Bray Wyatt. This generations Muhammed Hassan?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
When failed characters come to mind, the first one most people think of is Muhammed Hassan. He had incredible talent, was great on the mic and I believe could have been the future of the business. Unfortunately it all came to a halt due to the unfortunate timing of his gimmick.

Bray Wyatt is a talented star who could go somewhere. Creative keeps booking him to lose at PPV's and now his program with Ambrose is being panned everywhere due to lack of action. Bray has gone stale.

Anyways, what I am getting at is I believe that Hassan and Wyatt should have got better deals, and became champs in a short amount of time. Unfortunately creative dropped the ball.

Also as for Hassan, I understand why the gimmick was dropped, just wish he could have been reincarnated as a different character
I think the reason we haven't seen them go at it in the ring yet, is because Ambrose is superior to Wyatt in wrestling talent. Wyatt is better on the mic, when you can understand what he's going on about.

Still it doesn't make for an exciting feud. Wrestling is about two guys in a wrestling ring beating the crap out of each other, kayafe wise of course. This has been a battle of words so far, and since Wyatt is barely understandable, fans especially the little ones don't get it and have tuned out. There is no question that it is hurting both of their momentum's.
There were other reasons why Muhammad Hassan's career was derailed. Part of it was Hassan's own fault. He thought that all the accolades would go to him, but he had to put in none of the work to get there. Why hasn't Mark Copani found work elsewhere? He had a rep for busy as lazy as the day was long. That is why he is working as a teacher right now instead of wrestling.

As for Bray Wyatt: I actually agree with Vince Russo in that Wyatt is such a unique character that he is virtually bulletproof. Come on, when was the last time you have seen a character REMOTELY like Bray Wyatt? You'd have to go back almost 40 years to Kevin Sullivan's Satan gimmick in Florida and CCW to have seen anything that might resemble Wyatt. I DO believe that Ambrose is being mucked up by the non-action, but they could give Bray a broomstick to promo with, and he would STILL be over.
Way I've heard it, Hussan was a targeted man by the rest of the locker room mainly because his gimmick pole-vaulted him into a spot he hadn't 'earned'. A massively unfair shake.

Wyatt has no such concerns, since he has;

1. A body of work prior, with time spent developing and working his way up.
2. A family pedigree(which helps buy some leniency backstage).
Far too soon to class Bray Wyatt as "failed" - he's only about 16 months into his WWE run, during which time he was briefly harbouring an injury, and still making regular tv appearances.

If anything they rushed his feud with Cena. From there the only way is down, as it was IMO too early to consider him for a World Title run. If anything could have damaged his career, it would have been that.

Wyatt at the moment is suffering simply because WWE aren't sure what to do with him or his clan (who I'm sure haven't permanently split); problem mainly caused by the fact that, even as heels, the group were getting one of the biggest face pops in the business. This is manifested by the fact we still know very little about the three Wyatts' respective angles: in Bray's case we don't know why he is targeting Ambrose yet.

Patience is the key with this one.
Far too soon to class Bray Wyatt as "failed" - he's only about 16 months into his WWE run, during which time he was briefly harbouring an injury, and still making regular tv appearances.

If anything they rushed his feud with Cena. From there the only way is down, as it was IMO too early to consider him for a World Title run. If anything could have damaged his career, it would have been that.

Wyatt at the moment is suffering simply because WWE aren't sure what to do with him or his clan (who I'm sure haven't permanently split); problem mainly caused by the fact that, even as heels, the group were getting one of the biggest face pops in the business. This is manifested by the fact we still know very little about the three Wyatts' respective angles: in Bray's case we don't know why he is targeting Ambrose yet.

Patience is the key with this one.

Actually in the last two smackdown Wyatt has been quite explanatory in why he's targeting Ambrose, and what he wants to do with him.
Hassan only really failed because WWE inexplicably changed his gimmick. In a bizarre example of labelling theory (where someone lives up to a label they have been bestowed), they turned Hassan from an Asian-American who had been ostracised since 9/11 to an actual terrorist, which is what some stupid media commentators thought he was in the first place. If anything, WWE should have turned the screw and amplified the 'persecuted' angle, showing he WASNT a terrorist character. But instead they decided to have him 'jihad' the Undertaker. It is a case of unfortunate timing that the angle, filmed two days earlier, was televised the same day as the July 7th London bombings; thankfully given the awful direction the angle had taken, the WWE were forced to scrap the angle, and Hassan the character, completely.
I wouldn't consider Wyatt a failure just yet, he needs to get a good run going again and a couple of big wins. If anything he probably should have had a IC/US Title run by now, ever since losing to Cena at WM he's got lost a bit.
As for Bray Wyatt: I actually agree with Vince Russo in that Wyatt is such a unique character that he is virtually bulletproof.

I can see it. The company believes in the Wyatt character; just the length of time his introductory vignettes droned on before he actually appeared in the ring is a factor in proving that....I've never witnessed such a build-up before actually seeing the guy live on TV.

Comparing Hassan to Bray is really tough because Hassan had virtually no personality.....he needed Daivari to handle that. Compare that to Bray; whether you like what he's delivering or not, how can anyone say he has no personality?

As for working inside the ropes, it's almost useless to discuss in concern with Bray Wyatt. He's not going to use standard wrestling moves, not worried about winning matches and/or titles as much as he cares about dispensing his brand of justice.....and his version of "working" a match differs from just about everyone else who performs in the company.

Hassan, meanwhile, cared very much about victory and winning, achieving it was his way of proving his ethnic superiority.

No, Hassan was just another wrestler with an inflammatory gimmick.....while Bray is a character unique to modern pro wrestling. As always, it's up to the individual fan to decide whether he likes it or not.....and given the number of folks on this forum who cry for something new, yet detest everything WWE comes up with....they probably hate the Bray Wyatt character, too.
Muhammad Hassan was a great character, but the wwe never really understood why. The whole point was that he was an Arab American that felt persecuted in the wake of 911. He wasn't the typical evil foreigner gimmick and when the fans booed him he said they were prejudiced.

Then they made him an actual terrorist.

It's pretty amazing to me that a team of professional writers (or maybe it was just vince mcmahon) had a complete lack of understanding as to who this character was and what made him different. Hassan was a modern twist on a classic gimmick and it's a shame to see what the character was reduced to.

I kind of feel the same way about Bray Watt in that he's a character they're unsure of how to write properly. But I also think that Bray himself doesn't really understand his character. His motives are usually weak and not that fleshed out, his promos are mostly nonsense, and his feuds are repetitive. People can say what they want about a guy like Vince Russo, but this is an example of why someone like Russo is useful. Wyatt needs to be used in a more creative way and put in more interesting or even outlandish scenarios and it's really on the writers to do that. If they continue to take the easy way out and go through the motions when writing the show then Wyatt will continue to be boring and repetitive.
Am I the only one that understands what Bray is saying in his promos ? I know he sometimes babbles a bit too much but it's usually about his past or mostly about society, a man's character etc.. and then he ties that into his promo about the actual feud.

I think you can't compare their gimmicks at all. One is an persecuted arab american, one is a sorta messiah type character with hints of a lot of demonic traits. I dont know how they can compare.

Problem with Bray arent his promos. If you care to actually listen to the promos and really try to understand what he is saying, you would understand. His problem has been his awful booking. From his awful feud with Kane, to his awful feud with R-Truth to his rushed feud with Daniel Bryan, to his burrial by the John Cena character, to now a completely outta nowhere rushed feud with Ambrose ( I guess they need this since they barely have top players atm, guess whos fault that is ).
Hassan's character was butchered by the Writers and given that he could have been heading into true Main Event territory.Why such a direction was taken is anyone's guess until today and the fact that Copani moved on is totally understandable.

Bray Wyatt's character is also not getting help from the writers since his feud with Cena..I've felt he has been slowly regressing and has added nothing and only repeats his rambles.
I still believe the character is golden and is a fitting character for a Top Heel in the WWE, but I have almost lost all faith that the WWE will do the character true justice.
It is a wait and see situation until Post-Survivor Series RAW to see if the relevant booking is put in motion for Bray Wyatt to start on the road to taking over from the Authority as the next Top long-term Storyline Heel in the business, because that is the kind of potential the character possesses.
Am I the only one that understands what Bray is saying in his promos ? I know he sometimes babbles a bit too much but it's usually about his past or mostly about society, a man's character etc.. and then he ties that into his promo about the actual feud.

I think you can't compare their gimmicks at all. One is an persecuted arab american, one is a sorta messiah type character with hints of a lot of demonic traits. I dont know how they can compare.

Problem with Bray arent his promos. If you care to actually listen to the promos and really try to understand what he is saying, you would understand. His problem has been his awful booking. From his awful feud with Kane, to his awful feud with R-Truth to his rushed feud with Daniel Bryan, to his burrial by the John Cena character, to now a completely outta nowhere rushed feud with Ambrose ( I guess they need this since they barely have top players atm, guess whos fault that is ).

Totally agree

I am too generally confused by people finding his promos "hard to understand"
Those people deserve Cena and Boreback :p
The unfortunate thing about Bray Wyatt's gimmick, is that it was only ever going to be good for a while before people got tired of seeing the same old stuff from him.

Don't get me wrong, when he debuted the character, it was something really different and out; in fact it was exactly what a lot of people had been waiting for in WWE. The need to push the boundaries was there, just as it was for Stone Cold when he debuted his gimmick. I reckon that's why people gravitated towards it when it arrived in the business.

But like I said, it was only ever going to have a short run. Eventually, people are going to get tired of seeing the same mind games from ol' Husky. This is amplified by the PG Era. At least Stone Cold had the freedom to do whatever he wanted and needed to do to get over. The difference between Austin and Wyatt is the era it debuted in. If Wyatt had appeared 10-15 years ago, the sky was the limit. He is shackled by the nature of the programming if anything.

I suppose it doesn't help that he's lost every match that really meant something. I just think that WWE have wheeled him out as a sideshow and never really had faith in him to deliver on the highest level; the same way they do for Cena and Orton etc.

I would say he's more akin to Kane than Hassan. Hassan was just a victim of timing. Wyatt is the victim of a gimmick that has a definitive timeline.
The problem with Bray is his matches don't realy deliver, and his feuds are boring. The same things happen over and over in all of his feuds. It hasn't not been boring since the Bryan feud.

Cena feud- boring
Jericho feud - boring
Ambrose feud so far - boring

None of these angles/feuds have been interesting or well delivered.

Hassan was great. Really unfortunate how that all went down. He was so over as a heel.

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