Could Taker stop Lesnar from winning the title


Championship Contender
On Sunday Rollins will face Lesnar for the title and in the build up Lesnar has taken out all of his back up bar HHH who is unlikely to help so if WWE is looking to keep the belt on Rollins without letting him win clean this leads to the potential for a DQ, Countout or Return and after seeing the recent speculation about a Taker return to build to Summerslam could we see Taker stop Lesnar winning the title and in the process turn heel and go into Summerslam feuding with a face Lesnar in his attempt to avenge the loss at Mania 30, if he was to win aswell it could also open up the possibility of a 3rd match at Mania 32 with Lesnar v Taker III as the headline match

Your thoughts on a possible Taker return? Whether he should feud with Lesnar? If no who? and what you think will happen in the title match at BG?
I think it is possible with Lesnar taking out all Rollin's help. But I don't think Taker should fued with Lesnar. WWE should of finished off the storyline sooner.
Taker has no reason to all of a sudden be in feud with Brock and be in the ring before WM32. I expect him to rest and be in shape for that final match, whoever his opponent is.
Actually it would Lesner vs Taker VI, I believer Brock is already 4-0 against Taker in their career. I don't see a feud starting tho, they may go one more rd at WM32, but if he shows that's probably all it'll lead to. Almost like waiting a year for the first Rock vs Cena match.
What about a possible WWE WHC bout featuring Seth Rollins (c) vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Undertaker? Obviously the first three hold a tie from WM31. Taker has beef with Brock over 21-1. They could even tie Taker having heat with Rollins and Reigns from his beat down at the hands of the Shield so long ago. Four big names, epic hype and each can remain protect.
The fans will not boo Taker and treat him like a heel. It's not going to happen at this stage in his career. He's revered by the fans, and it's pretty much a surefire guarantee they'll pop for him, if he costs Lesnar the title, because everyone will know he wants revenge for 21-1. That's not to say the fans will turn on Lesnar, because the smarks will still cheer him (and Heyman), but it'll be a "split down the middle" reaction for a feud.

As far as Taker VS Lesnar feuding again, I'm 100% against a one on one match. Yeah, on paper, the fans rallying behind Taker's quest for revenge sounds like a good idea, but we all know what happened at Wrestlemania XXX. And it's safe to say Taker is too old and banged up to take another physical pounding from Lesnar.

Taker was in rough shape after a match with Wrestlemania XXX Lesnar, so I can't picture any scenario, where Taker's body will hold up against unstoppable juggernaut/Suplex City Brock Lesnar. IF a rematch happens, Lesnar will have to hold back, and the quality of the match (i.e. Wrestlemania XXX) will suffer because of it.
actually I want taker vs Brock for wwe championship at summerslam. taker wins and take the belt with him. after few weeks wwe decide to bring attitude era belt. at NOC they made Rollins vs ambrose vs roman vs Wyatt.
Naaaaaaaa, I can't see Undertaker feuding with Brock ever again....regardless if he's getting back in ring shape again or not. That ship has sunk, time to find a better ship.
I hope not. Lesnar is just getting started with his face run and it's off to a damn good start. Putting him in a feud with Taker will quickly nullify that. If they try to make Taker the heel... I just don't see that happening. Hell whenever Heyman mentions the fact that Lesnar beat the streak he still gets boos, the only boos he gets these days.

Besides, the match at WM30 ended cleanly. And it sucked balls.
i agree that this match should not happen again. I'm sure that Taker would get huge pop and it would make sense for him to want revenge against Brock Lesnar. It would also be a way to have Rollins retain the title and at the same time protecting Brock Lesnar. But as others have mentioned it would be a risk to Undertaker physically and it would really derail Lesnar's face push.
I'm excited that The Undertaker is going to be on tv and possibly works an angle heading into Summerslam. I'm sure creative can think of another storyline for The Undertaker. They could revisit The Bray Wyatt feud, or maybe reunite The Brothers of Destruction and we see the return of the masked Kane.
I agree that they should not have another match since Brock would have to take it easy again. Taker getting "revenge" for Brock breaking the streak a year and a half later doesn't make much sense. I'm glad taker will be apart of summerslam and hopefully he will also work SS, RR, and then wrestlemaina and make this his last ride if he decides to retire
Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker II (or in reality, Brock/Taker V, counting only PPV matches but we're not supposed to remember the past), is the only thing I want to see Undertaker come back for. The end of the Streak needs to be avenged, but this match has to happen at WrestleMania or it's completely meaningless. Brock Lesnar as a babyface makes no sense and never works. Brock was made to be a heel, and if anyone thinks fans are going to cheer Brock Lesnar over Undertaker, they're crazy. Undertaker has done everything in his career except beat Brock Lesnar by pinfall or submission in a one-on-one PPV match (Undertaker's only two victories over Lesnar were in a Handicap match and a DQ victory in a singles match). This match needs to happen at WrestleMania, and Undertaker NEEDS to win.
Why are people obsessed with wanting Undertaker to get revenge on Brock Lesnar? It wouldn't work for a lot of reasons.

1 - There's a possibility Lesnar injures Undertaker again.
2 - It would feel repetitive.
3 - Both are face, and it connects Undertaker with the Authority.
4 - Lesnar is a former UFC competitor and shouldn't lose to a run-down 50-year old man.

Those three reasons completely turn me against this match. I'm hoping Undertaker confronts Sting and sets up a WM32 match. What was the point in Brock Lesnar ending the Streak if Undertaker was going to get his revenge 2 years later? It just makes no sense under any booking.
Why are people obsessed with wanting Undertaker to get revenge on Brock Lesnar? It wouldn't work for a lot of reasons.

1 - There's a possibility Lesnar injures Undertaker again.
2 - It would feel repetitive.
3 - Both are face, and it connects Undertaker with the Authority.
4 - Lesnar is a former UFC competitor and shouldn't lose to a run-down 50-year old man.

Those three reasons completely turn me against this match. I'm hoping Undertaker confronts Sting and sets up a WM32 match. What was the point in Brock Lesnar ending the Streak if Undertaker was going to get his revenge 2 years later? It just makes no sense under any booking.

"These three reasons"...lists four things.


1 - There's a possibility of Lesnar injuring anyone he works with, because he's a sloppy worker.
2 - Any more repetitive than the 25 times we've seen Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose?
3 - If Undertaker comes back for revenge against Brock Lesnar, it immediately turns Lesnar heel. Fans will not cheer him over Undertaker.
4 - Using Lesnar's UFC background as a reason why he shouldn't lose is absolutely absurd. It's pre-determined and everyone knows it. Brock Lesnar could lose clean to Adam Rose, and it doesn't matter. People who like Brock Lesnar will still worship him blindly, and people who hate Brock Lesnar will still hate him.

This match happening makes sense, but only if Undertaker wins.
"These three reasons"...lists four things.


1 - There's a possibility of Lesnar injuring anyone he works with, because he's a sloppy worker.
2 - Any more repetitive than the 25 times we've seen Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose?
3 - If Undertaker comes back for revenge against Brock Lesnar, it immediately turns Lesnar heel. Fans will not cheer him over Undertaker.
4 - Using Lesnar's UFC background as a reason why he shouldn't lose is absolutely absurd. It's pre-determined and everyone knows it. Brock Lesnar could lose clean to Adam Rose, and it doesn't matter. People who like Brock Lesnar will still worship him blindly, and people who hate Brock Lesnar will still hate him.

This match happening makes sense, but only if Undertaker wins.

1 - The possibility skyrockets when Lesnar is wrestling a broken down 50-year old man. The last things we needs is a repeat of WM30.
2 - They're full time competitors. It's different for part-timers.
3 - Undertaker screwing Lesnar, a face, out of the title would be a heel move. It would also connect Undertaker with the Authority.
4 - Everyone knows it's pre-determined, but it needs to be logically pre-determined. There's zero logic in a broken down 50-year old man defeating a former UFC competitor.

"Those three reasons" was just a typo.
Undertaker should never step into the ring with Brock Lesnar again. I don't care about the fact Lesnar broke the streak, that was almost two years ago, it's over and done with. Lesnar did some serious damage last time, and Taker isn't a young man anymore.

He might be in great shape but Lesnar is a powerhouse and can't be taken lightly. Do we really want to see a repeat of their last match, I know I don't. If Taker comes back at Battleground, as the dirt sheets are saying, fantastic. I just don't think it's to take Lesnar on. Lesnar has other fish to fry with Rollins and the Authority.
1 - The possibility skyrockets when Lesnar is wrestling a broken down 50-year old man. The last things we needs is a repeat of WM30.
2 - They're full time competitors. It's different for part-timers.
3 - Undertaker screwing Lesnar, a face, out of the title would be a heel move. It would also connect Undertaker with the Authority.
4 - Everyone knows it's pre-determined, but it needs to be logically pre-determined. There's zero logic in a broken down 50-year old man defeating a former UFC competitor.

"Those three reasons" was just a typo.

Lesnar is a face right now because he's feuding with Seth Rollins and the Authority. If he faces Undertaker, he becomes a heel by attrition. Fans will not boo Undertaker against Lesnar. Shawn Michaels superkicked Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Championship, and was heel for about 5 minutes. When performers reach a certain level, fans have too much respect for them to boo them for long.

And Undertaker coming back to seek revenge on Lesnar does not connect him with the Authority in any way, short of him officially allying with them, which at this stage in his career, there's ZERO chance of. If Undertaker returns to face Lesnar, the fans will cheer Undertaker and boo Lesnar. Absolutely guaranteed.
Undertaker is being respected by the whole WWE universe and WWE creative had built-up a storyline on that as well. Bray Wyatt mocking The Undertaker for being a symbol of respectfulness rather than a Symbol of Fear. If The Undertaker stops Brock Lesnar from winning the title at Battleground it'll make things more complicated. And Brock got nothing to prove against The Undertaker anymore. He has beaten him in his own game, at Wrestlemania. So if this is to happen it'll make the whole situation messy.

I don't care for Lesnar, but I don't think it'd be a good return on the WWE's ridiculous investment in him.

Like everybody else said, 'Taker could chokeslam a baby and still get a face reaction (thank you Norcal, Sam or Lee, I forget which one).

Lesnar taking out all of Rollins's help will probably just lead up to Rollins finding yet another way to cheat himself into an advantage, which could be very entertaining if it's done right.

Keep Undy away from Lesnar at all costs, let's forget that abortion of a match (and finish) at WM 30 and move on.
Doing a rematch between Lesnar and Undertaker is a stupid idea. Their last match wasn't particularly good, and was elevated by the fact that the Streak ended. Even more important though, is the fact that Lesnar is now the top babyface in the company, so having him go up against Taker is counter productive as it will divide the audience and kill Lesnar's babyface momentum. And if you were to do it, having Undertaker cost Lesnar the Title is an awful setup because that's a huge heel move and wouldn't really fit the Undertaker's current character. Like at all. Even the idea of Taker wanting some kind of revenge for the Streak ending is silly when it was made clear in past storylines that Taker was "looking" for a man that could finally beat him at Wrestlemania. After he lost to Lesnar, Taker didn't really show any anger, he walked out with his head held high and the fans chanting his name. Too bad he's a ****e and had to come back for no reason. And beating Lesnar at SummerSlam wouldn't even be revenge really, the Streak would still be dead and yeah Taker would have a win over the guy that ended it, but Lesnar has beaten him like 3 other times on PPV before. So again, it's pointless for him to seek out a rematch for revenge, because it's not like he can really even the score.

So yeah, Lesnar vs. Taker is a horrible idea.
Nah, I can't see this happening. Undertaker won't be getting in the ring with Lesnar again, I'm pretty sure of that. After the beating he took last time, and knowing how physical Brock is, I don't think it would be wise for 'Taker to wrestle him again and risk more damage.

It's rumoured Taker will appear at SummerSlam in some capacity, but I just can't see him costing Lesnar a match, which would certainly lead to another 1 v 1 match- which Lesnar would have to win as they wouldn't want their "star attraction" losing to a 50+ y/o man, Undertaker or not.

'Taker will wrestle again, but it won't be against Brock Lesnar.
Lesnar is a face right now because he's feuding with Seth Rollins and the Authority. If he faces Undertaker, he becomes a heel by attrition. Fans will not boo Undertaker against Lesnar. Shawn Michaels superkicked Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Championship, and was heel for about 5 minutes. When performers reach a certain level, fans have too much respect for them to boo them for long.

And Undertaker coming back to seek revenge on Lesnar does not connect him with the Authority in any way, short of him officially allying with them, which at this stage in his career, there's ZERO chance of. If Undertaker returns to face Lesnar, the fans will cheer Undertaker and boo Lesnar. Absolutely guaranteed.

Shawn Michaels was booed the night of the PPV and the Raw afterwards. Then, he disappeared for a while. By the time he returned, no one remembered that.

Besides, what about the other 3 reasons you didn't mention?
It's intriguing and possible but there's two ways to go with taker after Monday. 1) Rollins made the baby brother mention and added insult to injury with kane and taker could in fact for that reason assist Brock them have their match for the belt at ss or a later date.2) as mentioned since everyone outside of hhh has been removed from the scenario taker could be the swerve to cost Brock the title since he took out kane and cause of wm31. Who knows.either way taker is best for business.
As far as battleground don't forget about big show interfering which is what could bring taker out to assist as a sign of respect them challenge him the next night on raw

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