Brock Lesnar at Battleground


King Of The Ring
The recent rumors swirling around are suggesting that Brock Lesnar will be making his in-ring return at Battleground in July, instead of Summerslam which was the previous belief. There have been recent advertisements that have Brock penciled in for a WWE return as early as June 22 at the Bakers Fieldhouse.

Myself, along with many others predicted that Lesnar along with Heyman would return sometime in August to build up a SS match with current WWEWHC Seth Rollins, but now it seems as if Lesnar/Rollins may be happening sooner than expected which makes me question why this may be? Of course it's very possible that these rumors and reports are wrong and that we don't see Brock until August, and it's also a possibility that Brock may face somebody other than Seth Rollins if he were to compete at Battleground, but the fact that he's wrestling at a Tokyo Supershow in early July, leads me to believe he'll be returning to WWE TV sometime around that appearance. I also don't see him facing anybody before Seth unless The Authority adds a stipulation along the lines of, beat this person at Battleground and you get Seth at Summerslam.

I have a lot of questions about this return, and I'm interested to see the response from others.

First of all; how exactly is Brock's suspension going to be lifted if not by The Authority? Many predicted Kane would be the one to bring Heyman and Lesnar back but it seems as if his face turn has been either scrapped or put on hold (though Rollins calling him a piece of crap on Raw was interesting...)

Second; if Lesnar WERE to face Seth Rollins at Battleground, what's the finish? Do we see Brock win the title followed by a Seth rematch? A Seth victory followed by a Brock rematch? Or something completely different?

Lastly; How is Brock going to be booked upon his return? I wonder if he will end up working as a tweener face like many think he will, or if some swerve will set him back on the monster heel path.
Look, IWC has intricated the WWE storylines. Usually, I tend to ignore that acronym 'cause I myself being on that same boat but, this time it's mentioned. So.

At Wrestlemania:
We don't want Reigns. We want anyone but Roman Reigns.

Ok, you got Seth Rollins and a happy (pun intended) ending at WrestleMania. Now, the question remains, who will Lesnar face when he returns? Rollins is not as much of a threat to Lesnar. He needs assistance even to beat Jack Swagger. How in the world, he has a chance against Brock Lesnar? The man who ended the streak, squashed John Cena, relinquished the title without being pinned.

Oh, they can have dusty finish. But then again, it would be a misuse of Brock Lesnar's contract.

Most logical option is a Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar feud but, that will turn out to be unacceptable. If WWE (and, of course IWC) wants to go that way, they need to book Rollins like a true champ who has the guts to stand against Brock Lesnar.
First of all; how exactly is Brock's suspension going to be lifted if not by The Authority? Many predicted Kane would be the one to bring Heyman and Lesnar back but it seems as if his face turn has been either scrapped or put on hold (though Rollins calling him a piece of crap on Raw was interesting...)

I believe the pieces are starting to fall into place and it started with the Rollins tantrum on RAW this week. He basically told the Authority he didn't need them, and they can go fuck off. HHH and Steph might just go, okay fuck you, and bring back Lesnar to make Rollins pay. Rollins if anything has been a very ungrateful champion to those to helped him get there. Might be time for some payback.

Second; if Lesnar WERE to face Seth Rollins at Battleground, what's the finish? Do we see Brock win the title followed by a Seth rematch? A Seth victory followed by a Brock rematch? Or something completely different?

He's going to kill Rollins if he gets his hands on him. Rollins will try every trick in the book to either run away or get himself counted out or DQ'd to keep the belt. I do think though Lesnar will somehow win the match, but there might be a surprise cash in afterwards, by the MITB winner.

Lastly; How is Brock going to be booked upon his return? I wonder if he will end up working as a tweener face like many think he will, or if some swerve will set him back on the monster heel path.

All reports say he's coming back as a face. Can't see him being a tweener, he's just not that good of an actor to pull it off, it's either one or the other with him. The swerve that will set him back on his heel path, will be him winning the title and being cashed in on right away.

If he gets his mitts on that belt, we won't see it for another six months.

And if the reports are correct, he's due back for a late June episode of RAW. I have no idea why they're bringing him back early, maybe Rollins title reigns isn't what they hoped it would be.
It's simple, if Lesnar does compete at Battleground and if he's facing Rollins, then he's definately winning that championship again. Why? Because he'd drop the belt to Reigns at Summerslam, after Reigns announces that he's cashing in there.

Summerslam 2015: Brock Lesnar(c) vs MITB winner Roman Reigns. This match could have two results: Reigns wins clean, Reigns turns and wins unclean. Both set up a rematch, maybe at HIAC (my dream), SSeries or Royal Rumble.

That's the end game. Roman Reigns becomes World Champ in 2015.

Brock will works as a face-tweener, definately not heel. About his suspension? Well with rumors sayying that WWE is building a feud with Rollins and Triple H, I'd say Triple H is the one who lifts the suspension because he's sick and tired of the 3 stooges helping Rollins all the time. That's a Triple H face turn. Or, Rollins asks Triple H to lift the suspension, in order to prove that he doesn't need the Authority's help. That's a Seth Rollins face turn. Lot's of things can happen.
Lastly; How is Brock going to be booked upon his return? I wonder if he will end up working as a tweener face like many think he will, or if some swerve will set him back on the monster heel path.

It's a good question. Of course, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes during employer-employee talks (as much as we might claim to), but I'm hoping things will be different now that Brock has signed his new contract. I'm speculating that during his last tenure, he was tossing UFC in WWE's face during negotiations every time they had an idea he didn't favor. ("Okay man, if that's what you insist on, I'll just go back to Dana"). But now that all that has been cast aside and Brock chose to sign a new deal, I'm hoping it's easier to build programs around him that are more favorable to the company ......which might include a (temporary) face program. I can also see the guy making an effective 'tweener because it seems no character Brock can play will ever be entirely virtuous, even if we're cheering the hell out of him.

Another factor that might improve now that he no longer has the threat of UFC to stand behind is the idea of using him at more (and less than stellar) events, such as 'Battleground.' Remember when he kicked up a fuss about being forced to face Bob Holly during his first WWE go-around? Well, if he's truly agreed to fight Kofi Kingston (of all people), there might yet be hope for getting his cooperation this time around.
My biggest issue witht the assumption Lesnar is coming back for Rollins, is the assumption that what we saw the Raw after Mania was a face turn. Attacking commentators is not something WWE would orchestrate as a face turn in the PG environment. I could be wrong though, and they're smart enough to realize adult fans would mark out for aggressive Lesnar getting suspended. Brock is coming for the title though.

I see two likely scenarios:

Scenario one sees Rollins hold the title until Summerslam. This can be either by retaining vs Brock at Battleground or not facing him at all. Brock wrestles some kind of warm up match at Battleground. Reigns declares he's cashing in at Summerslam and we get a WrestleMania 31 triple threat rematch.

Scenario two sees Brock or Reigns beat Rollins at Battleground then Brock and Reigns face off one on one. I don't see Rollins being involved in the one on one scenario, likely having a grudge match with Ambrose.

Yes, it's kind of four scenarios, but whatever. Whichever the case is, Roman Reigns is ultimately the WWE Champion, with a possible month long reign for Lesnar.

With the way WWE has been building up Brock Lesnar, I find it hard to believe he'll be pinned clean so soon. Likely Reigns pins Rollins after some kind of huge spot that takes out Lesnar. Somewhere in all this, a Reigns heel turn is possible.

Reigns and Ambrose's bromance is kind of a giveaway that someone is turning on someone, or at least traditionally that's how that kind of angle goes. Whatever happens, hopefully I'm wrong and some unpredictability is inserted, though not the dreaded swerve for swerve's sake.
Clearly here is what is going to happen over the next month or so. Kofi wins the case. Kofi faces Lesnar in Japan where New Day intetferes creating a DQ or No Contest. Lesnar returns to Raw with his sights set on Rollins. Heyman cuts a promo telling Rollins that Lesnar wants his rematch at Battleground. New Day interrupts with their clapping act. Lesnar gets pissed. Before a fight can break out Kane comes out and books Lesnar vs New Day at Battleground. The match is surprisingly competitive with a great spot where Lesnar Germans Woods then Kofi then tries to German Big E only for Big E to actually stop things for a second and then gets thrown like a rag doll. Five minutes later Lesnar pins all three guys at once. Idiots on the internet complain about the tag team division getting 'buried' while other idiots on the internet complain that this is proof WWE is racist.

Lesnar faces Rollins at SummerSlam. Or not, I really don't know what is going to happen or if Lesnar really is showing up to work Battleground. Is that going to be another free month?
Lesnar=$$ and ratings. with his new contract, hopefully hes going to be willing to work more dates.(he'll never be full time obviously, but seeing him at least a lil more often would b nice)

I can see Lesnar facing someone the Authority places in front of him in order to get his rematch v Rollins at Summerslam. He wins, then as other have stated, Reigns(having won MiTB) declares hes cashing in at SS.

During the match, have a huge spot that sees Lesnar taken out, and have reigns pin Rollins. Lesnar, still having not been actually "beaten" stays looking like a monster, and he could perhaps have a small feud with Reigns in which Reigns finally makes Brock eat a pin.

This would help make Reigns, as he could use the fact he cleanly beat a man that had been tearing thru wwe(the streak, cenas decimation at SS) Im not a fan of Reigns, but a clean pin over Brock, with how monstrous Brock has been booked can only help further Reigns if in fact wwe wants him to be the next "guy"
What about the Michael Cole factor. After all Lesnar did assault him before getting "suspended". Is that story still going on?
The recent rumors swirling around are suggesting that Brock Lesnar will be making his in-ring return at Battleground in July, instead of Summerslam which was the previous belief. There have been recent advertisements that have Brock penciled in for a WWE return as early as June 22 at the Bakers Fieldhouse.

Myself, along with many others predicted that Lesnar along with Heyman would return sometime in August to build up a SS match with current WWEWHC Seth Rollins, but now it seems as if Lesnar/Rollins may be happening sooner than expected which makes me question why this may be? Of course it's very possible that these rumors and reports are wrong and that we don't see Brock until August, and it's also a possibility that Brock may face somebody other than Seth Rollins if he were to compete at Battleground, but the fact that he's wrestling at a Tokyo Supershow in early July, leads me to believe he'll be returning to WWE TV sometime around that appearance. I also don't see him facing anybody before Seth unless The Authority adds a stipulation along the lines of, beat this person at Battleground and you get Seth at Summerslam.

I have a lot of questions about this return, and I'm interested to see the response from others.

First of all; how exactly is Brock's suspension going to be lifted if not by The Authority? Many predicted Kane would be the one to bring Heyman and Lesnar back but it seems as if his face turn has been either scrapped or put on hold (though Rollins calling him a piece of crap on Raw was interesting...)

Second; if Lesnar WERE to face Seth Rollins at Battleground, what's the finish? Do we see Brock win the title followed by a Seth rematch? A Seth victory followed by a Brock rematch? Or something completely different?

Lastly; How is Brock going to be booked upon his return? I wonder if he will end up working as a tweener face like many think he will, or if some swerve will set him back on the monster heel path.

I think his suspension will be up. Heyman could sell it like that.

I think Rollins shocks the world and wins at Battleground. I think they'll fight again at Summerslam, gives people a reason to subscribe to the Network, tune in to see Brock win the title.

I think he'll be a tweener, Heyman will probably keep him from destroying the announcer team but I expect him to run through everybody like it's 2002 all over again.

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