Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

Awesome return...The code was well done. Of course for the internet with so many resources and people being able to dig up the cover of the WWE magazine with him on it, it really was predicted. He's shot up my interest in the WWE ten-fold now. One of the few who can entertain and wrestle decently has returned.

I gotta get the remix of his theme. Got all the others, and that remix sounds like it's the best.
I'll start off by saying this: I was/am a HUGE Jericho mark/fan, and I am very glad he is back. I will definitely not be missing Raw any time soon

However, there were things wrong with his return. I didnt like the whole "intercepting the torch runner" angle. i didnt like the clotheslining the torch guy. And why would they immediately put him into an angle with Orton? The guy has been out of wrestling for 2 years, and immediately he feuds with the WWE Champ? I really thought a feud with Kennedy/Carlito would have worked well. It would be entertaining, good promos, good matches, let Jericho work off the ring rust and let him earn his title shot.

The credibility of either Jericho or Orton will now be shot. If Jericho wins the title, Orton only had a 2 month reign as Champ with 2 title defenses (A DQ and a win over HBK sans the Superkick) and numerous ass kickings on Raw. If Orton retains against Jericho then Jerichos credibility is shot because there was this huge buildup for him returning as the "Savior" only to lose. I think WWE messed this up.
why are u guys complaining hes already in a match with orton?! THANK GOD HES BACK AND HE CANT WIN THE TITLE SOON ENUFF, i seriously hope he wins it next ppv. if they had him come back and...fued with carlito..?? that would kinda kill his return, dontchyathink?

im seeing y2j vs hbk vs orton @ wm
I was not impressed with his return. The pop was nothing special. Especially when you take into account what Rey & HHH recieved at Summer Slam. It was a decent pop, just not what you would expect. Maybe it's because of the way they revealed him. Having him take out that guy with the torch was stupid. Maybe they should have just shown him lying on the floor, then have the countdown. That ruined it for me.

Or maybe he just didn't live up to the hype. He certainly didn't look like the Jericho of two years ago. His promo wasn't special. It was the same as always.

Also feuding with Orton means he's not going to win his first feud back. Which shows you how WWE feel about him. You don't honestly think that Jericho is going to defeat Orton and hold the title throught to Mania? He might win it this month, but he sure as hell will lose it a month later.
Damn it was so great to see him back on Raw!

Nowhere near as good as his debut first time round but then again the internet etc ruined the return as we all knew but that still didn't stop me having a huge smile on his entrance :)

I agree about him going for Orton too. If he was to come back and call himself the saviour and then go for anyone else bar the champ of Raw it wouldn't have been right.

I wonder if we will see him pop up on Smackdown or ECW tonight :lol2:
Yeah it was awesome to see him back. The people complaing tonight seem like peeps who never liked him in the first place and are looking to attack his return. It clear that most marked out for it.
I marked for it... I thought it was really good. They really let him go with it as far as the promo... he looked really comfortable doing it. I thought he looked good and sounded good... and more importantly, I am actually excited about seeing where they go with it. Just because he confronted Orton, doesn't necessarily mean he will be facing Orton for the title right away.... when he debuted he confronted the Rock, but he didn't actually feud with the Rock right away. I'm not really sure where they are going to take it... but I hope it involves more promos from Y2J because he is money on the mic.
Yeah it was awesome to see him back. The people complaing tonight seem like peeps who never liked him in the first place and are looking to attack his return. It clear that most marked out for it.

I liked him. But he comes back and does exactly the same as he was before. He'll need to come up with some new lines soon. Before his feud with Cena he was stale. He was doing the same things he was going last night. It wont be long before the majority of fans feel the same.
I agree. the clothesline was so freakin lame. why would you reveal him like that. it would have been much better if they just showed the runner knocked out and then the code begins on the titantron. it is so nice to have someone with some charisma back on raw, though!
I am a Jericho mark all the way ... will always be ... and like that they are throwing him into a feud with Orton. I agree that if he wins it makes Orton look bad and vice versa makes Y2J look bad, so I wonder where they go with it. I feel like they put the belt on Orton to appease him and then have him be a squashed champ to pay him back for all the embarrassments he has caused over the last couple of years.
As for the promo ... I thought Jericho looked a little over-giddy and had some extra adrenaline pumping, but he clearly is as good as anyone there is out there right now.
Where was the tiger? Where was Siefried and Roy? LOL

I was waiting for him to do a magic trick or something.....
out there looking like a wack magician.


All that hype....... for that?
If Jericho is to return to Raw and WWE they need him to be a big drawer and make him main eventer not the standard mid upper card wrestler he always was!
Where was the tiger? Where was Siefried and Roy? LOL

I was waiting for him to do a magic trick or something.....
out there looking like a wack magician.


All that hype....... for that?

I felt the same way. I mean we all knew Jericho was coming back but I was actually hoping WWE would delay it till next week just to give people something more forward to look to. I knew they wouldn't but I just wanted it to not be Jericho last night.
Then the way they brought him back...

It was lame, lol.

I don't know what I expected but it was something more... amazing, or more light tricks or something and all I got was a back turned to the camera (I was still hoping that wasn't him) then the "breaking of the code" which was stupid how they broke it down.

Hmm... I guess I'll never be satisfied. I'm happy to see him back, but was it just me or my TV or did the crowd not seem that loud, like the guy hasn't been gone for 2 years? Maybe I was hoping for more but I guess we'll see how Y2J will "save" the WWE.
Okay guys...just cuz the man is starting it up with Orton does not mean that will be his first feud, and he's going right for the title at the next ppv (even tho he prolly will). They could do a tag match, Orton could try to make him "earn a title shot" since he has VKM in his pocket. Both men could engage in a mini-feud too, costing eachother matches. Think outta the box before griping. It'll be interesting to see how this develops. It doesn't matter anyway. You can't please the IWC, no matter what you do. Ha Ha. Btw, The return was pretty cool. Touche' Booker T(NA).
Seriously there is no pleasing anyone around here. Most people have been going on and one about the return of Jericho, and when he does return... people just go "well that wasn't worth waiting for, he came back with the same catch phrases, he did the same things"... so wait... people wanted the return of a new Jericho? I think not. People wanted Jericho back because he is Jericho. I thoroughly enjoyed his return, because i have been wanting him to return ever since he left. I'm glad he hasn't changed much, I think thats one of the smarter things the WWE has done. I certainly didn't want a Taker/Badass complete change of character. Just be happy he is back, even if it is with short hair :(
My friends came over to see Y2J come back and ragged on his short hair all night. Now, don't get me wrong I was excited to see Chris Jericho come back I sat in front of the TV for 2 hours and the few minutes it goes over BUT I was expecting a bigger return than what I got.
No, everyone can't and won't be pleased because everyone has different expectations. Now, as far as his promos being the same, I liked that part it gave me a sense of nostalgia especially the sexy beast comment and the belt around his waist.
I am looking forward to next week to see how Jericho will be used in the WWE since it has changed and he has changed.
I was completely satisfied with his return. I marked-out x100. I expected some people here would bash, but not this many. It seems there are some in our community who have become highly desensitized and love to point out everything they deem is wrong with "WWE"

I am a little worried about him being pushed right into Orton territory though. I doubt they're gonna have Orton drop the strap so soon and this will ruin Y2J's momentum coming in. If Armageddon ends in DQ thats one thing and hopefully Y2J/Orton continues through the Rumble with Jericho taking it there.
As far as him doing the same thing, you gotta get him back in the groove. Plus there are some new fans who don't know what the big deal is about. Give him some time to work in his new gimmick. Every time HHH returns, he's billed as the Cerebral Assassin, then he works his way to a new spin "king of kings, dx, hunter hearst hardy". Only reason it was the same was to familiarize us with him again. He'll branch out. Again, I see him feuding with Orton, and the strap eluding him for a little bit. Remember, in the biz its better to have the face chase the strap.
I think WWE did a pretty good job with the return. I do think however that they should have not shown Y2J standing above the fallen runner. Overall it took away from the impact of the Save_us stuff that played afterwords. Reguardless it was probably the best return I've seen in recent memory. It appears that Y2J is targeting Orton right off the bat. I'd say do it, I think it'd be cool to Y2J win the belt then turn heel and feud with HHH. I think the two of them would have a 1/2 way decent feud. I mean both egos are the size of Alaska.I think Y2J will get the belt from Orton, but I don't know when I don't think it'll be Armageddon, but who knows
I thought the return was done well. I actually appreciated the way they kept his entrance the same...the clock countdown and all. I figured he'd have new entrance music but was surprised by it also being the same...which i don't think is a bad thing. His promo was awesome...He did look extremely excited, haha. My hope is that WWE treats him the way they should. He should be presented as the top tier and nothing less....
Wow, really? Jericho's return was all that was hoped for. I'm sure you already knew about the shorter hair, and have had plenty of time to get over it. So what, it's still him. He may have looked better with it, but that's not what made Chris Jericho. All that was needed was a little more electrified crowd. It was decent, but too many spoilers and the net (and what appeared to be many of the elderly...) Plus, alot of kids who didn't know who he was. You could still hear the eruptions of the fans at the very beginning. Well deserved.

All in all, the comeback was great.
hehe, so I was a bit wrong :p But I'm very happy I was! I couldn't help jumping out of my seat when he popped out. And he's still got loooads of charisma. Here's hoping he ends Orton's reign soon....
I love how people are saying they weren't as impressed or excited when he made his return. How bout this? Dont go online to see who it was going to be and maybe, jus maybe you would ahve that feeling from the good ole days when the surprises were exactly that. Anyway it is just good to see Y2J back and look forward to see what his new finisher is. I really am gald they kept his entrance the same and hope he wears some tights that have the cryptic logo or something to that effect on them.

As for feuding with Orton. I like how they did this. I know some people don't but if they would have brought Jericho back out to somebody else other thatn the champ then it would have lost some mainstream power. But having him come out against the champ has really builds back his credibility fast, which is a grat thing in my book. Lets just hope they give him the title that he has earned the first time he was with them and for longer than what he had it for.
Seriously, we're WRESTLING fans here people. The hell are u gonna complain about someones hair for!?!?

Anyways, even tho I knew for the past serveral months Y2J was coming back, I marked out like I was a little kid again the second he showed up. I haven't gone that crazy since Edge beat Cena (1st time). He's return was awesome, and I love how he kept it like his debut. What killed it though is goin from the ridiculously awesome charisma of Y2J against the Rock's to boring old Randy Orton which is exactly what Jericho pointed out. I also think its the FL fans too. I mean no offense to anyone from there but I think Jericho gotta bigger pop on his debut where some people in the crowd didnt even kno him from WCW then he did on monday. Crowd was crappy most of the night to begin with. But yea, I cant wait to see wats next to come with Y2J back. I really hope he beats Orton for the title at some point and gets a longer title reign at that. Then hopefully we can see him and Kennedy feud after that!
Chris Jericho is precisely the only reason which rekindled my interest in WWE. Since the Rock, Steve Austin and Jericho left, I didn't had a single motivation to carry on watching the monotony of WWE scripted wrestling without the actual entertainment offered by said superstars.

Heck, I've not seen any WWE programme for 4 years running. Yeah, but I have been keeping up with the latest news, and I was so glad that Jericho is back. So much so that I actually bought my first PPV DVD in years, and I'm intending to buy the next one which would most probably include Jericho in his PPV re-debut.

I got a feeling that HBK and Y2J will mini-feud in the coming weeks to claim their rightful contendership to the WWE title. And in true WWE fashion, since their argument can't be settled, and WWE can't possibly give a high profile singles match during a normal RAW programme between HBK and Y2J for No.1 contendership, they'll set Armageddon up for a Triple-Threat Match. Which would probably end up with Orton taking the fluke win after HBK and Y2J thrashed the hell outta each other, and Mr Kennedy interfering to cost HBK the match, solidifying the HBK-Kennedy feud for HBK to move away from the title scene.

Y2J can then move on to a solidified feud with Orton and he takes the championship away at Royal Rumble, and I also have an inkling that the Royal Rumble winner would feud with the WWE champion (either Y2J, if WWE's smart, or the same ol' boring Orton, just to make his title reign look credible than his first). It's all up in the air from then on, since Royal Rumble winners, even Smackdown superstars, can jumpship to RAW to challenge for the championship anyway.

I'm hoping for a fresh feud never done before. None of those HHH/Y2J crap anymore. I couldn't bear to watch it the first time round, what's more now? It's discerning that there's no credible heels for babyfaces to feud with. Orton is supposedly the 'best' heel right now, but I think he's crap. Umaga? He passes off as a monster well, but as for the entertainment bit, I doubt he can sprinkle life into a World title feud. Heck, he's not supposed to know a single word of English, is it not? Kennedy is still not up to it, and apparently, he'll be engaging in a non-title feud with HBK. Over to Smackdown, Edge seems like a good choice but he's well-booked for a feud with Undertaker. Great Khali? Mark Henry? Arghhh please... :S

Speculation aside, I'm glad that Y2J is back to entertain us! :)

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