Cody R. or Dolph Z.?

Ziggler is better in the ring, but Rhodes has a more interesting character and is better on the mic. I see both of them breaking into the main event soon on each of their respective brands. I'm not entirely sure what either one of them will be doing by Wrestlemania season or when it's time for the draft. What I do know is that WWE has big plans for both of them. Ziggler will get at least one more world title reign. I see Rhodes going even further though because he has a ton of potential that is finally being seen, I think he will end up a permanent main eventer whereas Ziggler might fluctuate between upper card and midcard throughout his career.
I'm gonna go with Dolph Ziggler. I don't see why some posters are using his Spirit Squad past against him. We're talking about Dolph Ziggler not Nicky or Nick Nemeth. And someone actually said it's a no contest fuck no they're both very talented and are almost equals. And for the poster who said whatever heat he gets is from Vickie fuck no again. Ziggler has finally began to get some heat himself. Whenever his music hits you can hear the boos that the crowd gives him. And when he told all the little kids that he's their hero that right there got him more heat than Cody has in his entire career without being associated with Randy Orton. I like Cody but to be honest I'm not even sure if he would even have a job if it wasn't for his Hall of Fame father.

Who is a better in-ring compititor?
Dolph Ziggler. He has a very good background and he has proven that he's one of if not the best all around wrestler the WWE has to offer. Not taking anything away from Cody though he's an incredible talent himself but I would definitely be more interested in a Ziggler match than a Rhodes match.

Who is next to get the push to the Main Event Scene?
This is a tough one. I'd have to say Dolph. Why? Cody is very young at 26 years old. Pushing him to the moon sometime soon would be a big mistake. He would have to keep himself relevant for years to come and drop that gimmick before it gets stale. And we've all seen just how charismatic Cody is without his gimmick. Ziggler's gimmick is a young cocky heel so I don't see it being irrelevant considering he's been using it for 3 years now and he's gotten more interesting if anything.

Where do you see them come Wrestle Mania, draft, and over the years?
Come Wrestlemania I see them still holding their straps and defending them at the big event. They can't have a big match at Wrestlemania considering the roster is stacked with storylines and a good main event roster I see them in the undercard. As for the draft I don't see them switching brands except for maybe Cody moving to Raw. Over the years I think they're gonna establish themselves and go on to the main event scene. They're both good not GREAT but good on the mic but right now Dolph is just simply better.
In every way Dolph Ziggler. While Cody Rhodes is improving. You really think his mic skills are better. He's downright boring in most aspects. Ziggler has a better skill set, mic and future in most cases. I guess I just don't see it. To me it has to do with believing in Cody Rhodes as a competent world champion. Minus this change to his character, how long is it going to last. I'm not sure how believable a face he would be. His ring skill set is left to be desired. I guess I mark for certain people.
Dolph Ziggler as he is a former World Heavyweight Champion, he is US Champion right now, a former Intercontinental Champion as well, the only titles Dolph hasn't won yet are the WWE Championship, and the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship, if he wins those titles then Dolph would truly have done it all in this business
Both guys have taken what could of been potentially horrible gimmicks if done incorrectly and have rand with them brilliantly, this is true of Dolph Ziggler but even more so with Cody Rhodes who has done it twice in a row.

I think Rhodes should get pushed to the moon over the next few years because he's taken 2 polarising gimmicks, first of all the dashing one and then the tormented Disfigured one.... this transition and the way he's handled both gimmicks shows him to be versatile and convincing & can probably handle the transition the move to main eventer better then Dolph. That's not to say Dolph won't be able to handle the main event (I think he will given time), I just think Cody's got more of an edge, that being said Dolph has improved in spades the last couple of months, especially on the mic.
Oh yes I forgot to mention that Dolph Ziggler also needs to win the Royal Rumble Match and if he can do that, Dolph Ziggler will then truly do everything there is to do in this business if he wins the Rumble, if he can win the Tag Titles, and the WWE Championship, then he will be a Triple-Crown champion
Oh yes I forgot to mention that Dolph Ziggler also needs to win the Royal Rumble Match and if he can do that, Dolph Ziggler will then truly do everything there is to do in this business if he wins the Rumble, if he can win the Tag Titles, and the WWE Championship, then he will be a Triple-Crown champion

Ziggler is already a Triple Crowd Champion. Having won the world title, tag titles while with the Spirit Squad, and the IC/US titles.

But back to the subject I see both Cody and Dolph having great futures. But my pick is still the same and I say Dolph Ziggler is still slightly better than Rhodes. Again, not taking anything away from Rhodes he's an incredible talent and I'm a big fan but let's face it, when it comes to in ring skills, mic skills, look, charisma, accomplishments, career so far, etc. Dolph is just simply better.
I will agree, Dolph is better than Rhodes in every way that counts and that is why Dolph deserves to be pushed more further than Rhodes should

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