Crocker's Gift (The Real One)

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Congratulations Crocker on completing my challenge. Your prize is below. It genuinely is only one spoiler tag this time. Really. It's one spoiler tag. I'm not joking about the number of tags this time around. Check to see what you have acquired now that you have successfully gone more than 2 full days without saying anything bad about John Cena.

Your special prize is the knowledge that you ARE, in fact, able to have conversations on here WITHOUT saying hateful things about John Cena every 5 seconds. You are above the hatred you felt for John Cena. The past 2 and a half days are proof that you can "Rise Above Hate". Even though other posters may have thought you would fail, you "Never Gave Up"! Looks like your favorite wrestler John Cena inspired you after all. You are an inspiration to Cena haters seeking improvement in their posting everywhere. Best_Sports_Entertainer could learn a thing or two from you. The next time you feel the urge to post awful things about John Cena, all you have to do is.... (No, not Bo-Lieve).... all you have to do is think back on September 5th through 7th of 2015. The days when you were able to lock your Cena hatred into the STF, then hit it with an Attitude Adjustment, and finally unleash your 5 Moves Of Doom to get the big win. All this, and some additional green rep from me tomorrow evening if you continue on this path of redemption. Be proud of what you have accomplished, Crocker.
FUCK! I thought the ban hammer was coming

He admitted he was once a big fan, but was influenced to change his mind due to Youtube comments, etc. And he hasn't stopped talking about him yet, sooo...
Why would I talk about them when they are barely on tv and shoved down our throats?

You wouldn't (well you oddly might), I just don't believe Cena is your least favorite wrestler based on some of the really nice compliments you have paid to him.

Are you saying there is not a single wrestler you would like to see less than Cena?

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