Biggest PPV besides Mania?


Dark Match Winner
Simple question here what do you think is the biggest PPV except for Wrestlemania? I personally think that it is SummerSlam. When you think about it and the matches we have gotten, its almost Wrestlemania quality when it comes to build and storylines. Now I know the Big 4 are Mania, SS, Survivor Series, & the Rumble so just let me know what you thin and why.
I personally think it's the Royal Rumble. Mostly due to the entertainment of the Royal Rumble, the Rumble is always a PPV I will watch regardless of if I'm even watching WWE at that time.

Plus, the Rumble builds towards Wrestlemania more than any other PPV. After the Rumble you start to get in Wrestlemania mode and really get ready for it.
To me, it all depends on the matches the year before. Because if you don't have good matches one year, it MAY be hard to bounce back from that the next. While if they have a good PPV one year, the next year, people might buy it annually.

Currently, I think its the Royal Rumble. I just love the match itself. Compared to Survivor Series, when the specialty match, is only 20 minutes. Summerslam has star power, but I usually don't like the build-up.
I would also say royal rumble. summer slam is big, but coincidence is such that their matches always turn out less than average, and fans leave disappointed. survivor series, on the other hand, has been ruined because of bad booking in my opinion. while it also has its signature match like the royal rumble, but it seldom gets any proper build up or writing. also the fact that rumble is in the most active business season of the year only helps.
i would say summerslam would be the 2nd biggest other than mania since they even have their own axxess event. BUT to me the past 3 summerslams have seemed lackluster events. sure they have had a good main event and the whole undertakers traditional return (except for last years) and also the whole nash returning and adr cashing in this past summer, have been the only things that stand out. but to me at least half the match card seems pointless and just let downs. this past year henry and sheamus ending in a count out. the random 6 man tag just as a filler. year before kofi vs ziggler no contest cuz of the nexus. the whole 6 vs 6 match. kane vs mysterio (undertakers return) who got tombstoned by kane! the year before khali vs kane? to me summerslam has been about takers return these past years and i guess to some nash's return this year. and many other summerslams in the past have been max 6 or 7 matches. but i do feel this year it will be different! and yes i admit, because of lesnar and the whole legitimacy being brought back to the wwe. but i say the 2nd would be the rumble. the actual is match is the funnest all year. and its where the road to wm begins. and that ppv is mainly only about the rumble match. what everyone cares for.
I would say the biggest would be the royal rumble, because the outcome of that match determines the outcome of the whole road to wrestlemania. Summerslam is big too, but like arindam.roy said, it usually dissapoints with the matches being mediocre. The royal rumble for me is just fun to watch, and one of my favorite rumbles is when benoit won in 2004, i have that dvd, and i watch it all the time. So for me, the royal rumble is the biggest
I would also say the royal rumble. I know summerslam is suppose to be the number 2 pay per view, but when people think about becoming immortalized, or breaking through to the next level, after wrestlemania, I feel the Rumble is number 2 in that regard.
In the fans eyes

Clearly the Royal Rumble. This is where all fans start coming back to watch as they get ready to buy 1 of the 2 PPVs they buy each year (WM & RR). The Rumble is a match everyone understands and is very fun. When the clock counts down, you are excited. Imaginations run wild and the anticipation is great. I think every fans would go with Wrestlemania #1 and Royal Rumble #2.

WWE's Perspective

SummerSlam wins this one. For whatever reason - they really try to build this event as the #2 biggest PPV. They bring in stars to perform and really try to go big with angles. After SS, all bets are off as they basically go into an off-season of trying whatever the hell they want. They've always done commercials or some gimmick to promote the event and that's more than they've done for any other PPV.
Gotta be SummerSlam. And I think they're really going to try and prove it this year. The Rock, Lesnar, and probably even Triple H will all have matches, not to mention whatever Cena and Punk are doing. As mentioned it has it's own Axxess, and they try to keep it special. Usually roster reveals for the upcoming WWE game happen during that Axxess, last year there was a live performance. I just hope they work on building an entire card, or at least 3 or so main events, this year instead of just depending on one match to sell the show like the last 2 years. 2009 was alright, but I feel like 2008 was the last great SummerSlam headlined by Batista vs John Cena and Undertaker vs Edge Hell in a Cell, neither of which were title matches. And if the reports of Money in the Bank becoming part of SummerSlam ever become true.. it would really up the event's prestige.
To me, from an interest level, there's WM, RR, Summerslam, and the rest are all the same from there. I would include MITB at 4 but I think that match will be at SS and there will only be 1, I liked it better that way. With that match in SS I think alot of fans would put that back ahead of RR for #2 because it would have one of the two bigest gimmick matches of the year (the rumble and the MITB ladder match).
Royal Rumble and it's not even close. There are only 2 PPVs annually that I will buy without even caring about the card itself and those are the two. Why the Rumble? The 30 man main event always sells itself. Regardless of who wins, it's always packed full of surprises.
I agree with a poster above that said WWE thinks it's the number 2. It gets great build, and the match quality is usually good to. I think maybe at a time it was the number 2, but I think the Royal Rumble has taken its place. It is definitely the most entertaining, and sometimes it is even on par with Mania entertainment wise. It sets the tone for Mania, and gets everyone in that mode. Am curious if the PPV buys are second to mania? Does anyone know?
The Royal Rumble is easily number two. It has good to great World title matches followed by the rumble match which is always one of the best matches of the year. Throw in the surprises and I look forward to the event as much as Wrestlemania.
It's rumble, the only other PPV I know will be worth buying, no matter how bad the card is, simply because I find the RR is worth the money.
Officially Summerslam is the second biggest stage. Can't say I agree. I would have to give the nod either to the Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank (even though the latter is a very young PPV). MitB has quickly become a very important PPV. It sets the tone for things to come in the months to follow like no other PPV, in my opinion.
WWE really need to book one major name for this year's Summerslam event because the past 3 have been dreadful. It is viewed as WWE's 2nd biggest but feels like your average WWE PPV most of the time. They need a stellar match-up like Cena/Lesnar to push the event down our throats. Rumble never fails to entertain but this year's failed a little in my eyes. Dont get me started on Survivor Series, we wern't even given the usual tag match-up last year. It needs re-doing.
Definitely the Royal Rumble in my opinion!! Around RR time its the buildup to wrestlemania and to me that makes it the 2nd best PPV of the year!! Most royal rumbles are very good good booking great matches and surprises are a bonus.

Although this years RR was a bust IMO but i digress! So yes RR for me is the 2nd best PPV of the year
I would say SummerSlam. I look at it as the WrestleMania of the summer PPV's. It has a great name and it's been there since 1988 which is almost as old as WrestleMania. It has had some classic matches like Davey Boy vs. Bret Hart and HHH vs. HBK to name a couple. It just seems to have this grand feel to it. They always seem to make it a great show with some big match in it.
This is an easy question, besides Wrestlemania the Royal Rumble PPV is the only other pay per view worth buying. Royal Rumble in the last couple years had a pretty bad card but the 30 man over the top rope battle royal is usually worth the cost of the whole PPV. I love the Royal Rumble ppv and with the usual return winner makes it even more interesting, imo. Royal Rumble is a close 2nd to the best ppv that the WWE offers every year.
WWE consider Summerslam the Number 2 pay per view, so thats good enough for me. Personally i think Royal Rumble has more impact and shapes the storylines much better than Summerslam, which is generally when the feud after Mania end. The Rumble generally shapes Mania, far more important
I'd say it's a toss-up between the Royal Rumble and SummerSlam. SummerSlam is generally regarded as the #2 PPV of the year, but the Royal Rumble has a unique type of match whose winner gets to challenge for the WWE or WHC title at WrestleMania.
I say Royal Rumble.

The WWE likes to promote Summer Slam as the second biggest event of the year, but honestly, few Summer Slams are all that memorable.

There really isn't much difference between Summer Slam and every other PPV, aside from maybe a mini convert now and then.

The Royal Rumble is one of the most important matches of the year. Everyone remembers who won and what year.

Also, it seems to be the most common favorite.
I'd still say Summerslam. The Royal Rumble is more part of the road to a big event more so then a big event to me
I'd have to say SummerSlam for the same reasons that have already been mentioned by others; it is clearly viewed by WWE as the second biggest event of the year after WrestleMania and is promoted in a similar vain by using celebrities and holding a Fan Axxess event. Being honest though, I much prefer the Royal Rumble and Survivor Series events.

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