Brodus & Tensai

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Looks like we have a new tag team. Tensai appears to be taking a step in the right direction by forming an alliance with Brodus Clay. Believe it or not he’s actually getting a reaction from the crowd, and not because of an Albert chant. You may think this is going to be just a stupid comedy team but that doesn’t matter. It’s a hell of a lot better than what Tensai, and even Brodus, had going on before. I think we’re going to have an interesting personality clash here along the lines of Al Snow and Steve Blackman as Tensai starts to come out of his shell and show some personality. I’m not sure what the future holds for this team, but expect them to be on your television screen going forward.
I don't really mind them as a team. Tensai seemed to get a pretty good reaction on Main Event, I'm glad that it gives them something to do, but I really don't want to see them chasing the tag titles.
I think it could be a last ditch effort to make something out of Tensai's return. Us here on the Interwebs would rather them be a "monster-heel" team, but I guess that's too boring for the casual fans. I hope it works for both of them, because at this point they have become the WWE's biggest jabronies(along with Khali). I was thinking it might be time to see the monster Brodus that we were promised before his debut. Perhaps if this doesn't work. As a fan I'll give it a shot, size wise they should dominate the division.
I dont see the harm in sticking A Tensai and Brodus together. They certainly look like an intimidating tag team. They could use some more face teams besides Team Hell No. Eventually either one of them can turn heel and they can fued with each other. They could be this generations Earthquake and Typhoon.
oh thank you vince. This is obviously great for both of them as it gets them on tv and probably even frequent wins. Get an undercard feud between this two and 3mb and you could strike comedy gold. With 3 hours of raw you need more odd ball comedy segments (Khali and Hornswoggle aren't and have never been funny). I for one enjoyed there dance off on raw and hope to see more from these two.

And there name should be The Lords of Funk.
oh thank you vince. This is obviously great for both of them as it gets them on tv and probably even frequent wins. Get an undercard feud between this two and 3mb and you could strike comedy gold. With 3 hours of raw you need more odd ball comedy segments (Khali and Hornswoggle aren't and have never been funny). I for one enjoyed there dance off on raw and hope to see more from these two.

And there name should be The Lords of Funk.
You're kidding right? More oddball comedy? Jesus Christ no.

They should be a monster tag-team, but being this is Vince so they will be "B" level with an asinine comedy regime. Instead of actual wrestling we will get pillow fights and dance-offs and sing-offs.
You're kidding right? More oddball comedy? Jesus Christ no.

They should be a monster tag-team, but being this is Vince so they will be "B" level with an asinine comedy regime. Instead of actual wrestling we will get pillow fights and dance-offs and sing-offs.

you can't have a 3 hour serious show you need humor to break apart the serious stuff. instead of bad wrestling which they would give you they will give a form of entertainment. monster tag teams are pointless if wwe isn't going to invest in the division which they aren't. All they see in the tag team division is holder for guys like Daniel Byran who they don't want in the mainevent at the moment, but want to keep relevant.

2. Comedy to appeal to all there fans cause guess what 10 average 8 minute serious wrestling matches doesn't appeal to some (probably most) of there fans.

3.Filler thats truly all tag team wrestling is today pointless filler (unless you get comedy). Look back at when Primo and Epico had there feud with Kofi and R-truth yeah thrilling tv. Now you got Team Hell no who have predictable matches and meaningless feuds yet people enjoy them cause of odd ball comedy.

3 hours of wrestling sucks. 3 hours of entertainment is what wwe needs and they need all forms of it and comedy (especially kid friendly comedy sorry rock but making fun of Heymans tits isn't ideal for kids.) is one
you can't have a 3 hour serious show you need humor to break apart the serious stuff. instead of bad wrestling which they would give you they will give a form of entertainment. monster tag teams are pointless if wwe isn't going to invest in the division which they aren't. All they see in the tag team division is holder for guys like Daniel Byran who they don't want in the mainevent at the moment, but want to keep relevant.

2. Comedy to appeal to all there fans cause guess what 10 average 8 minute serious wrestling matches doesn't appeal to some (probably most) of there fans.

3.Filler thats truly all tag team wrestling is today pointless filler (unless you get comedy). Look back at when Primo and Epico had there feud with Kofi and R-truth yeah thrilling tv. Now you got Team Hell no who have predictable matches and meaningless feuds yet people enjoy them cause of odd ball comedy.

3 hours of wrestling sucks. 3 hours of entertainment is what wwe needs and they need all forms of it and comedy (especially kid friendly comedy sorry rock but making fun of Heymans tits isn't ideal for kids.) is one
I gotta disagree my man. There's already too much comedy in WWE, or I should say what passes for comedy. From Cena to Sheamus to Hornswoggle to 3MB and so on. They already fill the show with far too much filler, recaps and video segments and more recaps. I swear the Rumble was filled with an hour of just that. An hour.

Nitro at least filled three hours with wrestling. RAW needs to take notes. Three hours should give new guys a chance to compete and should entail some nice long matches. No RAW Roulette or Tensai running around in a negligee....I will say that Team Hell No has its funny moments. Bryan is just gold all around.

Besides WWE is not really wrestling or at least Vince tries to pretend that it is entertainment. It really isn't. It will never be taken seriously and Vince needs to just embrace that instead of bringing Snooki in. Just effing wrestle.
oh thank you vince. This is obviously great for both of them as it gets them on tv and probably even frequent wins. Get an undercard feud between this two and 3mb and you could strike comedy gold. With 3 hours of raw you need more odd ball comedy segments (Khali and Hornswoggle aren't and have never been funny). I for one enjoyed there dance off on raw and hope to see more from these two.

And there name should be The Lords of Funk.

I'm with you. It's too bad a Jimmy Hart or Slick isn't around to manage 'em. They'd definitely be a step-up from Khali and Hornswoggle, although that's faint praise. The main thing is that it keeps both guys relevant and introduces a new threat in the tag division.
If Tensai is gonna try and be a face can he at least put some damn pants on in the ring? I hate the way he looks in those stupid red underwear and his big fat body.

Just because it's pro wrestling doesn't mean you HAVE to wear brief trunks. It's bad enough with Brodus in the high-cut singlet and shaking around his torso.
I gotta disagree my man. There's already too much comedy in WWE, or I should say what passes for comedy. From Cena to Sheamus to Hornswoggle to 3MB and so on. They already fill the show with far too much filler, recaps and video segments and more recaps. I swear the Rumble was filled with an hour of just that. An hour.

Nitro at least filled three hours with wrestling. RAW needs to take notes. Three hours should give new guys a chance to compete and should entail some nice long matches. No RAW Roulette or Tensai running around in a negligee....I will say that Team Hell No has its funny moments. Bryan is just gold all around.

Besides WWE is not really wrestling or at least Vince tries to pretend that it is entertainment. It really isn't. It will never be taken seriously and Vince needs to just embrace that instead of bringing Snooki in. Just effing wrestle.

Okay i definitely agree with you some off the wwes comedy isn't funny at all but they need to replace them with things that are or could be funny and Brodus and Tensai should replace Khali and Hornswoggle as the comedy team. WWE doesn't need to attempt more comedy they just need to replace the bad comedy right now.

I didn't watch any WCW when it was on seen some on youtube now but not when it actually happened. But some of WCW characters had to be comedy characters right? the the spider man ripoff the Yeti, they had a grave yard match they couldn't of been serious were they? But as i said didn't watch WCW so i don't know how they handle 3 hours. I'll take your word it was with just wrestling. But this was also at the peak of wrestling. WWE runs a family show. Most animated family films have story action and comedy to them so should family wrestling. If Raw was a pg-13 show and aimed at the adult male audience i would agree less odd ball comedy segments more wrestling but its not.

Entertainment doesn't have to be taken seriously no one every took scooby doo, southpark, the daily show with John Stewart serious and the are all still thriving today.

The reason Vince doesn't want it to be just wrestling is there is more money in entertainment. Entertainment is what made him a billionaire. The attitude era wasn't wrestling Hogan wasn't wrestling it was the full scope of entertainment which includes wrestling. Austin and Rock were very good wrestlers but even better on the mic thats where they got most of there fans with there awesome and often funny promos.

Should there be a more and better wrestling yes. Should there be less filler like constant recaps yes. But wwe needs to appeal to a larger audience and humor helps them do that along with drama and wrestling.
The Funking Fatties. I don't mind this pairing at all. Brodus has basically been a comedy guy with the occasional mean streak who is stuck in the undercard and Tensai has been relegated to jobber to the stars. This gives both guys something to do and will continue the development of the tag team scene. Clay is a fan favorite and Tensai can channel his inner "Hip Hop Hippo." They won't be a dominant team by any means but I wouldn't be surprised if they got a short title reign down the road.
They do look dominant when paired up due to size alone. I'm still in the minority here when I say that I still like Tensai the way he is. That might have a lot to do with the fact that I actually followed Tensai's career in Japan, which is why the return to WWE seemed more than fit as some sort of homage more than anything else. That might just be me though. Here in the WWE, it's all about connecting with the audience, getting a reaction and being able to cut promos on the mic. While I know that's important, I don't think it was necessary for either Tensai or Brodus Clay to suddenly start jobbing to everyone. I'm more baffled by Brodus Clay's demotion than Tensai's because for a while he was on a roll, and got a positive reaction from the crowd. Anyway, if these two were to team up, I think it'd be good for the Tag Team division. It needs a power team like this. Far often do we see Tag Teams being built as either fodder for Tag Team Championship rivalry or onetime deals for Tag Team Championship victory. More teams need longevity. This might be a good team for that longevity since neither guy is doing anything special as a singles competitor. They can have a few shots at the title while remaining a team. Hell, I wouldn't mind if they even won the Tag titles at one point. Since the WWE is all about longevity these days, why not apply that to Tag Teams? These two guys remind me of The Natural Disasters but with a friendly theme.
Brain I tweeted this out Monday night in the dance off I think its great now we can start to take some of the midlevel guys put them in a tag team and make the tag team belts worth something again. you could call the tag team something like T-Funk (if good guys) or T-REX or some other cool or interesting name. They are def a comedy show and they need to start doing things to help there seriousness of being a tag team.
Erm... I agree. Should I write more than that?

Brodus Clay has gotten stale, even with the kids any that's when you know. Barely anybody is a fan of Tensai, although I don't think he's half as bad as most people. But really, he's in the same position. Just put both of them together with something solid and you are giving them a shot in the arm and a new threat as a tag team. I can actually see Tensai and Clay being a good pairing to face Team Hell No at Wrestlemania. Both of them have lost before, but they still dominate their matches in most cases and with their new direction they would seem like greater threats than even Rhodes Scholars may have done. That avenue is all but exhausted.

In fact a triple threat tag match with them, Hell No and possible Mysterio and Sin Cara would sound like a good match with a good dynamic of tag teams to make it interesting. In other words, sounds good to me.
I think the fans could take to Brodus and Tensai as a comedy face team. Big fat men dancing does tend to make the fans laugh, and that is exactly what is happening here. Tensai has been a complete and utter flop since he returned to the company so at least he is getting a reaction doing SOMETHING!

I would personally prefer the WWE to take this opportunity to make Brodus Clay back into the "monster" we were promised before his debut. I always thought Tensai was decent as A-Train as a heel, and with the sizes of both Clay and Tensai I reckon a monster heel tag team would be a better long-term option that a pair of dancing fatties who will have a short shelf life.
I'll just chime in and say this team is a great thing for both of them. I saw their unofficial debut yesterday or whatever and considering everything, for both of their characters it's a major breath of fresh air. Now whether it works is well obviously up to the fans and creative but hey why not another tag team. Tensai might just have that off the wall humor that some people think is great, who knows. I'm a fan.
I would personally prefer the WWE to take this opportunity to make Brodus Clay back into the "monster" we were promised before his debut.

It's easy to forget that aspect, isn't it? After the horrible segment in which Brodus played stooge to Alberto Del Rio, it was suggested he be re-packaged and come back as a raging terror. Instead, someone got the bright idea of casting him as a dancing buffoon. (If Brodus refused the assignment, I can't help wondering if we would have been watching Bray Wyatt back in the big leagues a lot sooner).

Interestingly, we might be now looking at a pairing between Brodus and Tensai, who are two guys moving in opposite directions as far as ring persona and degree of success. Brodus failed as a bad guy with little direction; it's ironic he found some as a face. Meanwhile, Tensai got a huge initial push as a Japanese terror (anyone who gets a victory over John Cena automatically qualifies as getting a massive push) and it just might turn out a better direction for him is as a quasi-good guy.

Will they be meeting in the middle? Despite the Roulette pairing, do we really know the two are being teamed? Given their respective sizes, I suppose it makes sense, but the contrast between the two is interesting. Brodus achieved a lot of success through an unlikely schtick, while Tensai managed almost no success with a gimmick that WWE figured to suit him perfectly; I would think WWE saw the Asian persona as a sure-fire winner.....why else would they have attempted something so unusual in the first place?

At this point, the Brodus gimmick has more than run it's course, while the Tensai/jobber bit is going nowhere. This might be a case where teaming two guys might be a good idea. I wouldn't expect tag team titles from them, but I suppose that depends on the impact they generate.
I don't mind the idea. It's a huge improvement either way. Tensai got a surprisingly strong babyface reaction on Main Event last night after Brodus Clay came down and got the fans behind him.

It might ultimately just be some sort of comedy tag team, but at least Tensai is getting a good reaction, at least thus far anyhow. It's better than the route he was going, so at least he can be of some degree of use and entertainment for the live crowds if nothing else.
If they're not going to Future Endeavor these two, they might as well try to form a tag team out of them. Could be a modern day Natural Disasters type of team, though w/o as much weight involved.

Why not? Neither one of them is going anywhere with their current gimmicks.
It's a fantastic idea. They're clearly in the process of splitting Team Hell No up, so they're going to need a face tag team to fill the void. Considering that neither Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara can seemingly stay healthy or whatever, the void is even bigger.

I'd scrap the Tensai gimmick altogether and have him come out and apologize for the whole gimmick by saying he just wants to dance and then have him go back to A-Train or Albert or just be Matt or whatever and have him dress in a track suit and bucket hat like Broadus Clay for his entrance and get him new ring attire that's more fitting to his new gimmick.
oh thank you vince. This is obviously great for both of them as it gets them on tv and probably even frequent wins. Get an undercard feud between this two and 3mb and you could strike comedy gold. With 3 hours of raw you need more odd ball comedy segments (Khali and Hornswoggle aren't and have never been funny). I for one enjoyed there dance off on raw and hope to see more from these two.

And there name should be The Lords of Funk.


LORDS OF FUNK! LORDS OF FUNK! I can hear the chants now. I'm in love with the name I'm so pairing them and having them come out like Too Cool in WWE13.

ANYWAY now that I'm done geeking out over the name, I think them against 3mb could do a lot for 3mb. The Days of the monster heel are done. They have Big E that's all they need if someone can get their personality over why muddle it up by making them a "destroyer of worlds" type.... Why can't we have Natural Disasters + Too Cool?

Getting over with the casual fan is more important than pleasing the IWC, and which is more creative and takes more effort going out there acting like they are constipated monster squashing people left and right angry and mad at the world, or going out dancing putting on a good in ring match, show some personality and actually show their versatility.
Brodus clay is 32 Tensai is 40, They have a lot they can learn from one another, Clay is 7 years into his wrestling career and prolly has (bar serious injury and the like) another solid 10 left in him. Tensai has improved greatly in the ring and this will be looked at as one of his last big runs in wrestling.
Taking both of them in an obscure creative direction is fine as long as both men can pull it off. (they are not the great Khali they can both still wrestle better than that)
So let's actually see what comes of this possible tag team.
The first thing i thought off when they had that dance off was tag team for them. I dont mind it really they could be quite a pair together. Lets face it,neither of them was doing much of anything so why not have them pair up together.

It is a three hour show we have to have some comedy in there somewhere right? I think this could work like the brain said ala Al Snow and Steve Blackmon! I think this also could help Tensai connect back with the crowd other than the albert chants that have cursed him as of late. Who knows stranger things have happened and these two could very well work out together
Okay i definitely agree with you some off the wwes comedy isn't funny at all but they need to replace them with things that are or could be funny and Brodus and Tensai should replace Khali and Hornswoggle as the comedy team. WWE doesn't need to attempt more comedy they just need to replace the bad comedy right now.

I didn't watch any WCW when it was on seen some on youtube now but not when it actually happened. But some of WCW characters had to be comedy characters right? the the spider man ripoff the Yeti, they had a grave yard match they couldn't of been serious were they? But as i said didn't watch WCW so i don't know how they handle 3 hours. I'll take your word it was with just wrestling. But this was also at the peak of wrestling. WWE runs a family show. Most animated family films have story action and comedy to them so should family wrestling. If Raw was a pg-13 show and aimed at the adult male audience i would agree less odd ball comedy segments more wrestling but its not.

Entertainment doesn't have to be taken seriously no one every took scooby doo, southpark, the daily show with John Stewart serious and the are all still thriving today.

The reason Vince doesn't want it to be just wrestling is there is more money in entertainment. Entertainment is what made him a billionaire. The attitude era wasn't wrestling Hogan wasn't wrestling it was the full scope of entertainment which includes wrestling. Austin and Rock were very good wrestlers but even better on the mic thats where they got most of there fans with there awesome and often funny promos.

Should there be a more and better wrestling yes. Should there be less filler like constant recaps yes. But wwe needs to appeal to a larger audience and humor helps them do that along with drama and wrestling.
You make some excellent points. They do need to appeal to the casual fan. I do think they need to appeal to the older crowd too. I guess, I am just and old and cynical bastard. I really don't find much of what the WWE does funny.

I do think that pairing them could work. Those two could be monsters. I am not sure what the WWE is thinking as they refuse to make monster heels anymore, probably thinking that they have to job them to Orton, Sheamus or Cena sooner rather than later.

If they do become a tag team have them mow down the competition. I am more of a heel guy, especially when it comes to bigger men (Hey, it is 2013!). They could feud with Team Hell No etc. They could be made into Vader like characters, where they just kick the Hades out of everyone, eventually split and feud with each other. I just don't want to see more comedy.

As for WCW it was more unintentional comedy when it came nonsense like the Yeti. They had some comedy with Jericho and in the Russo era. For the most part it was a bit more serious....but yeah some of the characters were atrocious. They actually had a Leprechaun dude running around the ring for a bit....and there is Glacier.
I don't mind them as a team. I agree with the poster that said this is kind of a last effort to get Tensai going. They will be a good comedy team at least. I thought they were pretty funny together in the dance off, and the crowd is actually reacting to Tensai. It will be interesting to see how they work together as a team in the ring.

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