CM Punk's Last Match

Punk's opponent should be.... *drumroll*

  • Bryan

  • Austin

  • Cena

  • Other

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Getting Noticed By Management
There is a lot of speculation about when Punk is gonna retire. Other say it will happen after Wrestlemania 31, others say before that.

Let's assume that Punk will only stay around for 1 more Wrestlemania, the upcoming one. What match would you book for him?

-vs Bryan for the Undisputed Championship: The two indy guys fighting it out on the grandest stage of them all. Let them go out there and perform. For this night only, let them do what they know: WRESTLE AND PUT ON A SHOW. Let them go for 30, 40 minutes, hell, let them go for 1 hour. Let them use every move they know, let them do any spot they excel at, let them use chairs, ladders, kendo sticks, tables, everything. Make it exciting. Make it fun. Make it the match that people will remember forever. Make it the match that will reward both of those guys who scratched their way from the indy scene to make it to where they are now.

-vs Stone Cold: Most people's dream match. The beer drinking son of a bitch vs the Straight Edge Savior. What can be said about this match? They both have had arguments (kayfabe) in the past on twitter, they share the same anti-authority / anti-hero / tweener style, they both speak their mind however they like. They both were/are the biggest names at one time, they are great perfomers in the ring, two of the best talkers, and all in all two of the most captivating and charismatic Superstars of all time. I don't know if Austin can still go in the ring as he could 10 years ago, but I have no doubt about the match being, if not an excellent wresting match, a most entertaining contest that people will remember for a long time. Just those two facing off at the start of the match and somewhere in the middle if just magic. Punk giving Austin the fingers / the stunner would be magic. Austin spilling beer all over Punk would be gold. The possibilities...

-vs Cena: Punk vs Cena. Straight forward. The two biggest names of the company currently. The "face of the WWE" vs the "best in the world". The history betweek them is there, it can get personal really easily, they can both produce gold on the mic to sell the feud and we damn well know what they can do in the ring. They have had 4 matches in the past, the first one is probably in my top 3 matches ever, the one at NoC was 5 stars, especially when Punk used the Rock Bottom, the one at Summerslam is not remembered as much because of the screwy finish and the one at Raw is Match of the Year 2013 and also one of the best matches in WWE history. There is no question that another match would also be rated 5 stars, especially if they go face vs face with or without the title on the line. Let them have their own fanbase and not the typical face vs heel battle. They are the 2 greatest commodities in the WWE at the moment. Let them face each other on the biggest stage of them all. Let them have a definite conclusion. Punk has 1 clear win, one controversial win, Cena also has one clear win and one match has ended in a draw. Technically, both of these guys are tied. Let them see who is the better man. The profile of each one is so high that the match and the feud itself has gold all over it.

vs Other: Lesnar / Undertaker / HBK / HHH / Rock / Hogan / Orton.
I won't go into much detail about these guys, as they don't seem to create the type of huge match the guys above do.
-Lesnar: They had a 5 star match, but that was a once in a lifetime. The time came and passed, there is no need for them to meet again.

-Undertaker: Same as above. Punk came close, didn't get the job done, time for someone else to try.

-HBK: Can be a huge match given the conditions, but since he would be the part-timer, I'd much rather prefer if that was Austin. (still I would love to see this match)

-HHH: We saw this match, it can have a big story on it, but it just doesn't have the "last match" intrigue on it.

-Rock: Well, no comments here. The only reason I wanna see those two in a match is just so Punk can humiliate the Rock and get his revenge back.

-Hogan: He is an icon, but there is nothing between Punk and Hogan, so no.

-Orton: Could be the same deal like Cena, but vs Cena, the chemistry is just different. Orton is a top Superstar, but Punk vs Orton just falls short for Punk's last match.

What do you guys think? If you vote for "Other", please state in the comments who you think Punk should face.
To help your argue I will add that I heard from a wrestling reporter that this contract is up in the Summer of 2014 and he is wrestling injured he may only be wrestling for a few months. I think he may not get the big match if he doesn't have the contract which would be bad but I think he should have his retirement match against Cena. If he beat Cena in his final match he would go out beating the biggest star and it would probably be a good match.
I don't think anyone knows when Punk is going to retire. There seems to be a consensus that he is going to retire very soon but that might not be the case. He is only 35 and can still be around for a while. The main problem is that he seems to be picking up injuries and maybe he decides it isn't worth it.

As for his last match, there isn't any obvious choices. He is big enough to deserve a big match but not quite at the level where he retires as a champ.

One would think he should win his last match. Would Austin lose to him? I have my doubts but that would be a great way for Punk to go out. A match with Bryan would be a solid match and win or lose, it would be a great way to end his career. Cena is another obvious choice. Title vs Career would be a simple stipulation and they could put on another 5 star match.

I'm not a big fan of retirements like JBL or Batista. They have performed admirably for many years and don't really get one last moment. Hence, why Flair and HBK retired in the perfect way. Having one last match of high quality before one final promo on Raw.

I wouldn't be surprised if Punk went part-time after his retirement. Kind off like Jericho or Lesnar where he could work at Wrestlemania and when he wants. I'd personally say that when he retires, I'd have Punk face Cena in a "retirement" match and he can have one last moment on Raw.
I'm not sold he is going to retire for good anytime soon. I do think its very likely he may take a long period of time off and he may not be under contract during said time. Could be up to a year or two but i cant see him being done for good in a year or so unless he is starting to hurt more then we know.

As for the poll i picked DB as if both men knew it was going to be his last match i am sure they would put on a great build and probably put on one of the greatest matches either of them has ever done.
PUNK is one of the GREATEST of all time.. He is probably the GREATEST INDIE WRESTLER ever..His retirement match needs to be the GREATEST of all time..And he has provided with GREATEST matches when he wrestled CENA.. They both just gives the best and just give us GOLD just like STONE COLD-ROCK.. CENA vs PUNK at WM30..I'm in..
I don't see his last match as a final farewell either, chances are they'll keep him around full time in a non-wrestling role like announcer, GM, etc, basically where he can put his great mic skills to good use even if he feels his body isn't up to the task anymore. Like someone said he's still pretty young, only 36 by the time his contract is up. Like give him a year where all he has to do is sit on a comfortable chair talking on the mic, he stays in shape on the side while all his nagging injuries gets a ton of time of non-impact to fully recovery and who knows, maybe he can go back to the active roster again.
I can see Punk putting over Dean Ambrose. Both as good on the mic, and Ambrose who would be a good singles competitor by then, is passed the torch by CM Punk and becomes the new rebel like presence.

Wishful thinking eh...especially since I am not much of an Ambrose fan per se,just like to hear him on the mike
Cena. They got some of the best chemistry and always pull out the best in each other. And we already know those two guys can pull out a classic that's my easy pick
The guy that needs to face Punk in his last match is Colt Cabana. They can book it around the fact that Punk had a great career and Cabana was left in his dust, but ultimately, he's BETTER than his friend.

They can let Michael Cole give the WWF fanboys the cliffnotes about the story behind these guys.
Why are we talking about something like "the retirement" of a full-time active main eventer in his prime? Sure he has some injuries, but nothing like a six month off won't cure. We are talking about the WWE here, it really doesn't matter who is the talent, if they want that said talent, he will be there - also, what is CM Punk going to do after wrestling, and why should a guy say "no" to something like 2 million dollars per year (without PPV bonus) when he's only 35 years can still walk and work a wrestling match accompanied by trainers, doctors, etc 24/7?

I could understand why people in the 80's had to retire at 35 years old (which also wasn't the case). But right now? CM Punk has a bus, he has a complete team of doctors, trainers, etc that evaluate him in a monthly basis. He's out of drugs, out of alcohol, never really had a big injury - so why should we take his word on "I'm gonna retire pretty soon"? It isn't going to happen, he'll be there for at least another four to five years and in that time period a lot changes in wrestling. He'll probably go part-time by that time period, only retiring realistically in his 40's.

But to give some substance to this topic, let's say he retires at next year's WrestleMania. To me and to me only I would like to see him retire against someone new and fresh in the same way JBL retired for Rey Mysterio - that guy for me could be Dean Ambrose, still young, very similar in talent (great promos and good workrate) and also with similar backgrounds. CM Punk's impact on the business if he retires next year isn't that big of a deal, probably below Batista still so he does not get the Edge, HBK or Flair's treatment.
John Cena, Daniel Bryan or Jeff Hardy, in my opinion. Hardy inadvertently and temporarily helped establish CM Punk as a guy who could take the ball and run with it. John Cena is clearly Punk's greatest adversary in WWE.
CM Punk vs. <Newcomer who can get the rub from retiring CM Punk>

I think this is clear. Why waste Punk's retirement on an established guy? It's better to use his retirement to build someone else.

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