Bieber thrilled up about developing facial hair


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Justin Bieber has tweeted that he's not shaving for a month so that all his Beliebers can see his moustache.

His girlfriend Selena Gomez doesn't seem the most enthusiastic about his idea.

Though Gomez explained that she’s not totally against facial hair, she does raise a good point. It's Justin Bieber.

What is a month really going to produce?


“He … needs a little more time,” she laughed.

Hopefully there won't be more Selena Gomez death threats over that cute wisecrack. You never know with Beliebers. Here's a clip of her interview:
He is 17 and cant grow a pubestash yet? A month? Fuck, I know 12 year olds that can grow a mustash quicker than that. Stick to your music Bieber, coz we only got one more year till we can call you a pedo.
Damn, I saw the Freddie Mercury avatar and thought Blue was back. What a letdown.
I used to be a huge mark for Selena Gomez back in July-August. I freaking loved her. If I was that same way now, and found out Bieber was dating her......I would probably hunt down Bieber and kill him. With the hate that kids got, his probably got better security then the president.
Isn't it funny how people freak out when a celebrity decides to changes their appearance. Take Justin Bieber for example. There is a thread on WZ on his facial hair!
I got a haircut a few weeks ago, no media for me...all though I did have about 159 people ask me "Did you get a haircut" whenever I shaved my semi longish hair to a buzz cut.
I used to be a huge mark for Selena Gomez back in July-August. I freaking loved her. If I was that same way now, and found out Bieber was dating her......I would probably hunt down Bieber and kill him. With the hate that kids got, his probably got better security then the president.
LOL XD Selena's really really cute. I think so :)

Isn't it funny how people freak out when a celebrity decides to changes their appearance. Take Justin Bieber for example. There is a thread on WZ on his facial hair!
=____________= I'm not freaking out about it. I'm not even a fan. Thought I should make my first thread talking about something no one would've mentioned here :(
Who the fuck cares? Seriously why think oh biebers going to grow a beard lets make a thread about it.
it just pisses me off, he's a 17 year old kid where 80% of the internet population want him dead. I mean how stupid is that? He must feel like shit behind the camera.

Same with that Rebecca Black, she's only 13.
Yeah I'm sure he feels like shit while counting his millions of dollars, and fucking his famous GF, while literally millions of other girls are flocking to him:rolleyes:

People hate him out of jealously, every guy on this planet wishes they could accomplish in their lifetime what Beiber has accomplished in his 17 yrs. on the planet, good for Beiber 17 yrs. old and his life is a big bucket of win already

EDIT: Who the fuck is Rebecca Black?!

I'm sure Bieber goes off camera and cries like a baby and says, "Why do people hate me"? "Well, that's ok, let me go buy a new house and a new car to cheer myself up."

Do you think he gives a damn what people like us think?

And his music isn't that bad either. Better than Gaga's, I can tell you that.
Yeah because a rich person has never ended up killing themselves before.
it just pisses me off, he's a 17 year old kid where 80% of the internet population want him dead. I mean how stupid is that? He must feel like shit behind the camera.

Same with that Rebecca Black, she's only 13.

If 80% of the internet population want him dead, then 80% of the internet population are idiot savages.

Oh wait...

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