Dead Space...2!


Staff member
That's right, ladies and gentlemen. EA have announced that a sequel to the surprisingly good survival horror game will be developed for XBOX 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. With that in mind, I cannot help but be excited about the prospect of seeing some more games that I genuinely enjoyed playing, coming back to give us more of the same. First we have heard that CrackDown 2 will be coming our way soon and now this...

The first game was quite good. I have no idea what possessed me to pick it up but I do recall that it was reduced in price very quickly and I think I eventually got it for around £20m which is not too shabby, to be honest. My hope is that the sequel to the game will be infinitely better. Not to say that the original was a bad game because it definitely wasn't. I am very excited about this game but as it so far away, nothing much is released to whet out appetites. However, what do you guys think it will bring to the table and what did you think of the first one? Will this game be an improvement?
Yeah, I enjoyed the first game alot. But it got a tad repetitive after a while. And being constantly told to shoot them in the limbs got a bit annoying. But apart from that, it was a damn fine game. But I think they really need to expand on the second game. The gameplay is a bit unoriginal, standard FPS fare, really. It needs something to just make it stand out. They need new enemies too, I got sick of those enemies with their weak limbs...

Either way, it definately has potential. Visceral Games are a talented bunch of people and EA is keeping an eye on them to make sure the game is as good as, if not better, than the first. Definately one to watch going into 2010.
It has better be a totally revamped game because let me tell you something. Dead Space one, although it was enjoyable, was incredibly similar to any Sci Fi horror game you could possibly find me. Dark empty ship? Check. Disgusting aliens? Check. Flimsy plot line with mentions of the protagonists wife? Check.

The game was just seemingly the same as a game like Doom 3 or System Shock 2, and I've heard arguments of how scary it was. It didn't scare as such, just startle you, and it sort of just abandoned any of the creepy build up that a game like Silent Hill would have. The dismemberment was something fresh though, and the anti gravity was cool also, but I'd really like to see them take this and completely seperate themselves away from the stereotypes. If it's not too much trouble.

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