Death Before Dishonor VIII


WZ Sexual Panther
I'm calling it now. The best PPV I have ever seen. Maybe the best PPV in the past decade, and easily better than anything WWE has presented in the past 5-6 years. TNA, well once the X Division went to shit that was it for that company.

But seriously, top to bottom just amazing. I really can't find the words. Now I'm not a ROH mark, this was my first time ordering an ROH PPV. And I have been a WWE fan all my life. But after tonight and with the current state of WWE and TNA, ROH is the new number one promotion IMO based on the matches the present.

The opening match, Generico and Steen had some amazing spots. Generico diving in between the first and second turnbuckle from the outside of the ring, to the other side to tornado DDT Steen. I know sounds impossible. Steen turning a suplex into a package piledriver?

I'm not gonna post every detail about every match. All i'm gonna say is that if you consider yourself a wrestling fan, and you havent seen this PPV. Your lying. It really is that good. Honestly. If you think it sucks or wasent that good, then be happy with your WWE Crap.

Thoughts for people who saw it?
Seeing how many people are raving about the Steen vs Generico, I'm really mad that i missed half the PPV and how my stream kept on lagging with my bad internet connection.

All the matches I saw kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat and (not trying to be an anti-mainstream mark) were some of the best I've ever seen. It was one of the first time in a while that I was bummed out on seeing the wrestler I was rooting for lose in such amazing battles.

Even two instances in the intermissions kept me entertained from Generico choking Steen the same way Danielson choked Justin Roberts to the crowd chanting "LET'S GO BROOM MAN" and "YOU SWEPT UP" when the cleaning guy was uhm cleaning up.

Overall, I havn't been entertained watching a wrestling event in a while. Great show and hope to see more of it.
I've always wanted to watch a ROH PPV, but as I live in England, I can't watch the weekly show on TV. I've seen highlights of matches especially involving the Young Bucks, so I decided to spend roughly £10 on the event.
The opening match of Steen v Generico was incredible, with the pre match promo of Steen saying he's going to kill El heightening my anticipation for the event. The next couple of matches were OK, and I didn't 'get' the Toronto gauntlet thing.
Omega vs Daniels was excellent and rejuvenated my interest in the PPV. I've seen a lot of Daniels' matches, but never any of Omega's, so I was pleasently suprised with his ability in the ring.
The next two matches though simply blew my mind. I've heard a lot about the Tag teams in ROH, so to see two of the top teams [so i've heard] go up against each other with plenty of big spots and blood in a NO DQ match was awesome, and I hope to watch a lot more of them.
Then came Tyler Black vs Davey Richards. I'd heard that Richards is retiring, so I knew if I didn't catch one of his matches sooner, then it would be too late. And were we in for a treat. A true match of the year candidate with great athleticism, wrestling ability, near falls, skill, ring savvy and a great ending to a great PPV.
I find it hard to believe that it was $15 compared to a WWE PPV's price of $50? Well, I doubt that Fatal 4 Way can top this tonight, but it was great to watch a wrestling PPV and remind me why I'm a wrestling fan.
I'd hate to be an ROH fan in England. But even in the US, or at least where I live I still need a cable box just to see HDnet, which is an extra 30 bucks a month which I cant offord. They need a tv deal and their ppv's need to be televised.
This show was amazing!

I am actually going to the July Pay per view and even more excited after watching this!

I wonder if we'll get Davey vs Black II in Chicago!

Also I'm interested in seeing what they do with the Kings and Briscoes for next month. Do you think they'll end it or continue the storyline?
I've always wanted to watch a ROH PPV, but as I live in England, I can't watch the weekly show on TV. I've seen highlights of matches especially involving the Young Bucks, so I decided to spend roughly £10 on the event.
The opening match of Steen v Generico was incredible, with the pre match promo of Steen saying he's going to kill El heightening my anticipation for the event. The next couple of matches were OK, and I didn't 'get' the Toronto gauntlet thing.
Omega vs Daniels was excellent and rejuvenated my interest in the PPV. I've seen a lot of Daniels' matches, but never any of Omega's, so I was pleasently suprised with his ability in the ring.
The next two matches though simply blew my mind. I've heard a lot about the Tag teams in ROH, so to see two of the top teams [so i've heard] go up against each other with plenty of big spots and blood in a NO DQ match was awesome, and I hope to watch a lot more of them.
Then came Tyler Black vs Davey Richards. I'd heard that Richards is retiring, so I knew if I didn't catch one of his matches sooner, then it would be too late. And were we in for a treat. A true match of the year candidate with great athleticism, wrestling ability, near falls, skill, ring savvy and a great ending to a great PPV.
I find it hard to believe that it was $15 compared to a WWE PPV's price of $50? Well, I doubt that Fatal 4 Way can top this tonight, but it was great to watch a wrestling PPV and remind me why I'm a wrestling fan.

I've heard some raving reviews about the show also. I really want to check it out.

But as for ROH not being available where you live, do you not have youtube? ROH weekly shows are broadcasted on youtube every week for those who don't have the HDNet station which is lots of people. All you have to do is type ROH hdnet in the search box and you'll see some of the episodes.

But overall I'm happy for ROH. It looks like there position in wrestling is identical to the TNA on FSN days when they were young and hungry and putting on stellar ppvs.
I've heard some raving reviews about the show also. I really want to check it out.

But as for ROH not being available where you live, do you not have youtube? ROH weekly shows are broadcasted on youtube every week for those who don't have the HDNet station which is lots of people. All you have to do is type ROH hdnet in the search box and you'll see some of the episodes.

But overall I'm happy for ROH. It looks like there position in wrestling is identical to the TNA on FSN days when they were young and hungry and putting on stellar ppvs.

Yeah sure I have YouTube, but I also have mobile broadband, and the PPV killed a load of my allowance.
I hope they get a TV deal in the UK, as they actually used to have one until The Fight Network got closed down here. The have the best variety of wrestling on show today, and they deserve to go mainstream.
I'll be honest with you, I've only been an ROH fan since March, but after ordering this iPPV, it only made me a ROH fan even more. The Tyler Black Vs. Davey Richards main event was one of the greatest matches I have EVER seen. They put on a clinic man lol...

Kenny Omega Vs. Christopher Daniels was awesome too as well as the Kevin Steen Vs. El Generico match. The Kings Of Wrestling Vs. The Briscoes was good, but I thought the booking of the match could've been better. All four guys getting busted open in the most obvious, contrived way? That didn't work for me. It was unnecessary IMO.
I havent been an ROH fan for that long either. After DBD8 I cant get enough of it. Personally I think the Briscoes fued will continue and I have a feeling Davey will lose in a rematch with Tyler right before he is going to leave

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