Ask Shocky Again!!!


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
It's back, the thread that is just reeking with awesomeness. Here is your chance to ask me my opinion on wrestling, and I'll try to give you my honest answer on it.

*Note, I am not some self centered douche bag that honestly believes my opinion is somehow golden and that my opinion is the end all be all. It's a fun little thread and I'm bored.

Flaming is welcome and encourage in this thread as well. So if there is a wrestling related question you want to ask, like why I shit on Jeff Hardy, or whatever, go for it.
Any thoughts on ROH?

From what I watched on HDNet, I love it. The first 3 episodes were kind of bad. It wasn't the old ECW Arena that I was used to seeing, that's for certain. By the time the 4th Episode came on, the crowd was much hotter and I was more impressed with everything. Yes the matches are spotty, but it's not Sports Entertainment, it's Wrestling. Those guys wrestle and sell me with Athleticism, and I was pretty damn impressed.

However, Time Warner has yanked my HDNet and again, I am left without ROH. I hate watching videos on youtube, and thanks to the WWE, I pretty much refuse to pay to watch wrestling anymore.
Christian? The wrestler, I mean.

Shocky Fact, in 2005 when Christian got buried by John Cena, I didn't watch a Raw live for nearly 2 years, and that was only because I made sure to watch the Chris Benoit Tribute Show. Other then that, I didn't start watching Raw Live again until November of last year.

Christian was a fine example of the back stage politics that alienated me as a Wrestling Fan. Here is a guy, much like Edge, that busted their ass through the midcard, was awesome on the mic, and did everything right for the WWE. Yet he got punished and buried because he killed Cena on the mic, and because of his size.

I for one love Christian, and think he's easily the best thing going on ECW, and would put him in my top 3 as for guys I want to watch, behind Edge and CM Punk.
I can't say the same about Edge and Punk, but Christian was straight up the only reason why I watched TNA for a long time.
Should I become a TNA mark? I hope to become a mark or something like that.

There is certainly cause for excitment in TNA. Yes people might be pissed with Foley as champion (is he still champion) but the guy is pretty much God's Gift to Putting Young Stars over. Somebody is going to come along, and get the rub of a lifetime from Good old Mick.

I think with the prospect of guys like Lashley, Kennedy, Youmanga, Taz, and the like all coming in, that things are going to shake up a bit. The problem with TNA is the predictable booking though. There is simply too much of the same in TNA. I think it's a decent product, but it needs to cut back on the gimmick matches, re-establish the X-Division as a separate division once again, and keep the main eventers away from them.

So in short, It's hard to say because there is much good as bad in TNA.
From what I watched on HDNet, I love it. The first 3 episodes were kind of bad. It wasn't the old ECW Arena that I was used to seeing, that's for certain. By the time the 4th Episode came on, the crowd was much hotter and I was more impressed with everything. Yes the matches are spotty, but it's not Sports Entertainment, it's Wrestling. Those guys wrestle and sell me with Athleticism, and I was pretty damn impressed.

However, Time Warner has yanked my HDNet and again, I am left without ROH. I hate watching videos on youtube, and thanks to the WWE, I pretty much refuse to pay to watch wrestling anymore.

It is a damn shame they pulled it. I can really recommend picking up some of their DVDs, if you liked the TV show, though. They're all over three hours and are 20 bucks regular, and there's always a sale on for something or other. Whether it's a discount or a Buy 3, Get 1. They also occasionally put a lot of DVDs on sale for 10 dollars as well. Never a bad time to buy, really. If you're interested, I could point out some of the best shows in the last year or so. The DVDs give you plenty of bang for the buck.
It is a damn shame they pulled it. I can really recommend picking up some of their DVDs, if you liked the TV show, though. They're all over three hours and are 20 bucks regular, and there's always a sale on for something or other. Whether it's a discount or a Buy 3, Get 1. They also occasionally put a lot of DVDs on sale for 10 dollars as well. Never a bad time to buy, really. If you're interested, I could point out some of the best shows in the last year or so. The DVDs give you plenty of bang for the buck.

What would be some you would recommend? I've watched a little ROH on youtube for my book this and I really enjoyed what I watched.
Christian? The religion, I mean.

And how long have you been watching wrestling? Not an opinion, but still.
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1134025]Why do you shit on Jeff Hardy?[/QUOTE]

I actually respect the guy, especially if he is ready to walk away from the business again, and not care. If he doesn't want to be in the business, his fans should really just deal with it. Enjoy what you got from him (2 Time World Champion says enough).

I enjoyed young Jeff Hardy, but haven't been too impressed with him as of late. It's pretty much the same reason I don't enjoy Triple H, he adds nothing to his arsenal, plus his moves just look sloppy as well.

Jeff is now in his 30's, and really should look to add something to his ground game. That style is going to put him in a hospital bad sooner rather then later. If he added a little more to his arsenal, I would be much more impressed with the guy.
It is a damn shame they pulled it. I can really recommend picking up some of their DVDs, if you liked the TV show, though. They're all over three hours and are 20 bucks regular, and there's always a sale on for something or other. Whether it's a discount or a Buy 3, Get 1. They also occasionally put a lot of DVDs on sale for 10 dollars as well. Never a bad time to buy, really. If you're interested, I could point out some of the best shows in the last year or so. The DVDs give you plenty of bang for the buck.

Well having two boys in the house doesn't make the disposable income situation any better, and finding even more of said disposable income to dispose on wrestling given my general apathy towards the product as of late, is even rarer.

However, If I am inclined to splurge, I'll get your recommendations.

I believe Bret Hart is the one man who is responsible for starting the Attitude Era. Agree or Not, with support.

Bret Hart certainly didn't become interesting, to me at least, until he returned in 1996. As far as starting the Attitude Era, he played a large role in it, but I'm not sure if he was "The Guy". Becca would have you believe Shawn Michaels was "The Guy" others Say Austin, but I don't know if it can be put to one guy. It also depends on when the Attitude Era started as well, given as that is a very gray area.

Bret Hart certainly made the WWE watchable in 1997, after coming off a horrendous year that was 1996 with HBK at the Helm. The Heel Hart with the reunited Hart Foundation against the Anti-Hero Americans was awesome, and considering the competition it was up against (Sting vs. the NWO) it did quite well for itself.

I can answer your question more directly if you give me your opinion on when the Attitude Era Started, but if you're talking as a hole (Late 96-2000ish) I'd say Mick Foley had a bigger hand in making and establishing the stars of that Era then anyone else.
Christian? The religion, I mean.

And how long have you been watching wrestling? Not an opinion, but still.

Well it's not wrestling Related, but I'll shoot. I was born into a split Catholic (Fathers Side) and Baptist (mother's side) family, which was destined for failure. I eventually chose the Baptist Church as I find Catholicism far too ritualistic for my liking. I stopped going to church altogether about ten years ago. I've been around the church long enough to form an educated opinion on the matter.

My studies are in Archaeology, which I love, but there really isn't too much of a demand for it in the area I live, thus making the job situation suck. I simply find that I enjoy Science and "Facts" over living a life based on What If and Why? I probably classify myself as Agnostic. I believe religion serves a purpose.

As far as watching Wrestling, my first Wrestling Memory is the iconic symbol of Hogan ripping his shirt off the top of the Steel Cage with the Big Gold Eagle Belt around his waste, pointing and looking down at King Kong Bundy at Wrestlemania 2. Freaking Epic beyond words. However, I do remember going to NWA shows and seeing Flair before that, which would put that around 1985, even though I actually have no memory from that that I'm attached to.
What are your thoughts on Tommy Dreamer?

A guy I enjoyed IN ECW and am happy that he is finally getting the farewell Title Run. The guy has a passion for the business,a nd it's simply a shame that he spent a big portion of his career working for a bad business man. I won't criticize Heyman for his wrestling mind, but whent he boys, Like Dreamer, are running the promotion, its a problem. This guy pretty much came all the way from nothing, and being a hated Douchebag (Dreamer I'm talkinga bout) and paid his dues with the Sandman feud and pretty much the rest is history. RVD maybe the best wrestler they produced, but Dreamer is certainly the image of ECW.

Mr. Wrestling 3

I really haven't seen a whole lot of Steve Corino myself, aside from his run in ECW,b ut that was nearly a decade ago. I blame my severe ADD on the fact of my inability to watch wrestling on a 3 inch screen. All I know is what I've read about him, and the guy is as solid as they come. I think the American crowd will never appreciate them, because they don't understand the Journeyman. Hell, I probably don't properly appreciate him.

Should RVD eventually go to TNA?

I for one have been a big RVD fan since 1997. I think his run in ECW was rock solid, and thought his run in the WWE was about as good as could be expected. As intrigued as I am of the Six Sided ring, possibly a match with AJ Styles, I hope RVD never goes to TNA. I like the surprise of RVD being able to show up at a Royal Rumble from time and time again, and I simply don't think the guy should burn his bridge with the WWE. He has it made with them.
Shocky Fact, in 2005 when Christian got buried by John Cena, I didn't watch a Raw live for nearly 2 years,

How did John Cena bury him. Christian was elevated by association. If anything it was Batista moving to Smackdon that killed any chance Christian had of being world champion around that time.

I for one love Christian, and think he's easily the best thing going on ECW,

Not a rookie or Mark Henry fan then?
Not so much that he was buried by Cena, but essentially any push he did have was buried once the Cena mini feud ended. Some people tend to believe that Christian going over on the mic is what caused the anti-Cena sentiment that is around today, and thus, Christian was buried for what happened.

As far as ECW, I like the Rookies, but I don't believe that Jack Swagger is the answer to all of the WWE's problems. There is a real reason they are on the C show right now, they need work still. Guys like Chrittian and Dreamer are going to fine tune these guys.

Mark Henry = Under rated
I've got high hopes for the future of Jack Swagger. I find him very interesting and I think he's a wealth of talent that hasn't been tapped into yet. Your thoughts on the All-American American?
What's your opinion on triple H?

Do you like lucha libre? wo you think some luchadors are better than (US) wrestlers but their sizes don't allow them to shine in mainstream media?

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