Best PPV Outside of "The Big Four"


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I just wondered which PPV you think is best aside from WrestleMania, Survivor Series, SummerSlam and Royal Rumble. I know some are gimmick PPVs now but I'd like to know, if you had a pick of one to buy?
I used to love Night of Champions. It was my favorite event of the year after WrestleMania and the Rumble, until they ruined it by having non-title matches on the card. And in 2011 it was HEADLINED by a non-title match. Now I really don't have a favorite PPV outside of the big four.
I've always been a big fan of Night of Champions. It used to be a much bigger deal back when there were more titles, but the "every title is on the line" stipulation is still more than enough to get my interest. It should absolutely not have non-title matches main eventing it, although it doesn't bother me much that they are on the card. The unification of the WWE Tag Team belts with the World Tag Team belts and the Womens belt with the Divas belts left the federation in a spot where they either add a non-title match or two onto Night of Champions cards or only have 6 matches; which is not enough.

Other favorites of mine include Money In the Bank, TLC, and Elimination Chamber. I love those gimmicks. I still prefer Night of Champions over every other PPV outside of the Big 4. It's focused on all of the titles and to me that is what pro wrestling should be about in the first place. A wrestler's main goal other than winning at Wrestlemania should be winning championships. In a perfect world every belt would be on the line at every PPV event and the matches would receive significant hype. That of course is not the case. So I anticipate Night of Champions every year due to every belt being up for grabs on the same show. I will admit though that Money In the Bank has been catching up to it and so has TLC, I cannot get enough of those gimmicks!
TLC was really good this year, so I would have to go with that. I love TLC matches, and it's the last of each year so it is exciting to see the big bang the year will end with.
I would say my fav is NOC! I just love that gimmick PPV i really do. Every title on the line and to me its a very special PPV. Hell even WM doesnt throw every title on the line but NOC sure as hell does.

All the titles is the perfect concept and thats what wrestling should be.
That's hard to say. Before all the gimmick PPV's, it used to be Vengeance. 2001-2005 where all pretty awesome events. They brought it back in 2011, but it wasn't the same. Now days.. wow I really I don't have. I don't look forward to any of the none big 4 as much as I used to. I guess Money in the Bank. It's been a pretty big event over the past few years.
Backlash used to be a great PPV, that could be considered the 5th to the Big Four. It was the "backlash" of Wrestlemania of what didn't get finished at WM, so it was sure to be just as good as WM.
Backlash used to be a great PPV, that could be considered the 5th to the Big Four. It was the "backlash" of Wrestlemania of what didn't get finished at WM, so it was sure to be just as good as WM.

Pretty sure the King of the Ring was the 5th big PPV. And it was actually the Big Five, before they started doing the monthly In Your House PPVs.

In terms of gimmicky PPVs that aren't the Rumble or King of the Ring, I like Elimination Chambers. Those matches are always quite the spectacle.
To start with, I'd agree with SxExS a few posts above about Vengeance being a great PPV. The 2005 event was particularly good with a stacked card (HHH/Batista, Cena/Jericho/Christian, HBK/Angle). Even though 2002 and 2003 were mostly poor years for PPV, Vengeance was good both years.

Nowadays though it would be TLC. I'm not a fan of gimmick PPVs such as Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber but TLC just works for some reason. There have been four events so far and they all rank as either good (2009, 2011) to excellent (2010, 2012). High quality matches from the TLC PPV include Benjamin vs Christian (2009), Morrison vs Sheamus (2010), and the 6-man from last year. So, yeah, TLC has been worth the money each year of it's existence for me.
Money in the Bank. The last one wasn't great, but the previous two were fantastic events. I don't know why people get butthurt about it not being at WrestleMania--it's a gimmick that gets people over, gets a lot of people involved, it a lot of fun, and doesn't distract from other important events. It's more than effectively replaced the King of the Ring (always a good concept, rarely a good event--go back and watch those PPVs, they weren't that good) as a way to propel people into the main event.
I also really got into NOC when all of the matches were for titles. I agree with Pedigree that Mania doesn't even put all the titles on the line, and NOC gave us that. It is a ppv I look forward to every year though I wish they didn't have to add non title matches. The focus of the ppv was the titles, and on that night they were all that mattered. Another one I look forward to is MITB. The importance of the Briefcases make this one more interesting than some of the other non big four. We are usually treated to some holy shit moments in the matches as well. Between these two I prefer NOC.
Money in the bank.
Looking back at 2011 Money In The Bank , that was definitely one of the top payperview's of 2011, 2012 was a great MITB ppv as well. When ever there is a match along the lines of money in the bank, it is always filled with suspense and therefor this is why I think MITB is the best ppv outside of the top 4.
Easily the Money in the Bank PPV. It has been going for the three years and each one has been really good. I have always loved the ladder matches so to get two in one night is fantastic. Also, the WWE have stacked the rest of the card in previous years: Punk V Cena, Cena V Sheamus in a cage match (Nexus interfered) are just examples.

In the last three years; I would place it just behind the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania, that's how much I have enjoyed it.
Backlash was a very good ppv, some did repeat matches from Mania, however some where surprisingly better.

As of now, Extreme Rules has been good the past 2 years, Money in the Bank has been good and TLC never disapoints me.. I have to toss a coin between ER and TLC.. I can't decide just yet.
I used to love Backlash, as it had the big fight feel of Wrestlemania seeing as half the card was rematches from Mania. Also because it wasn't as big a stage people got to let loose a bit more and the better performers from Wrestlemania were rewarded - like Edge being inserted into the title match in 2006 after his hardcore match with Mick Foley at Wrestlemania, or Randy Orton winning the title in 2009 after being let down by the running order at Wrestlemania. They could easily bring it back now, and have Extreme Rules replace Over the Limit which is not over by any means.

As for current PPVs, Money In the Bank clinches it for me. Kind of like how Royal Rumble begins the Road to Wrestlemania but is big in its own right, Money In the Bank is like a setup for Summerslam but still often has big moments of its own:
2010 had the twist of Kane cashing in his briefcase on Mysterio, which also served to set up Undertaker's return at Summerslam
2011 had CM Punk winning the title in his hometown of Chicago and leaving the company with it, whilst setting up the big main event with Cena and story with Triple H at Summerslam
2012 had John Cena winning the case to finally re-enter the title scene, which sparked a chain of events that culminated in CM Punk's heel turn. Also a match of the year candidate between Punk and Daniel Bryan to finally settle their score.
Extreme Rules as it is now (post-Mania PPV) usually delivers. It's pretty much a Mania rematch show. Only each of the undercard rematches are usually superior to the ones shown before.

TLC & MITB PPV's have always delivered since their inception.
Well in the past my favorite would have to be Backlash.
The name is self explanatory itself. The aftermath of WrestleMania new feuds get developed and started its almost like the NEW Year for WWE.

Today my favorite would have to be Money In The Bank. It's constantly been one of the best ppv's for WWE each year. The 2 MITB Ladder matches always deliver and WWE seemingly is hot around this time with their feuds.
It's quite simple the two easy answers for this are Extreme Rules and Money In The Bank. I'll start off with the former it's the first post-Mania pay-per-view so a lot of the feuds going into Mania continue on and usually blow off here but all in gimmick matches that make sense and always deliver to me the show has always delivered since becoming the Backlash replacement, especially the last two events in particular (2011 and 2012).

The other I mentioned is MITB, I mean it's a great summer pay-per-view by know it's quality almost always eclipses what SummerSlam has to offer and therefore you know your always in for a great show. Since it's inception there has never been a dull edition and it's always come out the far superior show in terms of the two summer pay-per-views and has become a pay-per-view I look forward to just as much as the big four really.

There are others that you can mention which are hit and miss, particularly TLC which when on it's best can offer a great last minute MOTY contender or a card that fully delivers or half delivers. It's usually a pretty good show but in my mind it's never a guarantee same goes for Elimination Chamber as well with 2010 giving it a good start, 2011 upping the anti and then 2012 dropping it down. I would have mentioned Night of Champions but beside maybe one match thats really good to great from it, the show normally always falls flat.

So in the end Extreme Rules and Money In The Bank are the best non longterm-heritage pay-per-views that the WWE has to offer, plain and simple.
Definitely Money in the Bank. It's delivered it's fair share of great matches and moments in its 3 year span, and it always manages to either elevate two superstars to the next level or give some of the veterans their last run. A close second would also have to be TLC, because the matches in the past two years didn't disappoint, and there are a lot of openings for memorable spots.
In the past mine was always King Of The Ring. I love tournaments in WWE, especially one that would more or less claim the biggest rising star in the company at the time(The KotR was even considerd to be one of the 'Big Five' at one time by some). The KotR would revisit old feuds, start new ones or sometimes even give us a more rare match. Also the PPV's ended up boasting some of the best & most gruesome battles in WWE history such as Taker/Foley HiaC & Shane/Angle in the Street Fight, as well as some great main event matches like HBK/Bulldog, Taker/Rocky, Taker/HHH & Kane winning his only WWE Title to date. Not to mention I loved the build up & it practically wrote itself for TV, just have more or less every good performer on the roster at the time besides the World Champion(s) in matches to decide who makes it into the brackets, then the respective brackets duel it out until the finals & the crown The King! Easy concept, Great matches, Awesome PPV!

This day & age it's a little tougher with the gimmicks PPV's to pick a favorite, since few truly stick out anymore in my eyes. I would probably go with the Elimination Chamber since it's my favorite match stipulation of all time, it's the last PPV before Mania & even when they don't suprise the fans like they used to sometimes before Mania, WWE usually atleast puts on some solid matches inside the Chamber.

This past year though I would go with TLC: 2012. That was BY FAR the best PPV of 2012 outside of "The Big Four" IMO. TLC can usually be good but it FAR exceeded my expectations this year. Amazing PPV all around, awesome main event with a (somewhat)surprise ending, featured several fresh & newer talents in some amazing matches & The Shield not only had the best WWE debut match ever IMO but they had the 2012 match of year in my eyes.
Money in the Bank, even after it left a lot of people with bad tastes in their mouths fore removing a WM staple, has consistently been one of the best PPV's of the year and always had a standout match. The SD! Ladder match from 2010 was epic along with Kane's cash in, Punk vs. Cena in 2011 was classic and Punk vs. Bryan and Ziggler's briefcase win in 2012 were both clinics.
From 1993 to 2002, I always thought the King Of The Ring was the Best WWE Pay Per View outside of the WWE Big 4. I’m sure most of you would agree with that.

In 2001, Invasion and Vengeance were pretty big PPVs. I’d go as far as saying they were # 6A and # 6B of that particular year. From the Alliance defeating the Federation to Jericho holding the Undisputed WWF WCW World Championships, these two are favorites of mine. I consider Vengeance 2001 as the first unofficial Night Of Champions, because every Champion at that time had a match on that show. I loved these so much that I got them on DVD…along with the PPVs in-between Invasion and Vengeance…and 3 more PPVs after Vengeance 2001.

In 2003 and 2004, I really can’t decide which of the WWE Small 8 PPVs was the best, only because they were Brand exclusive. They were all equally “small”, considering these shows were really just 3 hour Raws and 3 hours Smackdowns that you had to pay for.

From 2005 to 2006, I’m going to go with ECW One Night Stand. These two shows from the Hammerstein Ball Room were fantastic. It had that touch of nostalgia, mixed with that big fight feel. It had to be the crowd. I loved these so much that I got them both.

From 2007 to this very day, I truly believe the Best Pay Per View, out of the WWE Small 8, is Night Of Champions. Yes, some of the shows ended up disappointing, but going into a show, knowing that every Title in the WWE Universe is on the line, gets me everytime. I loved these so much, but I was only able to get the first 2 on DVD. One day, I will complete the Night Of Champions collection.
Extreme Rules used to be when every match was contested under Extreme Rules. Night of Champions also used to be when every match was a Championship match. Right now I'd have to go with Money In The Bank because of the 2 ladder matches and the outside shot that one of the 2 briefcases could be cashed in that same night resulting in a title change.
I always liked the Elimination Chamber matches even back when they had them on New Years Resolution. So I would have to say Elimination Chamber. I also really enjoy TLC matches because of the awesome spots. TLC is another one of my favorite PPVs.
Extreme Rules is the best PPV outside of the Big Four, because it is truly the one night a year when they go all out and put on one hell of a good show.

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