Cowboy Bob Orton the key on Legacy's breakup?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
So I've been waiting to start this thread for sometime but I don't know why I just didn't do it until today.

So, for months we have been talking about Legacy's breakup in the making, last monday night on RAW we saw Ted diBiase being pinned by Cody Rhodes to qualify to team RAW on Bragging Rights, later in the same night we saw diBiase pinning Orton on their tag team match.

We all know how disrespectful (kayfabe) Randy Orton has been to Dusty Rhodes, fighting him and being responsible for the debut of Cody Rhodes, Rhodes lost the 'feud' to Orton has it would be normal at that point, both moved on until some weeks ago, Orton attacked Dusty again betraying Cody, one of his legacy partners.

Dusty Rhodes and Ted diBiase Sr. have both guest host Monday Night RAW but someone in the Legacy's group is missing, and his name is "Cowboy" Bob Orton, with the apparent breakup between all the three members of Legacy, what if Cowboy Bob Orton was the first man to suffer the revenge of Rhodes and diBiase for what Orton did with Dusty and even they way he treated the Million Dollar Man on RAW, one or two months ago.

Bob Orton should and maybe he will guest host RAW sometime in the near future, Rhodes and diBiase could attack him, causing Orton to turn on them, this also could lead to diBiase turning face in someway.

What do you think? Should Bob Orton be a part of this storyline between all the three members of Legacy?

This isn't a thread to talk about the breakup of Legacy, there are many threads about that right now, this is about the option I suggested, of Bob Orton being a part of that storyline
I hope i'm not the only one who absolutely LOVES this idea. It brings back past aggravation with both Dibiase and Rhodes, and really brings back recent history. I can only hope that they would consider this a possible way to break up the unit of Legacy. I don't really understand why they NEED dibiase as a face anyways though. I mean, "The Marine II" is a straight to DVD release, I think whoever is going to buy that DVD, will buy it regardless of Dibiase's character. Just an opinion
Its never going to happen for the simple fact that Bob Orton has a tremendous amount of heat on him from his last run with the wwe for not disclosing his medical problem, and then doing a cutting which caused blood to go onto the Undertaker, making him at risk at all. While it would be a good idea overall, its just not in the logistics.
this is a good idea to go with and you could add a little twist to it have dusty ted sr and bob on raw all at once have them get into it backstage legacy comes to break it up words are exchanged and all hell breaks loose the ortons vs the rhodes vs the dibiases i know its far fetched but handled well it could work
This would work pretty well, methinks. Legacy is obviously going to breakup, and this would be an interesting way to do it. Orton already disrespected Rhodes and Dibiase's fathers, why shouldn't they disrespect his? It would make a lot of sense and relate to things that have occured in the past, which is something that the WWE rarely does.

They could even do something where Dusty and Ted, Sr. are involved. It'd really be a good way to spice up the breakup and put some extra heat between the members.
I think this is a really good idea. If Ted or Cody were to due so though it could be used to turn them face or turn Orton face really...although I doubt the latter would happen since Orton is a very big part of Raw and the heels of the WWE. I think this would be a great way to split them though. I believe the only way this would go down though would be if Orton was not present...let's say Orton gets the night off due to his father so he is not at Raw. Legacy has a tag team match which Randy watches via satellite. Then when Bob comes down to help screw over the other team they pose in victory. Then with Randy watching they dismantle his father. They both give him their finishers and the show ends with Orton looking on in shock.

The next week Orton calls them out to which they explain and thus you have the breakup of Legacy. I hope the WWE does do it this way as this could be very exciting and potentially give Raw the edge it needs. It could also bring in Brett. Orton could say while they have turned their backs one DiBiase still has remained loyal and Orton could say he has been grooming him behind the scenes ever since the run in at Summerslam.

This could lead to many possibilities and would be sweet if it happened.
I doubt WWE would bother bring him in. Creatively it sounds good on paper. But the casual fan doesn't care about Cowboy Bob Orton nor do they know who he is. Plus the whole circumstance with Undertaker back in 2005 was a serious issue. One I don't think Mr.McMahon can overlook. Legacy will break up but I doubt Bob Orton has a role.
I think you are spot on. This would be the perfect way to brake up legacy and just to go out on a wing here but i see Cowboy Bob Orton hosting raw in the future so this could work very well. So i see a good chance of this happening.
sorry if this is off the topic of the thread but what exactly happened with this talk of heat between him and Taker.....does he have HIV or AIDS....and before i get bashed, i come to wrestlezone and the forums a few times a day and watch WWE 90% of the time so i'm mad at myself that i don't know no haterz......

Also about the thread...I don't care for Bob Orton...Not in his prime, not when he had a run a few years ago with Randy, not HOF, and not now...I think the breakup angle of Legacy has potential to be a good one and interesting to watch, but with him it will make me care less.....Peace out
It isn't a bad idea,and it is a believable storyline. The biggest problem is that Bob Orton is shit, and wouldn't make for a very good guest host, so I'd probably just have him in a manager capacity. That being said, hiring somebody with hepatitis is hardly the most wise decision for a wrestling company to make, as presumably he would fail a wellness medical.

Again though, all that Legacy have to do is slap him, and then its done. The more I think about it, the better an idea it is, but I do wory that Bob Orton is too shit and will probably make for bad television.

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