Dean Ambrose's worked punches

I am a big Dean Ambrose fan and so I do like every move he does because it validates his lunatic persona. The punch-chop combo is good enough.

While speaking of his predictable moveset, itsnot Dean's fault. I have seen Ambrose's outside of WWE matches and he does possess a good arsenal of moves but isn't allowed to show his full potential.

As for his booking, Since the onstart of Royal Rumble ppv, his booking has really got better. His match with Owens and Royal Rumble match was booked rightly. I am happy that he is no more just a sidekick of Reigns and is getting a big feud with Brock at Wrestlemania. Although he will surely lose this feud, Yet he will benefit from performing with Brock. Just curious about when he will grab the ultimate belt.

I love the dirty deeds for some reason that I hate Ambrose completely. Only 2 others I hate worse than ambrose is Charlotte and Ric Flair. Many many reasons for those 2 lol
A lot of people are ridiculous. This is WRESTLING. Do you ACTUALLY want Dean Ambrose to drop someone LITERALLY on his head with Dirty Deeds? They're using fake moves, and the Dirty Deeds looks smooth enough to suspend disbelief. A lot of you people complain about stupid shit, and have far too much time to be critical of fake moves that don't look REALISTIC enough. Get over it. Maybe the problem is you just aren't invested enough in the product anymore, and can't suspend disbelief and simply ENJOY watching wrestler anymore. Everyone has to be a critical, watch matches and study every detail like they're professional critics. You're not.

I agree, some of us do get far too nitpicky sometimes, its part of the downside of our Internet culture these days, everyone is a critic with a platform to complain now for better or worse. Maybe the company should do a better job of getting the fans invested again, maybe some of us shouldn't care so much, but it's hard to eat it up with a smile when they book things the way they do. Fans have a right to complain when the product is garbage, and this isn't just wrestling it's entertainment and sports across the board. Some fans go too far with the complaints but that doesn't absolve the producers of a show or management of a sports team of any blame when things are executed poorly.
I seem to recall attending a few shows over in England when Cena was hitting the main event. It was pretty much nailed on that as soon as he started throwing his dreadful looking punches part of the crowd would start to turn, and the boos only grew as time went on and other amazingly unrealistic moves that took you out of the moment were added to his repertoire.

I don't think Ambrose has it in him to be a Cena level star but he's definitely got charisma to spare but, for me, his punches (and that daft mid-rope clothesline thing he does) are complete shite. I can be really enjoying his matches and when either of those things happen, I switch off a bit (which ironically is a lot how Triple H made me react in 96-early 98 so hopefully Dean can sort that shite out).

Also seeing him in the ring with Lesnar and Reigns made me notice how...normal...his physique looked compared to theirs....I'm not saying I want him to be a ripped Superman type dude but even Daniel Bryan (a smaller guy than Ambrose) had a helluva lot more definition that Dean.

Plus, for a lunatic, shouldn't Dean give less of a shite about wins and loses and just go for enjoying fighting (kinda like Austin at first) as that's the Dean I enjoy.

I do fear for his health if he tries to land a soft punch on Lesnar at Mania, could see Brock upping the stiffness level to make sure there's no lack of realism in their match.

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