Crossovers: WWE To WCW


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This is going to be the first of many in the wrestling section. Basically, what I want to know is who do you think made the best transition from company to company. I'll have more of these trying to cover all the bases between ECW, WCW, WWE, and TNA.

I think, without a doubt, that Kevin Nash made the best transition from WWE to WCW. Hogan made a smooth transition, but got wore out his welcome quickly, and only got his feet planted after joining the nWo. I know he had a title before then, but he never really seemed like a WCW wrestler until then.

Nash, on the other hand, went from WWE main eventer, to WCW main eventer. The Wolfpac and the nWo were his babies, and it can be argued that the nWo was the most successful stable in wrestling history. He had a great feud with HBK over the WWE Title, and then ended Goldberg's streak in WCW.

He dominated his opponents in both companies, and there was never a sign of slowing down after the move. That's what makes the switch for him more successful than Hogan's.
Hogan. The guy single handedly made WCW relevant. For all of the blind Flair love that he gets (IF you've read the Rise and Fall of WCW book, you know exactly what I'm talking about) about being the heart and soul and the reason of WCW success, the truth lies in the power of Hulkamania. The man was the sole reason why WCW was a success, and the sole reason why WCW began to demolish the WWE and nearly put them out of business. Hogan proved in the mid 90's that he was a bigger commodity then the WWE itself.
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I would say Jeff Jarrett was huge! He went from getting beat by Chyna for the IC title in the WWF to the next night jumping on Nitro. He soon rose to the top and become the Champ.... I think the fact he got pushed in WCW, it helped establish his name. Now he's the founder of TNA... In the WWF he was quite forgetable except for Debra and the puppies. haha... Nash and Hogan were good ones but the biggest change to legend status IMO is Jarrett.
"Macho Man" Randy Savage. He'd spent his later WWE career as a commentator and wrestling against lower mid-card performers such as Doink the Clown and Repo Man, and his last feud was with Crush which was completely forgettable.

Upon his arrival to WCW, he'd aligned himself with the likes of Hogan and Sting, and a great feud with Flair. In the few years since his arrival, he'd become a four time world champion, won the 60-man battle royal and put Diamond Dallas Page, a future world champion on the map as a legit main-eventer.

While Nash did well for himself in the WWE, he left the company on top and entered WCW at the top. Savage left WWE as a mid-card colour commentator to becoming once again a main-eventer in WCW.
Easily Hogan. Before Hogan jumped ship WCW was barely getting by but once Hogan jumped ship WCW started getting national attention & became relevant & helped made a huge impact in the wrestling world. Bottom line the mid 90's proved that Hogan was a much bigger commodity than the entire WWE & I believe is the main reason why WCW nearly put WWE out of business.
I give it to Hall and Nash. If they didn't jump to WCW, there would have never been an NWO for Hogan to cling on too. The WWF/E never made Hall and Nash the stars they made Hogan. The NWO is the reason why they thumped the WWF/E in the ratings. Hogan helped but they were the centerpiece.

I'm gonna have to agree with Jarrett. Hogan was big before he came over, so were Hall, Nash, and Savage. Jarrett became World Champion in WCW, something he never would have done in WWF. I think Jarrett made the best transition simply because he had the most to gain.
Without a doubt it was Jericho - The entire wcw locker watched his debut on wwf
Without a doubt it was Jericho - The entire wcw locker watched his debut on wwf

Wrong way round :p It's from WWE to WCW. I'd probably would have to say either Nash, or Hogan. Both were instant hits within WCW. Macho man is also a notable mention because as MattMoses said he was a mid-carder in his late WWE career, and then became a main eventer in WCW.
Macho Man had a good last few years of his career. At the end of his WWE run he was feuding with Crush and commentating. He jumped to WCW he took his spot back as a top star. He had multiple world title reigns was part of the nWo and part of the Wolfpac.
Hulk Hogan. Hogan was becoming irrelevant in the WWF and WCW was needing a star. The Hulkster jumped ship and the rest is history. Hogan and WCW helped each other more than any other Federation/Wrestler relationship in history. Because Hogan jumped WCW became a rating giant and the number 1 wrestling federation in the world. And Hogan made himself relevant again by jumping to WCW. There's no doubt in my mind that wrestling history would be a lot different if this didnt happen.

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