Black Friday - Sending Christians to Hell for over 100 years


Excellence of Execution
Have to love unintentional idiocy.

Black Friday = Christmas shopping
Christmas shopping -> celebrating Christmas
Christmas -> celebrating Christian religion.
Christian religion says Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins

Are you a Christian shopping today to save a couple of dollars? Then you're going to Hell.
I don't Black Friday shop and never will. Not because of my faith mind you, I just don't think that saving a few dollars is worth getting run over for. Besides that I get all the Black Friday experience I can stand working at Walmart. It's all I can do to stay out of the way.
Have to love unintentional idiocy.

Black Friday = Christmas shopping
Christmas shopping -> celebrating Christmas
Christmas -> celebrating Christian religion.
Christian religion says Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins

Are you a Christian shopping today to save a couple of dollars? Then you're going to Hell.

Only one of many, many hypocrisies with the Christian religion. I swear I learn a new one every day.
Never been a fan of black Friday shopping, especially now a days when you can get the same exact deal over the computer. Of course though, my wife had to go this morning, and what happens... She gets side swiped in the intersection in front of the mall(She is fine). Amazingly progressive already has the car in the shop.
If greed is sending Christians to hell, then Black Friday is probably the least of Christians' worries. Investitures in the medieval Catholic Church, political campaigns, etc.

And perhaps this "hell" that Christians are going to isn't some extra-metaphysical sphere beyond death: perhaps hell is Black Friday itself: crowds, lines, the non-neighborly gesture of cutting others in line for a giant Dora the Explorer. Perhaps Christians (and all of those contributing: consumer and retailer) are creating hell.
Was in a walmart grocery shopping yesterday afternoon and the were setting up lines all over the store for electronics. Then I passed it on the way home from some friends and the parking lot was bananas. Never saw it like that ever. And it was only 9 o'clock.
If greed is sending Christians to hell, then Black Friday is probably the least of Christians' worries. Investitures in the medieval Catholic Church, political campaigns, etc.

Ah yes, back when there was no crime that couldn't be absolved with sufficient gold. Though that continued into the Renaissance, just ask Leo X who mechanised the process.
Ah yes, back when there was no crime that couldn't be absolved with sufficient gold. Though that continued into the Renaissance, just ask Leo X who mechanised the process.

Indeed. It's been awhile since church history 101...figured I'd blanket with medieval, though "ancient" would have been more effective.
Indeed. It's been awhile since church history 101...figured I'd blanket with medieval, though "ancient" would have been more effective.

:shrug: You could throw a dart at a board with time related descriptors on it and have an acceptable timeframe for when the church was corrupt. That's got nothing to do with God, the bible or the messages of Jesus but a natural consequence of the church being run by humans.
Wait a minute, we're supposed to save that stuff for Christmas? As in wake up real early, get trampled and gift-wrap it for other people?

My biggest frustration has nothing to do with CHristians or Christmas, or people trampling each other for phones... I hate all the people who get up in arms over the evils of consumerism on Black Friday. Because 364 days of the year, these are the same people driving expensive cars, shopping at supermarkets and filling their homes with nice things to move up the social and economic ladder.

Consumerism, at its core, is the process of making money and buying things, in a continually increasing progression. Make money. Spend money. Make more money. Spend more money. Just because you shop at Whole Foods instead of Walmart, or drive a hybrid instead of an old Chevy, doesn't make you any less of a consumer.

And perhaps this "hell" that Christians are going to isn't some extra-metaphysical sphere beyond death: perhaps hell is Black Friday itself: crowds, lines, the non-neighborly gesture of cutting others in line for a giant Dora the Explorer. Perhaps Christians (and all of those contributing: consumer and retailer) are creating hell.

The modern Christian idea of hell is laughable. Not only because it's made-up mythological bullshit, because it's relatively NEW made-up mythological bullshit. I laugh at Christians who go on and on about the rapture. Not because it's any more silly than anything else Christians believe, but because it's a concept that's only been around less than 200 years. And really less than 100 in the mainstream churches dogma. When it comes to concepts like "hell" and "Satan" I laugh because modern Christians have literally taken non-Biblical pagan views and attached them to their own ideals. The actual Bible itself is so vague on the topic of the afterlife. I suppose that's because the Jews didn't know what to expect, and found mystery to be spiritual in itself. Christians have this NEED to put a face to everything. It's why they believe in things like hell, the Devil, the rapture, the "spiritual warfare" between angels and demons, etc. It's why they believe the Genesis story was meant to be literal, instead of just an ancient pre-Jewish creation myth, not unlike the Native American folklore you learn about in schools.

I did three semesters at a Christian University, studying theology and biblical history. And it's probably that, more than anything else, that made me STOP believing in anything the Christian religion had to offer. I think at this point in my life, if I was ever to "find the light" again, I would be a conservative agnostic, or maybe a very progressive Jew. But I'm really not good with money. So...that's probably out.
I have never gone out on Black Friday. It's stupid. I make enough money that I just buy shit that I want when I want. I don't need some "super" deal.
My biggest frustration has nothing to do with CHristians or Christmas, or people trampling each other for phones... I hate all the people who get up in arms over the evils of consumerism on Black Friday. Because 364 days of the year, these are the same people driving expensive cars, shopping at supermarkets and filling their homes with nice things to move up the social and economic ladder.

Consumerism, at its core, is the process of making money and buying things, in a continually increasing progression. Make money. Spend money. Make more money. Spend more money. Just because you shop at Whole Foods instead of Walmart, or drive a hybrid instead of an old Chevy, doesn't make you any less of a consumer.
To be clear, you're not against consumerism, just those who whine about consumerism only on Black Friday? Do I have that right?
To be clear, you're not against consumerism, just those who whine about consumerism only on Black Friday? Do I have that right?

Yes. If you're going to be whiny about consumerism, at least be consistent about it. And stop trying to be clever, as a means to show me my own hypocrisy. Stop that.
Yes. If you're going to be whiny about consumerism, at least be consistent about it. And stop trying to be clever, as a means to show me my own hypocrisy. Stop that.

I wasn't trying to be clever. I was just making sure you didn't have a problem with the concept of a market and buying in selling in general, because the tone of your post could be taken as such.

Stop accusing me of things I wasn't doing. Stop that.
You'd think people would start to think it's a bad thing given the violence and even death that's spread because of the day. Then again, we live in a society that enables drinks that hinder your nervous system and then wonder why so many people die due to intoxication and related causes. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way.
I don't know what Black Friday is, except it is to do with Christmas Shopping.

Its a bit of a leap to say that buying presents for people at Christmas is directly the same thing as the sin of Greed though, no? Or is Black Friday something else entirely?

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