CSI Courting a New Lead


Houston's Hometown Hero
Laurence Fishburne is in talks to replace William Petersen as the star of CBS' veteran crime drama "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."

The search for a new lead has been shrouded in secrecy, but sources say Fishburne is being heavily courted to play the new character, described as a doctor/scientist outsider to the CSI unit who has the same genetic profile as a serial killer but hasn't previously acted on any homicidal impulses.

Fishburne, an Oscar nominee for "What's Love Got to Do With It," had been mentioned as one of the "CSI" producers' top choices for the role, along with John Malkovich and Kurt Russell

I, foir one, would love to see Lawrence Fishburne as the new CSI lead. He has the dep voice, the calm and yet cold demeanor, and the acting grace to not only pull off the role but to take it to the next level.

John Malkovich, however, I cannot see. Even though he did a pretty good job playing Cyrus The Virus in the movie Con Air, it's just something about him that I find to be annoying. I don't think that a calm and laid back role like this would suit his style. He's more of an amped up type and his voice doesn't say "cool" and "calm" to me.

Kurt Russel, well he could go either way. I've seen him in the calm and calculating roles and have seen him overact at times. But it's television. So there might not be as much pressure to make a hit. Especially on a show that
already holds its own in the ratings week in and week out.

But if you could pick someone, anyone, to take the lead role of the original, Vegas based, CSI, who would you pick and why?
I personally like the idea of Lawrence Fishburne. That guy in the Matrix was excellent. He is a good acter that makes you "beliave" He would be the best bet to fit in this role. with the same profile as a serial killer? I think that Fushburne could pull this off greatly and it could be what makes me start watching CSI again.

I can not think of anybody better then Lawrence to take this lead. He has been Quiet for a while now. As you said, he has the ability to play the Cool Calm and Collective card. I cnt wait until they put him on and start making good episodes again
Yes, Fishburne has come a long way since his earlier days. I remember when he starred in Apocalypse Now as a young actor. He didn't have a huge role, but it was still meaningful and had quite the impact. And to believe, for years he was Cowboy Curtis on the kid's show, Pee Wee's Playhouse and I thought nothing of it. The same with Morgan Freeman on The Electric Company. But then, when I saw him in such critically acclaimed movies as Deep Cover and Boyz In The Hood, I knew that he was something special. It had nothing to do with the writing of the movie as they were both pretty basic. But his portrayal of the characters that he was signed to play was extraordinary. I don't currently watch CSI, but it might be worth watching if he takes on the part.
So I thinks its been confirmed that fishburne will be the new lead on the show. While I think he is a good fit and could bring so mystery to the new character, Im worried that CSI has finally jumped the shark. With Jorja & Gary both leaving the show and now Peterson, I fear the ratings will fall. Hopefully Fishburne can take this new part and make it his own so the fans will forget grishim, and not see a void but a new beginning.
I occasionally watched CSI: Las Vegas and I must say that Warrick and Grisham made the show for me. Now that Warrick and Grisham are gone, I don't see how the show will increase in ratings. Fishbourne is a good actor, but I don't know if he's going to have the same appeal that Gill had. Plus, Fishbourne said that he has never seen any of the CSI's. So how is he going to get a feel for the show so quickly if he's never seen it? I don't want to be too negative and I want to give this change a chance first, but at first glance it doesn't look too good.
What happened to Grissom? Pretty much one of the awesomest characters ever written for any TV show I've seen. Did he get killed in the show or something? I haven't watched regular TV in some months and in Norway, the show is pretty much on a two-year tape-delay basis anyway.

But Laurence Fishburne could do a great job. He's the zen master of engaging and ass-kicking "cool n' cold" guy acting. I've never seen him on a television show, though. I wonder if that changes anything. Probably not. But at least he's lucky enough to have no chance in hell of being the worst CSI main character - Gary Sinise as that Mack guy on CSI: New York sucked ass, as did the whole series.

John Malkovich...basically, I don't like Malkovich's acting. That "Being John Malkovich" was a cool, original and hilarious film, but as an actor, he lacks charisma. You might say he has bad mic skills, but then I'd have to kill you for overdoing it with the wrestling analogies.

Kurt Russell. You're kidding right? He can play one kind of character and one kind only - the cool bad-ass good/bad guy character. He does it well, but I've once seen him do another kind of role - let's just say it didn't work out. Nope, Russell ain't gonna work.

I'd like to see Angus Macfadyen, personally. He can play intense oddball characters. He doesn't have the look of a CSI guy though...but they should bring him in on the CSI team to replace Warrick or something. He kicks ass. Now, if you seriously know who the heck Angus Macfadyen is, you get a medal from...someone, anyway.

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