Best 5 Weekly Show/PPV Endings?

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
What are your top 5 closers (not matches) to Weekly Shows/PPV's you have seen? Could be from any promotion not just WWE, WCW, ECW etc.

No order

Rikishi revealing he ran over Stone Cold - Raw 2000
Most people actually thought this was pretty crap but not me. I never expected it to be Rikishi in a millions years and I thought he had a good reason too, so I was shocked when Mick put him on the spot and he then admitted to it. Also The Rock's reaction sold the angle beautifully.

McMahon-Helmsley Faction take out Earl Hebner after Rock & Hebner def. DX - Smackdown 2000
I'm not a fan of Earl Hebner but this angle actually made me feel sorry for Hebner after he took so much abuse from DX over the past few weeks. I thought the beatdown on Hebner, all the faces that were feuding with each member of the Faction running in for the save and Rock showing emotion as he helped escort Hebner out of the ring was all sweet.

Kurt Angle sprays the Alliance down with a Milk Truck - Raw 2001
I loved the original beer bath Austin showered Vince, Shane & Rock with but this imitation was absolutely hilarious. Kurt Angle shouting out WOO throughout, Austin just standing there with the look on his face while everyone else was falling down and Angle then getting on top of the Milk Truck drinking cartons of Milk, Stone Cold style were highlights that will live on in my mind forever.

Tie: Rock joins The Corporation - Survivor Series 1998 & Stone Cold joins forces with Vince - Wrestlemania 17
I loved both of these heel turns, they were so unexpected and brilliantly done, I would kill myself if I forced myself to pick just one. How can you not love the main attractions of the company joining forces with the evil hated boss?

Undertaker returns as American Bad Ass - Judgment Day 2000
Personally I like this gimmick way better than the Phenom gimmick, an unexpected return & an epic one at that. The video of the 3 girls playing, that was airing the previous weeks on Raw & Smackdown, playing as the Faction beat down Rock and then them saying "HE'S HERE" followed by American Bad Ass by Kid Rock and Taker riding out gave me goosebumps. The reactions by everyone in the arena, the crowd, the Faction was just sick.

Extras: Breakdown 1998, Judgement Day 1998, Bash At The Beach 1996, In Your House: Rage In The Cage, In Your House: Canadian Stampede
Great mentions dude.

No Mercy 2002 - Lesnar climbs the cell and celebrates after he and Undertaker have participated in one of the most brutal Cell matches in history. The Undertaker looks up at Lesnar, with his face a mess while Lesnar holds the title high.

Raw - The Angle milk bash. Always preferred this over Austin's and JR helped sell the angle.

WrestleMania 17 - As mentioned above. I loved the last 5 minutes of this match. Vince came down, helped Austin yet The Rock kicked out of everything. JR again sold this match, screaming, "The Rock will not die". Finally The Rock gives up and after Austin shakes hands with Vince. Trust me, had WWE tried that many kick outs with Cena and Cole calling the match today, it would not work. It had to be with Rocky and with the great JR calling the match.

WrestleMania XX - The Eddie/Benoit celebration. It pains me to include this because Benoit's future would become so evil but I throughly enjoyed this moment at the time.

WrestleMania X - Bret Hart wins the WWF Title. The roster comes out to celebrate whilst Owen Hart, who defeated Bret earlier in the night watches on with a distasteful look on his face.
Oh yeah totally forgot about Austin taking out the Alliance before Invasion. That was just epic, gave me goosebumps watching that and when Austin takes everyone out along with Jericho, Taker, Angle & Kane and they all stand together in the ring, that was just an awesome sight to see especially when they play it on the Invasion pre match promo on the PPV.
Funny that, I just put the InVasion DVD in now :p
I'm reliving the days that got me into wrestling, and recently just bought a whole heap of old PPVs, which is probably why a lot of the endings I remember are from that era.

I just remembered another few.
Jericho winning Undisputed title at Vengeance 2001
Ric Flair on the night after Survivor Series 2001
that Ric Flair one after SS01 was one of the best.

But the biggest, and I can't believe no one mentioned it was

1. The Bash at the Beach 96. When Hogan jumped with the Outsiders to form what would be the nWO. Nothing will EVER top that one.

2. ANy show with Jim Ross in the late 80's, be it the UWF show or WCW on TBS. Everytime the show ended, it ended with some kind of cliffhanger and Jim Ross yelling "WE GOTTA GO, WE'LL SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 6:05(pm) EASTERN TIME!!!!"

3. ECW One Night Stand. I can't remember the year, it was the first one, when was that 2004? Just seeing all the ECW guys in that Arena (I forget the name, was it the Manhattan Center?) beat up on Bischoff was just too memorable. (The scene, not the arena.)

4. Wrestlemania 6. Hogan - Warrior. I was never a big Warrior fan, I was a Hogan guy. But that ending was just memorable. Because up until then almost every major event ended with Real American blasting and Hogan posing. This was one of the few times where Hogan was in the main event and it wasn't his music playing in the end.

5. Any WWF show in the late 80's. I watched entire shows, be it Spotlight, Prime Time, ALl AMerican, Superstars, Challenge, whatever, just to hear Lord Alfred Hayes say:

"Promotional COnsideration, paid for by the following."
Some great mentions here. Another one I've got to mention is the Brock Lesnar - Big Show match on SmackDown where the ring collapses due to Lesnar Super-plexing Big Show off the Turnbuckle. I remember reading about and finally I found the video. It was mindblowing.
I loved the ending to the raw after wrestlemania 17 were the 2 man power trip were formed ! Huge face pop for hhh who then nails the rock instead of austin

Same with the austin turn at the end of the invasion ppv

Orton"s celebration after beating voldemort after summerslam 2004 was 1 of my favourite moments as well
I loved most of the show endings during the Attitude Era, and also I am a huge fan of when a title change takes place and the wrestler in pictured on the turnbuckles at the end of the match holding the title.

Batista winning the title at WM and Benoit/Guerrero embracing after their respective championship successes as well always stand out for me, and also the ending of WM 17 after Austin turned heel and joined forces with Vince McMahon.

Mick Foley leaving the arena with blood over his face, turning back before going through the curtain after his HIAC match with HHH which was meant to be his swansong.

Undertaker returning as the American Bad Ass was awesome, as was the ECW/WCW Alliance forming, Austin returning to lead Team WWF (which has already been mentioned in this thread).

Also, was the Austin v Tyson confrontation the ending to a show? That was phenomenal

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