Bret Hart needs to GTFO


Pre-Show Stalwart
I find it funny how I'm actually agreeing with a lot of things that heels are saying these days. I know Bret Hart is a beloved pro wrestling figure, but I can't help but feel like he is embarassing himself these days. Vince McMahon in the pre-WM feud between himself and Bret was right: Bret Hart is an old piece of gum that has lost his flavor.

Before I go on any further I'll let you know that I have never been a Bret Hart fan. I appreciate what he's done for the business and that he was a great "technical wrestler" but he never really did it for me. I understand that a lot of people are fond of him and seeing a legend come around is really cool especially for the older crowd who remembers him clearly.

However these days he is far too old and in poor health to be doing anything in the ring, yet they still ocassionally put him there where he looks absolutely terrible and fails to suspend any disbelief. His promos are even worse. I just cringe and feel awkward whenever he's on the mic. It's painfully cleart the he is ill-suited for the role he has right now. Quite frankly, he's embarassing himself.

I hate Bret Hart as GM and he needs to get the hell off of my TV set. My reaction was identical to Batista's when he was announced. I raged hardcore.

Having him show up from time to time for some nostalgia is one thing, but this extended role in the WWE is insane. Bret Hart is an old battered warhorse that needs to be put down.
Ouch! Harsh dude!!

Maybe not "put down" per say, but maybe find a different role for him - maybe one where he doesn't have to talk, or indeed wrestle. Come to think of it, I have no idea what that could be so i'll agree with you on the "wheel him out for nostalgia" tack. He is certainly a liability on the mic, and - i'm sure the old codgers on here will say for sure (as i don't remember him in his heyday) but I feel that he must be tarnishing his legacy by putting on matches which frankly would make the Diva's cringe.

Still, he seems a nice bloke!
Bret has wrestled two matches and there is no chance of him getting back into the ring, so it is not like they are occasionally throwing him out there for matches. The first match with McMahon was to end the feud between him and Vince and the second match with Miz was meant more for the Hart Dynasty and building their feud with ShowMiz. Both matches served a purpose for feuds. Yes the matches weren't 5 star matches, but they did what they needed to for furthering storylines and ending feuds.

Now I for one enjoy Bret as a GM. Maybe it is because I'm a Hitman mark, but I don't think he is terrible. Yeah his mic skills aren't the greatest, but he is a breathe of fresh air when it comes to the GM position. We could have stuck with the celebrity GM's and had them run the show or we could have moved Vickie Guerrero back to the spot and everyone would have complained either way. Bret being GM is something different and I think they should keep him around for a bit before finding a permanent solution at the spot.
I agree on nearly every point you made, especially when you made note about his mic failures. The GM of Raw needs to be so passionate, well-informed and charismatic that he can garner heat or cheers on the drop of a dime, IMO, and Bret isn't capable of doing those things on his vocal talent at all anymore.

His mic work sounds like he's shooting all the time, and he bumbles over casual reactions poorly which I pick up on all the time because it stands out like a straight guy in a lesbian bar.

I adore the Hitman, but as GM of RAW, he's a shell of his former self.

At least the types like Vickie Guerrero – stale as they may be – are fresh and coherent at all times when addressing the wrestlers/crowd. Unfortunately, in this case, Bret can't attest to the same.
Now I for one enjoy Bret as a GM.

I do, too. No, we don't need him wrestling to validate his position as a GM. When Eric Bischoff was RAW's GM, we didn't expect him to get in the ring, either. Yet, he was able to function as GM.

What I like best about Bret in this position is that his past accomplishments in WWE give his actions an authentic air of authority. His legend should (for storyline purposes) make him a respected figure in the locker room.

Yes, his mic skills aren't great; they never were. Yet, when a man of his stature hands down a pronouncement as GM......I believe him.

I was bitter against this guy for many years for holding himself in exile from the scene of his greatest successes. But now that he's back, I'm thrilled to see him every week and I love him in his new role.
Having said that, Mr Mays makes a mighty good point though.

Anyone, ANYONE, even a rambling barely coherent Hitman is better than these so-called "celebrity" guest hosts! Could be just the fact that i'm english, and that Mr Mcmahon assumes that people outside the states don't matter, but i've known who like TWO of the guest hosts have been! Anyway, that's kinda off topic - or a rant for another thread at least!

so Hitman is better than guest hosts for me, but still, that's like saying I prefer Chris Masters to The Great Khali... eurgh!!
I've got no problems with Bret Hart's current role on Raw. I think that he makes a good GM overall and does what a GM character is supposed to do. Since Bret Hart's return, I think a lot of fans have held him to an unfair standard. For instance, there are people that actually expected Bret Hart to still be a world class wrestler inside the ring. I know that his match with Vince at WrestleMania was horrible but there were people honestly expecting it to be some sort of classic. Bret Hart is a multiple stroke victim, which means that his days of being a legitimate force inside the ring are over.

As the GM, Bret Hart comes across as someone that doesn't allow himself to be bullied by talent. He's a contrast to Teddy Long on Smackdown and I like that. He pops up once or maybe twice on Raw and that's all we see of him. He isn't out there every other segment, the WWE hasn't attempted to make him the primary focus of Raw and he does well as a face GM.

I'm not saying that he's perfect, nor do I expect him to be perfect. But, he doesn't deserve this level of criticism, not by a long shot.
Vanderhook, you are entitled to your opinion, but Hart has honestly only "wrestled" once since he came back. The match he had w/The Miz wasn't even a match, truthfully. Bret Hart is refreshing, albeit it a bit hard to follow sometimes. But he's wayyyy better than Vickie or those goofy "Guest Hosts" on Raw as if it were The Tonight Show. Now, I hate THAT! Bret may be older, but as far as a TV personaility he does have something to offer, if booked properly, which isn't being done on a regular basis, but is that Bret's fault? Probably not. Hart is a legend, I am a Hart fan, of course. I hope they keep Hart around for a little bit longer. He could really help the younger locker room greatly.
I like Bret as GM. He knows wrestling and he is and still is a face of the WWE. His mic skills arent the best but there getting better, I thought he was great last week on RAW. The crowd really enjoys him and he always gets a great pop. His segments are usually the highest or second highest rated on the show, so i'd say let him roll with it. Like it's been pointed out, he sure as shit beats guest hosts or Vickie.
i was one of the biggest supporters for him getting the GM job. as an "old school" wrestling fan, it draws me in seeing someone i am familiar with.

is he old, yes. are his mic skills subpar, yes. but as someone stated previously, he was never really all that great on the mic in the first place. but he's somewhat believable when he talks.

i would rather him continue to be the GM and make the matches, then them keep bringing in the schlubs who know one knows just because they are promoting the opening of a chicken shack on bumpnut ave.

i'm looking forward to tonight's RAW simply because there are no guest hosts. hopefully anyway.
I would like to keep Bret as raw GM but also bring in a heel Co-GM like when they had bishoff and stone cold. i feel that having 2 face GM's is uneccisary and gets stale pretty quickly. now who should this heel Co-GM be....none other than Roddy Piper. the man has amazing mic skills and can still pull of a move or 2 in the ring if needed. i would have posted this as a thread but im new here and have no idea how to :p. if someone could let me know how that would be great
I find it funny how I'm actually agreeing with a lot of things that heels are saying these days. I know Bret Hart is a beloved pro wrestling figure, but I can't help but feel like he is embarassing himself these days. Vince McMahon in the pre-WM feud between himself and Bret was right: Bret Hart is an old piece of gum that has lost his flavor.

Before I go on any further I'll let you know that I have never been a Bret Hart fan. I appreciate what he's done for the business and that he was a great "technical wrestler" but he never really did it for me. I understand that a lot of people are fond of him and seeing a legend come around is really cool especially for the older crowd who remembers him clearly.

However these days he is far too old and in poor health to be doing anything in the ring, yet they still ocassionally put him there where he looks absolutely terrible and fails to suspend any disbelief. His promos are even worse. I just cringe and feel awkward whenever he's on the mic. It's painfully cleart the he is ill-suited for the role he has right now. Quite frankly, he's embarassing himself.

I hate Bret Hart as GM and he needs to get the hell off of my TV set. My reaction was identical to Batista's when he was announced. I raged hardcore.

Having him show up from time to time for some nostalgia is one thing, but this extended role in the WWE is insane. Bret Hart is an old battered warhorse that needs to be put down.

Bret Hart is doing fine with this role. He brings credibility to the GM spot, something that hasn't been there for quite some time. I think the only thing we agree on is Bret being a beloved figure in pro-wrestling.

You've never been a Bret Hart fan?? Like this article hasn't made that painfully obvious. And, yes, you're spot on that the older crowd is who wants to see Bret. The older crowd doesn't have many bones thrown it's way, so seeing Bret is somewhat refreshing. It shows me that the business actually has a heart, and doesn't just throw away it's alumni simply because they can't do what they used to do. I'm glad someone like you isn't running the WWE.

Here we go again. Let's attack his in-ring work. He came back and wrestled VINCE McMAHON. Don't worry, he wasn't making the Evan Bourne's of the world look bad, he beat up on Vince. Sure, technically speaking, it was a crap match. But it wasn't meant to be a five-star deal. It was entertaining and (sort of) put an end to the biggest non-kayfabe feud in the history of pro wrestling.

And his match with the Miz helped get the Hart kids over, nothing more. Bret didn't "dominate" Miz or anything like that. There was a ton of interference, and Bret picked up the cheap win. Then what did he do? He willingly gave up the title. He understands he has no business being in the ring (as a wrestler) on a regular basis, and luckily he's smart enough to understand that without some jackass smark telling him. And what was the "terrible" outcome of that short feud with Miz? Miz has the title back, already. It's really a non-issue that you Hitman- haters bring up.

He is most definitely not embarassing himself on the mic. Sure, he's no Steve Austin or Eric Bischoff on the mic, but neither is that cow Vickie or Teddy Long. Vickie stumbles over her words, and knows nothing about pro-wrestling. She gets heat? Who gives a shit. Bret gets nice crowd reactions, every week. The only one who is embarassing himself is you.

Bret Hart has earned this spot. He has given his life to this business, and obviously a lot of people inside WWE, including Vince, understand this. And some smark who probably "hates all the old guys" isn't going to change that. He's doing fine, and I would rather see Bret fumble over his words than listen to Seth Green or Napoleon Dynamite promote some piece of trash they are trying to pass off as entertainment. He brings credibility to the role of GM. No matter your opinion, he's one of the greatest and most respected professional wrestlers of all time, and that is exactly the kind of person needed as a GM.
No doubt Bret is a shell of his former self, but we all knew that that was most likely going to be the case way back in December when it was announced he was coming back to the WWE. His mic skills leave a lot to be desired, but he was never known for his mic skills even when he was wrestling. Bret is all about his bad-ass persona of being "the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be." And as far as I'm concerned, he is still carrying that swagger even if he doesn't exactly look or sound like it.

Let's be real here though, it doesn't matter who the Raw GM is so unless somebody has a better candidate than Bret, then let him keep doing it because while he hasn't brought a ton to the product, he certainly hasn't taken anything away from it either. He has already put the Hart dynasty over as the probably the main tag team in WWE (although that wasn't much of a challenge since the WWE forgot about the tag team division 10 years ago) and his reputation as a performer in the industry allows him to project himself very nicely as an authority figure that is respected by the Raw roster. As far as I'm concerned, the job can be Bret's for as long as he wants it.
the poster is right... let's go back to mike adamle as GM for RAW!!! Who's with me!?!? Ok now who notices sarcasm in my comment? First of all, Bret has been the GM for a few weeks now, he's only been back on the scene for a few months after how long?? Geez, give the guy a break, he's in a new role and is still finding what works for him. He's definitely qualified to do the job as he has the legitimacy behind him and knowledge of the product. Yea, his mic skills aren't as great, but its nice that he knows what's what and who' who! And for a PG audience bret is actually a pretty good choice, but that is a different subject so i won't go there any further. Bischoff did make a great GM, Paul E would as well, maybe even cornette, but these guys aren't around or willing or wanted by Vince, is bret the best choice? No, even if i personally LOVE it, is Bret the worst choice? FAR from it. I'd take a lesser bret over a mike adamle or any of the god forsaken announcers currently in the WWE.
As bad as Bret Hart is on the mic, one thing you HAVE to like about him is that when you see him make a match, it's something you can believe. He wont back down like the stupid guest hosts do either. Some people want Michael Cole as GM, but i think that would be a BAD move. First off, the commentary in WWE is lacking in the first place and 2nd, while i like Cole as a heel, i think there could be better GMs than Cole.
The older crowd doesn't have many bones thrown it's way, so seeing Bret is somewhat refreshing.
Plenty of other ways to go about this without having Bret as GM. The best route is having Bret act as a mentor to the Hart Dynasty. That way the older fans can still see him every now and then, he still brings legitimacy to the younger Hart Dynasty, but we don't have to endure his crap promos.

It shows me that the business actually has a heart, and doesn't just throw away it's alumni simply because they can't do what they used to do. I'm glad someone like you isn't running the WWE.
You're inferring that I don't respect Bret and want him kicked to the curb. He shouldn't be GM because thats a speaking-heavy role and he's terrible at that. I'm sorry but I don't care how much of a veteran someone is -- if they are not suited for a job then they don't deserve it.

Here we go again. Let's attack his in-ring work. He came back and wrestled VINCE McMAHON. Don't worry, he wasn't making the Evan Bourne's of the world look bad, he beat up on Vince. Sure, technically speaking, it was a crap match. But it wasn't meant to be a five-star deal. It was entertaining and (sort of) put an end to the biggest non-kayfabe feud in the history of pro wrestling.
I didn't find it entertaining at all. The entire angle was garbage in my opinion. My reaction w s similar to the Miz's: "You win a glorified 25 on 1 handicap match and you are proud of that? Really? REALLY? Congratulations you're such a hero!!". The entire concept was ******ed. Two guys who can't wrestle in a match? Yuck. Vince McMahon hiring the entire Hart family to beat up Bret Hart? I'm really supposed to believe that Vince is stupid enough to come up with that plan? The entire thing just reeked of Vince kissing Bret Harts as as an apology and failed to come off as a plausible story. There's a lot of way you could plan out Bret Hart getting his revenge on Vince, I expected something much better from WWE.

And his match with the Miz helped get the Hart kids over, nothing more. Bret didn't "dominate" Miz or anything like that. There was a ton of interference, and Bret picked up the cheap win. Then what did he do? He willingly gave up the title. He understands he has no business being in the ring (as a wrestler) on a regular basis, and luckily he's smart enough to understand that without some jackass smark telling him. And what was the "terrible" outcome of that short feud with Miz? Miz has the title back, already. It's really a non-issue that you Hitman- haters bring up.
So the ends justify the means? Miz regaining the title doesn't change the fact that it was a stupid concept. Bret Hart should never be in any matches again. Period. He's terrible in the ring these days, so why put him there? There's better ways to utilize Hart and better ways to put over the Hart Dynasty.

He is most definitely not embarassing himself on the mic. Sure, he's no Steve Austin or Eric Bischoff on the mic, but neither is that cow Vickie or Teddy Long. Vickie stumbles over her words, and knows nothing about pro-wrestling. She gets heat? Who gives a shit. Bret gets nice crowd reactions, every week. The only one who is embarassing himself is you.
Again you are inferring things that I don't believe. I never said Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero were any good. Teddy Long sucks in my opinion. Vickie is mediocre. As far as whether he is embarassing himself, there is a sizable amount of people who are acknowledge that his mic skills are awful and cringe and feel akward, so there is legitimacy in my claim. Many people are embarassed for him, even if you aren't.

Bret Hart has earned this spot. He has given his life to this business, and obviously a lot of people inside WWE, including Vince, understand this. And some smark who probably "hates all the old guys" isn't going to change that. He's doing fine, and I would rather see Bret fumble over his words than listen to Seth Green or Napoleon Dynamite promote some piece of trash they are trying to pass off as entertainment. He brings credibility to the role of GM. No matter your opinion, he's one of the greatest and most respected professional wrestlers of all time, and that is exactly the kind of person needed as a GM.
More inferring. Disliking Bret Hart means I hate all the old guys? I don't mind WWE giving Bret some much deserved love, but the GM role is overkill. He's certainly different and a change from past GMs, but that doesn't mean he is better.

All in all, I think your reverence for Bret Hart is getting in the way of giving him proper criticism.
The problem is that Bret was never good on the mic, yet now they have him as GM, which is entirely a mic work role. Also, the guy had a stroke and his reaction time, memory, etc. are not that great. He should have left after Mania. That was a cool one off feud, even though the match itself with Vince sucked badly. But now he should leave. He can come back once in a while like Roddy Piper.
The problem is that Bret was never good on the mic, yet now they have him as GM, which is entirely a mic work role. Also, the guy had a stroke and his reaction time, memory, etc. are not that great. He should have left after Mania. That was a cool one off feud, even though the match itself with Vince sucked badly. But now he should leave. He can come back once in a while like Roddy Piper.

Agreed. Anyone telling me that Bret "was never good on the mic" isn't helpful to your argument; it adds more to mine because it provides more evidence that he is ill-suited for the job.

The Vince feud wasn't bad as a whole, but the ending was really bad.
Bret Hart's comeback should have been a short term thing. He should not be sticking around. He should have just worked a few raws before wrestlemania, and after mania he could have appeared on the Toronto raw in May to say good bye. Didn't he always used to say that he promised himself to never work for Vince by doing a commsioner-type role? I guess Bruno is the only non-hypocrite in wrestling.
I actually really like Bret hart as GM, sure his mic work isn't the greatest, but his character never really revolved around mic work..

Right now he gives an air of authority no other GM really does, and more importanty he does it WITHOUT making the talent look weak. Stone cold had that same "air of authority" about him, he was a GM you didn't screw with, the problem was he was running around giving stunners left and right, it made you think he belonged back in the world title picture, not GM of Raw.

Bret on the other had is a guy who has that old Boxer look to him. He's an Ex fighter, and a legend amoung the buisness, he was one of the best talents in the early 90's and the WWF was basically built around him for a good deal of time. Now he comes back, and he still has that air of authority, he has the credability to have a guy's like Cena, Orton, HHH, and Sheamus to come to him with a dispute and you feel like he is a credible person to be settling those type of things..

Vickie and Teddy Long I don't get that from, Vickie seems like she's on a power trip trying to screw people , and Teddy is a Cowardly face?? I mean They are both intresting characters, but I just find Brets as a better GM.. I mean who better to run a wrestling promotion then an Ex- World champion and Face of the WWF in the early 90's?

Then you have the Ever lasting adoration for the guy, hes really over as a face, and when you see somethign like the NXT guys beating him down and throwing him in a limo, it really gets a reaction from the crowd, they care about Bret getting beat down.

As someone mentioned above, He still carrys that World Champion Swagger with him, but his look isn't so intimidating that you think he should be wrestling.. He honestly reminds me more of one of those wise old Sage type characters.. An old fighter passing on wisdom to the younger generation..

(this is all in a kayafabe type evaluation)
I've never been a fan of the Hitman. When I first found out I hoped he was going to fued with HBK instead of Vince, that was Shawn could have carried him through the match and made it somewhat entertaining.

Bret has never been good on the mic, we all know that. So why give him a role that means he will have to speak every week?

If WWE want to keep him around then give him an off screen role, like Mike Rotunda or Dusty Rhodes.

If WWE want to give older fans someone from the past to see every week then why not give the job to Roddy Piper? If they want a decent heel then give the role to Abraham Washington. Or bring in Stephaine McMahon. Or JBL.

The point is that there are a million people better suited to this role than Bret. Use tham, because Bret is just going to drag Raw down
Plenty of other ways to go about this without having Bret as GM. The best route is having Bret act as a mentor to the Hart Dynasty. That way the older fans can still see him every now and then, he still brings legitimacy to the younger Hart Dynasty, but we don't have to endure his crap promos.

He has already done that, and since the tag division is barely a tag division, there isn't much there for him and The Hart kids to do (together). And as a Hart Dynasty mentor, wouldn't he have promos/dialogue? Is the problem him talking, or him having authority? Either way, he's going to talk. And it's not like he's Hogan-style, dominating the show. He's barely on the show, and when he does talk, it's never for long periods of time. So, in all reality, we would still have to endure his "crap" promos, which I don't find to be crap at all.

You're inferring that I don't respect Bret and want him kicked to the curb. He shouldn't be GM because thats a speaking-heavy role and he's terrible at that. I'm sorry but I don't care how much of a veteran someone is -- if they are not suited for a job then they don't deserve it.

Is that what I'm "inferring?" Or is the title to your post "Bret Hart Needs to GTFO." If you're going to use loaded language as your thread title, be prepared to take the heat. If someone isn't suited for a job, in a factory or a hospital, I would agree with you. But as an entertainer, who has paid his dues, Bret Hart is more than qualified to kayfabe-run the show. His promo's are nowhere near as horrible as you are making them out to be.

I didn't find it entertaining at all. The entire angle was garbage in my opinion. My reaction w s similar to the Miz's: "You win a glorified 25 on 1 handicap match and you are proud of that? Really? REALLY? Congratulations you're such a hero!!". The entire concept was ******ed. Two guys who can't wrestle in a match? Yuck. Vince McMahon hiring the entire Hart family to beat up Bret Hart? I'm really supposed to believe that Vince is stupid enough to come up with that plan? The entire thing just reeked of Vince kissing Bret Harts as as an apology and failed to come off as a plausible story. There's a lot of way you could plan out Bret Hart getting his revenge on Vince, I expected something much better from WWE.

Miz's reaction was kayfabe. A guy like Miz, a professional, realizes how big of a deal it is to even be in the SAME ring as Bret Hart.

I agree the Vince/Bret thing wasn't as big as it could have been, and it wasn't as well written as I would have liked. But Bret needed this, Vince needed it, and fans from that era needed it. I'm just not sure what the complaint is. It was a small angle, that took up a few minutes every other episode, for a few months. It's not like it main-evented Mania. Bret-hates make way too big of a deal out of what happened at Mania, and what lead up to it.

So the ends justify the means? Miz regaining the title doesn't change the fact that it was a stupid concept. Bret Hart should never be in any matches again. Period. He's terrible in the ring these days, so why put him there? There's better ways to utilize Hart and better ways to put over the Hart Dynasty.

No, YOU thought it was a stupid concept. Sure, I'm positive a lot of other people found it terrible as well. Good for them. I didn't. I liked it. I'm glad Bret got one last title-run under his belt. He didn't keep the belt, he gave it up. He (and Vince) knew what was best for the title, but having Bret hold it for a freakin' week was not a big deal. I just can't understand the complaint.

Again you are inferring things that I don't believe. I never said Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero were any good. Teddy Long sucks in my opinion. Vickie is mediocre. As far as whether he is embarassing himself, there is a sizable amount of people who are acknowledge that his mic skills are awful and cringe and feel akward, so there is legitimacy in my claim. Many people are embarassed for him, even if you aren't.

I could care less about Vickie or Teddy, I was just using them as examples. What I said was Bret Hart is far more credible in that role than either one of them could ever dream to be. Love him or hate him, he has the experience and credibility to take on the kayfabe job.

How is he embarassing himself? If he has no problem with how he is able to speak today, why should he be embarassed? Many people like what he is doing, even if you don't.

More inferring. Disliking Bret Hart means I hate all the old guys? I don't mind WWE giving Bret some much deserved love, but the GM role is overkill. He's certainly different and a change from past GMs, but that doesn't mean he is better.

Oh, he's not better than who? I guess you would rather have Guest Hosts every week? That is the dumbest gimmick they have ever had, and hopefully Bret coming in will take away from that idiotic angle.

Sure, guys like Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff, for example, are better on the mic than Bret. But they aren't options. I think you are ignoring the fact that Bret is one of the most popular wrestlers to ever step foot into a ring. The guy wrestled all over the world, was the top star in WWF for years, and one of the best in-ring competitors we've ever seen. He is far too big of a name to do an once-in-awhile type pop in. They are capitalizing on how big of a name he is in the exact manner they should. Physically, the GM role is the best fit for the Hitman, and so far (IMO), he's the best man for the job, right now.

All in all, I think your reverence for Bret Hart is getting in the way of giving him proper criticism.

And I think your dislike for him is driving some over-the-top complaint against the guy. You don't like him, we get it. But to have a thread telling him to Get The Fuck Out is a bit over the top. If you don't like him, fine. But a lot of people do. Just because someone isn't over with every smark on the internet, doesn't mean he should lose his job.
Well it looks like despite nickb03's vehement opposition to the idea, WWE creative decided to do the right thing and get rid of Bret Hart as GM. Good riddance. Since that kind of makes the original discussion void, how about we change the discussion to your thoughts on Vince firing Bret from the GM position.
Bret Hart will likely be back in the WWE by summer time, so that makes this argument still somewhat valid.

Bret Hart from a character standpoint can sell the "injury" suffered to him, while in real life he is getting this mess sorted out with Lloyds of London insurance.

Once that is settled, Bret is going to return to the WWE. That's the latest news i heard as of yesterday morning.
Well it looks like despite nickb03's vehement opposition to the idea, WWE creative decided to do the right thing and get rid of Bret Hart as GM. Good riddance. Since that kind of makes the original discussion void, how about we change the discussion to your thoughts on Vince firing Bret from the GM position.

Creative? I heard it had to do with his insurance plan. So, it's not like creative just decided to listen to some smark here on wrestlezone who hates Bret Hart, and shitcan him.

Yes, let's continue to discuss a kayfabe firing, as if it were done because the guy isn't doing his job well. Bret leaving WWE (for now) has nothing to do with that. You are a complete jackass.

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