CM Punk WINS The WWE Championship!!! Cena fired???

God that was amazing. I can't remember a crowd popping like that in a LONG time. I would urge all you attitude era fans to compare it to any pop of the era. Was it hometown pop? Yup. But it was also a heel.

Fucking astounding match. The greatest wrestlers in the world bring out the best in their opponents. Punk worked Cena like a mule...Cena is good, but at the end of the day, when you can name his classics as vs. HbK, vs. Jericho, and vs. Punk, it's clear they made him look great.

Punk has never disappointed me, as a fan. His work is always astounding. Whether it is his work in ROH (I loved the bit of him leaving with the ROH title to the Big Bad 'E, and I think this angle is playing out much the same), his work in "ECW" , his work on Smackdown (he carried that fucking show until the 3/4 dead carcass of Mark Calloway buried him-no pun intended), and now his recent success on Raw. He made the Royal Rumble for me, had an awesome feud with Orton, and now has put together THE fued of the year, and possibly decade. I mean this much buildup, twitter trending, yadda yadda yadda...he, and the WWE, pulled out all the stops, and put together a fucking amazing show.

He deserves this. Even if it's only for a month, even if it's only for a night, he deserves this.

CM Punk is the champion of the biggest wrestling company's flagship brand.

Awesome. Just awesome.
No it was not for a "heel". that term is relative. In today's world of spot marks (refuse to call them "smart") and marks, there are people who are both. I mean shit, Cena works both sides as a heel and face. Traditional face behavior will get you smark boos and mark cheers. It's why Punk, in his hometown, as head of the smarks, gets cheers. As a guy with traditional heel tactics, in front of a smarky audience, he's a babyface.

Stop with the Cena hating. It's fucking stupid. If he's had several classic, and BTW, his match vs Umaga at Royal Rumble '07 was a classic too, then he's cleary better than "good". stop being a dick and just admit that the big muscular corny dude does more with 5 moves as far as in ring story telling than most guys do with 20,000.
So we all got our wish and CM Punk successfully managed to beat John Cena and become the new WWE Champion. And no not with the help of Mr McMahon as many predicted he managed to ' screw ' Vince instead. So what happens now? What direction does this go? Here's what I'd do.

Whether or not Punk has actually not resigned with the company I'll assume he has in order to give my ideas for the storyline. On Monday's Raw it starts with Mr McMahon coming to the ring with all the roster shown on the titantron sitting in a conferance type room. Mr McMahon looks absolutely pissed. He simply says that there is nothing he can do to stop Punk as he won't re-sign. Vince introduces a new World Title with a different name (Give suggestions if interested) and announces that John Cena is fired. However Cena keeps mocking Vince on twitter and etc over the weeks and tells Vince if he isn't re-hired then he can call off his and Rock's match at Mania.

Now to Punk, Punk goes to some independent bookings (Not to compete just to show up and watch) with the WWE Title. He mocks WWE continuously and again starts to get under Vince's skin. He gets an offer from a former company.

So Summerslam passes Cena has a match with Del Rio for the different title and wins. Punk shows up during the match and attacks with Colt Cabana and The Kings of Wrestling (expected to sign with WWE from ROH) and this is a new stable which features ROH guys. But Punk says there is something even bigger that they plan to do. Take the other World Title - WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Who has just won MITB? Daniel Bryan a former ROH employee who secretly is part of this stable. Vince gets pissed to the point he questions if he cares about his company anymore. But then it turns into a WWE/ROH feud.

Just an idea it sounds pretty over the top but it would entertain me so much. You're ideas for which the Punk storyline will go? Just comment.
I cant begin to say how excited and proud I am that i ordered this PPV. Im sure aside from the MITB matches, everyone can agree that CM Punk is the sole reason alot of people brought this PPV(like me). Klipz i totally agree with u...This was the 1st time in awhile, my purchase of a PPV was well-spent. It was fun...and it ended EXACTLY the way wanted. Cant wait 4 raw tomorrow!!
Simply put, I was blown away. After Punk beat Cena cleanly for the title and Vince called for Del Rio, I was thinking "how utterly predictable". But then as if God was listening to me, Pumk lays out Del Rio with a kick and is out through the crowd.

Just wow. This...this should have been Wrestlemania. I wonder if Dwayne will have anything to say about this?

Really excited for RAW!
The booking team has really put their working shoes on for this feud. So far the booking has been flawless and brilliant. I had expected the Raw MITB winner to cash in at the end of the night but I was pleasantly surprised to see that that did not happen. It is the correct decision and it will surely make the fans tune into Raw.

The match that Cena and Punk had has to be the best match either man has had in the WWE till date. It would be unfair to say that anyone man carried the match as I think that both guys played their part very well. That last little touch with Cena stopping McMahon from executing the screwjob was pretty neat. I was also surprised by how strongly Punk was booked. He kicked out of two Attitude Adjustment's, countered a Five Knuckle shuffle( great sequence there) and in general countered anything Cena threw at him. He also escaped the MITB winner Alberto Del Rio. That suggests to me that Punk was expecting it. It makes Punk look strong as well as smart. It also shows that the WWE is ready to book Punk strongly and that should help Punk resolve his contract status with the WWE.

It would also be unfair not to mention the crowd reactions in this match. The ovation that Punk got when he entered the arena was nothing short of electric. Cena also got booed very heavily though I must admit that there were Cena supporters in the crowd as well. The crowd reaction gave an epic feel to the match. It did feel like a Rock vs Austin encounter due to the crowd reactions which is what Cena vs Punk has always had the potential to reach.

I do expect Cena to eventually defeat Punk and bring back the title to the WWE at some point. But a lot can happen in the interim and that is, what will decide how this feud will be remembered. This feud has already reached great heights but it has also raised the expectations of the fans. Will Punk show up on ROH or maybe even New Japan? How does Cena get back into the WWE after being fired? So far WWE has decided not to take that safe route that they are so known for taking and I do hope they continue to do the same.

Thank You, Cena. Thank You, CM Punk and thank you Vince for booking the most interesting feud that has been seen in all of wrestling in recent times.
I wonder what's going to come out of this storyline, I really do. Is Cena fired? What will happen to the WWE Championship? What's Vince going to do? What's CM Punk going to do? Just like how there was about 8 or 9 outcomes to this match, there are a dozen way's to book this storyline going forward. WWE has created a buzz again that is making people talk, and want to watch, the show. Alot of people, including myself, ordered the pay per view just for this one match. The outcome that occured was the least expected, that that's why it's so big.

Alot of people predicted a cash in and Punk win's, which those people were wrong. A Cena win, which I doubt was going to happen, or a Vince screwjob to Punk. All three had a chance to occur, but never fully happned. Cena never won even after doing two AA's to Punk, and having him in the STF 3 times. Vince almost screwed Punk, but Cena retaliated, and Del Rio failed to successfully cash in the MITB, even though the match never officially begun.

Now, we have a new WWE Champion, and nobody has a clue what'll happen tommorrow night. WWE have pretty much ensured every person who's a WWE fan will watch tommorrow night, just to see the outcome of what happened at MITB. Fan's all over are talking about this on messageboards, and twitter. People are legitemantly shocked of the outcome, and hell I am too.

Now, I have no clue but I have a feeling Cena may be "fired" tommorrow night, and maybe take some time off for a little bit, so he can rest up.
This was a brilliant PPV, and i really do mean brilliant.

I loved the ending, i loved everything to do with the match. Punk kicking out of the AA Twice, Punk reversing the STF on few occassions, the crowd mostly cheering for Punk, l thought everything was perfect.

I saw Vince walking to the ring and i thought uh oh, he almost tried to cause another screwjob, and i liked how Cena stoped Vince from doing so. But Punk is the WWE Champion, and i can't wait to watch Raw to see what happens.
Anyone else thing Cena hit Laurinitis REALLY fuckin hard? I think Cena sold it as a "shoot" type of match better than anyone. Looking nervous about the situation the whole time (he's not intimidated by the fans, he does this shit on a monthly basis, he's selling), looking at the reff nervously, blasting the shit out of Johnny Ace in front of Crazy Ace. Really really liked this match.

It was funny listening to Lawler, who's been out of touch with the audience since about 2000, try to explain what he was thinking. He seemed to legitimately not understand why the crowd loved Punk. Hilarious midway though when Booker said "like Rocky in Russia Cena is slowly starting to turn the crowd" and then that never really happened. Although I am very proud of the kids getting loud and chanting for Cena. Can you imagine being a 6 year old and having your hero getting beat up and the crowd is chanting for the other guy? the pro wrestling audience is usually a lot of characters and some really loud people so I give the kids props on being loud enough to get stuff going. shit at times you'd here 2-3 rounds of "Let's go Cena" before the smarks would go "what the fuck? CENA SUCKS CENA SUCKS". Just kinda proves that everyone involved is emotionally invested in a match. Whether you're booing a guy who's supposed to be a face or cheering a guy supposed to be a heel, if you're making noise, you're emotionally involved.

Before anyone says something, I don't mean Cena sold the match as a shoot, but the situation.
This is honestly one of the best PPVs I've seen in a while. It had unpredictability, something the WWE has been lacking for a while now. It also made a lot of internet people happy (with D-Bryan winning the MITB, Christian winning gold, and Punk winning gold) and it had something that was predictable, the screwjob and the cash in, both get squashed.

I'm starting to think that this is a super push to get Cena more over, especially for the guys who like guys like Punk and Orton (you see how good of a pop his attack got, and even some "one more time" chants). And I'm actually not against it. I mean, you have Cena showing more than 5 moves, throwing in some pretty decent wrestling with the "best in the world" (much like they did with Kurt Angle when Cena first came in),he did some heelish acts and he punched the crap outta dude to ultimately screw over Vince, the man whose ass many feel like he's kissing. Everything about this match was gold. From the crowd to the action to the outcome. It was worth the entire build-up and easily the best match of the night, just like a main event should be. 6/5 stars. yeah I meant 6 out of 5. It was that good. Big ups to the WWE staff.
Cracking match first of all I don't think it could of been booked any better and if I hear "Seena cannae rasstle he can't" then I will tell that person to go onto YouTube and watch there MITB match and if they still say the same then we will discuss some more and then we will come to the conclusion that he can actually indeed wrestle

Also I'm as buzzed for Raw as much I was buzzed for Money In The Bank, it should be a very intresting show and what I predict will happen is that maybe somebody representing Punk will be in the ring maybe a lawyer with Vince and Punk will be taunting Mcmahon alot and basiclly holding the title to ransom barking alot of demands to embarass Mcmahon so he can get the WWE title back into the WWE until Punk decides he's had enough and there is no way that he is going to give Mcmahon back his title

Now I don't where that leaves Cena maybe they are giving him some time off or maybe they something bigger planned, it's a little difficult to predict at this moment
Okay, i was very surprised when CM Punk defeated John Cena in a clean match. But this leaves me wondering.. WILL John Cena be fired for long? im guessing he's not because he makes the company more money than any talent in WWE. my other guess is that CM Punk whom i strongly believe resigned to the company will have some type of anti-hero/face turn and he'll say he'll re-sign with the company if they re-hire John Cena.. since John Cena didnt use vince to win the match. this will put CM Punk over with a lot of the Cenation. so i ask you , how long will he be gone? and how do you think he'll come back?
Okay, i was very surprised when CM Punk defeated John Cena in a clean match. But this leaves me wondering.. WILL John Cena be fired for long? im guessing he's not because he makes the company more money than any talent in WWE. my other guess is that CM Punk whom i strongly believe resigned to the company will have some type of anti-hero/face turn and he'll say he'll re-sign with the company if they re-hire John Cena.. since John Cena didnt use vince to win the match. this will put CM Punk over with a lot of the Cenation. so i ask you , how long will he be gone? and how do you think he'll come back?

Who cares? Cena can be "gone" for good for all i care. My bet is that he is going to be reinstated soon because WWE will loose a ton of money without Cena.
Why would Punk want to be over with Cenation? That wouldn't make sense. Why be over with a fanbase who he's fueding with? It makes no sense storywise. But, who knows. CM Punk is built to be a leader for kiddies like Cenation, with his straight edge thing going.

I think Cena is gonna be gone for.... how many hours is it between the ppv and raw? 21? yeah, about that many hours. Or they'll let him take a minvacation, not that long, to heal up his body. But don't worry, he won't be "fired" for real, little cenation member. He'll always be around some how. even if it isn;t competing in matches, he'll still be promoing or something.
First I don't think the WWE will lose a lot of money by not having John Cena on television, Cena has been gone for 3-4 month stretches in the past and WWE never suffered financially or in the ratings department.

All of Cena's money comes from merchandise anyways so him simply not being on television wont hurt that, especially since they could still use Cena's name and likeness on WWE television to keep him relevant in some sort of way, even if he isn't actually on WWE TV.

Hopefully I'm hoping he is gone until Royal Rumble, make the fans believe that Cena is actually gone before he makes his return to make it more special. He will probably be back before then but I just hope its at least a month before he is seen again on television.
Why would Punk want to be over with Cenation? That wouldn't make sense. Why be over with a fanbase who he's fueding with? It makes no sense storywise. But, who knows. CM Punk is built to be a leader for kiddies like Cenation, with his straight edge thing going.

I think Cena is gonna be gone for.... how many hours is it between the ppv and raw? 21? yeah, about that many hours. Or they'll let him take a minvacation, not that long, to heal up his body. But don't worry, he won't be "fired" for real, little cenation member. He'll always be around some how. even if it isn;t competing in matches, he'll still be promoing or something.

because CENAtion is the reason why John Cena brings the company money , if you want to be a top star you'll have to get John Cena fans .. like 70% of the people watching is watching for Cena and his storylines. and as far as storylines go CM Punk and Cena arent really fueding , cm punk became #1 contender so he wouldve " fueded " with anyone holding the title.

First I don't think the WWE will lose a lot of money by not having John Cena on television, Cena has been gone for 3-4 month stretches in the past and WWE never suffered financially or in the ratings department.

All of Cena's money comes from merchandise anyways so him simply not being on television wont hurt that, especially since they could still use Cena's name and likeness on WWE television to keep him relevant in some sort of way, even if he isn't actually on WWE TV.

Hopefully I'm hoping he is gone until Royal Rumble, make the fans believe that Cena is actually gone before he makes his return to make it more special. He will probably be back before then but I just hope its at least a month before he is seen again on television.

when you're not with the company they cant use you to make money with merchandise , you dont see Jeff Hardy WWE shirts floating around at walmart and target. they just own the name and nothing more after you're " FIRED "
when you're not with the company they cant use you to make money with merchandise , you dont see Jeff Hardy WWE shirts floating around at walmart and target. they just own the name and nothing more after you're " FIRED "

The difference is that Cena would only be fired in kayfabe. If it makes them money, they aren't going to be getting rid of Cena merchandise to make it more realistic that he is fired.

I also don't think Cena is going to be fired for a very long time. They still plan to have the Cena vs Rock match at Wrestlemania and I doubt they will kayfabe leave that match up in the air for very long. Cena will be back sooner rather than later, if not immediately.
because CENAtion is the reason why John Cena brings the company money , if you want to be a top star you'll have to get John Cena fans .. like 70% of the people watching is watching for Cena and his storylines. and as far as storylines go CM Punk and Cena arent really fueding , cm punk became #1 contender so he wouldve " fueded " with anyone holding the title.

Most people watch the WWE for the main event storyline, which for the past years has been Cena, but I highly doubt that 70% watch BECAUSE of him. Most watch INSPITE of him. When he was fueding with R-Truth, R-truth carried that fued (yeah, it's strange to see that in text or hear it in words) by dissing Cena being the golden child and during this one, CM Punk is carrying it doing something very similar. Cena just happened to be the champ during the time, but that doesn't mean people tune in for him. Yeah, he's the face of the business right now, but I highly doubt that the overall product would suffer because he isn't there, just merch sells.

If you want to be a top guy, you have to be against Cena. Everyone whose against Cena gets crazy pop, anti-Cena pop mostly, but major pop. Look at Miz, Truth, Punk, yada yada. They were all "heels" who got major face pop because they were against Cena. People wouldn't want to see CM Punk team up with Cena, they want to see him knee him in the face. (Did anyone thing that was awesome? seeing Punk knee Cena in the face over in over, it looked like it actually hurt.)

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not Cenabashing or anything, I'm just stating what I see from a product stand point outside of Merchandise selling.
when you're not with the company they cant use you to make money with merchandise , you dont see Jeff Hardy WWE shirts floating around at walmart and target. they just own the name and nothing more after you're " FIRED "

Ummm yeah the can. In fact they DID sell jeff hardy merchandise for months after he was gone, all the way until he was signed by TNA.

When guys like stone cold and mick foley were storyline fired they made money off them too, and they still sold hogan merchandise when he took extended leaves from the WWE, so yeah they can. People still bought austin shirts when he was injured for 10 months so they can still sell Cena merchandise no problem.

All they have to do is build sympathy for Cena through commentary, mention his firing once in a while and they will be good.
Okay, i was very surprised when CM Punk defeated John Cena in a clean match. But this leaves me wondering.. WILL John Cena be fired for long? im guessing he's not because he makes the company more money than any talent in WWE. my other guess is that CM Punk whom i strongly believe resigned to the company will have some type of anti-hero/face turn and he'll say he'll re-sign with the company if they re-hire John Cena.. since John Cena didnt use vince to win the match. this will put CM Punk over with a lot of the Cenation. so i ask you , how long will he be gone? and how do you think he'll come back?
How did he beat him clean? Cena had him beat, had to stop the STFU to go KO Johnny Ace, came back in kinda distracted and got the GTS. It wasn't as cheap as it could have been, but it sure as hell wasn't a clean win (nor should it have been).
Most people watch the WWE for the main event storyline, which for the past years has been Cena, but I highly doubt that 70% watch BECAUSE of him. Most watch INSPITE of him. When he was fueding with R-Truth, R-truth carried that fued (yeah, it's strange to see that in text or hear it in words) by dissing Cena being the golden child and during this one, CM Punk is carrying it doing something very similar. Cena just happened to be the champ during the time, but that doesn't mean people tune in for him. Yeah, he's the face of the business right now, but I highly doubt that the overall product would suffer because he isn't there, just merch sells.

If you want to be a top guy, you have to be against Cena. Everyone whose against Cena gets crazy pop, anti-Cena pop mostly, but major pop. Look at Miz, Truth, Punk, yada yada. They were all "heels" who got major face pop because they were against Cena. People wouldn't want to see CM Punk team up with Cena, they want to see him knee him in the face. (Did anyone thing that was awesome? seeing Punk knee Cena in the face over in over, it looked like it actually hurt.)

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not Cenabashing or anything, I'm just stating what I see from a product stand point outside of Merchandise selling.
They get that "anti-cena pop" because of Cena. Cena makes EVERYONE care about what he does one way or another. The boos he gets aren't a bad thing. People pay money, his quarter hour ratings are likely high, his matches get a loud reaction because he's good at stirring emotion. He's the top guy and YES a large percent watch mostly for Cena. They may still watch, but probably not as often and a lot probably would leave.

You guys need to stop thinking someone needs to get cheers from everyone to be effective. Punk gets boos from the marks and cheers from the smarks, Cena is the opposite. They both stir emotion with every single fan in the audience. That's the bottom line. It's better to have some boos and some cheers like Cena and Punk get than to get about 50% of the audience cheering and the rest not giving a shit like when Morrison comes out.
Wow this program was truly awesome. Just finished watching the match and I got to say this should have been the WM main event. This was one of the best hyped matches in a LONG TIME. By smearing the lines between fiction and fact, WWE has found a way to really to make the show tonight very unpredictable. Got to give it to Punk, the guy is special talent that can talk a good game and back it up. I said this earlier this year, CM Punk must have a chip on his shoulder because he knew he deserved better, he defiantly was more deserving of this spotlight way more than the mediocre Miz, who along with Cena gave us an embarrassment of a main event. This match Cena had with Punk is one of the best in John's career, and among the best in the last 5 years. I havent watched wrestling and have been down on WWE for a while now. I say unless WWE dramatically changes, Punk shouldnt resign. WWE dosent deserve someone of his talent. WWE knows what kind of standing he has with fans now and they must have been desperate to re-sign him because he probably wouldnt have won otherwise. WWE would be smart to make this look as real as possible, even if Punk re-signed they should keep him off tv to keep this going. And please get rid of that stupid bling bling title.
Twitter: @JohnCena

I have just been 'future endeavored'. Well..if that's how it is I would like to take a moment to publicly apologize to Dwayne 'the Rock'
Johnson. In an effort to make WM28 as big as possible I tried to expose rock for his flaws. Very childish and immature on my behalf.

Thoughts and Opinions?


My comments about the rocks absence were both unprofessional and childish. I am sorry. Rock, I truly wish and still hope in my heart of ..
Hearts that the crazy old man who is the boss reconsiders his totally rash decision. Because chicago was insane last night...
Great angle. Have a good and well deserved vacation, Cena. Honestly, I love that they've taken to doing tweets, and facebook status updates, and things like that to add to kayfabe, it's a very smarky move.
Not sure where to post this so I apologise if it's in the wrong place.
Just watched MITB again. Is it my imagination or does Cena say (pointing at Punk)"that man is gonna win this fight", after he knocks down Ace? He then repeats it to Vince. It's hard to make out but I think that's what he said. If Cena did indeed say that then I think it adds to the possibility there was a legit screwjob about to happen.
It was not a legit screwjob. Cena was saying something along the lines of "I'm not going to win this fight that way". It was all a work, it still is all a work. WWE is a publicly traded company now unlike in 1997. Nothing they do now on TV is a shoot; nor should it be. It's fun though huh?

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