Brock Lesnar Lives A Charmed Life


Is it just me or does great stuff happen to Brock Lesnar all the friggin' time?

Back in the early 2000s, Vince personally recruits this guy because he's essentially Vince's ideal of the adult human male incarnate, pays him a huge salary, he goes onto become the youngest WWE Champion in history, becomes a mega star within a matter of months, goes over most of the biggest names in the company at least once before leaving in 2004. He then pops up in New Japan, where he makes a lot of money as well, including winning the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, all but wins a lawsuit with WWE in which WWE's position was that he wasn't allowed to compete for another wrestling promotion until 2010 but reached a settlement with them. Then, he embarks on a mixed martial arts career that sees him become possibly the biggest draw in UFC history, makes mid to upper 6 figures per fight that doesn't include endorsement deals that rake in even more money, becomes UFC Heavyweight Champion before eventually retiring in 2011. He makes a long awaited return to WWE in 2012 to yet another sweetheart deal that has him making more money than almost anyone on the roster despite only wrestling a small handful of times each year in which he again goes over the biggest names on the roster, ends the Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak, wins the WWE Championship for the 4th time by essentially beating John Cena in a squash match, somehow manages to get WWE and UFC to allow Lesnar to compete at the upcoming UFC 200 ppv in which he'll face Mark Hunt for a big salary and, of course, endorsement deals and, if that's not enough, is now the headliner of UFC 200 since the Jones vs. Cormier fight is off due to Jones testing positive for a banned substance via a drug test administered by the USADA. Win or lose, Lesnar still comes back to his sweetheart of a deal to WWE and if he wins, I'd be willing to bet that there'll be at least one more fight for him.

If I sound bitter, I kind of am to be friggin' honest because, at least for me, you kinda wanna see good stuff happen to good people, you know? The problem with that is that Brock Lesnar is an unapologetic prick with no real passion or loyalty for anything, which is well known, yet he's somehow been able to get two of the biggest sports promoters in the world, Vince McMahon and Dana White, to pay him many millions of dollars despite that lack of commitment or passion. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Brock Lesnar does have it sweet. He gets the deals he wants on his term almost all the time. How could you not envy him? I mean, look at all the hard working workers who have put way more work in last couple of years than Brock Lesnar in his entire career and have nothing to show for it.

Having said that, we do have to acknowledge that Brock Lesnar is a freak of nature who are very rare. Despite all his shortcomings, he draws, and when someone draws, they are offered the world. I also think his stint in UFC really cemented his legacy for life. How many pro-wrestlers can we think of who may become World Champion in UFC? If anything, I am sure the whole locker room envies Brock, including the likes of John Cena.
Brock Lesnar is living proof that the cream always does rise to the top.

You started your biopic at "the early 2000s" but let's go back to the year 2000, where he became an NCAA Division I champion. Let's go back further to all of the various awards and accomplishments he achieved in wrestling before becoming a household name. Regardless of what pro wrestling fans think of his moveset today or his ability, the fact remains that Brock Lesnar is one of the most gifted athletes that has ever been born. The fact that he was even looked at, let alone signed by an NFL team with absolutely no football experience would be a huge indicator of that fact. His athleticism has always been his draw and it will continue to be until it runs out. It has made him millions of dollars and a very happy man.

As for who he is as a person - I honestly don't understand why people knock the man. He's never beat his wife (looking at Stone Cold), been arrested for drugs/alcohol (how long is that list among pro wrestling legends!?), or even done anything in his life except follow his dreams. Why is he a bad person? Why is a prick? Because he's not a charismatic entertainer!? Brock Lesnar is a man who grew up on a small farm in South Dakota and in many ways he is still just a farmboy. He has a great appreciation for privacy and doesn't like all the travel and fanfare that come with superstardom - that's nothing to fault him for. Not every famous person has to be some humanitarian, comedian, or outstanding public figure. He is simply a man who gets paid millions of dollars to do things that he is good at, whether it's fighting in UFC or putting on scripted classics in the squared circle. He fulfills the media obligations with UFC every time, and does the same with WWE but he doesn't put on an act - he's completely honest and one of the most transparent personalities in all of sports. What more can you ask from him? A supremely talented, relentlessly hungry, undeniably honest beast of a man.
Brock is one of a kind, he is a different kind of draw compared to the likes off Hogan and Austin. He was the greatest thing that happened to WWE post Attitude era.
Lesnar is proof that if you have the look, you get everything handed to you in life. Lesnar was skyrocketed to the top of WWE because Vince was obsessed with his appearance. In 2002-2003, Lesnar actually WRESTLED, and was pretty impressive. He leaves WWE to play "real sports" and because he refused to job to Undertaker, bad-mouths the company for years, illegally wrestles elsewhere, completely fails at football, joins UFC and dominates for a while, quits as soon as he starts to lose, then comes back to WWE, and thanks to Vince's hard-on for him, gets EVERYTHING handed to him despite putting on some of the most atrocious matches of anyone on the roster. Lesnar gets a sweetheart deal that he didn't earn which essentially gives him Legend status, enabling him to choose when and where he wrestles and against whom, never has to lose unless he wants to and even then NEVER loses clean, and is booked by WWE as an unbeatable god. Casual fans mark out like crazy for him, and there's a portion of fans that ONLY watch WWE for Brock Lesnar and tune out when he's not around, hurting WWE's business immensely, and yet Vince doesn't care, as long as he can beat off to Lesnar's physique some more.

Brock Lesnar is the single worst thing to ever happen to WWE, but 99% of fans are too blind to see it. They simply accept whatever WWE tells them.
depends how you look at things. He voided a hell of a lot of money when he left WWE. And even when he was there, he was in a lot of pain. The booze and the pain pills literally made him forget large pockets of time. He failed in the NFL, although to make it to the final cut without ever playing before is one hell of an accomplishment. He wasn't guaranteed anything when he went to UFC. If his first match was boring or he didn't impress anyone, there's a good chance he wouldn't have gotten a second go at it.

So yes, he's in a good spot now, but he also took a lot of risks with no guarantees.
What do you expect? He's one of the most gifted athletes of all time and one of the biggest draws of all time, so of course he's going to get paid. He's going to get preferential treatment. He's going to accomplish a lot and in WWE receive a lot of accomplishments.

In sports and wrestling - It does not matter at all how good of a person you are but how much money you can make.
He did sort of almost die. He lost a big part of his MMA career as well due to that. He failed at football. He seems to have had some substance issues in the past. But he's also worked really hard and came from a place where nothing was guaranteed in life. I'm not even sure if the lack of passion stuff is real. Or that it should ever matter. Passion is kind of creepy and juveile when you think of it.

Plus people rarely get what they deserve. They get what they can negotiate. If they don't negotiate they get what others determine their worth. I got an extra bonus at work this year, I guarantee I wouldn't have gotten anything extra if I hadn't asked for something yet I feel like I still didn't get as much as I deserve.
Good for Lesnar, that's pretty much my entire sentiment on this. Honestly I don't really care what kind of person Lesnar is in real life, whether he's a prick or not in real life is fairly irrelevant to me because I don't watch Lesnar because he's a good guy, I watch Lesnar because I like watching freaks do freak like things. Lesnar is a freak plain and simple, he has amazing power and athleticism for someone his size, he can be a very entertaining wrestler and he can also be a pretty decent fighter as well.

One of the things I've always admired about Lesnar is to take every bit of criticism thrown his way and continually shove it up the critics ass, he does what he wants, he does what makes him happy and unlike many fighters and performers he doesn't let promoters bully him around, he does things on his terms and no one else's. Often a guy like that can come off as a prick but really I've always seen Lesnar as an introvert who lives life the way he wants because he can. Sometimes he can be rather prickish in doing so but I'd be lying if I said there isn't a part of me that admires Lesnar for those reasons because I do.

I don't really see Lesnar as a guy who will give his heart and soul to fighting or wrestling, he obviously has to have some love for it or else he wouldn't be doing either but he's a guy that only does athletic things on big stages because he's getting paid which is very smart of him, he definitely works hard and I don't think you can argue that but he's not doing it for free either. Lesnar is a guy who knows what he's worth, he knows what he can make and he will hold out as long as he has to so he can get what he wants. When it's all said and done though and his careers over I'm guessing he's gonna be rich as fuck, he's gonna be happy as fuck and he's going to know he did it his way and I commend him for that.
I see where JH is coming from he does seem to live a charmed life, but it's not like he hasn't worked hard to get what he has.

Lesnar knows exactly what he can and can't do and has shown everyone that when he puts his mind to it he is a winner everytime. Someone mentioned a failed football career. Well if you had a dollar for every guy that wanted to be a football or hockey or basketball player and failed, you'd probably be a millionaire. At least he got further than most do.

He was actually quite a good wrestler as well when he first started out, it's not really his fault that Vince got a hard on for him. Did he exploit that, sure, but who wouldn't. At UFC he puts his body on the line everytime he gets in the Octagon. It's not scripted and he could get hurt badly. It's for the grace of God that he's the athletic that he is that he became world heavyweight champ.

Coming back to the WWE was Vince's wet dream. They needed Lesnar and there he was, so Vince offered him the moon, and Lesnar being no fool took it. Anyone would have taken a huge paycheck and a light work schedule over what the rest of the roster gets. The fault there lies with McMahon not Lesnar.

I don't know what will happen this weekend in his fight with Hunt. He's not going in the favourite and stands a good chance to get his head knocked off. The fact that Jones got booted wasn't Lesnar's either, that was Jones being a ******** on the eve of the biggest fight of his life. Wasn't McGregor supposed to headline this UFC card before the Jones fight anyway?

Whatever happens I'm sure McMahon will welcome Lesnar back and he'll have a huge match at Summerslam. The fans will love it and Lesnar's opponent will get suplexed to hell and back. It will help sell the PPV though and that's all the WWE cares about. If you really think about it Vince and Lesnar aren't really that different, because both of them really only care about the money.
Lesnar is proof that if you have the look, you get everything handed to you in life. Lesnar was skyrocketed to the top of WWE because Vince was obsessed with his appearance. In 2002-2003, Lesnar actually WRESTLED, and was pretty impressive. He leaves WWE to play "real sports" and because he refused to job to Undertaker, bad-mouths the company for years, illegally wrestles elsewhere, completely fails at football, joins UFC and dominates for a while, quits as soon as he starts to lose, then comes back to WWE, and thanks to Vince's hard-on for him, gets EVERYTHING handed to him despite putting on some of the most atrocious matches of anyone on the roster. Lesnar gets a sweetheart deal that he didn't earn which essentially gives him Legend status, enabling him to choose when and where he wrestles and against whom, never has to lose unless he wants to and even then NEVER loses clean, and is booked by WWE as an unbeatable god. Casual fans mark out like crazy for him, and there's a portion of fans that ONLY watch WWE for Brock Lesnar and tune out when he's not around, hurting WWE's business immensely, and yet Vince doesn't care, as long as he can beat off to Lesnar's physique some more.

Brock Lesnar is the single worst thing to ever happen to WWE, but 99% of fans are too blind to see it. They simply accept whatever WWE tells them.
I agree.

:lol: Brock Lesnar is the single most worst thing in the wrestling/ufc business. This man has spit in the face of every wrestling fan. This man has spit in the face of the wrestling business.

Brock lesnar is the most arrogant/egotistical person I'e ever seen. I hope he gets his ass handed to him on Sunday.
Only reason he is getting all these accomplishment is because he has a great look. Nothing else. His looks got him where he is today.
Lesnar isnt a good wrestler. He is mediocre at best. He has no mic skills or charisma. He isnt a big draw despite what people say.
He shouldnt of ended the undertakers streak. Which almost destroyed the wrestling business
He is a terrible ufc fighter. He beat an aging conture and Mir. (not really an accomplishment.). He was heavyweight champion where the division was weak.
He sucked at football.

All in all. Brock is a disgrace to the sport. He is fucking primdonna.
I really hope brock gets KO on Saturday.

Goes to show you. Good things happen to bad people.
Bad things happen to good people.

I dont get why 99% of wrestling fans jerked off to brock.
Or why they are too blinded to see.
One of the reasons I cant stand most wrestlling fans
Luck its always a factor in everybody life.

That being said, Brock worked for everything he has. You just dont become a household name, or marquee for nothing.

The guy its actually a legit draw, on WWE, on UFC, you name it. He gives ppl a show to enjoy.

As someone said already, he is one of a kind. Just look at Bobby Lashley, Vince tried to turn him into a new Lesnar, then he went to do MMA....just like brock lesnar...but he doesnt put asses on seats.

So yeah, theres the luck factor, but you have to help it...and Brock did, took really good business decisions, and put on a lot of hard work.
If I sound bitter, I kind of am to be friggin' honest because, at least for me, you kinda wanna see good stuff happen to good people, you know? The problem with that is that Brock Lesnar is an unapologetic prick with no real passion or loyalty for anything, which is well known, yet he's somehow been able to get two of the biggest sports promoters in the world, Vince McMahon and Dana White, to pay him many millions of dollars despite that lack of commitment or passion. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Blame the WWE they could have re-signed Lesnar at 2005. Lesnar was asking for around a Million to do a full time schedule (or at least one similar to Shawn Michaels) WWE said no.

If they just said yes at the time they wouldn't have to pay Lesnar even more money to appear in only 10 to 15 times a year.
Didn't Brock try and fail at pro football? I don't think he's gotten EVERYTHING he's ever wanted.
One of the reasons I respect Brock is that he isn't a mark for himself or the business. He turns up, does his job, gets paid and goes home. Treats it purely as a job and is purely concerned with getting the best deal for himself and his family. Too often in wrestling, you hear so much about "doing it for the love of the business" and you see wrestlers caught up in their own bubble. Brock gets grief for not being like that but honestly I think his approach is much more healthy.
Tried to become an NFL professional and was cut long before the season started, In some sports that lack of passion and drive shines brightly. Brock Lesnar seems to pick the right spots.
This isn't luck, he a a big man and gives off a big presence, he writes his own ticket based on his size and ability. He takes care of Brock first. He joined WWE and drew big based on his NCAA championship. He watched other's get contract to work less (brock loves working the least possible, hence why he failed at the NFL). He knew he was a huge draw and if Vince didn't pay him, someone would. So he moved on and made sure he got that top spot (see AJ styles following those footsteps) He headed to the UFC and have a few fights, then he lost, so he walked away only having a few fights, this makes people wonder.
Dana White shot himself in the foot by taking McGregor off the card, this opened that door to Brock, I guarantee as everyone assumes this is a Vince crafted baby, it is not, this has Lesnar written all over it. He knew Dana was struggling for a real draw and so he pitched and Idea....Brock Returns to UFC ( but you gotta serve me up a guy I can beat) I know I know Hunt is a heavy hitter and blah blah blah I don't care what these morons think, Hunt doesn't stand a chance and brock will knock him out within the first round (IT IS KNOWN!!!!)

Right person Right time.
:lol: Brock Lesnar is the single most worst thing in the wrestling/ufc business. This man has spit in the face of every wrestling fan. This man has spit in the face of the wrestling business.

I really don't get why people blame Lesnar for working the schedule he is. The person you should be blaming is the one who set it up, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Brock Lesnar can ask for anything, but Vince is ultimately the one who signs the deal. It's not like Lesnar held a gun to Vince's head and made him sign the contract, the WWE wanted him back and by the looks of things were prepared to do anything to get him. Not really Lesnar's fault, put the blame where it lies.

And I was one of the most outspoken people here on the forum when Lesnar won the belt and went off TV for months on end. I didn't like it then and still don't, but I don't blame him for it. Vince should never have given it too him in the first place.

Brock lesnar is the most arrogant/egotistical person I'e ever seen. I hope he gets his ass handed to him on Sunday.
Only reason he is getting all these accomplishment is because he has a great look. Nothing else. His looks got him where he is today.
Lesnar isnt a good wrestler. He is mediocre at best. He has no mic skills or charisma. He isnt a big draw despite what people say.
He shouldnt of ended the undertakers streak. Which almost destroyed the wrestling business

He might come across as arrogant but I see it more as he being painfully honest, something that we don't see enough of. It's true he is more concerned about himself and his bank account, I think in the long run everyone is. He just happens to come out and says it, and I don't see a problem with that.

I would argue about his look however, don't think it's all that great myself. He is nothing to write home about. True he's a big guy, but in the looks department it's just not there. He reminds me of an army drill Sargent with the crew cut and all. Doesn't do it for me anyway.

Doubt it was his decision either to end the Undertaker's streak, the blame for that lies at the feet of VKM. He's the one who writes the final script and gave his blessing. Lesnar just went out there and did what he was told to do. It didn't ruin wrestling, that's ridiculous.
The real reason to be envious of Brock Lesnar is that he spends most of his millions on hunting rifles, pick-up trucks and fannying about in the woods. It would almost be easier to swallow if he spent it on hookers, blow and stopping the latest Wu Tang album from being released the general public. That's how you're supposed to use immense wealth, mate.

The real winning hand Lesnar was dealt wasn't dealt him by Vince McMahon, or Dana White, but by God. Lesnar is a genetic freak, but in the sense that makes you naturally huge, muscular and agile, not in the sense that you look like the Cronenbergian nightmare that is modern day Scott Steiner. Steroids don't really qualify as genetics in anyone's book.

My dear friend Mighty NorCal likes to talk about how Brock Lesnar would have been a legendary warrior in ancient history, killing men by the dozen in some gladiatorial arena. While diverticulitis was probably a lot more fatal back then,, and probably would have cut his career/life short, and we would have probably also been robbed of Stewart Lee, it's hard to disagree.
I see your point, but it's not like fame just knocked on Lesnar's door. Lesnar worked his ass off in order to achieve all that. He wasn't born with this body either, he built it. And despite all this success, he had it very very tough with his disease.
Some of you Brock haters sound like little kids crying they didn't get there way.
Who cares that he admits he's in it for the money. Isn't that the point of working? He is the most legit talent the wwe has ever seen and most likely will ever.
Your only got one life and one day we are all gonna die, if he can walk through life conquering, good for him I admire that. F@#k all the haters with their tall poppy syndrome.

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