Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
So pretty much to sum this game up (and I'm barely into it), is fucking awesome. This isn't probably, it's a fact, this is the best looking PSP game I have ever seen, and simply put, it's the best handheld game ever made. Hell, for my money, its the best game made in a long time, and easily has the best storyline.

If you've played Final Fantasy VII, then you have to get this. Will I know you've been on the fence with getting a PSP, but this game is totally worth it. I have barely begun to scratch the surface of this game, but I must say, I am totally hooked into it, and plan on spending the rest of my free time conquering this game.
I haven't gotten the chance to play it yet since I don't have a PSP, but being a HUGE fan of Final Fantasy VII, I REALLY want to try it out. I just need to save up enough money to get a PSP, and then I'll probably be spending most of my free time conquering the game as well. My brother has it and says it's awesome.

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