Championship Titles

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
I love Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment for two things, Championship Title Belts and Stables. This thread is for my first love, the Gold (sometimes Silver).

My favorites, based on appearance and prestige, would be:

1. WWE (Undisputed)


2. (Tied) WCW / World Heavyweight (Big Gold) and ECW (latest version)



4. (Tied) TNA and NWA



In my personal collection, I have, as far as I know, every single Jakks WWE Title. I’ve got:

WWE Titles
• 4 WWE Titles (Winged Eagle, Attitude, Undisputed, and Spinner)
• 2 WCW / World Titles (Big Gold with WWE Logo, and N.W.O., which has the WWE Logo as well. Odd.)
• ECW Title
• 2 Intercontinental Titles (Classic and Attitude with no nameplate)
• 2 United States Titles (WWE and Spinner)
• European Title
• Hardcore Title
• Light Heavyweight Title
• Cruiserweight Title
• 2 World Tag Team Titles (Classic and Raw)
• WWE Tag Team Title (Smackdown)
• Million Dollar Title
Non – WWE titles
• Rocky World Title (from the movie series, Rocky)
• UFC Title
• Pride Title
• WEC Title

If I'm missing one and you know how I could get whatever I’m missing, please let me know.

I can't wait for the Jakks TNA Titles, if they ever come out.

Other Title Belts I have are the WWE, World, and ECW Commemorative Titles. They look good for the price of $100 each.

The next Belt on my wish list is the Ultra Deluxe Undisputed WWE Title Version 2 with some extra add-ons (Gold Tips on both sides, etc.).

Questions, comments, concerns, feel free to discuss anything Championship Title related.
I love all TNA's titles. They look champion worthy, my favorite overall is the TNA world, after that would come the WCW title. I also like the original ECW title. The NWA looks too small for my liking
I love all TNA's titles. They look champion worthy, my favorite overall is the TNA world, after that would come the WCW title. I also like the original ECW title. The NWA looks too small for my liking

I feel the same way about the TNA Titles. They are beautiful and they are not as over the top as WWE’s newer Titles, for example the WWE Title, ECW Title, and Divas Title. The original ECW Title was nice, but I just like the newer one a tad better, maybe because I have it, I don’t know. The NWA Title does look small, but that’s on my list because of its history and what it represents. I believe that’s the only Belt in my Top 5 where appearance wasn’t a factor.
I feel the same way about the TNA Titles. They are beautiful and they are not as over the top as WWE’s newer Titles, for example the WWE Title, ECW Title, and Divas Title. The original ECW Title was nice, but I just like the newer one a tad better, maybe because I have it, I don’t know. The NWA Title does look small, but that’s on my list because of its history and what it represents. I believe that’s the only Belt in my Top 5 where appearance wasn’t a factor.

I've always liked the simpler look compared to the WWE title look. I can understand why you put the NWA up their too, all the classics held that title.

Looking back at that post I wrote like a 6 year old on a sugar high.
Did anyone notice that the WWE Title that Sheamus currently holds, not only doesn’t have his name on the nameplate, but the “Mon Nite Raw” plate (first plate to the right of the center plate) has been replaced with a second “WWE Champion” plate (first plate to the left of the center plate)??

I personally like them both just the same, but if I had my way, I would have had 7 plates on it, to give it that WWE Champion / "Best of the Best" feel. The plates, from left to right would be, the current most left plate, then the “Raw” plate, then the “WWE Champion” plate, then the center plate, then another “WWE Champion” plate, then the “Smackdown” plate (used prior to the WWE Championship moving to Raw, with the “Smackdown” fist), then the current most right plate. I would even add a “Property of WWE” plate, just for $#!+s and giggles. With 7 (or 8) plates, that would really make it look “prestigious” and over the top.
Funny pic I came across today. I didn’t know where to put it. I didn’t want to start up a new thread for it. I couldn’t find any “Triple H” / “Hogging Championships” thread. So I thought I’d just put it in one of my old threads. Enjoy!!


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