Brock Lesnar Retires From MMA *KEEP IT ALL IN HERE*

I think he'll come back for at least one more match.

...and I think that Brock will face Punk either at a WrestleMania or a Summerslam event. Punk's gimmick is based a lot around tearing down the 4th wall, and Brock would totally give him so much ammunition.

Punk has said that he hates part-timers like how Rock just walks into the main event of 28, and who is more famous for cutting and running as quickly as they could than Brock? Just you wait, if Punk gets his chance to tear into Brock, he'll throw some of his best material at him. There couldn't be a 4th wall in this feud. Punk will bring up the NFL, Cain Valasquez and Overeem, and how he should have just fought the Undertaker at 27.

I think if the WWE brings him back for one last hoo-rah, then it has to be against Punk. Punk would just make that feud awesome, and the match would probably be pretty great, too. CM Punk needs an opponent like this, he needs a feud like this, and a short little Summerslam feud between two Paul Heyman guys is worth the payday to Brock. If he's smart, he'll start calling WWE now to see when it can happen.

Firstly Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker is more of a possibility (if Undertaker returns as "The American Badass") than Punk vs Lesnar...

because of this :


CM Punk isn't even in Brock Lesnar's league and Punk vs Lesnar would just be plain terrible. ITs funny now all of a sudden people are coming out and saying Punk vs This, Punk vs That. Damn Punk has become so overrated now.
Am I the only one who thinks that Lesnar coming back would be very very unlikely. Firstly hem retired from MMA because of a disease. Retiring from MMA reduces travel. And WWE has way way more travel than MMA ever will.

If Lesnar comes back it will be to the octagon. I hope he fights in strikeforce cuz ufc guys are out of his league. He can become strikeforce heavyweight champ. Then build his way up to UFC again.

WWE is a career killer for MMA guys. Lesnar and lashley were partly lucky. Lesnar more so than lashley. Lashleys failed strikeforce career set him back and now hes even interested in coming back to the wwe. Lesnar got the crap kicked out of him and now hes retired (for now).

WWE is fine as it is. Let it be. U dont need Brock Lesnar not now not ever.
Am I the only one who thinks that Lesnar coming back would be very very unlikely. Firstly hem retired from MMA because of a disease. Retiring from MMA reduces travel. And WWE has way way more travel than MMA ever will.

If Lesnar comes back it will be to the octagon. I hope he fights in strikeforce cuz ufc guys are out of his league. He can become strikeforce heavyweight champ. Then build his way up to UFC again.

WWE is a career killer for MMA guys. Lesnar and lashley were partly lucky. Lesnar more so than lashley. Lashleys failed strikeforce career set him back and now hes even interested in coming back to the wwe. Lesnar got the crap kicked out of him and now hes retired (for now).

WWE is fine as it is. Let it be. U dont need Brock Lesnar not now not ever.

How is WWE fine ? The ppv buyrates are low, the attendances are less, the ratings are sinking and the wwe roster is very shallow now compared to what it was before. Majority of people are bored of the product because of it being bland and childish. We see the same repetitive matches every week on RAW and Smackdown...WWE needs starpower...Brock Lesnar will be a great addition.

Maybe its fine for you but it sucks for many others including me because I remember the glory days of wrestling.
no way those promos r for brock, brock stated if he won, he would fight one more match for the title and if he lost he would retire. those promos are for jericho bottom line, will brock return to the wwe? yes he will. for at least one more match at mania agianst at this time an upknown oppenant. he would be stupid to turn down a huge payday like that and vince will do it jus to boost buy rates alone.
Do you think he will make it to WM 28?
Within this span we saw nWo get signed and brought in to TV 10 years ago. So yeah I think they could give Lesnar a short term contract just to feel things out.

If so, who do you think he will face?
CM Punk ... for the WWE Title? I can see a lot of potential in this feud with Punk being so hot right now. Undertaker might be a good alternative but we have already seen those two go at it. At least Punk/Lesnar will be quite fresh.
At the end of the day surely due to his superstardom he could come back even full time but with a light schedule in that he would only work live events and PPVs and not house shows.

If Lesnar came back it would be an awesome boost to the WWE.
I fined it really funny how people say Brocks a bitch because he lost a fight to one of the best Heavyweights in MMA but for about a year or 2 you have all been licking his ass on how great he his and what a beast he his. but then he looses and you all turn on him like you turn on your mother for turning the internet off when your watching porn. Brock was a great Heavywieght in MMA and I believe if he didnt get that diesae he proberly would of dominanted alot longer then he did. I really doubt Brock will come back to WWE for at least a year or 2 because he has no need too.

if he was going to come straight back to the WWE then he would loose all his respect to the MMA world which I doubt he would want. what your proberly see happen for a while is Brock will just run his Training camp Death Clutch and take it easy and maybe by WM29 or WM30 your see Brock make a big return for one more match.
How is WWE fine ? The ppv buyrates are low, the attendances are less, the ratings are sinking and the wwe roster is very shallow now compared to what it was before. Majority of people are bored of the product because of it being bland and childish. We see the same repetitive matches every week on RAW and Smackdown...WWE needs starpower...Brock Lesnar will be a great addition.

Maybe its fine for you but it sucks for many others including me because I remember the glory days of wrestling.

Ok, buy rates, attendance and ratings are down so what? They are still selling T-shirts and that is what matters. Brock Lesnar is too muscular to be a WWE superstar!
In all seriousness..Brock Lesnar returning would definitely be a great asset to the company. The only question to use him. JR said that if Brock comes back, it would only be for one match and at WM. They already started the build for HHH vs Taker at WM again. Cena already has a match with the Rock. CM Punk is highly speculated to face Jericho. This still leaves Kane, Mark Henry and Big Show available. All three are monsters and would make logical opponents for Lesnar, but would they make good opponents for such a big event? Logically such a huge turn would merit a huge match. I think the best choice would in fact be Taker. Taker is an MMA enthusiast that often incorporates MMA into his matches. It would be great as it would give closure to the Taker confrontation at the end of Lesnar vs Velasquez. But how would they go about it? Have Lesnar take HHH out? This would help set up the highly speculated Jericho/Stephanie angle. Or would WWE make it a triple threat match? Maybe they'll make it HHH and Lesnar vs Taker and Kane. What do you guys think?
He retired under contract with UFC. He's still under contract so stop acting as if he can suddenly hop from one company to another. The cryptic promo's are still for Jericho. Lesnar will return once his UFC contract is over but working a part-time schedule.
What a bunch of hypocrites the IWC is, The Rock left the WWE on good terms and when he comes back he gets called a sell out for leaving for hollywood and wanting to go by his real name, yet Crock Lesner leaves on bad terms, calls the product fake and stupid. put down the WWE fans for liking the product and here you all are just wanting him to come back with open arms.

If VKM is smart he shouldn't bring him back except for a one match at Mania or SummerSlam and all this talk about giving him a big paycheck Hell No!!!! VKM did not make it this far just giving away large amounts of money. He should give him the same kind of money Dana White would be giving him $300,000-400,000 max. He doesn't respect the product and will leave again and that is not good for business.

All the hype begging for this guy back, can someone please tell me a good Lesner match in the WWE please ( dont bother search cause there is none ).

Lesner in the WWE had a great Debut and thats about it
I like Brock Lesnar as much as the next man. No, I like Brock Lesnar more than the next man.

Negrodamus is correct in as much as Lesnar didn't leave WWE on good terms and hasn't necessarily been kind about the product since he left. Fortunately, I never called The Rock a sellout, so I'll be comfortable in welcoming Brock back with open arms. More than comfortable. Seriously. I'm sitting in an armchair, sipping whiskey right now; that's how comfortable with it I am.

Furthermore, Lesnar had numerous great matches in WWE. Why, I was just watching his match with Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out the other night. That was rather good. His matches with the likes of Benoit, Angle and RVD were rather good as well. I haven't seen his Hell in a Cell match with Undertaker at No Mercy for a few years, but I remember that being an enjoyable affair.

I'm wondering how much UFC has risen Brock's stock. Sure, he has more name value and familiarity than when he left, but 5-3 is hardly a great MMA record. That he's developed a reputation as someone that falls to the floor and cries when he gets hit is particularly unimpressive.

So, my idea for a Brock Lesnar storyline is as follows:
  • Lesnar comes back and runs through the entire roster. He destroys Cena, Punk, Orton, Mysterio, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, Sheamus, Mark Henry. Bloody messes, each and every one of them.
  • One night, he runs out to attack Daniel Bryan. Bryan kicks him in the shin and Brock immediately falls to the floor, begging Bryan not to hit him again. UFC referee Mario Yamasaki dramatically dives into the ring to put an end to the fight, and then cuts a promo in broken English about what a bully Daniel Bryan is.
  • Yamasaki becomes Lesnar's manager and mouthpiece. Lesnar dominates fights with his devastating arsenal. Then, at some point about thirty minutes into a one-sided match, Lesnar's opponent gives him a half-hearted love tap. Lesnar falls to the floor, screaming in pain, Yamasaki takes out the existing referee and tells the time keeper to call an end to the match, before helping Brock to the back.
  • You've got yourself a gimmick.
Firstly I have never called Rock a sellout... and secondly Punk also called WWE silly and embarrassing and he is still there working under Vince McMahon which makes him a hypocrite too isn't it ?

And Brock Lesnar had many great matches in WWE which includes :

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock (SummerSlam 2002)

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar - Hell in a Cell (No Mercy 2002)

Brock Lesnar vs Rob Van Dam (Vengeance 2002)

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar vs Big show (Vengeance 2003)

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle (SummerSlam 2003)

Brock Lesnar vs Chris Benoit (Smackdown 2003)

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar - 30 Minute Ironman Match (Smackdown 2003)

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar - Wrestlemania 19

Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar (No Way Out 2004)

All of those matches were top notch and better than anything Punk and Bryan can put but you are too ignorant to see that.

Now if I said that TheGreatLegend;3612768 called The Rock a sellout then your first point would be valid, but we all know a majority of the people on here were siding with Punk and complaining about him and calling him a sell out. Your second statement is even more stupid as Punk calling the E silly and embarrassing was part of his new character and IS the main reason for his push so it was all part of the storyline.

And of all those matches you put down only the one with The Rock ( cause the Rock was awesome) Angle at Summerslam ( mostly because of the spots that these 2 did) and the one with Eddie but none of them were 5 star matches maybe 3***. I dont know why you would say Bryan or Punks name while talking to me I think those guys are overrated.

P.S take a look at what ignorant means before you use the word

Brock in the E was just promoted correctly, well you can either say that or he is a Goldberg ripoff as they had the same monster unbeatable type push to their storylines (minus the unbeaten streak)and being as big as he is we believed it.
So much talk about 'if' or 'when' Lasnar will return to the "E." I would agree with those that say he would come back for the 1 big payday at Mania. Those who suggest that he would fight 'Taker, who do you think would be booked to win? My opinion: Taker's winning streak will continue until retirement = a win over Lesnar IF the match happens. With the suggested 'personal' tension between these 2, do you think Lesnar would put on a good match only to be booked lose and take the money on offer? :disappointed: I really don't know, but personally, I don't see a match between Taker and Lesnar taking place at any Wrestlemania. Happy to be proven wrong, happy to eat humble pie if required. Like I said, just my opinion. Happy New Year!
Brock has now officially retired.

Ric Flair has also officially retired.......several times now.

How often have we seen guys get discouraged after a loss and tell us they're calling it quits? They often go back on their retirement plans because they have no other reasonable direction to turn. Brock, though, has an alternative if he wants to make huge bucks and perform in front of millions of people. He can return to the wrestling organization that apparently would have him back whenever he gives the word. That comment he made just the other day about "never saying never" to working with WWE again starts to sound a little more valid now.

It's ironic; on the one hand, I kind of admire guys like Brock and Ken Shamrock, men who prefer legitimate competition to what is offered by pro wrestling, even though the latter might bring fame and fortune that can't be matched in "real" fighting. Yet, neither one of these guys achieved long-term distinction in martial arts fighting after leaving WWE and now that they're done with the "real thing," Shamrock probably doesn't have the option of going back to Vince. Perhaps he even made some quiet overtures and was rebuffed. Brock's Road to Wrestlemania seems open, however. He could return as the Next Big Thing and look like a conquering hero, even though he just got his ass handed to him in a "real" fight. He even has a ready-made female valet to come with him, if she wants.

That's what I call having options.
To begin with, Lesnar will never return to wwe on a full schedule, nor would he return on anything that even resembled a part-time schedule. He will no doubtly do at least one more wrestlemania match. Maybe two

Brock has made money. Brock has money. I'm sure his wife has a little cash also. Brock left the wwe when he was pretty much THE GUY. He got shot to the moon, won the title from rock and got a huge push from taker. Beat angle at mania 19 main event for the belt. If he left then, he damn sure wouldn't return full time or part time for any reason whatsoever.

I do think he will make a return. I do not think it is him in the 1/2/12 video. Although, if he came back with Heyman, then the video fits perfect. That would be fucking badass.

1/2/12 is most definitely chris jericho. it's so obvious it's ridiculous.

Imagine if... when taker returns... ut is walking out.. gets in the ring... says wrestlemania is on the horizon... he has beaten hhh last years as well as another time so he has finished his business there... kane has lost twice.. show has lost.. henry has lost.... he has beaten all who has come his way and the legend will pass away at 19-0. there are no new challengers to the streak..........BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM out walks fucking BROCK LESNAR. tells taker you've never beaten me.. so i KNOW I CAN END THE STREAK AND I WILL. i'm the baddest man in the wwe and i'm back. the next week paul heyman returns with the mind games. then paul bearer returns. imagine the build to a mania match with lesnar vs taker with vince, paul, taker and lesnar all working together creatively. lesnar isn't like hogan. he won't give a shit if he loses or not. it's scripted and he's been embarrassed in ufc lately. he will make a cool fucking million. then not show up in wwe for maybe months. a year. years. ... or never again
Man what a bunch of brock marks. Brock wasn't really a good wrestler and he was an even less talented mma fighter. First off the promos are so cryptic it could be ANYONE and if vince has any brains at all he'd have several potential returns in case one got spoiled or an injury or whatever. Knowing how much vince loves to write and rewrite stuff until even the last minute, it could be ANYONE up until the time it happens. Secondly as has been noted, brock is still under contract to the UFC even though he "retired".

Personally I think there is no way in hell lesnar won't end up back in wwe. When lesnar left the wwe, he had all these hopes and dreams and thought he was going to take the world by storm. He tried pro ball and failed hard and then tried mma to mixed success. He won the title against a man much older than him and 45 lbs smaller. His wins weren't very impressive but his losses were embarrassing. I'll never forget how he ran away from Cain in the title fight. He literally looked terrified in his last fight. So when he left the wwe he figured he'd make millions doing other things and now he knows he can't. He needs the wwe alot more now than he did when he left if he wants to keep bringing in serious money.

I know lesnar probably won't ever go back full time but he's still young enough and healthy enough to make the weekly tv appearances and monthly or bi-monthly ppv matches and a house show once in a blue moon. Keep in mind they can always run injury angles or firings or other worked angles to give him additional time off if he wanted it. Whatever it is, I think they can make it work and brock would end up on tv alot more than the rock currently does.

I'm not a brock fan but I think there is definitely a place for him in the WWE.
For no other reason than the belief that the fight wasn't fixed I hope the 1/2/12 promos weren't for Brock. That said Vince couldn't have scripted this to have better timing. The interest and promos are hot already; this adds fuel to the fire. There have been plenty of dirt sheet reports about last minute WWE changes.

I'd love to see a double return with The Undertaker though. HHH talks more and more about hurting The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Taker comes back and a segment is scheduled for HHH. Taker in the ring and makes his return. Tron switches to HHH getting medical treatment in the back cut to Brock on Tron talking trash. Taker distracted Brock through the crowd hit from behind. Heavy action from both but fairly even until Taker eats a clotheslines over the top rope. Taker lands on his feet, staredown, and thumb across the throat with a rest in peace.

After his last two losses jacking up HHH would help with any credibility issues and segue him right into the storyline.

He could also be involved in the calls that John Laurinaitus makes. CM Punk wants excitement and game changing so Laurinaitus brings in Heyman and Lesner.
Just to put an end to all this stupidity, if you really think Dana White would let Lesnar main-event a PPV with no fights left on his contract, you're incredibly delusional. Even though Brock retired, he is still under UFC contract. Dana is not going to let Brock out of that contract easily, ESPECIALLY if he's pining for a WWE return.

Heath Herring hasn't fought in over three years. Guess what? He's still listed as being an active UFC competitor on, because there is still a fight remaining on his contract. Just because he retired, it doesn't mean Brock is free to go do what he wants now.

By the way, for everyone who thinks the ItBegins promos are Brock, not going to happen, that would mean the WWE negotiated with Brock Lesnar behind Dana White's back, and the UFC would be well within their rights to sue the WWE.

Brock's not coming back any time soon guys.
Some1 enlighten me plz on why we always make Brock/Taker and Punk/Jericho WM matches how about Brock vs Punk at Mania. Think about it 2 guys with a MMA background, Punk is the best wrestler in the world Brock's the best wrestling big ever this could br huge but it wont happen lol
Everyone acts like Lesnar needs to return to WWE, when in reality, WWE is the one's needing Brock Lesnar

Brock has more than enough money, he is a family man and is very proud of it. He has done all that there is to be done in the WWE, I don't see why he would feel the need to return imediatly.

Maybe one day, but not right now
Like the rest of you I'm excited about this but a few things need to be remembered here:

- Brock still has fights on his UFC contract, some say one, some say two but he has fights, so it's up to Dana when he gets released
- Brock isn't going to be the Jan 2nd guy, that's most likely going to be Jericho with Taker as a back-up plan, same as last year
- If it were supposed to be Taker or Jericho and they got bumped from the spot for Brock how pissed do you think they would be? I think it would end Jericho's business deal with the WWE in an instant
- The WWE fanbase has changed a lot from Brock's days, lots have left and been replaced with a younger audience who may not care as much as we do
- Brock will not work a full time schedule
- What would be the selling point for Brock to come in to lose to Taker? Think about it. The guy has come off two straight UFC defeats, if he redebuted and went to Mania to lose to Taker it could kill his marketability stone dead.

I hope he does come back on a Triple H/Undertaker type schedule, but it's certainly not a lock for this Wrestlemania
Brock IS NOT coming back to least anytime soon. Dana White has already announced that Brock is retiring under contract of UFC, therefore he IS NOT free to go anywhere...YET.

Dana has stated that if he and Brock can come to a sort of agreement that would release him, then thats what will happen.

Do not expect Lesnar to show up on WWE in the near future unless a marketing agreement, like WWE '12, is made between Dana White and Vince McMahon.
he had one more fight, which was the one with olvereem.that fight is said and done, and now if he retires he has some things to work out with dana white but im sure within given time he will be in for wrestlemania,if not this one you can bet he will for sure be at wm29.everyone knows that when it comes to mania,the big bucks are paid. randy orton got paid 600,000 to do a match at wm26 with cody rhodes and ted dibiase,given that information how much do you think lesnar will get? hes said it before in plenty of interviews,who would turn down money if its a deal that cant be refused? expect to see lesnar soon within the wwe
I was glad when he left the WWE and haven't missed him for a day. The guy was just no fun. A legit badass, yes, but simply no fun.

And his recent comments make it clear that he thinks he is better than that kiddie fake stuff that is WWE. Why should we want a guy who openly looks down on the product like that?

JR recently said that if Brock ever returns it would only be in a very limited capacity (quote: "Nowhere near a limited schedule"). Fine. I can dig Lesnar wrestling maybe twice a year, ideally losing every time. Lesnar being the 20th guy to lose to Undertaker? that's cool. Honestly Triple H and Taker would have the better match, but Brock would be something special, so fine.

It most likely will be Triple H, but with Brock's retirement being official you can't rule it out completely.
He will not come back as a regular wrestler, doing house shows and a 300 days a year contract, thats just not going to happen for several reasons: he is well off, his illness is pretty much what handicapped him in UFC i doubt he will allow himself to get that kind of abuse

Now special dates and programs with top stars? Yes, its a given. Someone mentioned earlier "what else is he going to do?" and that nails it, he is not very charismatic so the Hollywood route is not realistic. There is no other MMA promotion that pays half as well as UFC and he is not really a boxer (lol) so WWE is the only game in town, he wont waste time with TNA or RoH (another lol) considering his age and status

Man has got a illness, wife and kids and money. So a program with Taker and Cena is on the cards, maybe a program with Orton or a returning Batista at some point could also do big money.

PPV bussiness and ratings are down, and Brock is still viewed as a Vince-made-man, he is big and proven to be a draw so its a no brainer that Vince will bring him back and NOT treat him like a complete idiot (see Goldberg, Steiner, nWo etc).

Tough Brock hurt his image in that match, he isent a megastar in the world of MMA anymore since he lost against Cain and now Reem, he is not coming back as "The Guy Who Took Over MMA heavyweight Division" he is coming back as a broken down fighter who cant quite compete, its not that he lost, MMA fighters lose matches, its the way he lost...

But screw it, if he can work big programs at the big 4 PPVs against people WWE will have fresh main events for entire of 2012.

The whole reason Kane was even given his mask back is to feed him to Cena, as they have NOTHING for Cena to do until Mania, after Mania Cena has nothing to do anymore, Rock is gone and thus a new year begins, draft etc.

But make no mistake WWE needs Lesnar more than Lesnar needs WWE, thus the deal will have to please Lesnar in how many dates he has to work

"It Begins" videos are not for Lesnar or Taker, its for Jericho, i can promise you that

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