Breaking News on WZCW Ascension


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
In a press conference earlier today, Vance Bateman had this to say:

"I want as little to do with Chuck Myles and his version of Meltdown as I have to. I want to make sure people know that any product he oversees is inferior to one that I am presenting. We might be under the same banner of WZCW, but I have standards to maintain, and he, clearly, does not. Therefore, I am opting to replace Mr. Truman Harrys and Mr. Sebastian Copeland on Ascension with a new ring announcer and play by play commentator. Mr. Cohen will stay on Ascension, however, due to an unfortunate clause in his contract we recently discovered mandating that he appear on ALL WZCW programming in some form. However, I have hired former sports broadcaster Ms. Cat Connor to replace Mr. Copeland on Ascension as a play by play commentator, and the lovely Ms. Selena Anderson, a former model and singer, to replace Mr. Harrys as our ring announcer. I have the best of hopes for my new signees, and hope that the separation from Myles's product will ensure the people's faith in the wholesome entertainment that is WZCW Ascension.

Later in the conference, Ms. Connor had this to say:

"I've worked for over ten years in the sports business, and this will be my first job in the wrestling industry...I have always enjoyed professional wrestling, and hope that my talents are up to the task of calling action in such a prestigious promotion as WZCW. I look forward to sitting alongside an esteemed commentator like Jack, and doing my best to make Ascension the best in pro wrestling TV."

Later on, Ms. Anderson commented.

"My singing career has, unfortunately, stalled, and I hope that my powerful voice can be used to help make Ascension's winning moments memorable. I love wrestling and especially WZCW, and I can't wait to work for the best promotion in wrestling."

Cat Connor:


Selena Anderson:


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