Capitalize on the Carlito Conspiracy

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Before whatever happens on Raw tonight, I think that creative is going to miss out on a great opportunity. And I mentioned this last night in the other thread..

But now that Sheamus is the champ, I think what they need to do is follow through with the Carlito/Jesse "the Body"/Raw locker room conspiracy. Have Cena demand his rematch clause either tonight or in the upcoming weeks, either A)have him lose his rematch because of Carlito or other mid card heels interfere or B)have Carlito come out when Cena demands his rematch clause and tell him that he has to go to the back of line (but not feed Carlito to Cena then and there, let Cena challenge Carlito, then have Carlito either flee or have some other mid carders attack Cena from behind).

I think that the story could be great if done right. Plus, it would satisfy everyone with Cena not being in the main event spotlight anymore AND it would push some of the mid card talent. I think that they shouldn't make it Super Cena vs the entire Raw locker room that are heels, but have it fleshed out within the next couple of weeks, even leading up to the Royal Rumble. Have Cena be in the Rumble and have a number of heels, Carlito, Swagger, Legacy, and whoever else eliminate Cena from the Rumble.

But then that leaves Sheamus without an opponent. I wouldn't mind Kofi and/or Orton being thrown in with Sheamus while Cena battles it out for the next couple months against the mid card heels.

What do you guys think?? Do you think this would help mid carders and keep Cena out of the spotlight? Who else would you want in the mix??
Before whatever happens on Raw tonight, I think that creative is going to miss out on a great opportunity. And I mentioned this last night in the other thread..

Theres always great opportunities creative misses, but they often hit some good spots too.

But now that Sheamus is the champ

MARK OUT! (Still)

I think what they need to do is follow through with the Carlito/Jesse "the Body"/Raw locker room conspiracy.

Uh? Did I miss something here?

Have Cena demand his rematch clause either tonight or in the upcoming weeks,

Yes please!

A)have him lose his rematch because of Carlito or other mid card heels interfere

This would be a little interesting, but I doubt it will happen. I don't think creative has any faith in Carlito whatsoever, hes in and out of the dog house every few months. But hey, that would be a little interesting.

Heres the problem with that though. Sheamus isn't creditable just yet. He needs one more clean victory over Cena in order to be taken seriously by the fans. They put the world on this shoulders man last night, and right now hes got to fight for his WWE career. The next 4 weeks of his life, decide his career forever. Sink-or-Swim.

Option A was good. Can't wait for Option B.

B)have Carlito come out when Cena demands his rematch clause and tell him that he has to go to the back of line (but not feed Carlito to Cena then and there, let Cena challenge Carlito, then have Carlito either flee or have some other mid carders attack Cena from behind).

Ew no. Sheamus needs to face Cena again, and win. Otherwise it will be a waste. To have him win in a cowardly manner, would ruin his credibility. Let him beat Cena one, maybe even two more times before we go around throwing in heelish maneuvers for him to use to get around guys like Cena.

I think that the story could be great if done right. Plus, it would satisfy everyone with Cena not being in the main event spotlight anymore

By everyone, you mean the IWC? Right? You do realise the IWC makes up of about, 5-10% (I made that number up) of the WWE nation, right?

it would push some of the mid card talent.

Thats great, but use someone like MVP, Kofi Kingston, etc to push the mid card talent. We're stacking the heels agaisnt the faces, and Cena needs to be in the title chase right now, otherwise the show is completely dominated by heels. One of the key points to the Heel//Face concept is that the heels often come out on top, but if theres no credible heel to fight the face, you completely wipe out that concept. Cena needs to solidify Sheamus as a top competitor first.

But then that leaves Sheamus without an opponent. I wouldn't mind Kofi and/or Orton being thrown in with Sheamus while Cena battles it out for the next couple months against the mid card heels.

Maybe you didn't take the time to notice, but Orton is a heel, and as is Sheamus. Kofi and Orton are in a feud. You can't just push things to the side...Cena and Sheamus is the 4-week open window right now, the WWE needs to take it.
This sounds like a great idea, and I would like to see it, but there's probably no chance in hell WWE would go all the way this. For starters, Wrestlemania season is rapidly approaching, so we will most likely see the seeds planted for the major feuds that will happen at Mania 26. With all this speculation of Taker/Cena flying around, I don't think we'll see the "locker room uprising" storyline happen.

The Carlito/Cena segment in the ring a couple of weeks ago was great, and so was the contract signing(and I hate contract signings) with Jesse Ventura. But I think WWE might just be teasing us with a Cena heel turn. There's a chance this could happen, but with Mania getting closer by the months, I think there's a very slim chance it will.
I think thats a great idea and what better way to give carlito a storyline for a little while. Especially with the creative team not having anything for him since they split him and primo up (which benefitted none of them). I think Cena should come out tonight say hes going to cash in his rematch clause when he see's fit then out comes Carlito, Swagger and maybe i dunno the Miz and have them say he dusnt deserve it out comes the guest host and has Cena maybe run the gauntlet against all three men tonight! I doubt that happening tho it will probably turn into a 6 man tag or sumat with cena teaming with mark henry and mvp. YAY!!!.....Not.

I see you like the idea of having fresh faces up for the wwe title. Thats fair enough but i dunno where they are going with putting the belt on Sheamus only a few months away from Wrestlemania 26. I dont see Sheamus headlining the main event of Wrestlemania i just dont think that would sell well at all. I think maybe Cena Vs Orton Vs Kofi Vs Sheamus for the WWE title at the rumble... Cena gets his rematch clause, Orton gets his rematch clause that he couldnt have whilst Cena was champion and Kofi is in the mix to make the numbers up i guess. That being said Cena can then walk out the rumble the new wwe champ without Sheamus being pinned keeping him undefeated if they want to push Sheamus in that way. In my opinion its way too soon for a guy who debuted in the wwe on ecw in june to be headlining a wrestlemania.. They should push the midcarders more i couldnt agree more im a big fan of Jack Swagger, i like MVP, Legacy and anyone else you wanna throw in there. I personally cant stand the Miz but hes building himself up quite well recently.
well ur a idiot. carlito got killed. i mean KILLED on raw last week. he lasted maybe 2 minuters against cena. cena v carlito would be a joke. a fucking joke. maybe cena v swagger or mvp but right now cena is above them. hes going to get his title back and hes going to be champ going into mania. end of story. i just really hope they dont kill sheamus is the process.

really keep cena out of the spot light. do you not realize that the rumble is next, fucking mania is in march. cena is going to head line and hopefully against taker.
I really cannot see Shameass headlining WM at all. But who knows? Last night was a shock for sure. I like the Carlito idea but I highly doubt creative would do that. Sad to say, I'm a big Carlito fan and Carlito did take the US title from Cena years ago in his debut match. But that was years ago.

Tonight will be interesting to say the least. As for those suggesting a Fatal Four Way at the Rumble... again, I doubt it. Think about it, the next PPV after the rumble is the Elimination Chamber. Do you think they'll have a 4 way specialty match before another specialty match PPV? Doubtful. Maybe a Cena/Shameass rematch at the rumble.

Who knows though, I mean Shameass is the champ, at least it's not Cena.
Keep in mind, Sheamus is most likely a transitional champion. All that they are using him for is to get the titles around the waists of the "right people" heading into WM26. There are rumors right now of Cena/Taker and if that happens, they can't have both as champions heading into that match. Plus, I don't think it's a bad idea to have Cena battle up the ladder again to really earn a title shot as opposed to just claiming that he deserves one and it being handed to him.
well ur a idiot. carlito got killed. i mean KILLED on raw last week. he lasted maybe 2 minuters against cena. cena v carlito would be a joke. a fucking joke. maybe cena v swagger or mvp but right now cena is above them. hes going to get his title back and hes going to be champ going into mania. end of story.

I wasn't saying it JUST be Carlito vs Cena. Carlito came out and gave a great promo about how no one in the locker room wants Cena to be the champion. This would give Carlito SOMETHING to do, along with Swagger, Miz, and any other mid carders that have been lost in the mix lately.
i was going to say that I thought this would be a good idea, and a good way for Cena to do for Carlito what, Orton has been doing for Kofi. However after seeing how Cena just squashed Punk tonight, and looks as he'll be squashing guys for months to come, I think drafting Carlito to Sd and keeping him far, FAR FAR away from Raw is what is best for him. He was one of the few bright spots for me tonight, one of the few standouts on a terrible show, but I know he's got nowhere to go on Raw.

It seems like wreslters just get more of a fair shake on SD then the clusterfuck that usually is a typical Guest Hosted Raw.
I would like to M.V.P who has a massive amount of charisma and wrestling talent in the world title scene on RAW. MVP is ready for a world title fued with John Cena IMO.
I would like to M.V.P who has a massive amount of charisma and wrestling talent in the world title scene on RAW. MVP is ready for a world title fued with John Cena IMO.

You first need some applause and recognition from the crowd and viewers before that torch shines on you though.Theres charisma yes..but hes no way near ready for a shot at a World championship title.

I dont see Carlito been throwen straight into a Main event match or midcard match just yet.

Hes great on the mic ,has a great move set and finisher and has been around for years. But the same thing applies to MVP, you need to get noticed by the crowd in order to get noticed at all in their profession.
Its not Carlitos fault at all hes where he is today..when your given a heel push to begin with and are getting over with the crowds with mixed reactions ,and management turns you face to over approve with the crowd the people lose interest. This stint has not worked for MVP also.

So no I dont see Carlito been given the bone to chase for at this stage.
its possible sheamus could main event wm 26 brock did in just a short amount of time.
but its pretty obvious jaime noble is going to win the rumble very one is talking about him getting a push cause vince took and interest in noble himself and in wwe magazine feb 2008 michaels predicts a push for jaime and the angle for him and sheamus is already set.carlito though im tired of waiting 4 something to happen to him whether it creative or his fault im tired of holding my breath for him kane and would benjamin win mitb already this shits ridicoulous
Keep in mind, Sheamus is most likely a transitional champion. All that they are using him for is to get the titles around the waists of the "right people" heading into WM26. There are rumors right now of Cena/Taker and if that happens, they can't have both as champions heading into that match. Plus, I don't think it's a bad idea to have Cena battle up the ladder again to really earn a title shot as opposed to just claiming that he deserves one and it being handed to him.

Personally, I'd like to see Cena get the WWE Title back (gasp; can't believe I just typed that) and THEN go to Wrestlemania and face the World Heavyweight Champion, the Undertaker, in a title vs. title and career vs. streak match.

Undertaker wins and becomes Unified World Heavyweight Champion and keeps his streak going, while Cena is forced into (temporary, albeit) retirement.

Let Cena then go make some more (lame) movies and have some angle for him to return (something like how DDP was forced into "retirement" in WCW, then got a "beneficiary" to help get him off the streets and back in the ring where his career then skyrocketed to 3-time World Heavyweight Champion).
I would like to M.V.P who has a massive amount of charisma and wrestling talent in the world title scene on RAW. MVP is ready for a world title fued with John Cena IMO.

I don't agree with that at all, but it would be interesting to know why you think he should be in the world title scene. Saying he has a massive amount of charisma is debatable, and wrestling talent? I can think of alot of wrestlers who have more in ring talent than him.

While I'm not a fan of Kofi either, he connects with the crowd really well and is more than good enough in the ring so I'd sooner see him fueding for the title than MVP.

MVP comes below Miz, Kingston, Orton, Cena, Swagger, HHH, Michaels and Big Show on Raw IMO, I'd sooner see all of them in the title picture than him.
I dont see Carlito been throwen straight into a Main event match or midcard match just yet.

Hes great on the mic ,has a great move set and finisher and has been around for years. But the same thing applies to MVP, you need to get noticed by the crowd in order to get noticed at all in their profession.
Its not Carlitos fault at all hes where he is today..when your given a heel push to begin with and are getting over with the crowds with mixed reactions ,and management turns you face to over approve with the crowd the people lose interest. This stint has not worked for MVP also.

So no I dont see Carlito been given the bone to chase for at this stage.

Hold up. What have Sheamus done to get notice by the crowd. I m sure if he can become champ by doing nothing, but being friends with HHH. I sure as hell think MVP and Carlito can become champion too.
Hold up. What have Sheamus done to get notice by the crowd. I m sure if he can become champ by doing nothing, but being friends with HHH. I sure as hell think MVP and Carlito can become champion too.

MVP & Carlito will never become world champions because their gimmicks just aren't believable enough. Neither is Sheamus's, but that's backstage politics for you.
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