Book This! Mock Draft 2009

Hey guys, just found out that I'll be leaving on Friday for about 10 days. I don't think
I'll be able to get my show up in time. Hopefully someone can take my show over in something. I'm really sorry for the inconvienience
Hey guys, Im sorry but work is getting hectic and with study Im not sure I will be able to give this the best attention. So I will have to withdraw.. sorry.
Yes, do. And start writing your damn shows. I started writing mine. I don't particularly like it so far, so I'll probably rewrite it... but that's beside the point, damn it!
I asked Sam for an extention, because I wanted to focus on the WZ Tournament and some personal - off the forum things. I told Sam my show should be up within a week after the Tournament.
So, my show has been started.. but its no where near finished due to the shit-storm that hit my so-called life over the past week, plus. As a result, it won't be done for likely another few days/week.

Even if I'm DQ'd since, you know, the deadline was like a month ago now. I'm still pretty sure I'm pushing to get this show put up.

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