Christian: Face or Heel?


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I just saw a post that said Christian is healed from his injury and is set to return to the Wwe after WrestleMania, as a Babyface character.

I liked when Christian turned Heel after losing the World Championship to Orton a couple of years again and I thought he took to the tole quite well, Now Chrisrian as a face I find him quite boring and doing the same stuff time after time.

So I have a few questions

1. Do you prefer Christian as a Heel or Face?

2. Would Christian reach Main- Event status as a Face or does he have to be a Heel to get that far?.
He's not going to be reaching the main event no matter what role he plays. He's proven that he's not a draw as a main eventer, and if he comes back, he'll be lumped in a feud with either Wade Barrett or Cesaro.

As far as how he was more effective? He was a better heel than face. As a smug heel, he did a better job and his work was better. As a face, he was simply someone who looked weaker because of it.

Overall, I prefer him as a heel, but it doesn't matter as he won't be in the main event when he returns.
Christian is fantastic in either role. His in-ring style and entrance music are better suited for a face though. When he turned heel he should have gone back to the Waterproof Blonde version of the song and perhaps changed up his style a little. His current theme is too uplifting for a heel character. I hope he comes back as a face and it would be nice to see him get that ONE.... MORE.... MATCH.... as a face instead of a heel, so hopefully that report ends up being right.

I look forward to his return regardless of his face/heel status. Now as for him getting more World Heavyweight Championship shots.... Extremely doubtful, but never say never. Many thought his World Heavyweight Championship run would never happen in the first place. Fingers are crossed, although I do not see him doing more than putting over top heels for a while and stealing the show every now and then. A few midcard title runs couldn't hurt, Christian would be good for those titles if he got a lengthy reign as a fighting champion who retains many times.
He's not going to be reaching the main event no matter what role he plays. He's proven that he's not a draw as a main eventer, and if he comes back, he'll be lumped in a feud with either Wade Barrett or Cesaro.

As far as how he was more effective? He was a better heel than face. As a smug heel, he did a better job and his work was better. As a face, he was simply someone who looked weaker because of it.

Overall, I prefer him as a heel, but it doesn't matter as he won't be in the main event when he returns.

Christian was over with the fans in 2005-2006 but WWE is dumb and they didn't gave him the World title push at that time.

He was still over with the fans when he went from WWE to TNA.

Christian is both great as a heel or as a face. Christian was great as a heel but in TNA he was also a pretty good face. Overall Christian is better as a heel and can have a great main-event caliber match with anyone.
I think Christian's brief time in the main event picture is all he's going to have in WWE. In all honesty, I'm surprised that he had his World Heavyweight Championship feud with Randy Orton a few years back. He's a talented guy, I just didn't expect it to happen.

I see Christian returning as a babyface and he'll probably be put to use in the mid-card or tag team pictures. I just don't see him going back to the main event spot. I see Alberto Del Rio as World Heavyweight Champion for several more months to come, at least, and Christian won't be feuding with him if he's a babyface. Christian is also just not a believable threat to John Cena, as Cena will almost certainly be walking out of WrestleMania, and later Extreme Rules, as WWE Champion.

I could see WWE bringing Christian back and having him feud with either Wade Barrett or Antonio Cesaro for one of the mid-card titles. I could also see Christian put into a tag team with someone, maybe Kofi Kingston or R-Truth, and go into the tag team scene.
He's not going to be reaching the main event no matter what role he plays. He's proven that he's not a draw as a main eventer, and if he comes back, he'll be lumped in a feud with either Wade Barrett or Cesaro.

This reads as if you've just emerged from some alternative universe where a) Christian didn't beat Alberto Del Rio in the second to last match at Extreme Rules for the secondary title in the company, then lose the belt to Randy Orton less than a week later, then have a series of secondary main events with Orton, all of which he lost bar one which he won by disqualification, then disappeared from the 'main event' scene altogether - and b) people have engorged tentacles instead of penises. Don't ask how I inferred that second one.

I'm sure if Christian was tried as a main eventer, he probably wouldn't draw, or at least to the standard that fans/WWE management expect - i.e. either do better than John Cena or go die in a ditch somewhere, preferably from a painful disease in your bone marrow - but one thing he's not is a tested main eventer who's failed.

Overall, I prefer him as a heel, but it doesn't matter as he won't be in the main event when he returns.

I believe it was Rayne who said "there are jobs in professional wrestling other than world champion," but let's pretend it wasn't because God knows I don't want to admit he's right about something.

To answer the actual question (that is what I'm meant to be doing, yes?), I actually prefer Christian as a face. For one thing, I like Christian and I like the benefits of being able to cheer for him without feeling like a contrarian doofus. For another, I sincerely think Christian's better as a face.
I like Christian i do! I enjoyed his run and the ONE MORE MATCH schtick he had was so so awesome. But truth be told,christian will not be in the main event anytime soon IMO. He is just not main event material in my eyes. Sure he will make a great IC Champ Us Champ or tag team Champion.

His two runs with the WHC one being only five days long did absolutely nothing it hurt more than helped him in my eyes. WTF is the point of a five day run it accomplishes absolutely nothing. SUre his run with Randy Orton was good and Christian is a damn fine performer i just dont see him as a main event star. BTW he should be a face when he returns
Christian was over with the fans in 2005-2006 but WWE is dumb and they didn't gave him the World title push at that time.

No, they weren't. Christian was gone in 2005 after Cyber Sunday, and Batista and John Cena were in the middle of their first runs as World and WWE Champion, respectively. They were the names that were supposed to lead WWE into a new era, and you would have derailed one of them for....Christian?

I love Christian, he's a good talker and an excellent wrestler, but he wasn't a believable challenger to either man. He did get a shot at Cena(in his first defense after moving to Raw in 05) at Vengeance in a 3-way with Jericho, and that's all he should have gotten. He was firmly where he belonged.
He was still over with the fans when he went from WWE to TNA.
That's because he was a medium sized fish coming to a very small pond. WWE's first defector, as TNA stressed time and again. Of course he was over, he's a talented guy.

To answer the question, I personally enjoy Christian more as a face. He's a smart-ass, smarmy character as a face or a heel, but his wrestling style in general lends itself towards being crowd-pleasing. While his heel turn in 2011 was the best thing to happen to his career at the time, that's only due to the fact that he was in the main event picture on Smackdown. As a heel, it was better for his career, but personally, I prefer him as a face.

When he returns? Most wrestlers return as faces, and I expect Christian to do the same. He's got the mic skills to match a Barrett or Cesaro if they're the respective mid-card champions when he returns, and Christian isn't going to ascend above the mid-card when he returns. But heel or face, he's not going to get to main event status either way, so I'd prefer to see him as a face, personally.

His wrestling style and personality are simply far more suited towards it.
In general, almost any wrestler with acting ability would look better as a heel. See Miz, The; Sheamus;CM Punk;etc. Heels can be made interesting because their are so many nefarious things they can do. A face has to keep a certain standard when performing, heels don't really have a material standard other than look bad and fight the face. Christian is no different. His 2010 stint brought on by Edge's heartbreaking retirement is looked to as many as a good run because he got heat for being whiny and sly. When acting as a face, he could be described as stale because there is no true gimmick or personality, he is just there (barely). He will never make it to the main event status because the only reason he got the was because his best friend helped him get it. The true testament of how much faith they had in him was the longevity of his reign. Five Days. Wrestlemania lasts longer nowadays than his reign ever did. He will probably feud with Cesaro for a few months then retire and/or move back to Impact, where he'll find his road to the top to be very long behind Roode, Aries, Hardy, Bully, Styles, and Angle.
I like Christian in either role, and I think he will be returning as a face. I have always like Christian, and I liked his "One More match" program. I do wish he would have gotten a longer run with the title to see if he actually would have been able to run with it. I think he could play the role as the underdog face chasing and eventually winning the title, and it would go over well, or I think he would fare well as the heel again vying for the title. All being said I can't see him winning another World title, but I would be all for it if he did. He will remain a solid mid carder which isn't a bad thing at all.
Damn, last time I saw Christian it was on the side of a milk carton.

Mark me down as another one who likes Christian regardless of his face/heel alignment. He's not a main eventer, though. I'm a fan of his like I was a fan of Scott Hall's: I enjoy his work immensely, recognize the talent and charisma, but I'm completely fine with the guy being a tag team/upper midcard/jobber to the stars type. I just hope that he literally does get "one more match" against Randy Orton. Those two have a chemistry that is unlike few around these days.
It was surprising and pleasing to see that many of the posts above this one show preference for Christian as a face. Usually, every forum member we read prefers everyone as a heel. Obviously, it's easier to make people hate you than love you, and I would think most performers would rather play heels, too. Ask Randy Orton.

Christian's injuries must have been severe for him to spend so much time away from action. He was out for a long time, came back for a very short run, and has been out since then. It's tough to build any kind of momentum that way.

Christian was lucky to have gained a short championship run a few years ago; lucky because he was one of the guys who left WWE for TNA on his own initiative, making him one of the people Vince McMahon never forgives. True, he spent a lot of time in ECW purgatory before scaling the top, but he hung in there and got his day.

Still, although he can be mildly entertaining, I could never see the folks who thought he was a better performer than Edge. After all this time on the sidelines, plus his increasing age, I would think he'd be lucky to be contending for minor championships at this point. At worst, he'll be a recognizable name that puts Fandango-types over.

As to whether he plays a face or heel? When a performer who's carved out a name returns after a long absence, fans are so happy to see him that they're going to cheer, no matter what he does. So, he can start out as a good guy.....and go evil somewhere along the line. It's par for the course.

No sense sending Christian to the lions right from the start.
He is good as both but I prefer face. He gets a good reaction from the crowd, is likable and has a better history as a face. I don't think that he will get back to the top. The WWE won't put the belt on Christian - there is too much talent elsewhere. However, I do think that he can get back challenging and will have some big name feuds. Cesaro, Ziggler, Swagger (Canadian), Barrett, Rhodes. There are loads of options for him and he can put some of these guys over.
I'm personally a huge fan of Christian, and I'll root for him either way, although I do prefer him as a face. I would really like to see WWE give a him a decently long major title run, something they've never done. The longest he held the WHC was a month. I really think he could pull off a decent title run. I saw someone else say that they want Christian and Randy to do some more stuff, and I think that would be great, with Randy turning heel soon, it could definitely work. But it's the same with everyone, some people just don't have chemistry. I think if Christian was put in a rivalry with, say, Dolph Ziggler, it could be great. They are both great athletes that I believe could sell a great WHC rivalry. Also, if Swagger wins at WrestleMania, there's been that history between Christian and Swagger that could let them get Christian in the WHC scene right away. I really think Christian could be a great top babyface.
I prefer him as a heel and think his best period was when he had Trish and Tomko with him, sadly that just petered out. I think when he returns he'll be a face and will feud with Cesaro for the US title. After that there are some good mid card programs that can keep him busy over the rest of the year with young heels possibly being brought up from NXT and the guys from The Shield, Fandango and Big E in need of experienced guys to go over.
You can be a main eventer even if your not fighting for the title. All a main eventer really is is a guy that could be thrown into the title picture at anytime and people would except it. I think Christian fits into that category,he doesn't have to carry the company just be a believable challenger, Christian is a 6 time world champion people will believe that he could take the title off of ADR or Swagger. He's good enough on the mic to duel with Rock or Cena. If they want to give Sheamus, Bryan or Punk another run with the belt people would pay too see those matches. Christian's a main eventer point blank period.

Now for the initial question I don't really prefer him either way. He's pretty much the exact same worker as a heel or a face and he manages to get good heat as a heel and good pops as a face. Either way he's solid.
Damn, last time I saw Christian it was on the side of a milk carton. Christian was great as a heel in worst wrestling entertainment a great face in TNA Overall Christian is better as a heel and can have a great main-event caliber match with anyone. But due to profitship and not sportsmanship he is just a low carder collecting mc morons paycheck where if he remained in TNA he would be TNA Heavyweight Champion for a loooooooooong time and not be a champion for a month and lose it to Randy Orton
Christian didn't beat Alberto Del Rio in the second to last match at Extreme Rules for the secondary title in the company, then lose the belt to Randy Orton less than a week later, then have a series of secondary main events with Orton, all of which he lost and continously jobbed horribly and which he won 1 match by disqualification, then disappeared from the 'main event' scene altogether . He is an awful jobber wrestler that mcmoron is penalizing him for going to TNA

I'm sure if Christian Cage was pushed as a main eventer, he probably wouldn't draw, or at least to the standard that fans/WWE management expect - i.e. either do better than John Cena or go die in a ditch somewhere - but one thing he's not is a tested main eventer who's failed continously! head to TNA and you ll be in the MAIN EVENT stay in worst wrestling enterprise and you ll be exiled from main eventing and jobbing forever
TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA ! I am sure Christian Cage regret ever leaving TNA ! LOL
Christian's injuries must have been severe for him to spend so much time away from action. He was out for a long time, came back for a very short run, and has been out since then. It's tough to build any kind of momentum that way.

Actually, I think he's been cleared to compete since at least the Royal Rumble but I think he's just been kept out so far because creative has had nothing for him yet.

I'm sure he doesn't mind the extra time off but he's also a great performer and WWE can pretty much use him until he can't/doesn't want to go anymore.

Sad thing, for me, as a big Christian fan is that because of his age and all the younger guys they want to build I don't see Christian winning any more titles. Well, not the big two at least. They may put him with the IC or US or even Tag Titles again for a little bit just help put a heel over and, if that's the case, I'd be happy to see at least that.

As for should he come back as heel or face? I think he's gotta come back as a face.
I think Christian needs a new gimmick honestly and I say that because either heel or face what has been his gimmick last few years? He seems to have the look and persona of an average guy akin to Tommy Dreamer and I think WWE can't do much with that.

Arguement sake his most memorable run thus far was with The Brood and therefore heel because the group kept him off the mic, he retained a mystique and he always had cooler moves than Edge or Gangrel, lets see him HEEL.... evil HEEL
Much like most other returning veterans, will be coming back and be putting over younger talent. He will be coming back as a face and the younger guys can benefit from his in-ring work much like they do with most veterans like Jeircho.

I've always enjoyed Christian as a heel, but it's not about him anymore. It's about the young guys and looking to the future.
Face or heel, I am fine with whatever he does. Although I do agree with Flash H above me, I think he'll come back as a big babyface workin' with the young cats.
Can't wait for the Peeps Champ to get back in the ring

He should run as face, too many bigger and badder talents in the heel stable
for him to be a credible threat in todays roster.

He could tag with Santino to give the Rhodes Scholars a lengthy feud
and go after the IC title in 6 months.

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