Becky Bayless/Cookie Finished with TNA

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TNA Knockout Cookie (a/k/a Becky Bayless) announced on Twitter that she is no longer working for the company. "New day and new Twitter name," Bayless wrote. "A big thank you to my TNA fam and fans, but it's time to move on...excited for what's next. Thanks for the support."

No big loss here, frankly. She did her job well, but her job was getting helping to draw heat to an X Division/midcard heel who only received a relatively small push as champion for a brief month or so.

Thoughts on this?
Surprised this didn't happen a couple months ago. From what I saw, she couldn't work that well, and her sole mechanism for drawing heat was being a parody of a character on a show that most people in TNA/IW's key demographic despise. Her time in TNA/IW was time-limited from the very start.

Not that I think that this will directly affect Robbie E., but the writing's on the wall for him too. The gimmick has gotten stale. If TNA/IW wants him to stick around, they'll have to give him a character revamp soon, but I have a feeling they'll release him rather than give more tenure to a guy they don't seem to enthused about.
Thank God, this whole Jersey Shore angle was brutal anyway. I for one saw no entertainment value whatsoever in their parody of Jersey Shore, which is not surprising as I see no value in Jersey Shore itself.

I would like to see a tag team between Robbie E and Rob Terry which was teased last night. Then I would like to see them lose and both be taken out of action for an extended period of time, possibly permanently. Get rid of two pieces of dead weight in one swoop.

No big loss here, frankly. She did her job well, but her job was getting helping to draw heat to an X Division/midcard heel who only received a relatively small push as champion for a brief month or so.

Thoughts on this?

Meh who cares? I mean she was good looking (those boobs), but nothing special like Velvet-Sky, Winter or Angelina Love. Robbie-E seems to be looking for a bodyguard and seems to have found one in Rob Terry ( if he isn't in the British Invasion).

"Because everybody knows that when your'e NWO, your'e NWO 4-Life!!!" - Scott Hall
I've gotta go the other direction this time. I genuinely liked "Cookie."

No, not because I like Jersey Shore... far removed actually. It's because I don't like the show at all and Bayless was able to capture the primary things I hate about it in "Cookie" to near perfection. She had the look, the mannerisms, the dialog, and everything else that makes me cringe every time I even hear the name of that show mentioned. In that regard, she was one of the more convincing heels on the roster... male or female.

Wrestling typically relies on pop culture at least to some degree, particularly when attempting to draw new fans. Jersey Shore is (or at the very least, was) at the heart of pop culture, especially when "The Shore" first debuted. Granted, I don't think either Cookie or Robbie E. was bringing in new fans which is probably at least part of the reason why Bayless quit (or was released) and why Robbie E. seems to be on the skids as well. Still, Bayless did what was asked of her and pulled it off quite convincingly.

I really thought the problems Cookie and Robbie E. were having on-screen were an attempt at breaking Bayless off into something different, not her departure from the company. Bummer.

On that note, it's a shame she wasn't given a second chance to either take the character in a different direction or get repackaged into something/somebody else entirely. Given what I would call a successful run as Cookie (at least from a presentation standpoint), I'd like to see what else she can do or what she can become.
Thank God!! Nothing personal against her, but anything that removes one more piece of Jersey Shore shit from my tv, I'm all for it!! Robbie, however has potential. Keep him away from TV for a while, repackage him as something else, a wrestler perhaps, and let him work.
I didn't like the gimmick, but she was stunningly attractive. I could've stood to look at her for awhile longer...
I mean she was good looking (those boobs), but nothing special like Velvet-Sky, Winter or Angelina Love.

Wait, wait, wait!!! Some people think Velvet Sky, Winter and Angelina Love are something special in the looks department? What's wrong with you? To quote xfear, Angelina Love looks like she'd be sticky if you touch her. Her promotional poster for Slammiversary made her look like a skeleton, Velvet Sky is done up to the last pour on her forehead and Winter; who looks the best out of the three mentioned, still looks like shit!

Bayless looked better than Sky and Williams.

In-reference to the actual topic, does anybody actually care? Becky is actually a good wrestler so why TNA didn't take advantage of that is beyond me. She'll head back to SHIMMER I'm sure. Where this leaves Roobie E? Hopefully the unemployment line. At least he can say he had his fifteen minutes, and not a single person gave a shit.

This is an indication that one of my wrestling orientated hopes for this year shall be granted ; Robbie E released from TNA.
saw this coming a mile away but i thought maybe she would end up becoming a wrestler but i guess not...bummer but maybe this means the end to the other jersery shore wanna be robbie e? because robbie e needs to get a gimmick change big time with a different gimmick and different name he could easily become a top mid carder!
No big loss here. It probably explains why Robbie approached Rob Terry last night though. With his onscreen relationship with Cookie over, he'll want someone new to associate himself with. This could very well lead to a teaming up between Robbie and Terry to add some new blood to the tag team division.

As for Cookie, again no big loss. Not much to say about it. I never really expected her to win the Knockouts title anyway.
she really was nothing special all she was, was a poor cheap version of Melina (mnm) i c Robbie E going next if i was in their shoes i would go to ROH cuz wwe would wreck their characters and potential
Isn't Robbie E just a cheap imitation of Zack Ryder? Don't these two clowns have the same gimmic. Ones from Long Island and ones from Jersey. The only difference is people seem to care about Ryder even if he does job every match. Maybe Ryder needs a Cookie to get over more. She was definitely the better half of that duo HMMMMMMMM.
I'm somewhat surprised because I thought TNA would have made her a singles wrestler. But It's not a big loss at all.

Robbie E seems to be going into a new direction with Rob Terry and I hope he gets a new gimmick to go with it. Rob Eckos is an underrated talent.
Wait, wait, wait!!! Some people think Velvet Sky, Winter and Angelina Love are something special in the looks department? What's wrong with you? To quote xfear, Angelina Love looks like she'd be sticky if you touch her. Her promotional poster for Slammiversary made her look like a skeleton, Velvet Sky is done up to the last pour on her forehead and Winter; who looks the best out of the three mentioned, still looks like shit!

Bayless looked better than Sky and Williams.

In-reference to the actual topic, does anybody actually care? Becky is actually a good wrestler so why TNA didn't take advantage of that is beyond me. She'll head back to SHIMMER I'm sure. Where this leaves Roobie E? Hopefully the unemployment line. At least he can say he had his fifteen minutes, and not a single person gave a shit.

This is an indication that one of my wrestling orientated hopes for this year shall be granted ; Robbie E released from TNA.

what's wrong with you? velvet sky is probably the hottest chick ever.. winter's hot in her own way too.. angelina on the other hand, i think is pretty ugly.. i hate when the camera zooms on her face, those lips are weird and fat looking.. the only reason people like angelina is cause of her tits..

anyway.. i'll miss cookie, i was fan of hers since she was in WEW.. she was hot, but the jersey shore gimmick was annoying.. i was hoping they'd just repackage her and call her becky bayless
Bayless looked better than Sky and Williams.

The Dragon Saga, are you Insane? All Bayless has is the Boobs, aside from that she had nothing special. She might have been good in the ring, but we never truly saw that in TNA. Williams and Sky on the other hand, they have the looks and the ring skills. As for Winter, well i won't tell you what i would do to her ( i'd get arrested) but damn she is hot and has ring skills and i would love to see her in person.
Big deal! So what if snookie left. Jersey shore to me is a spin off of speedy gonzalez's cartoon. Racist to a T. "Its a Jersy Thing" To the guy that said she drew heat. The crowd is the same damn crowd everyweek. ("ok guys lets get ready to say boo") Now i know the same can be said 4 vickie g but; her heat is different. Since they go from town to town. I wish she drugg the flatulention with her. But i guess we all can dream.
I am a tna fan. Huge Hogan Mark. But these 2. I care more for matt hardy.

I know who js cast is. Maybe some noobs that don't get dry Humor
She tried to do her part as a heat magnet, but it never really worked. Mainly because wrestling fans don't care about Jersey Shore. The ones that do care would rather watch someone like Zack Ryder instead of Robbie E. I don't know how she is in the ring considering we never got to see her wrestle and actual match. This gives her an opportunity to make more money and actually be used instead of wasting time on the TNA roster.

Maybe TNA can make something out of Big Robbie T and Robbie E, but I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if they were next to leave if their tag team routine doesn't work out.

No no no no noooo!!!

I love Beck Bayless. Not as a performer, like actually love.

She played the hell outta that character, and I really though TNA could have done so much more with it. Oh well, got to make room for more segments based around Bischoff and Hogan, I got ya.

That fucking sucks. Oh well, I was tired of her being on the road and not naked in my kitchen like she damn well should be(since she is my wife and everything).
Bit of a shame since she's a talented wrestler and damn attractive. Like, more talented than many of the Knockouts and more attractive than all of the Knockouts (I'll never see what others see in "lady of the night" looks of Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, etc). The fact that she wasn't given a chance and wasn't on TV for a while indicates to me that it was her choice to leave. She'll go back to the indies and make her money without the TNA burden. Hopefully I'll see her in WWE someday. That'll be nice.
I liked Bayless. I wasn't aware of her wrestling skills, but she played her role incredibly well and was a nice slice of something unique to the company along with Robbie E. I'd rather have her than Tessmacher, Jackie, Karen and Madison Rayne.

On another note: Her wrestling skills. Anyone got matches and links to reccomend?
I'm not surprised. It's no big loss for TNA. I never cared for the Jersey Shore gimmicks, I personally think that Robbie E should be repackaged too.
Cookie didn't really bring much to the table, and didn't make a big enough impact.
what's wrong with you? velvet sky is probably the hottest chick ever.. winter's hot in her own way too.. angelina on the other hand, i think is pretty ugly.. i hate when the camera zooms on her face, those lips are weird and fat looking.. the only reason people like angelina is cause of her tits..

anyway.. i'll miss cookie, i was fan of hers since she was in WEW.. she was hot, but the jersey shore gimmick was annoying.. i was hoping they'd just repackage her and call her becky bayless
I don't get it. Angelina is very fine. What's not to like about something that tiny and tight. I admit, I didn't completely see it either until I saw her in person at an event. She is fine as shit.
For all of the people saying not a big loss, go buy an early WSU DVD. She is a great worker. Not her fault TNA put her in a shitty gimmick and wouldn't let her wrestle.
She is a better worker than Miss Tessmacher, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne. If given a chance, she could of elevated the division but they saved the money to pay her to bring back Mr. Pill Head Jeff Hardy.
Another great personnel move by TNA.
well I liked her though her and Robbie E was last years story

I think they could of kept her around why not

though am I the only one that loves this storyline and possible team up of Robbie E and Rob Terry I think these 2 will work fabulous together and this will be the best and most exciting tag team for a while when it finally happens

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