AS35: Ricky Runn & Saboteur vs. Johnny Scumm & Sam Masters

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Some tag team action is set for Ascension this week as some young blood will face off as Ricky Runn will combine with Saboteur to take on Johnny Scumm and Sam Masters. With Masters getting a victory in a triple threat last week, he will look to continue to impress the officials up above. Will his alliance with Scumm aid his cause or will the new element of Ricky Runn stop the flow of Masters' momentum? Will this cause new alliances to take on the Tag Champions? Find out on Ascension!

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST

The Ricky and Rocking Party

The scene opens up with Ricky inside the Excalibur nightclub in Chicago, Illinois. It was still early so the club was empty and fully lit. Ricky is talking to the owner of the club. Ricky had just rented out the club and was giving out request to the owner for the decorations for the night. Ricky was wearing his signature sleeveless gold trimmed hoodie and his bright smile, he stood in the middle of the club looking around and spotted WZCW interviewer, Johnny Klamor, and along with him, a camera crew. Ricky rolled his eyes and asked with his smile

“Hey hey hey, what is going on here? You guys can’t just sneak up on me for an interview. “

Johnny shook his head and said in a matter of factly tone.

“On the contrary we can, remember that fancy contract you signed to WZCW?”

“Oh you mean the one I am having a party for?”

“Yeah that one, well in the fine print, if you read it, says that all interviews can be at the digressions of the interveners”

Ricky look’s up cocking his eyebrow as he thought back to the contract signing. He was too excited and static to have cared about what was one the fine print. He could have sold away his dog as well for all he knew. Ricky shook his head and then asked.

“Fine fair enough, let me ask you guys a few questions first.”

“Alright go ahead.”

“How come that Becky girl didn’t come to this interview?”

“She hates nightclubs; she gets hit on by enough people at work to be bothered to do interviews out of the backstage.”

“Aw that stinks, well ask ahead.”

Johnny looked over to his crew and barked at them to begin rolling. He gets in front of the camera and plasters a fake smile and said loudly.

“Hello WZCW this Johnny Klamor here at the Excalibur night club in Chicago, Illinois. Today Ricky is planning to have a special party in celebration for earning his first ever contract in WZCW.”

Johnny then moves to the side and held the mic up to his face and asked.

“So how does it feel to be currently, the youngest member in WZCW?”

Ricky looks flabbergasted at Johnny’s statement and said in a shocked manor.

“Wait, I am the youngest wrestler in the business? That’s awesome! And um, yeah that’s great; I can’t wait to have that party.”

“Um what party?”

“The party for being the youngest WZCW star of course...What should I call it I wonder?”

Rick then tilted his head again and began to day dream of his next party. He was thinking about his next party he the spoke to himself

“Hmm maybe I should rent out a cruise ship in Minnesota for the night, call it the love boat.”

“I don’t think that is a good idea, what, whatever next question. Despite earning your contract don’t you feel you were screwed by Showtime Cougar for the other half of the tag team championship match Stan Rogers?”

Ricky sighed and scratched the back of his head and spoke carelessly.

“Well you know, Showtime has made a career doing things the way he has and it shows in his achievements. If it is his way to win and he can live with it than I will do things my way.”

“How exactly do you do things?”

Ricky smiled and jumped on top of a table exuberantly.

“Flying around the ring as fast as humanly possible! Taking my opponent over the limit and flying around him. And then hitting him with some R&R!”

Ricky then jumps from table and flips in the air, landing on his feet next to the stunned Johnny. Johnny then stuttered from Ricky’s energy but collects his composure and continues the interview.

“So um, I can tell your excited for your first tag match, you are teaming with Saboteur against the team of Johnny Scumm and Sam Masters. What can you tell us about these other superstars?”

“Well needless to say I am excited with teaming with an ex-assassin! Did you see his match at all stars? He beat a robot that was programed for fighting! A robot dude! And as a matter of fact, I invited him to my party as VIP! I bet the guy is totally awesome bro!”

Johnny sighed then asks.

“Right, and your opponents at Ascension Johnny Scumm and Sam Masters. You and Masters were in a bit of a scuffle at the Royal if I can remember.”

“You remember right Johnny boy, Sam and I were going at it at the royal. He was like a slug in the ring. He wasn’t able to stop my offense.”

“And about Johnny Scumm”

“Oh Mr.Mohawk? Yeah what about him?”

“What are your thoughts about him?”

“Oh um, he has a cool haircut. I wish I could sport a mean Mohawk like that but I guess it’s not for me. But his fighting style is really brutal, reckless, but brutal.”

“If I may, should you really be commenting on someone being reckless when your plan attack is constantly laying your body on the line?”

“In a way yes but I do my moves with a little more….What’s that word? Oh right, finesse.”

“Alright Ricky we got one last question for you before we go.”

“Alright, what is it?”

“Would you mind too much if we were to stay around for the party?”

Ricky looks over to the camera crew and gave them a huge smile as he drapes his arm over Johnny’s shoulder and said happily.

“You know what? you guys can stay only if you get rid of the equipment you can stay for as long as you like!”

Johnny looked over to Ricky and tried to pull away from Ricky’s grip but smiled weakly and said happily, a contagious smile

“Fine fine, fair enough. Can you let me go so we can put away the gear?”

Ricky smiled and removed his arm from Johnny’s shoulder and said happily

“Of course of course see you guys here tonight!”

Ricky smiled and waved off the crew and placed his hands behind his head with a huge smile on his face as he spoke to himself

“Another night, another party.”

The camera zooms out from Ricky and looks downward at the floor before fading to black.


The Road Trip

The scene opens up with Saboteur and his hostage and best friend Garrett. The two are driving out to Chicago, Illinois for Runn’s party at the prestigious night club, Excalibur Garrett was sitting in the passenger seat next to Saboteur, his hands and feet were bound to the seat with duct tape. Saboteur’s pair of katanas sits in the back seat behind Saboteur. Saboteur is smiling nervously under his mask; he was on edge about meeting Ricky. Not only was that he was meeting him at a night club no less. Garrett was super excited for the upcoming meeting between Ricky Runn and Saboteur.

Garrett squirms around in his seat, dancing from excitement at the prospect of getting to part.

"Sab, you got SUPER lucky to get a tag team partner like Ricky Runn this week. The dude can wrestle and you get invited to the hottest party in Chicago? You struck it rich! "

Saboteur clears his throat and keep’s his eyes on the road. He was Clearly on the wrong side of the highway but that hasn't slowed him down before. He plasters a fake smile and responds.

“Yeah yeah, seems like a nice guy, the party is at some fancy night club right? It might take a while to get in”

“Ricky said he is made sure that you and a I were on the VIP list”

"Oh... well then... I guess I'll just waltz right in there then."

"You seem nervous... is something wrong?"

"Me? Nervous? Ha! I've killed terrorists, mobsters, and a one legged peasant in Bhutan that looked at me funny. Why would I be nervous about going to a club?"

“I was just ask...”

“I mean, so what if I can't dance? Neither could The Fonz, and he still got all the chicks!”

“Yeah, after Mrs. C taught him how.”

“That's it! You gotta teach me how to dance, Garrett! It's the only way I'll ever be able to impress Ricky and get the chicks!”

“You have me duct taped to the seat.”

“Good point. I'll just have to rely on my go to move.”

“I'm legitimately afraid to ask.”

“The Thriller!”

Saboteur stops the car at a red light, hops out of the driver's seat, and does the dance from Michael Jackson's Thriller perfectly. The light turns green and he jumps back in the car and continues to drive.

“That was... amazing. Sab, you did that PERCETLY!”

“I should be able to, I've watched that music video 5 times a day since it came out.”

"Well I don't think you have anything to worry about when it comes to impressing Ricky then. So what's your plan for your match
next week?”

“Plan? Who needs a plan? I'm a world class mercenary, no body can stop me! And sure, Ricky Runn likes to slather himself in body paint, but he can wrestle too.”

Saboteur began driving off road as he got on his horse and spoke.

“I mean come on, we are up against the same guy I beat last week, you know? The guy with the Mohawk, funny accent, had so many ear rings it looked like we could watch MacGyver in his eyeballs….What’s his name”


“Really? I showered two days ago! I could have sworn I got all of it off."

“Your opponent, his name is Scumm”

“Oh, right, I remember it being something grimy. And the other guy, Chris Masters?”

“Sam Masters”

“Right right, the guy who smelled like 2 packs of smokes? Just make him jog that will knock him out”

“But the guy can lock you in a crippler crossface”

“It won’t matter if he drops a piano on my head, I’m like Wolverine, remember? Super speedy healing factor rings a bell?”

“Haven’t we gone over this before?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…Last week when we…Never mind, lets' talk about the party.”

“What about the party?”

“Well aren't you excited? I've been with you for every weekend for the last eight months Sab, I know you don't go out that much... at all.”

“Are you saying I don't get invited to any parties? I get invited to PLENTY of parties, I'm just too cool to go to any of them. So NO, I'm not excited. I'm too cool to be excited. In fact, I haven't been excited since I turned eight and my step-dad got me my first automatic rifle.”

“You were up for days practicing your ring entrance….”

“I wanted it to be perfect!”

“Alright, alright, no need to yell. Sheesh”

Saboteur pulls the car into a crowded parking lot and pulls up to a valet. He gets out, but leaves Garrett duct taped to the seat.

"Well Garrett, this is where I leave you in the car and party all night with the beautiful people of Chicago. Have a good night!

"Wait, you're leaving me in here?

The valet looks very confused and slightly disturbed as he sees that Garrett is duct taped to his seat.

"You don't think I'm going to leave the car out here unmanned, do you? What if this joker decides to take it for a joy ride? What if some Southside Chicago thug tries to steal it? What if the Aka Bai Ninja clan finally tracks me down and seeks revenge on me by painting my car maroon? You know how much I hate maroon!

"I won't be able to do anything anyway, I'm duct taped to the seat."

Hmmm... good point. Alright, you can come in too, as long as you promise not to leave the club. I swear to Lord Xenu if you try to run away I will hunt you down and cut off your nose. You promise not to leave?

As Saboteur says this two very attractive women in skimpy dresses walk by, and one waves and winks at Garrett.

"Oh yeah, I can promise you that. For sure."

Part 1: The Part where Saboteur and Ricky meet.

Saboteur and Garrett walk into the club, dance music is blasting and the bass is pumping. There are hundreds of people in the club, and Ricky is nowhere to be seen.

Garrett: Wow! This place is great! Look at all these women!

Saboteur grumbles loudly.

Garrett: What are you so cranky about?

Saboteur: Stupid bouncer took my katanas away. I swear if there’s so much as a hair on my sheaths, I’ll slice him in half!

Garrett: I’m sure your swords will be fine. Okay, so I think before we start having too much fun we should go find Ricky and talk about your game plan for Accession… sound good?

Garrett looks around to find that Saboteur has disappeared.

Garrett: Sab? What the… where did he go?

Suddenly there’s a large commotion on the dance floor, and Garrett rushes over to check out what’s happening. Unsurprisingly, Saboteur has managed to find trouble with a Guido type with greasy, spiked black hair, a wife beater, and stone washed jeans that are fashionably ripped. Basically, he’s the biggest douchebag in the building.

Guido: Yo bro, watch where you’re going!

Saboteur: Hey, I’m not your bro, dude!

Guido: Whoa, I’m not your dude, bro!

Saboteur: I’m not your bro, dude!

Guido: I’m not your dude, bro!

Saboteur: I’m not your…

Garrett rushes in and put himself between Sabotuer and the Guido.

Garrett: Come on guys, we’re all just here to have a good time! Can’t we just settle this and get on with our nights?

Saboteur: You’re right… and we’re going to settle this right here... right now… with a DANCE OFF!

Guido: Yo bro, you just made a HUGE mistake. Hit it DJ!

The DJ starts playing the theme to The Jersey Shore. The Guido starts frolicking, jumping up and down, pumping his fist, and throws in a few flare moves to get the crowd going. The song wraps up and the crowd goes crazy for his fairly unimpressive but nonetheless enthusiastic dancing.

As the crowd starts to calm down Saboteur does a sarcastic slow clap.

Saboteur: Well done Mr. Guido, well done. But I think I can top it. DJ… HIT MY SONG!

A few seconds of silence pass. Everyone in the club looks over at the DJ who answers their questioning faces with a shrug, not knowing what he’s supposed to play.

Garrett: One second, I’ve got this.

Garrett runs over to the DJ and whispers in his ear. The DJ nods, throws a disk on the turntable, and Thriller blasts through the speakers.

The camera goes back to Saboteur, who is now wearing a red and black leather jacket over his costume and a Jerri Curl on top of his head. There are also about 20 generic looking professional wrestlers in tight blue trunks and brown mullets. Saboteur starts doing all of Michael Jackson’s moves along with the song. He’s nails all the kicks, slides, and he and his back up dancers pull off the Zombie perfectly.

The song ends up and Saboteur moonwalks across the bar and does a double back flip that plants him right back in front of the Guido in the middle of the dance floor.

The crowd immediately swarms Saboteur, now back in his regular costume, and cheers him, with many women sticking out napkins with their numbers on them.

Saboteur: Thank you! Thank you! Let’s hear it for Saboteur and The Jobbers!

The generic wrestlers simultaneously bow before walking out of the club in a single-file line.

Guido: Pffft, eff that bro, let’s do this thing for real.

The Guido shoves Saboteur sending him stumbling backwards. Saboteur does a back handspring to make it look smooth and then takes a knee and reaches towards his boot. He starts to draw a knife when he suddenly hears someone yelling.


Out of seemingly nowhere, Ricky Runn flies through the crowd and hits the Guido with a lift-up dropkick, sending the Gudio flying backwards and crashing into the bar.

Ricky: Looks like drinks are on him tonight!

The entire club erupts in cheers and applause for the man of the hour, and they start cheering his name.


Ricky turns to Saboteur with a big smile on his face.

Ricky: Glad I could help you out there. You must be Saboteur!

Saboteur: Maybe I am, maybe I ain’t. Who the heck are you?

Crowd: Ricky Runn! Ricky Runn! Ricky Runn!

Ricky allows the crowd to continue chanting and looks at Saboteur.

Saboteur: Well?!?

Ricky: Uh, I’m Ricky Runn.

Saboteur: Hmm, I feel like I’ve heard that name before somewhere.

Part 2: The part where Ricky and Saboteur talk.

The camera pans past the bar where Garrett and Johnny Klamor are pounding shots and are surrounded by the beautiful people in attendance at Excalibur. The camera continues to move through the club until it focuses on Saboteur and Ricky whom are sitting at a private table on the second floor of the club on a balcony that overlooks the first floor.

Ricky: Man, I can’t believe it, just a few weeks ago I was just wandering around life aimlessly, looking for one cheap thrill after the next… but now I’m in WZCW. I can be a champion one day… I WILL be a champion one day. Ain’t life wonderful, Saboteur?

Saboteur: Yeah, whatever, so what is it you do exactly?

Ricky: What do I do? I have a good time!

Saboteur: I mean in the ring, what do you do to win wrestling matches?

Ricky: I told you man, I have fun! I fly from rope to rope until my opponents can’t even see straight because they’re too busy chasing me. I wear ‘em down with kicks and shots to the body and high flying moves, and then when my opponent is groggy, I put ‘em down with a little R&R from the top turnbuckle.

Saboteur: High flying, eh? Being able to do teh flippiez isn’t going to save you from East Nairobian Head Hunters or North Korean War Lords. What makes you think your jumping tricks are going to help us successfully steal the chaos emeralds from Doctor Robotnik?

Ricky: Uh… what?

Saboteur: Oh, wait, that’s a different plan I had. What were we talking about again?

Ricky: We were talking about wrestling. Do you need another refill on that?

Ricky picks up his empty glass along with Saboteur’s and waves over a pretty young waitress.

Ricky: Hey there darling, I’ll have a jack and coke, and what are you drinking, Sab?

Saboteur: I’ll have another one of those funky tasting apple juices you gave me.

The waitress looks puzzled and Ricky leans over to whisper in her ear.

Ricky: I told him that straight bourbon was apple juice just to calm him down for not having it at the bar. Just bring him another one of those and smile and say that it’s Mott’s.

The waitress smiles and leaves with their drink orders and Saboteur looks at her skeptically.

Saboteur: I don’t trust her, she could be a spy. We should bring her to the backroom and see what she knows about Scumm and Masters.

Ricky: Trust me, I’ll take her to a backroom later and she’ll tell me everything I want to hear, for now let’s just talk strategy.

Saboteur: Scumm will be easy, I beat him last week. His punches pack a wallop, and he knows a few tricky submissions, but a smart wrestler like myself knows exactly what it takes to beat him. Stick and move, don’t let him catch you in one of his holds or wind up and hit you with a big punch, and you won’t have any problems.

Ricky: Well that shouldn’t be a problem, I never stay in one place for more than a few heartbeats when I’m in the ring.

Saboteur: What about Masters? What do you know about him?

Ricky: He’s like Scumm, except quicker. Where Scumm takes his time to dissect an opponent and soften them up with big, measured strikes, Masters gets in there with quick jabs and then tries to lock on a submission to weaken a body part. He’ll let go if he sees it’s not effective, but he’ll be looking to lock another one on as soon as he lets go of the last one.

Saboteur: So he’s like Scumm… but faster?

Ricky: Up to a point. The guy smokes like a chimney, AND he’s got weak ribs. Between your martial arts and my ability to run circles around the guy without so much as stopping for a half second to take a breath… we got this one in the bag bro.

Saboteur: Hey! I’m not your… you know what, eff it, for this week, we are bros.

The waitress comes back and puts the drinks down on the table. Ricky smiles at her charmingly.

Ricky: Put those on my tab darling, you know the name.

Ricky winks and the waitress giggles and walks off, but not before looking back over her shoulder to make sure that Ricky was still looking at her, which he was.

Ricky turns around and looks at Saboteur as he raises his glass.

Ricky: Well Mr. Saboteur, here’s to a win at next week’s Accession! Cheers!

Saboteur: L’chaim!

Ricky takes a sip of his jack and joke, and puts the glass down on the table, but he can’t take his eyes off of Saboteur, who is chugging his straight bourbon as if it actually was apple juice. Saboteur drains every last drop out of the cup and then slams it on the table.

Saboteur: Ahhhh, that’s some good apple juice! I might have to have a few of those before our match on Sunday!

Ricky: I think maybe you should wait until after our match. Hell, if… when we win, we’ll have one together.

Saboteur stands up tall, and puts his hands on his hips.

Saboteur: So it will be told, on the 35th edition of Accession, the heroic Saboteur and his high flying sidekick Ricky Runn teamed up to defeat the disgusting duo of Johnny Scumm and Sam Masters in a most inspiring fashion. And then... they will have apple juice.

Ricky: That was nice dude… I’ll let you get away with calling me a sidekick this time, but do it again and I’ll make sure you never get any of that apple juice ever again.

The camera starts panning back in the opposite direction from where it came. Saboteur and Ricky continue to talk, the people continue to dance, and then we go back to the bar where Garrett and Johnny Klamor are surrounded by empty shot glasses, hugging each other, telling one another how great they are. The scene fades black.​
I am disgusted and worn out with the system that seems to prevail.

-John Buford​

The song “Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows” plays as the scene opens with Sam Masters frolicking down a sidewalk.


He sports an open-mouthed grin as he passes several confused bystanders. He cuts into a mattress store and begins pulling off dozens of “Do Not Pull Off” tags that are attached to several mattresses in the store. He frolics in glee as he performs the despicable actions. The scene then transitions to him cutting in line at an amusement park. He chuckles inaudibly to the song as several people, having been cut in line, bare disgruntled looks. The scene transitions to Sam skipping down a park sidewalk when he notices a recycle-bin. The trash can reads, “Please Recycle.” Sam looks at this for a moment and then skips away. The scene transitions to Sam visibly being a distraction inside of a movie theater. He laughs hysterically, with a mouth pull of popcorn, as numerous audience members yell at him for his disruptive behavior. The scene transitions back to Sam at the recycle-bin. He is chugging several plastic jugs of milk. When he is nearly done with each one he tosses them on the ground next to the bin, clearly disobeying the “Please Recycle” message. The scene transitions again to Sam saran wrapping several toilets in a public restroom. Sam finishes and waits as a man comes in and uses the toilet he had just saran wrapped. Sam gives a grin and wink to the camera. The scene transitions once more to Sam at the recycle-bin; he is now throwing up, caused by the milk chugging, in the recycle bin. The scene transitions to a shot of Sam pushing kids off of various jungle-gyms and swings at a park. Sam kicks dirt in the faces of kids who lay on the ground. Sam finally walks away from the kids as the music begins to fade out. The camera zooms into a full body shot of Sam.

Hello WZCW. I hope that all of you have understood my little illustration. The illustration being that it’s good to be bad. Heck, its fun to be bad. It’s rewarding… to be bad. Who ever said that good things don’t happen to bad people? Because, this past week I won my first televised match on Ascension.

Sam holds up his hand as if he is silencing an un-heard applause.

I know, I know; I’m awesome. I couldn’t of done it with out myself *static* me *static* myself. My victory did not come from loyalty to fans, being a good sport, or respecting my opponents. No, I strategically broke down two established faces in the WZCW, and in the end The Agony was forced to tap-out to the Burning Crusade. I made my initial “win” mark in the WZCW record book.

Sam begins to slowly walk as the camera shot stays with him as he moves.

Now, after an impressive singles bout, I find myself paired up with Scumm, Johnny Scumm. A man who would like to be classed in the same level as me, but no matter how hard he tries, he will always be associated with scum. He lived up to his name when I tried to make the feeble attempt of calling him in order to prepare for our tag team match, but my calls fell on deaf ears.

Sam pulls a phone out of his pocket and shakes it in front of the camera.

Seven missed calls Scumm. Seven wasted calls!

Sam, in disgust, shoves the phone back in his pocket.

Now, let me take interest in the first man that is apart of the duo of opponents I have this week, Ricky Runn. Last week I stuck my nose in the Tag Team Contenders Battle Royal match. I admit that it was a mistake. You see, I had no real interest in pursuing any type of tag team relationship with any wrestler. My eyes were locked on glimmering gold, and I think some people got the wrong idea. Take for instance, Ricky Runn. The boy locks up with me in the ring, and through my self-distracted mind and carelessness, he outperforms me.

Sam smirks begrudgingly as he utters those words.

I’m sorry Ricky. I’m sorry to disappoint you in your delusional confidence, but while you were coming in forth place in an un-televised battle royal; I was mentally preparing for a triple-threat match on Ascension, a match that I won. So, before you write me off, consider this: you were able to barely deal with 10% of me. How then will you deal with 100%?

Sam grins as he walks into a field filled with small children playing tag and various other games.

You see, I don’t earn respect by being a dare-devil or signing autographs. I earn respect by being the best at what I do. See, watch this!

Sam begins to approach a small boy who is digging in dirt.

Hey boy, come here for second. Come on, don’t be shy!

The boy hesitantly walks up to Sam and stands next to him.

Now, uh-


Now, Timmy. Tell the world who your favorite rookie is in the WZCW!


Sam turns his face away from the camera and leers directly over the boy. The boy begins to get nervous as Sam bares an angry look on his face. Sam kicks dirt in the boys face, causing the boy to run away screaming.

Get out of here!

Sam grinds his teeth and begins to kick at the dirt irately as he physically vents out his frustration. He does this for several seconds before storming away from the camera. After a few feet, he anxiously turns around and quickly approaches the camera. He grabs the camera by the lens and pulls the shot in for a close up.

Do you want to know why this world is so screwed up? Because, you have people idolizing freaks like Saboteur; a man who conceals his identity and cloaks himself in black. Do you know who else does that? A thief; and just like a thief, Saboteur will make his way into WZCW like a rogue and steal many things from people like me. Fans will be oblivious to his cancer-like behavior and prop him up like an idol. When he has all of their trust and attention, he will pull the greatest robbery of all. He will turn on them just like everyone else has; stealing their hearts and dropping a weight in the pit of their stomach. Does the name Ty Burna not ring a bell? Hello WZCW fans?

Sam wipes his face and swipes his nose with his thumb.

At least I am real with you. At least at the end of the day, you know my intentions. There is no smoke and mirrors, because at the end of the day you get 100% of me. Not some guy who belongs at Comic Con rather than a wrestling ring.

Sam smirks and steps back from the camera. He grinds his teeth before speaking again.

Let’s stop making a joke of what you people are paying for. Let’s start praising those who are not pulling the cover over your head. Let’s get real, WZCW.

Sam turns around as the camera pans over to a group of kids playing in a field. Sam returns to the shot, with the kids in the background.

You see, this is real behind me. This is a generation growing up on the WZCW brand. Children are very impressionable. They will watch and they will absorb what they see. They need a savoir. They need someone who is going to save them from themselves…

Sam presses his palm against his forehead as he shuts his eyes hard. He slowly releases his palm from his head as he begins to speak.

This week, I will be pairing up with Johnny Scumm. We will be taking on Ricky Runn and Saboteur. I’m coming fresh off a victory over The Agony and Sean Cruz. The wheels are turning, and the ride can’t stop now. Ascension 35 is the next check-point on my journey to saving WZCW. Ricky Runn and Saboteur… let’s *static* let’s *static* let’s get real.

Sam rubs his forehead as he stares into the camera with intense eyes, accompanied by dark circles underneath. The camera goes black.
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