C.M. Punk Wins The WHC

Personally I think all the criticism over Punk's Reign so far is unjustified. I mean, we haven't even seen where any of this is going as of yet. He just won it a week ago, and already he's getting shat all over by haters. I can understand that people don't think he's ready for it, because I don't either. But you can't already tear into his Reign as Champion when you haven't even seen how it's going to turn out.

Now, I can see why Will doesn't like Punk too much. I mean, he knocked Edge off his pedistal and took his belt. I know how big a fan of Edge Will is. I love Edge too, but Raw really needed a belt. I would've rather seen the WWE Title come back to Raw, but that's not what creative decided to do. Instead they decided to shake things up by having Money in the Bank bring the Title back to Raw. So CM Punk was really the only one that could've brought it back.

I don't know if Punk is ready to carry an entire brand, especially the biggest brand in the WWE, but I'm willing to give him a chance and see how it goes. I think it's something completely fresh and original, and it's good to see new blood on top. And if Punk's Reign sucks, they can always pull the trigger on it and give the belt to someone else.

Another thing that makes it interesting is the surprise element of who's going to take the belt off of him. They have Cena, Batista, JBL, Jericho, HBK, and others that could all be contenders for the Title. With all the possibilities, it should make for great, entertaining television in the upcoming months. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next, and I can't wait for Raw tonight.

So all in all, people need to give Punk a chance. Even if you hate him and think he sucks, enjoy Raw. Punk could lose the title at any time. So while people that enjoy him can cheer him on, people that hate him can boo him and hope he loses his Title. It's basically like a Cena Reign, except with someone fresh like Punk. Just enjoy it, because it probably won't be long until we get the same old Cena Reign anyway.
I am not complaining about this move by WWE, the fans wanted a change and now they got one. I was as shocked as everyone when Punk cashed in the MITB on Edge last Monday night and I actually liked it, I am not a huge Punk fan, but the guy is young, drug-free, decent in the ring, and a good role model for younger fans(almost sounds like another certain WWE star), so I cannot find a valid reason to argue against this move. RAW drew a 3.5 rating last Monday night, maybe it was because of the aftermath of Night Of Champions, or maybe it was because of Punk cashing in his MITB(so much for the theory of "Cena only=ratings"). As for people saying Edge shouldn't have lost the title, come on, it made perfect sense, he lost the title the same way he took it from Cena in 2006 and Taker in 2007 with both of his MITBs, that's called Karma, which makes for a good storyline. Also, he needed to lose the title to break off this awful La Familia/Marriage to Vicki angle on SmackDown(If I have to watch another stupid wedding angle on SmackDown, I might just shoot myself lol).
This is probably the best move the WWE has done in a long time. While I hate that is was at the expense of Edge, I am glad to finally see a champion not named Orton or Cena. Punk, if they let him, will bring a fresh new face to the show named Raw. If they let him carry the show, and not immediately give the title to Cena, then the show will prosper. It will be a good show and John cena is already an established superstar that does not need the WWE World Title to get over. If he were truly that great, he would be great without the title like Rock and Austin were. CM Punk has so much potential and can be a great superstar if he and WWE capitalize on three things.
1. crowd involvement
2. wrestling
3. mic skills
That will make Punk a star if he can master all three.
I guess I'll throw my 17 cents into this one and attempt to say some credible arguments in CM Punk's favor:

First off, I'm a fan of wrestling in general. I don't hate any superstars to the point of turning off my TV or being angry they've won. From the things I've seen CM Punk in the WWE (I never saw any of his work in ROH or TNA) I'm surprised that EVERYONE wants him to turn heel. In fact, it seems every IWC member wants Cena, Cryme Tyme, Punk and Batista to turn heel. Why?! In this era of the WWE, we're almost past the point where every feud must be face vs. heel. Wrestlemania 23 provided an intense feud between The Undertaker and Batista, the two top faces on Smackdown, and both kept their status as faces. Why would Cena or Punk have to turn heel to make effective feuds? Why turn them heel period? Cena is starting down a new point where he works with Cryme Tyme, and Punk has new feuds on RAW to do. Kane turning heel I guess makes sure the face\heel line isn't tipped too far in favor of the faces, but it's not like Kane has always been a tweener type anyway. Kane and Taker have always done what they've wanted to whomever no matter what their status is. But I digress...

Will says Punk isn't deserving of the World Heavyweight Champion. He says he's crap. I respect that, but I disagree. Personally, I'm glad that they did not do the whole "Briefcase on the line" match where he loses the MITB because it was done last year. This way, it's new and fresh; it's putting a top belt on a young guy that already carried one show (ECW) as the top babyface for about 8 months between Benoit's tragedy and Kane's Wrestlemania win. Let's face it: Punk was THE top face on ECW, which may not be much to some but still, you have to start somewhere. He practically replaced Bobby Lashley once he left for RAW and took Benoit's spot after the tragedy. Could Jeff Hardy carry ECW as the top babyface if given the chance? He and Tommy Dreamer were the only two credible faces on ECW, and Dreamer was more about putting over young talent than chasing the ECW title. Punk was the go-to guy when Morrison got suspended, and the go-to guy to win Money in the Bank when Hardy got suspended. YES, I notice the trend; he benefitted when others got busted, but would they just throw it on him if he wasn't ready? Why not Jericho or MVP? Why not Matt Hardy? There had to be a reason other than "well, CM Punk doesn't do drugs so he'll never get busted..." He was the safe choice, a crowd favorite that got over because of his talent and not booking. Punk was given the ball and he ran with it for a guy who literally has three years experience, and has done more than Jeff Hardy, which includes not wasting opportunities given.

His mic work is good and his character, the straight-edge, is marketable to kids and censors who think the WWE is full of drug users. Plus, it's storyline karma for Edge; he did it twice already, and now the third time is the charm on him. Punk adds a fresh style to the WWE. His Muay Thai style is fresh and creative, and works well with every wrestler he's faced so far. There are matches\feuds to market with Cena, Batista, Kane, JBL, Jericho and Mysterio. I'm looking forward to it personally.

Again, no disrespect toward anyone who dislikes the guy, personally or professionally. Just my 17 cents...
This "title run" is going to be the most embarrassing one in recent memory if they are gonna give him guys like Snitsky.
Are you kidding? when they have a show with so many better wrestlers that he could be paired with and they give him snitsky. I'm not sure if they really want him to succeed.

If they want this to work they need to put him in some tag matches with the main eventers not, all against them.

Maybe they'll turn this thing around, but my hope are being crashed every passing second.
This "title run" is going to be the most embarrassing one in recent memory if they are gonna give him guys like Snitsky.
Are you kidding? when they have a show with so many better wrestlers that he could be paired with and they give him snitsky. I'm not sure if they really want him to succeed.

Reminds me of Jericho's Undisputed Title run where he was having trouble beating mid carders such as Maven. Turns out he was just keeping the belt warm until Triple H made his comeback...

Hopefully Punk's title reign is about pushing new talent instead of just hanging on to a belt until a bigger name returns.
First thing, I'm sick and tired of people like JBL thrown to the main-event picture, just because they kiss McMahon's ass.

Secondly, I just hope that CM Punk's title reign is short, just because he can't even work a squash match against Snitsky!

It's good that he won the belt, but now, what? Is he credible enough to carry the A-Brand all this time? No. Is Batista? Not even close, but he was in the past, WWE would at least trust him the most in this confrontation.

I do believe that Punk needs to lose the belt right now, why? He needs to improve a lot more, he is getting "stale", his in-ring skills are interesting but now they are also predictable, CM Punk is more predictable that Cena is.

And someone so young in the WWE getting "stale" is a bad, bad sign, so I hope he loses, just to win it again, maybe against a heel Batista, but I simply don't care about Dave, so, if JBL in the next night wins it, fine for me, he needs to become the next "Edge", winning the title, losing it, and winning it back and getting a good title reign, now, he doesn't deserve it and we don't need to see him as the top competitor on RAW, because, certainly he isn't.
First thing, I'm sick and tired of people like JBL thrown to the main-event picture, just because they kiss McMahon's ass.

Not sure if kissing ass has anything to do with it but I do agree that JBL popping up out of the blue into the title picture is getting old.

I do believe that Punk needs to lose the belt right now, why? He needs to improve a lot more, he is getting "stale", his in-ring skills are interesting but now they are also predictable, CM Punk is more predictable that Cena is.

I think Punk's matches are a bit on the stale side for the same reason RVD's were. There's only so many minutes he can wrestle for on TV and maybe he feels he has to squeeze all his high spots in. I have yet to see him in a PPV match where he has more time so I've nothing to compare to.

Honestly, I hope this isn't just another typical deal where the internet community praises a wrestler on his way to the top, then, when he gets there, the same people start bitching about every little thing he does... You know, the way they did HHH, Rock, Austin, Cena... The list goes on and on... :icon_rolleyes:
So I finally get around to weighing in on the new World Heavyweight Champion. First off, I don’t hate Punk but I don’t like him either. So far, he just hasn’t done anything to excite me or make me care. I’d sum up CM Punk in one word: meh.

With his lackluster mic skills, charisma, and often sloppy in-ring work, he’s not my idea of WHC material. And how is it that one can be WHC when he’s not even a proper main-eventer yet?!?! Punk’s (1) barely main-evented the third-rate show, (2) had notable feuds with whom again? Morrison and Chavo. and (3) only had a handful of good matches when he’s been CARRIED by the likes of Edge, Morrison, and MVP.

Punk cashing in the briefcase and becoming the WHC was the means to an end (Raw needed a world title). And while I genuinely hope Punk makes the most of this opportunity and finally shows me something to change my mind, I believe his reign won’t be notable for his stellar promos or great in-ring skills but rather how soon and to whom he drops the belt.
With his lackluster mic skills, charisma, and often sloppy in-ring work, he’s not my idea of WHC material. And how is it that one can be WHC when he’s not even a proper main-eventer yet?!?!

How's this any different from Vince putting the strap on guys like Edge and Orton long before they were "proper" main eventers and before they could get any type of reaction from the crowd?

Vince's reasoning for quite some time now has been to put a belt on whomever he wants to go with in the hopes that they'll grow into it and we'll actually start to give a crap about them. That's a complete opposite way of thinking from what made the Attitude Era so great. Guys like Austin and The Rock were pushed because we, the fans, let Vince know that we wanted them by the reaction they got. Vince has since reversed the roles on us and is now trying to tell us who we want in the title scene.
So I finally get around to weighing in on the new World Heavyweight Champion. First off, I don’t hate Punk but I don’t like him either. So far, he just hasn’t done anything to excite me or make me care. I’d sum up CM Punk in one word: meh.

With his lackluster mic skills, charisma, and often sloppy in-ring work, he’s not my idea of WHC material. And how is it that one can be WHC when he’s not even a proper main-eventer yet?!?! Punk’s (1) barely main-evented the third-rate show, (2) had notable feuds with whom again? Morrison and Chavo. and (3) only had a handful of good matches when he’s been CARRIED by the likes of Edge, Morrison, and MVP.

Punk cashing in the briefcase and becoming the WHC was the means to an end (Raw needed a world title). And while I genuinely hope Punk makes the most of this opportunity and finally shows me something to change my mind, I believe his reign won’t be notable for his stellar promos or great in-ring skills but rather how soon and to whom he drops the belt.

Well, I think you are semi right. Punk is a good wrestler, but sometimes he bores me. I'd rather see Morrison with the belt right now. Maybe I'd be cool with it if punk won it in like 2 or 3 year. if he's with the WWE that long. I hope he drops the championship to morrison though, With Morrison going to Raw after his little tag team thingy going on with The Miz. But, I think Jeff Hardy deserves the championship WAAY more than Punk, and to think that he got a world title before Matt or Jeff makes me sick.
I just couldn't buy Jeff or Matt as a credible champ. Matt just doesn't get a "main eventer" reaction and with Jeff, the only reaction he gets from a live crowd is the screams of young girls... Hardly World Title material.

Had the WWE not given John Morrison this crappy "Doors" gimmick and kept him as Johnny Nitro I could see him as the next HBK. But as he is now, I just can't see him breaking out of mid-card status.
While I think that CM Punks title reign is a bit premature I'm glad that WWE is deciding the shake things up a bit. Who else could we have as WWE Champion currently? Kane is currently involved in a storyline, or at least that's what were made to believe. HBK and Chris Jericho are currently feuding so it wouldn't make sense for either of them at the moment, however I do believe the Jericho may get his shot at a title soon. We have Batista Cena and JBL who with their current standing most people would hate to see them as Champion, however a Heel Batista may be rather interesting and would add new zest to the brand. That left us with CM Punk who again may not be Main Event Headliner yet but had a method to get a title over to the Raw Brand.

It also gives a new insight that Raw is beginning to change with Triple H leaving the show for Smackdown and a few fresh faces on Raw it gives us new kind of exciting (Wrestling?!) times ahead of us.
Alright so C.M Punk.. Personally I don't see the big deal with this guy. First I will say it is nice to see a new champion. But at the expense of Edge!?!?! I am not a blogger, I am not a wrestle fan master, but I do know what I like and what I see. Edge was in my eyes one of the best things going in the WWE. The draft came, he retained and HHH was going to smackdown. Let the game begin!

Then C.M Punk cashes in some lame way, even though just like Edge, the problem is, we've seen it before. I don't like repeats and I don't like it when a guys who was losing every other match on friggen ECW comes to the "A" show and can all of sudden be world champ.

Now he's not a bad wreslter, but he is a bad entertainer, hes boring, his gimmick is a striaghtedge superstar with a pepsi logo on his arm. Him on the mic is nothing interesting, its just a guy who won the belt talking about how happy he is, and telling people to challenge him for it. This is the WWE on the main show. I want to see a champion with charisma, moves, and most of all have a crowd backing him. Now the crowd backs him but its only because hes a champion. If your in a crowd and you don't cheer for a champion who do you cheer for?

At wrestlemania he won MITB match and what did he do it that match? I saw a GTS (which is not a great finisher but its a finisher) and 2 little spots. To my understanding it was suppose to be one of the Hardys getting that spot correct? SO he wins be default. Cashes in after losing matches to two much more entertaining wrestlers in my opinion, (Miz & Morrison) and some others on ECW for the months after, and then comes to Raw becomes a champion, and suddenly you all want to blow him? Get real guys, granted some time he'd do some good, but honestly I have not been show anything in the past 6 or 7 months that shows anything worthy of him getting this. Granted its nice to see younger talent getting some spotlight but the real problem is not that hes champ, but who he has to face! You got guys like Cena, Batista, JBL, Jerhico soon enough, and even a possible Undertaker coming back and you guys think C.M punk is all of a sudden at there level? Put Punk in a feud with anyone of those guys, (which will probally happen) and hes not gonna be entertaining, there gonna take that belt right off him and BAM, all the up and coming talent has to wait even longer to make its way up.

I personally as a pure fan do not see to much coming from this. Now take the belt away, but keep him in the spotlight wouldn't be a bad idea, throw him in the hunt for the IC you know, use his current title reign to bring something back to the IC, turn him heel THAT YOU ALL PRAISE AND THINK IS AWESOME, I havent seen it but, hey shit happens, have him say his eyes were bigger then his stomach and get hi in some feuds with some other people and see what happens.

All I know is I think you are highly overrating this guy and its gonna come back and smack you in the face. I could be wrong but I think Vince got it wrong this time, we'll see.
I'm still kinda of borderline about this. While I do like Punk, I'm not exactly sure why. His in-ring work isn't really all that special, his finisher WAS kickass when it was the Anaconda Vice, but the GTS isn't really fantastic, and Punk is rarely even ON the mic. Triple H, Orton, Cena... as champs, they were always delivering promos or something of the sort. I can barely remember what Punk's voice sounds like. So why am I a Punk fan? I dunno.

I think what I like is basically the change. I like to see title changes. Most people do. However, I don't really like them to come at the expense of one of my favorite, very deserving wrestlers, i.e Edge. CM Punk can have some potential, but he better start showing it very quickly.
CM Punk is a great indies wrestler. He had the stamina, the charisma and the moves. That was back when he was wrestling guys like Samoa Joe and Austin Aries. Upon entering the WWE, he solidified himself in ECW in the early-goings by picking up consecutive wins. That was cool. Then, everything just went down the gutter from there on.

And now, this. He's the World Heavyweight Champion and while it was interesting seeing him win the title by cashing in the MITB against Edge, it did nothing to make him a credible Champion. He had a clean finish over JBL, but there was distraction involved. His matches against Batista ended in DQs or whatever. So far, he hasn't proven how good of a Champion he is. I mean, I'm glad he won this title in his career, but he really needs to stack up those clean victories for anyone to take him seriously as WHC.
Well you guys have to remember that it is booking that is making him look weak. You would have to be an idiot to say that Punk has not recieved a crowd reaction because he has. He has been cheered loudly the last several Raws. He has been probably among the top 3 pops of the night. And besides, he is different. I would rather watch Punk as champion than endure another Batista or Cena reign. Those guys can carry a brand and could be champion but things need to be switched up a little every now and then and it is Punk's time. There is another Pay Per View (Summerslam) coming up so let's see what this kid is made of. I have faith that if they actually let him get a clean win, he could be great.
CM Punk's title win was just what RAW needed, a new face as champion...
If I was in power at WWE, I would hold off a CM Punk---Cena feud.... untill later in the year, maybe even WrestleMania....

CM Punk needs to beat Batista...clean....have a small program with Kane, just to build him up alittle.... Then when he returns fully, Punk needs to enter a program with Randy Orton... a Punk, Orton feud would be fantastic for a few months....

Right now, I would say...Survivor Series 2008...Elimination Chamber... PUNK vs. HBK vs. JERICHO vs. CENA vs. ORTON vs. BATISTA....

You got to admit, Batista needs to take a step back from the World title picture, and rebuild himself with a feud with someone like Lance Cade for a month or so...

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