Can you think of any storylines that got reinvented and were better than the original


Championship Contender
If you are confused by the title, no worries. It is pretty simple. Can you think of any feuds that got re-invented and were more successful than the original?

For example, there might of been a feud ten years ago with two superstars and WWE tried to pull off the same feud with two different superstars later on, say five years after. I will also use the Angle/Jarrett feud right now as an example. It is similar to the Edge/Hardy feud six years ago. So basically, they re-invented a storyline with different people and even in a different company. However, the original Edge/Hardy feud was much better. I can think of one off the top of my head right now that I will throw out there.


These two feuded for a short period in the summer of 09. Miz kicked off the feud after he was drafted to Raw and began calling John Cena out every week. Cena didn't pay any attention to Miz so Miz claimed that he won a match by forfeit. Every week Miz would be 1 and Cena would be 0. I think it eventually added up to Miz 6, Cena 0. They went all out and even gave Miz t-shirts and wristbands that said Miz 6, Cena 0. The feud got Miz a lot of heat and finally Cena addressed the sitiuation. They had a match at The Bash and Cena squashed Miz. This storyline had been done before in WCW. Back in 98, jericho started calling Goldberg out and Goldberg never came. Jericho kept saying he was victorious until finally Goldberg squashed him and Jericho/Goldberg had a falling out because they wanted the feud to go in different directions. It didn't go as in depth as the Cena/Miz feud but it was basically the same thing. The Miz/Cena program was more successful because it was entertaining and we got to see Miz away from Morrison. It gave Miz a lot of heat, even though he got squashed by Cena.​


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