Battleground LD: Because there's really nothing else on TV

New Day has thrived in an era when there are all of three good teams at any given time. Demolition held the belts for 478 days in an era with upwards of ten good to very good teams. New Day is a great modern team but there's a long list of teams that wouldn't look up from their newspapers to glare at them.
New Day has thrived in an era when there are all of three good teams at any given time. Demolition held the belts for 478 days in an era with upwards of ten good to very good teams. New Day is a great modern team but there's a long list of teams that wouldn't look up from their newspapers to glare at them.

Who do you think is GOAT? I personally dig the Rock n' Roll Express.,
Of. All. Time.

They've lasted longer in this era than any other tag team would, and have people still caring about them. They're all the total package.

Surviving in a shitty pond with shitty fish isn't as impressive as surviving in the ocean with a ton of fish at your level or bigger.
Who do you think is GOAT? I personally dig the Rock n' Roll Express.,

Oh gosh that's a tough one. The Midnights (Lane/Eaton version but Condrey/Eaton are excellent as well) are great. The Road Warriors are of course hard to top. Edge and Christian/Hardys/Dudleyz are in there. Minnesota Wrecking Crew too.

I'll take the Midnights but there are several great options. I always liked the Fantastics a lot.

Edit: I completely forgot the Steiners, who might be on the top of my list. That's leaving off probably half a dozen other options.
Of. All. Time.

They've lasted longer in this era than any other tag team would, and have people still caring about them. They're all the total package.

Everybody here could give you a list of 20 teams they'd rather watch in today's product above the New Day.
Surviving in a shitty pond with shitty fish isn't as impressive as surviving in the ocean with a ton of fish at your level or bigger.

At the same time, they've survived and thrived without much help from other teams.

Back in the day, all those teams helped each other out by putting on great feuds and matches where the fans felt strongly about both teams involved.
It was pretty awful. New Day is essentially the only big fish in their pond the last three years. Couple medium sized ones. The rest are minnows.

The need for New Day to break the record absolutely fucked both the Club and Enzo and Cass. It forced both teams to sit on their hands and do nothing of any significance for a long time.
Tamina needs different entrance music. I can take her way more seriously when there isn't literal jungle music that makes me think of a giant ape when she walks to the ring. It actually might be the worst women's entrance music ever.
Who do you think is GOAT? I personally dig the Rock n' Roll Express.,

LOD for me, but the Steiner's, BOD, The Dudley's, The Hardy's, Demolition, Bruiser and Crusher, Natural Disasters, Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Murdoch and Dusty, R+R Express, and Midnight Express are among my favorites.

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