Buffy, Angel and Firefly?


Hardcore Legend
Anyone else fancy a bit of Joss Wheldons work?

I think Firefly is probably the best sci/fi show I have seen since the Original Star Trek.

Buffy is a great show too, though it has its really crap episodes at time. The musical special was hilarious to watch!

Angel is in the same catagory as Buffy, the characters in all 3 shows are really "deep" and the way they interact, priceless.

Shame Firefly got cancelled after just one season, I was looking forward to seeing the crew of Serenity run for at least 3 seasons!
Just found this thread while going through the list and what a great idea

Yes, i do fancy a bit of Joss' work, although i never watched firefly.

I have the entire buffy and angel on dvd and still pop the discs in on the odd occasion for a bit of viewing pleasure.

Having said that i really became uninterested in angel after the first season, i mean WTF happened did somebody lose the plot, and by that i mean they started the series almost like a supernatural cop show with detective work and original characters every week that were fully expendable (sp?) but then it changed and i think that the original mission plan was lost.
They had a vampire baby, the end of the world, some god who was cordelia's baby who 'took' over LA and it wasnt really spoken about after that and worst of all was that the fifth season had them take over the law firm they were trying to destroy and then all logic went out the window.
They took the Fred character which was the only good thing to come out of the third series (fully aware she was found at the end of two but her character didnt develop then) and they killed her off and had her body taken over by Illyria, then they took her super powers and wrote them out in a twisted time travel/breakdown episode and left her with just super strength (i think). But the biggest most single damning thing they ever did to the show was kill cordy, followed closely by her doing angel's son. Not a very good choice at all IMO, i mean they develop her character from a self absorbed high school chick to a thoughtful, caring and very powerful member of the team and they just throw it away by having her go evil for lack of a better word.

Dont get me wrong i still watched it but i cared less and less every week.

Would be great to get this thread up and going as i have so much to say about Buffy and Angel and would love to hear anyone elses opinions
Buffy and Angel are both great series and most of that came from the stories that Whedon put together. Firefly I haven't seen yet but its on my to do list. Whedon is indeed a genius that found his niche with these two shows. Shame is, he's completely ruining them with the comics book continuations.
Comic book continuations? I havent heard of these i thought that it was just over. Are these like season 8 or is it like just random stories in comic book form? And what sort of stories are they about?
It's season 8 of buffy which is about a year after the end of season 7. Angel is sort of season 6. It's after the final battle, which angel and co. lost. They're continuous stories, not bad, but not comparable to the shows.
Intrigued now, how are they continuing the sagas and what are Buffy and Angel up to now? And Angel apparently lost the battle so what happened to them?
I love all whedon's works. The comics reach a level the show never could w/ it's limitations. Joss imagination seems to finally be letting loose. I personally don't think Joss could ever disapoint me w/ these characters. Buffyverse especially. however I really wish he'd do another show it seems wrong not to keep something this good going....in every medium possible. I really feel like I can't express how amazing I feel all his work is especially buffy/angel. I waited till season 4 to start watching buffy. I was completely against it, figuring it would suck like the movie. I started watching Angel first sometime toward the end of the rerun season. How much I loved angel forced me to watch buffy, to understand references and because of crossovers. Now you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger buffyverse fan than me. These 2 shows were the best 2 on tv when they were on. Oh, and I agree that Firefly was the best sci-fi show since trek, it really shoulda lasted longer. To bad tv execs are morons.
I've never watched Firefly, but I was possibly one of the biggest fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.

Buffy: My friends really got me addicted to watching Buffy, and to be perfectly honest I watched the show for every other reason outside of seeing Buffy, herself. Sarah Michelle Gellar was okay and played the role I suppose as good as it could've been. (especially a lot better than Swanson, if you've ever seen the movie)

However I became a huge fan of Angel from Buffy. I followed the Angel character completely and he became my favorite character. From Angel, it went to Willow, who I truly started to love from Season 4 on, as her witch powers grew and grew.

Xander and Anya were my favorite couple, merely because of how they worked together, and Spike was a better fit for Buffy than Angel was, merely because Angel deserved his own dark spin-off. Spike was the humor type Vamp.. whereas Angel was the "alone" type, that didn't need a gang that "teenie-bopper-ish."

I think the greatest mid-series character that came along for Buffy, would've been Faith. If anything, I truly believe she, herself, could've taken on the role of a Main show player and went out with her own spin-off. (Tru Calling, anyone. :lmao:) And I think the worst enemy would've been "The First." Which ironically was their last enemy.

I never liked "The First" because it never had a true form. It wasn't one thing, it was "every" thing. It was all "evil" rolled into one, yet its odd how Angel still dealt with evil in L.A.. so apparently the "First" evil.. was only for Sunnydale, not even remotely outside of that town.

Angel: Again, since I was a huge fan of Angel through Buffy, Angel became my favorite show of the two. I believe this show helped its supporting cast to become better than what they were.

While in Buffy, Wesley was nothing more than a stuck-up watcher, who couldn't handle putting a fire out, let alone the situations he should've been capable of taking care of. When he jumped to Angel, even from his debut on the show, he was suddenly a bad ass. (ish) He then transformed into someone who had guts. Someone who used his head to work out problems, and if anything became greater on Angel, than Giles on Buffy.

Meanwhile, you have Cordy. On Buffy she was seen as nothing more than the stuck-up snobbish rich girl, who at the end of High School lost everything. On Angel she transformed into an adult, growing up for the most part from her snobbish ways. And she took on a huge role as the "eyes" to the "powers that be." If anything, Cordy was my favorite female role, even over Buffy, because Cordy played her part to perfection.. without a doubt.

From there you have the entrance of Charles Gun, a Vampire Hunter who loses his sister, then joins Angel but never fully (to me) trusts him. He sided with him, trusted him in the line of battle, but because of who Gun was, I really don't think he ever could trust Angel. You also had the entrance of Fred, who more or less was Angel's Willow, without the witch-like abilities. If anything, I guess she'd be like their Giles since she worked everything out with her head and couldn't really fight a lot.

Moving on. I'd say the greatest enemy of Angel's would be, obviously Wolfram & Hart. If for nothing more because they were the lead enemy in practically every season, even when they took over the L.A. Branch in the final season. Lindsey would've been my favorite character to represent Wolfram & Hart though. Even to this day, I wish they wouldn't of ended his character like they did.

The worst enemy Angel ever had, was ironically himself. In looking back, the final 3 episodes in which Angel and company went to Leore's home to rescue Cordy.. where Angel turned into the "inner vampire" was stupid to me. That whole series of shows could've really been a mid-season type of thing, more than a season finale.

Also, Angel's rivalry with Holtz and the events that lead Connor, Angel's son, to ultimate be raised by Holtz and hate Angel. I loved that so much, even though it also pissed me off merely because I wanted to beat the shit outta Connor myself and just say over and over.. "Thats your real Father you punk bastard!" The character development for Darla was a great favorite of mine as well.

Final Thoughts: I could spend forever talking about either series, and wishing they'd still be around. I think both series ended stupidly. Both ended with a really huge fight scene that ultimately involved nothing of great importance.

Buffy and a ton of extra slayers defeated an army of random goblin-vamp like creatures, no major enemy.. whereas Angel and company defeated a round table of elite enemies, then ended their show in an alley, with random figures coming after them, including a fucking dragon. Talk about stupid.

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