Could CM Punk have made it in the original ECW?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Every wrestling fan knows that the "new" ECW in the WWE was the CM Punk story. He carried that brand week in and week out! Even though CM Punk wrestled Stevie Richards like 16 times during that period. But the question is, could CM Punk have made it in the original ECW?

Say from 1996-2001 CM Punk could have made a splash in ECW. Having feuds with the likes of a Raven, a Rhyno, Tazz, or even Rob Van Dam? He could worked his way up the ECW ladder by becoming a ECW tag team champion and a ECW TV champion since they weren't in the "new" ECW where CM Punk was shot to the top of the ranks.

So could CM Punk have made it in the original ECW?
I honestly think so, I could've seen him as one of the top guys. Great face, heel, hardcore guy. I think he would've been the IWC's wet dream like how he is today. Good thread.
Could CM Punk have made it in the original ECW?

Absolutely! Imagine him feuding with the likes of Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam, Taz, the Sandman and Raven. Those feuds would've launched him into superstardom. Eventually, WWE or WCW would've been begging him to sign. He would've been one of the biggest stars to come out of the promotion had that been the case.
Paul made a hell of a lot of people with zero talent into super stars (Sandman...), Punk would have been a king in ECW, the match he had with Eddie and Ray in the indies (one example of many MANY good matches) and his Raven Feud prove he would have had the chops to deal with ECWs style, Add to that the Stright Edge Savior shit would have been one of the most Kayfabe hated gimmicks with the ECW crowd, (again Sandman got over on a gimmick of "i like beer")

I have to say Dolph and Cody would have made it as well.
Yeah I completely agree with everyone here. I don't only think that he'd have excelled in ECW I think that he'd probably be bigger than he is now.

Guys like Jericho, Benoit, Mysterio, Guerrero, RVD iconic big stars within the industry and even now already I think CM Punk is threatening to eclipse their individual legacies. In 10 years time there's no doubt that he'll be bigger than any of them (if everything continues as it is, no injuries etc).

Just imagine what he'd be capable of with everything he is now combined with the ECW pedigree that just isn't available any more.
CM Punk originally became a pretty major "indie" star in that North East, Philidelphia/New Jersey/New York City based area that was the old stomping grounds of ECW, Paul Haymen was one of his first big supporters in WWE, and Mick Foley was the one who told WWE that they should take a look at Punk in the first place... CM Punk would have been an ECW icon had he been around back then. Same thing goes for "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (He'll always be Bryan Danielson to me).
lol Justin Credible was champion in ECW so let me think about this... Of course Punk would have made it! ECW had awful talent and Heyman got those turds over. And don't give me the whole Benoit, Eddie, Jericho and Rey argument. Those guys had a cup of coffee in ECW on their way to WCW. They were never top guys in ECW and it shows how bad the talent was in ECW that they have to tout those guys as ECW originals when they were actually small contributors to the original ECW. Punk would have been a pretty big deal in ECW just as he was in every other indy company before joining the E.
100% yes, no doubt about it.

Only concern for Punk would have been his heel straight edge persona with some of those ECW fans, he would have drove them rabid.
CM Punk would have been great in the old ecw. He would have been a great heel with the straight edge persona. Heyman would have used him very well. The way ROH used him would have been similar to how ecw would if he were there in those days.
There's no reason he wouldn't have made it in the original ECW. He's as good as there is in the ring, and he's pretty believable on the mic. Not taking into account the backstage politics aspect of the business, he has all the necessary tools to make it in pretty much any wrestling company.

I think a more relevant question is whether or not CM Punk could have gotten over as a face with his straight-edge gimmick in ECW. I have my doubts that ECW fans would've cheered for him if he was preaching straight-edge values.
Of course he could of made it in the original ECW.
I dont think it was that hard to make it in the original ECW. Most of the talent that was over were garbage.
I always envisioned CM Punk fitting in the original ECW, and being a very effective heel with his straight edge savior gimmick of sorts. He could've been one of the top stars in the original ECW, plus he would also share the title of "ECW Original" with the likes of Dreamer, Sandman, RVD, Taz, The Dudleys etc. Also, I always imagined a feud between him and Sandman there because CM Punk is pretty much against everything the Sandman was about.
There's no reason to think he wouldn't. Paul Heyman recognized his talent in WWE, he would have done so in ECW as well. And Punk, like the proverbial cream, would have risen to the top.
without a doubt i think punk could have made it in the original ECW he has already fueded with raven in ring of honor and they had 1 of the best fueds ive ever seen punk seems like the smashmouth style of the ecw originals and i can just imagine the great wars he could have had with sandman,rob van dam,balls mahoney,tommy dreamer and sabu! so bottom line yes he could have made it in ECW
Absolutely. During that time he would have had so many people to feud with and have great matches with, he would have been huge. Although he would've been snatched up fairly quickly by WCW or WWF, so his stay might have been relatively short. But even then the talent pool he would have entered was much much deeper than the one he is in now...would have been interesting to see how that played out.
CM PUNK's original debut to wwecw was ecw worthy he had a very hardcore punk rock underground appeal to 100% wouldve been exciting if punk made his debut in the original ecw before they went under just to shut the iwc up. : p
Heavens yes! Especially as a heel. CM Punk is the type of guy to just walk in the ring, grab a mic, and tell everybody to "STFU, because the straight-edge superstar has arrived". If you watch some of his old promos from ROH, he had a lot of heat, even to the point where he got up close and personal with the fans. Not to mention the feuds he could have there. Rob Van Dam, Tazz, Steven Richards, etc. All these guys in the prime, against CM Punk in his prime, in the original ECW = ratings!
Obviously the opinion on this question is an overwhelming "yes" from just about everyone! If someone were to say "no", they'd have to be smoking crack.

CM Punk would have been waaaay over with the ECW crowd, no matter which gimmick/angle they threw him in. His straight-edge stuff would have been HATED by the original ECW crowd, could you imagine? All he would have had to do is say "drinking beer is wrong", and the crowd would have been louder than ever. Punk would have started out as a fantastic heel in ECW's heyday, but probably would have easily became a face as well (just like he managed to do in the WWE).

Punk's attitude just SCREAMS original ECW. The honesty in Punk's attitude, coupled with how passionate he is about the wrestling business as a whole would have gotten him over with the ECW crowd the first time he set foot inside the ring. His wrestling style would have worked perfectly too; he could have wrestled in the hardcore style, but then also worked great in the more technical matches as well. He would have fit with the original ECW like a hand into a custom made glove. Not only would he have been a great fit, but Paul Heyman would have hired Punk in a nanosecond.

I would have loved to see CM Punk involved with ECW back then. Just think of all the AMAZING feuds he could have had with guys like Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Sandman, Dean Malenko, Raven, Shane Douglas, RVD, Jerry Lynn, Rhino, etc (the list just goes on & on). I can't think of anyone on the ECW roster that Punk couldn't have had a five-star match with. Not only would the wrestling have been five-star, but the storylines would have been amazing as well.
yeah but i don't know how long he would have stayed there. while he would have had great matches with jericho, benoit, etc, wwf/wcw would have probably snagged him before long. it might have been a case of where he was like Edge - putting on solid matches all the time that they kind of get forgotten about. i could see it where he left for wwf/wcw and people wouldn't really think much of him in ecw since his matches were so good. for whatever reason, wrestling fans want to see someone grow and become better but if they are already good, they tend to get neglected(shelton benjamin for example). in any case, be would have had no problem fitting in there.
The line between heels and faces was pretty blurry in the original ECW. Punk would have fit in just fine, and would have split the crowd either way(Heel, or Face). His actual wrestling style, and ability would have been respected by all.

CM Punk was a Paul Heyman guy, just like he said in that promo. Heyman stuck his neck out for Punk at a time when Vince Mcmahon was incisting that Bobby Lashley be the face of the (WW)ECW. Vince basically told him that he could either take it or leave it, and Paul left it in 2006 when he walked out(or got fired, I'm not sure. I know he was clashing with Stephanie, and the creative team).

I'm one of the few actual original ECW fans, and I can tell you that Punk would have fit in well, and would have been a main event talent. Other guys like Triple H, Samoa Joe, and Sheamus were talented enough to be in the ECW back in the day, but they wouldn't have been a good fit. Not all wrestlers are "ECW Guys", but CM Punk would have fit in perfectly.
The old ECW fans were a savy bunch. They preferred action over hype.

I can definitely see Punk making it big in old school ECW. Punk is humble enough to work a long interesting match with the likes of Jerry Lynn and Steve Corino, he would be willing to be on the receiving end of high impact moves.
Oh yes...A thread I can sink my teeth into...

Without reading through all the replies, I have to give him a resounding yes, but with a disclaimer. He'd have fit in perfectly in the early days ('93-'96). The guys that were really drawing for ECW were guys like Jericho, Guerrero, Mysterio, Guerrera...The fans loved watching actual wrestling since, at the time, WCW and WWE had their heads up their asses. He may not have been a top guy, going for the title, but he would most certainly have been a major player, been in a lot of high-profile matches, and in the long run, might have been a bigger success than he is right now. He would have been one of the launching pads of the "Attitude Era", and his personality could have been dynamic at that point in wrestling history.
CM Punk is a clear master of manipulating a crowd and also a very very very good in ring performer which to me says he would've only been in the original ecw for a cup of coffee. I think the real question is once he got the money from bischoff or mcmahon thrown at him, would he stay? go? go where? and once he left (because nearly every viable star left) what brand would he pick? to me it'd have been smarter to stay and really get an indie following the way punk actually has, but i think he'd jump to a bigger pond. If i had to guess i'd say it would've been wcw, if only for the fact that bischoff loved signing cruiserweights to fill out his roster cheaply and spend money on wwf free agents, whille wwf in that era was not keen on bringing in new talent.
cm punk would of easily fit into ecw. i would of loved to of seen him face off with raven, sandman, sabu, dreamer, tazz,awesome,tanaka,credible and douglas.

imagine him against the likes of rvd,super crazy, lynn and storm. those could of been classics that would still be talked about in 20 years time.

as for if the fans would of taken to him just ask yourself this, if cm punk walked out in the middle of a ecw ring and dropped a pipe bomb at vinnie macs or eric bischoffs expense do you think the crowd would treat him as a face or heel cos of his straight edge lifestyle/gimmick?????
Don't give me the whole Benoit, Eddie, Jericho and Rey argument. Those guys had a cup of coffee in ECW on their way to WCW.

I don't get the "Cup of Coffee" argument for Jericho, Eddie, or Dean Malenko. I'm not necessarily singling out this specific post from Headman, but I read this a lot on here whenever discussing some of the well respected ECW alumni like Jericho, Eddie, Rey, Malenko, Benoit, and Austin.

What about the hour long 2 out of 3 falls match with Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko? Their final match in ECW(they had about 7 or 8 together in total). It was one of the best wrestling matches of all time. Have you even seen it?

I remember the weekly tv show(Hardcore TV) dedicated an entire episode to that match.

Jericho had a bunch of great matches in ECW as well. The 4 way dance at Heatwave 96 is one of the best in ECW history. His matches against Mikey Whipreck at "A Matter Of Respect", and Sabu were some others that I remember being very good. He really shined in the ECW, and fit in very well. Needless to say Eddie, Jericho, and Malenko had more than a cup of coffee in the ECW.

CM Punk's strait edge lifestyle doesn't automatically mean the ECW crowd would've hated him, or that it would have been harder for him to get over as a face. His actual wrestling ability would have been much appreciated.

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