Austin 3:16 or Hulkamania

Austin or Hogan

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Hulk Hogan

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Long Island Iced D

Dedicated Zack Ryder Nut-hugger
I have always wondered who was more important to wrestling. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan both became the face of the WWF during their eras (Hogan 80's and Austin 90's) and are two of the most important figures in wrestling history. Some say Hogan built the WWE into what it is today and that he why he is more important. Some say that Austin saved the WWE from the rapidly growing WCW and won the Monday Night Wars for the WWE and that is why he is more important. This is not a thread about who was better or who had a more decorated career nor is it a thread about them personally. This thread is about who was MORE IMPORTANT TO THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING AND WHAT WRESTLING IS TODAY.
I have always wondered who was more important to wrestling. Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan both became the face of the WWF during their eras (Hogan 80's and Austin 90's) and are two of the most important figures in wrestling history. Some say Hogan built the WWE into what it is today and that he why he is more important. Some say that Austin saved the WWE from the rapidly growing WCW and won the Monday Night Wars for the WWE and that is why he is more important. This is not a thread about who was better or who had a more decorated career nor is it a thread about them personally. This thread is about who was MORE IMPORTANT TO THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING AND WHAT WRESTLING IS TODAY.

I picked Hogan because he put wrestling on the map so to speak, he changed the entire industry, propelling it into the mainstream.

Austin on the other hand, it wasn't him alone that help WWE win the Monday Night Wars.
I hate to say it, but it's Hulk Hogan. And it's pretty much a no-brainer. Vince McMahon handed Hogan the ball, and Hogan ran with is. Hulk Hogan was used to change the industry into a mainstream, media conglomerate with unlimited potential. Hogan put the WWF, and wrestling in general on the map. And while the argument could be made that Vince McMahon was behind the whole thing, and could have used almost anybody to do it, the fact is that he used Hogan, and Hogan pulled it off. Hogan had the charisma and appeal to bring in the masses of people that he did. Wrestling in general would not be nearly as popular as it has been since without Vince McMahon putting Hogan the the TV for the masses to cheer and love.

While I personally prefer Stone Cold to Hogan, and won't downplay the success and importance of Steve Austin in wrestling history, I believe that Austin wouldn't have even had the chance to become as big of a star as he was without Hogan. Austin shattered most of Hogan's earning records and merchandise sales, but Hogan got the ball rolling for Austin to be able to do it. Austin was BY FAR the most popular wrestler in the world during his time on top, but Hogan got the ball rolling for wrestling to become as popular as it was in the first place.

So my vote goes to Hogan out of sheer significance to the popularity of wrestling to begin with.
Even though Hulkamania was a bit more important because it really solidified pro-wrestling as a great and profitable business, I am a fan of Austin. Austin is so much better than Hogan. Besides, if it were not for Austin 3:16 then the WWF would have been eaten by the WCW. Austin was so much more entertaining than Hogan and he was a better wrestler. Not to mention, Austin is a better actor and is just so much more cooler.

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