Cena vs....At WM23?

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last i read, it was a likely Triple Threat Match pitting Cena vs. Edge vs. Orton at WM23, obviously it's not written in stone but the way it looked at the end of RAW last week when Orton tossed edge over the ropes it looks as if those 2 will feud, lose their titles and it will be a TTM at WM. on the other hand, i have read and hoping that it will be Cena vs. HBK at WM. He almost won last nite, so that could mean he's Raw's choice for the title. BUT, other's might say the reason he was the last one there is because he was in his hometown of San Antonio and it wouldnt look right if he didnt at least finish 2nd. but i think there's hope yet that he'll face Cena at WM, even if he loses(hope not) at least he'll be Raw's Main Event match. as he said last week on RAW..."HBK is back, and there is nothing keeping me from becomine the WWE Champion once again."

thoughts on this anyone??
If shawn isnt the in main event for Wrestlemanina then DX is dead!!! If they want to keep DX going he needs to main event...any other match would be below the standards of the stable...I would rather them Kill DX before they sink it to the bottom of wrestling hell
I hope you are right. I don't want to see another Edge vs Cena feud. I don't want to see Orton job to Cena at WM either. I think HBK vs Cena would be the best match possible even though if I know Vince he will have HBK lose to John Cena.

Vince is method is build superstars up so they can job to John Cena. They spent 10 months building up Umaga as a monster just to have him lose to John Cena 2 times in the last month. Not to mention before him it was Edge and Angle doing the job for him.

There is no one on this board that wants more then anything to see HBK vs Cena at wrestlemania. But if Vince is just going to make Shawn look like Triple H, Umaga, Edge and Angle against Cena then maybe we should see the Triple Threat Match of Cena, Edge, and Orton and have HBK wrestle like Umaga or the Not So Great Khali at least he will make them look good.

PS I don't like Umaga just using him as an example
I hope it is shawn.Ever since HHH has been injured they have been pushing HBK more and more every week.Although we will never see HBK at his finest again, it is nice to see that the wwe is done with the "hey im kinda dumb and 10 years old" HBK that they were pushing with DX.I wish he would just drop the whole DX thing,but they won't beacause DX shirts sell better then HBK shirts.
I dont really care who it is. Just hopefully not Edge again. HBK/Cena would be interesting at WM but it probably wont happen since their both faces. I dont see either turning heel so i dont know what will happen.
last i read, it was a likely Triple Threat Match pitting Cena vs. Edge vs. Orton at WM23, obviously it's not written in stone but the way it looked at the end of RAW last week when Orton tossed edge over the ropes it looks as if those 2 will feud, lose their titles and it will be a TTM at WM. on the other hand, i have read and hoping that it will be Cena vs. HBK at WM. He almost won last nite, so that could mean he's Raw's choice for the title. BUT, other's might say the reason he was the last one there is because he was in his hometown of San Antonio and it wouldnt look right if he didnt at least finish 2nd. but i think there's hope yet that he'll face Cena at WM, even if he loses(hope not) at least he'll be Raw's Main Event match. as he said last week on RAW..."HBK is back, and there is nothing keeping me from becomine the WWE Champion once again."

thoughts on this anyone??
First off you're obviousally discussing possible spoilers meaning matches that they haven't announced yet. Although WrestleMania 23 is right around the corner, some people like to be surprised until WWE announces these matches. So if you want to discuss spoilers, then use the "WWE Spoilers" forum. Secondly you're discussing WrestleMania 23 and we already have already a thread up for discussing this. Please use the "WrestleMania 23" thread in the Pay Per View forum.
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