'd say there wasn't much to be gained by holding them. But to have Kim Jung-Un use the occasion to pretend to "negotiate" for peace..... now there's a pawn in the chess game that might provide a telling advantage.

Trust him?

Forget it.

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